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DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 42

by Maya DeLeina

  “I commend you in carrying out your duties as bearer, Eilian. We thank you for your loyalty to this family and upholding our laws and creeds,” one of the council members said to Eilian as he turned to address Steffan. “Steffan, we’re ready for you.”

  Anya instinctively gasped at the words as he continued. “I trust that you have made your peace with your immediate family and said your good-byes?”

  Steffan nodded.

  “I will still allow a moment for you two to have a last exchange,” stated the council member, nodding at Anya. He led Steffan into the room by his shoulder. Eilian, Anya and the remaining council member followed close behind. The metal door slammed shut behind them with a great force, sounding a deep and sturdy resonance. All three mechanisms locked in place, one right after the other, sealing off the room.

  The room was dimly lit. Twelve folding chairs meticulously laid out in formation on each side of the room, creating a defined walking path down the middle. Madeline and Ryan quietly sat in the first row. In the next, the council segregated in even groups of four. Two empty seats sat behind the council, intended for Anya and Eilian. The chairs faced the far end of the room where the circle of chambers sat. A lone steel chamber was wheeled out to the forefront, its door wide open, displaying the razor sharp spikes that protruded from the door’s inner frame.

  The inner chamber was hollow. A distinct clasp mechanism attached to the back of the steel casing. Anya couldn’t help but notice the red and black stains that were etched along the chamber walls and floor. She shivered at the sight and searched Steffan’s mind to settle her fear.

  There was no connection thread, no noticeable trace of energy from Steffan. All inward connections had been severed between her and Steffan from his Submission injection.

  Anya and Eilian took their seats as the council member escorted Steffan to the front of the audience.

  “Please note in the entry the time of 12:07 a.m., and let’s begin,” the council member spoke to the recorder as he turned to address the room.

  “Tonight, we are all here to witness the chosen fate of Steffan Matthews. His actions, involving manipulation of facts and evidence, intimidation by force, misuse of specialized abilities and deviation of power for personal gain, was heard and judged by this council. Steffan Matthews has been sentenced to death by the Nemesis in accordance with our laws.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Steffan, please remove your jacket and shirt so that I can prepare your body.”

  Steffan removed his articles of clothing and handed them to the council member. He nodded in Anya’s direction, and she walked forward to retrieve Steffan’s clothes. Steffan turned around, his back on full display for the audience. He folded his hands behind his back and was handcuffed. A large clasp dangled from the handcuffs’ metal chain.

  The council member turned Steffan around to face the audience once again and doused his chest with a white powder. He rounded his body and generously coated Steffan’s back with the powder. He walked to the steel chamber and gave the floor a heavy dousing.

  “What is with the powder?” Anya whispered to Eilian.

  “It’s a biocide absorbent powder. It kills any organism that remains in vampire’s blood to assure that transference to another tissue is not a possibility. It also turns the majority of the bleed out into a gel-like substance to make cleanup a little easier.”

  “Steffan. Are you ready to address the room and sound your thoughts before your sentence is carried out?”


  “You have the floor.”

  “Why are we giving him this opportunity? He may still be able to use his powers right now! He was too powerful in this family to be given the same rights as others who have been put to death before!” Madeline stood and yelled at the council.

  “Madeline, Steffan will be afforded the same dignities as in any proceeding. Please take your seat and allow him to deliver his address,” the council member directed.

  Anya’s blood boiled as she watched Madeline. She glanced over at Ryan. As if sensing her, he slowly turned his head to the side and locked eyes with her. His stare was bitter. His face was almost mannequin-like since he’d attempted to mask his blemishes from the lightning strike with makeup.

  “Council, Ryan, Madeline, Eilian, and my dearest Anya, while I have accepted the judgment handed down by this council, I have remained unchanged in my plea of innocence. I realize that the evidence brought forth was convincing, however, may I be granted time to present the council with evidence of my own to show where the true manipulation lies?”

  “What is the meaning of this, Steffan? This is quite unorthodox.”

