Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  But the rest of him she did take in, the solid muscles in his calves, up his thighs, and over his hip bones. The tantalising view she got when the towel swung back and forth exposing his hard abs and solid Pecs, and then there were those arms, solid strength encased in hard muscles and rippling sinews. Sculpted by nature to show just how damn powerful he could be.

  Dee swallowed her tongue, at least she thought it was her tongue, it was dry and felt too big for her mouth right now, but she didn’t think she’d devoured a pillow…

  His dark eyes flicked towards her in the bed and she heard the low growl of desire that rumbled towards her like thunder on a summer’s day. Oh he knew what she was thinking alright, she told herself, as he slowly lowered the damn towel down his body, but not in a striptease kind of way. His actions weren’t designed to entice her sexually they were more about recognition of the look in her eyes.

  Crap, she was putting it out there like a damn beacon, she was sure of it. Clamping her thighs together was going to do little to still the beast within her own body. She’d always laughed to herself when reading the phrase- the heat in her loins- but damn did she understand it now. She was practically on fire, and she certainly craved a particular kind of hose too…

  Dee almost groaned out loud. This was like a special kind of torture that The Fates had designed to ensure compliance with their will, and when Aidan dropped the towel to the floor, as if he just couldn’t hold onto it anymore, her eyes flicked down to the thick, hard arousal that twitched its awareness of her.

  Aidan didn’t move. His chest was rising and falling, but that wasn’t being controlled by his brain, at least not any part of his brain that he actively sought to use. If it was up to him he would have stopped breathing altogether. Every inch of his body was zeroed in on his mate.

  His skin felt stretched over his muscles right now, as he tensed with the effort not to rush over to her, tear the sheets from her body, and just bury himself inside her. That would be wrong… But so damn right.

  “I…err…”Dee couldn’t quite get her brain to work. Well, actually it was working just fine, at least the part that was imagining all of the things she could do to him in that instant, if he just walked closer to the damn bed… And there it went again. The sight of his naked body was sending the completely wrong signals to hers, or the right ones, considering how her body was responding to them. “Goodnight.”

  Dee found it inside her somewhere to bury herself beneath the covers, when all she wanted to do was jump out of the damn bed and ravish him. She slammed her eyelids shut and wished she could super glue the little buggers down, because she couldn’t help the peek she took at him when she heard him growl and move.

  Aidan wasn’t moving towards her. He circled around the bed and reached for the covers on his side, flipping them back and sliding in one sleek movement between the sheets. The grin on his face was for his mate’s reluctance to give herself over completely to the mating pull.

  He’d seen her eyes on him, almost as if she was caressing him. He’d seen the desire in her eyes. The need for him, and above all that, he could scent her arousal and it made him hornier than hell.

  He might have been going half loco with his desire for her, but the fact was he was also enjoying watching her attempt to push against nature’s inevitability.

  He noted that she’d all but wrapped herself in one of the duvets. Grabbing a handful, he yanked it away from her body and the scent of her need for him filled the air, and he savoured it.

  “What are you doing?”She hissed. Knowing full well what he was damn well doing, but shouldn’t she at least show some kind of protest?

  “Sleeping with my mate.”He moved to settle in behind her back. His hard, warm naked body pressed the length of hers and she almost sighed and gasped at the same time. The rush of heat that swept through her was like a hot flush, but she didn’t think the menopause would feel this good.

  “Define sleeping…”Dee hissed out. It was getting harder to concentrate on anything but the feel of his hardness pressed against her body, and when she thought hardness, she meant the thick, long length of his arousal that was nestled between the cheeks of her backside.

  “You define it.”His breath was next to her ear as he rested up on his elbow. His fingers touched the bare flesh just above her knee and ran upwards in a slow journey of discovery.

  “What does that mean?”She tried to ignore his breath against her neck, the run of his fingers over her thigh, but it was just too damned good a feeling to dismiss.

  “I know what your body wants, Dee, but what do you want? I may spend the rest of the night under the damn shower, but if you don’t want me yet, I’ll wait for you as long as it takes…”

  His words hit her hard. To say they confused her poor addled mind was an understatement, and she hesitated.

  “I don’t…”know- don’t ask me to think…He needed clarity and she didn’t have it.