  “Yes, I realize this, but this…” Steffan started to cough and struggled to finish his sentence. “…Evidence was just revealed a short time ago.”

  “Steffan, are you all right?”

  Steffan shook his head as his coughs intensified and his eyes began to tear.

  A vapor permeated the room, slowly gliding into the air. One by one, the audience began to cough.

  Eilian’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening. “Anya! Madeline diffused the liquid Submission serum through the air ducts. Our nervous system won’t be able to handle it. We’re going to pass out! Anya, use your kinetics to stop it!”

  * * * *

  Anya concentrated on the mist, but nothing worked. The vapor continued to dance above them, growing heavier as it swirled and mixed with the oxygen in the room.

  “Nothing is working. I don’t think I can use my kinesis on water or air. It has to be something solid for me to focus my energy on!” Anya screamed as Eilian started to wheeze and dropped to his knees. “Eilian! Eilian!” Anya shook Eilian in panic.

  She looked around the room at the scene that was unfolding.

  All around her, the council members were out of their chairs, choking and gagging while she remained unaffected. Anya looked up at Steffan’s panicked eyes as he dropped to his knees. From the corner of her eye, Madeline and Ryan hurried to secure masks to their faces.

  Suddenly, Ryan ran over to Steffan and kneeled in front of him. “Don’t think I was going to let you pass out. You’ll need to be up for this one. I am about to live up to my name. I will be your family’s new leader, their king. For my queen, I’ll take back my Anya,” Ryan said to Steffan as he secured a mask over his head.

  “Anya! You’re breathing!” Steffan’s muffled yell projected across to Anya.

  She was unaffected by the Submission serum being dispersed in the air.

  “Anya! To your right, look out!” Steffan screamed frantically.

  Ryan stood and kicked Steffan in the face, knocking him on his back. The force jarred the mask off of Steffan, and he resumed coughing. His was red, his face painfully straining as he gasped for breath.

  Ryan went into a scramble as the mask sailed across the concrete floor, lodging between the steel chambers that were pushed up against the wall.

  Madeline hurled her body through the air toward Anya. Her eyes were wild and fierce, burning a deep crimson. She landed on Anya, like a feral animal catching its prey. She straddled Anya’s body as her long demonic hands laced around her neck.

  “What evidence do you have, huh? Did that witch find you and tell you all about me?” Madeline squeezed her neck, applying more force. Her face contoured in anger, the deep-seated evil inside her morphing her bone structure just under her skin. She screamed like a banshee, in a fit of energy as her nose widened and the bridge crinkled. “Look around you, there’s no one left to hear anything! No one will know that I turned myself into a vampire in Vienna.”

  “Anya!” Steffan said, gasping for air. “Hurry, stop her movements! Open the door and get out! You know how! You can do it! Save yourself!”

  Anya concentrated. She could easily apply her energy threads to move inanimate objects and stop movement in living tissue, but to do both at the same time was something she wasn’t familiar with executing.

  Madeline raised Anya’s head
from the floor and slammed it into the ground. A rush of coolness and a painful, prickly sensation concentrated behind her head. She reached behind and her hand was immediately met with marked wetness. She retracted her hand in a panic.

  It was covered in blood.

  Suddenly, another sensation ripped through her body.

  She looked down. Her veins were engorged. The feeling was like a fire travelling just under her skin. It burned and inched its way from her chest up through her neck, wrapping around to settle at the back of her head.

  This was the first time she had sustained an injury since becoming a vampire. Steffan told her all about their repair mechanisms, but didn’t quite explain how it would feel.

  She took a deep breath in.

  What she was feeling was no doubt the black tendrils of her repair mechanisms, creeping along her body, hard at work.

  Ryan stopped dead in his movements and turned his head in Madeline’s direction. “What did you say? I thought Steffan turned you here in Manitou when your daughter was a baby?”

  “Lisa is…” Steffan was wheezing, his chest movement amplified as he struggled for breath. “…Not her daughter. I just found out everything. That is what I was trying to tell the council!” Steffan’s eyes were swollen from the vapor, welling in tears. He remained handcuffed and lying on his side, vulnerable and helpless. Steffan labored through his communication with Ryan. “I only moved to Manitou nine years ago. She was already one of us when I met her.”

  Madeline was furious and hurried in her explanation. “I told you what you wanted to hear! Ryan, I know what you’re made of. Even you can’t deny it. You are just like me! Even if you knew the truth, you would’ve still done all of this to see Steffan overthrown and your reign over this family! I sensed it. I know what’s truly strong in you, what drives you.”

  Madeline lied to him. But by all accounts, she’d hit the nail on the head. No matter how true Steffan’s intention, no matter how pure Steffan’s heart was, Ryan had a discernible jealousy and hatred for him and would’ve done anything to assimilate his power.

  “And what of Anya? Was she ever mine or was that a lie as well?” Ryan screamed at Madeline.

  “Yes, but you left her to be with Anise.”

  Ryan paused for a minute. “Well, if I didn’t want her then, why in the hell do I want her now?”

  “I’ll take care of her. You take care of Steffan. Get that mask on him now!” Madeline screamed in Ryan’s direction as she remained straddling Anya, her fingers seizing Anya’s neck.

  Suddenly, Anya’s hands went to work in a sequenced move, landing a right jab squarely in her chest as her left hand punched out sideways, breaking her steady hold.

  Madeline fell backward by the unexpected assault, knocking the breath out of her.

  * * * *

  With Madeline momentarily incapacitated, Anya got to her feet.

  Outside, she could her Brynne’s cries to let her in. She seemed unaffected by the gas as well. “Anya! Rhys, Alex, and Chariana, they all passed out! What’s going on? Let me in! Let me help you!”

  Anya released her energy thread and slowly each lock opened with precision.

  Meanwhile, Madeline regained her composure. Taking in a healthy lungful of air through her mask, she lunged for Anya, breaking her concentration on the door.

  Jab…hook…knee, Anya said in her mind as she followed through with the methodical attack on Madeline’s torso, ending with a knee strike to the head.

  The gas mask shattered, slicing Madeline’s face.

  Black blood gashed from her mouth and nose. The black tendrils crept up at alarming speeds to repair the injuries.

  Fully repaired, Madeline lunged for Anya once again.

  Instinctively, Anya stepped back in a lean and extended her leg with great force. Her kick met Madeline’s chin and sent her hurling back to the wall.

  Anya immediately set her energy threads back on the last lock and flung the door open.

  “Anya!” Brynne yelled as she ran toward Anya.

  “Look out!” Anya screamed.

  Madeline lunged for Brynne.

  Brynne looked back, shuddering just as Madeline froze in her action.

  Her body hovered right above Brynne, her eyes eerily blinking and darting back and forth between Brynne and Anya.

  Anya shook in concentration.

  Madeline was frozen in midair.

  “Get behind me! I don’t know how much longer I can hold her!”

  Brynne moved behind Anya.

  Anya shook. “I can’t hold it!”

  Suddenly, Madeline came crashing to the ground.

  She lay on the floor, motionless.

  “Anya!” Brynne screamed. She pointed in Steffan’s direction.

  Anya whipped around to see what was going on.

  Ryan had managed to move Steffan to the chamber, locking the clasp mechanisms from his handcuffs to the back of the steel chamber. Steffan’s chest protruded in front of him. Fear washed across his unmasked face.

  “Stop him, Anya! He is going to close the door on Steffan!” Brynne cried.

  Ryan ran to the front of the steel chamber and pushed against the heavy door. Steffan wiggled about, trying to break free from the handcuffs in the hollow crevice.

  Anya concentrated and stopped the door’s movement at the halfway point.

  The light that suspended from the ceiling beamed off of the steel spikes that laced the inner doors of the Nemesis. The spikes stopped inches from Steffan’s chest, merely grazing his flesh.

  His eyes widened in panic.

  Ryan was raw with anger. He pushed on the door, leaning all of weight into his action. All the force in the world couldn’t close the door.

  Then he caught a glimpse of Anya as her gaze concentrated on the door.

  “Madeline! Get up and get Anya! She’s using some sort of mind control on this. I can’t close the door!”

  Ryan backed away from the door. As if calculating that more force was the key, he backed up further. In an instant he hurled his body through the air, applying momentum and force to close the door.

  Anya struggled to hold the door steady.

  Ryan backed even further away from the door this time and lunged toward the steel chamber with an undeniable energy.

  “Anya, look out!” Brynne’s shrill sliced through the air.

  Madeline removed her mask and pounced on Anya.

  Anya blocked the brunt of Madeline’s contact, drawing her arm upward in front of her face and making contact with Madeline’s chin.

  Madeline sailed backward, her body crashing into the wall, knocking her out cold.

  But the sheer force of Madeline’s attack broke her energy concentration on Ryan for a split second.

  The distinctive sound of the steel door closing echoed through the room.

  Everyone stopped in their tracks.

  Anya looked up to see her worst fear realized.


  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Steffan shook as the spikes pierced his body, sending his pain receptors into overdrive. Never since his recall of the injuries he’d sustained in the war had he remembered feeling an immense pain quite like this.

  He felt mortal again.

  Through bone and flesh, the steel spikes impaled him. The entry seared an unwelcome path, massacring all in its passage. His bright-red blood poured from his wounds. His repair mechanisms sat dormant, nonreactive. His mouth watered as his saliva production increased instinctively in response to his wounds. But the damage was too extensive, and he couldn’t reach any of his wounds to repair himself.

  Anya, he thought. I have to say good-bye to Anya.

  “Anya,” Steffan whispered from the opening of the chamber. His heart hurt like he had never felt before. “My love, come here,” he said calmly.

  Anya ran to Steffan and gasped as his thick blood spilled out from the bottom of the chamber, making its way to the drain in the ground. “Oh my god, I’m going to try t
o restore you!”

  Anya scrambled to retrieve a stool from the corner of the room to be at eye level with Steffan.

  “It won’t work, Anya, you can’t alter DNA to reverse this.”

  Anya cried uncontrollably. “No, Steffan! It wasn’t supposed to be like this! We did everything we were supposed to!”

  “We missed using Brynne along the way. I couldn’t figure out how she fit into all of this to stop this. I’m sorry, Anya.” Steffan’s voice cracked as he broke down in tears.

  Anya turned and screamed hysterically for Brynne. “Brynne, come here!” She turned back to Steffan and spoke softly, “How much time do we have?”

  “Minutes at best,” Steffan spoke through his pain.

  Brynne ran over to the steel chamber. “Oh my god!” Brynne was hysterical at the sight of the blood. “There’s too much blood! Too much blood! He is dying, Anya!”

  “Focus, Brynne! Think. What can you do to save him? You are the link. I can’t lose him!”

  Brynne shook her head. “I don’t know, Anya. I don’t have any special powers like you, believe me, I’ve tried. I want to help, but I don’t know how! I don’t know what to do.”

  “No! You have to know. Do something, damnit!”

  Brynne stood there in tears, full of frustration and sadness. “I’m sorry. There’s just so much blood. I don’t know even know where to start.”

  “Brynne, it’s all right. I can’t figure out what you’re supposed to do either.” Steffan projected his voice down to where Brynne stood.

  He turned his focus back to Anya. “I love you so much, Anya. I don’t want to leave you. But I am afraid I’m going to break my promise to you and Chloe.” Steffan wept. “I feel it. I’m dying. I’m scared, Anya. I’m scared.”

  Anya shook off her tears. “No. I will come with you. I’ll take my own life and find you so we can be together.”

  “No! Anya, you must go on. I don’t know what there is for vampires after this existence. We cheated death. We go against all laws of nature. We were never meant to exist. I can’t put you through this too!”


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