  “It’s ok, sweetheart. Try to get some sleep.”He placed just the lightest of kisses against her neck before he moved away from her. The sense of loss was instantaneous, it was as if someone hit reboot on her emotions, and not in a good way.

  “Wait…”She spun around in place, too fast, she found her body pressed against the side of his. Her hand came down on the muscles that rippled beneath the smooth skin of his abdomen, and he hissed in a breath as her elbow skirted over the tip of his hardness. His hands flew down from where they were propping up his head and he captured her upper arms within his hands.

  Dee blinked hard, twice. She wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she didn’t want to be back over her side of the bed alone. “I mean… I…”She bit down on her lower lip. This whole brain-speaking thing wasn’t working out for her tonight.

  “How about, we do this…”He eased her up his body until she was looking down into his eyes. When he reached up and brushed his lips over hers, she felt the rush of excitement at just that touch. When he stroked his tongue against her lips for his first taste of her, she opened for him. There wasn’t a doubt within her mind.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast wasn’t into patience, and he got the feeling that the damn wolf wanted to kick his backside into gear, if only he could.

  It wasn’t that he wasn’t eager to claim their mate, he was, boy was he… He just wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her. His body said full speed ahead, his mind was more cautious. Although when she pressed the length of her body against his and her hand wandered down his chest, he had to re-evaluate the situation.

  Aidan felt as if the world was slipping away from them, or the room, or maybe just the… The beds started to separate beneath their joint weight, but he wasn’t fast enough to roll with her away from the opening, just to get her on top of him, and he heard her shriek as they fell. His back hit the floor with a dull thud and her knee caught him in the groin.


  Aidan sucked in a breath at the same time as it exploded outwards from his lungs. Pain ripped through him, only made worse by her squirming to get up. It was as if her knee was grounding into his sack and he tried to growl and breath at the same time, and that didn’t work either.

  “We’re you the last in the damn queue when they were handing out brains…?”She ground out. Pushing up with her elbow, and down into his ribs as she tried to find a way out of the confined space they were wedge into.

  “Knee…”He ground out, reaching for her hips and lifting her backside in the air, which only brought her elbow down further into his ribs and threw her totally off balance so her face ended up nestled against his chest.

  “Are you crazy?”Her palm slapped down on his chest and she squirmed some more. The elbow he could live with, now that his balls weren’t being crushed and squelched into the damn carpet beneath him.

  Her elbow ground harder until he had to shift her again and she shrieked out as her head came forwards and she head butted him in the nose. His loud groan filled their tiny cavern…

bloody move, woman…”He ground out between clenched teeth. His balls were slowly recovering. His nose was throbbing like a bitch, and his ribs felt bruised, but he could live with that.

  “Don’t tell me what to do…”She bit out. Both her palms came down on his chest and she pushed her upper body up, as her hips squirmed out of his grasp and her knee hit his thigh and slide off, back into his groin.

  “Christ…!”He roared, grabbing her hips again and wrenching her lower body upwards as her hands slipped against the light sheen of his chest and she planted her face against his neck. Her hair covered his face like a veil and he blew out a long breath of pain, making her hair tickle his nose.

  “What the hell are you doing…?”She started to move, but he clamped her against his hips and held her there as he fought to recover from a double blow to his ego.

  “Are you trying to castrate me…?” He ground out.

  Dee’s eyes went wide with understanding and she swallowed down the instant feeling of guilt that went along with the chuckle that rolled through her.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, it’s just…”She chuckled again, unable to help herself, and heard the low menacing growl that rolled from him, and she snorted as she tried to still her laughter.

  “Not funny…”He growled out between clenched teeth. One knee to his ego was bad enough, but she’d managed it twice…

  “No…It’s not…”She laughed harder. The more she tried to stop the laughter from coming, the more she laughed.

  “Doesn’t sound like it…”He groaned. He’d kind of like to hold his jewels right now, maybe test to see how damn flat she’d managed to grind them, but she was still above him, and he wasn’t about to put her back down for fear she would do it again.

  “Sorry…”She managed about ten seconds of pure silence, but the laughter was just bubbling below the surface and it burst from her lips.

  “Not really though, right?”

  “Look on the bright side…”

  “There’s a bright side?”He growled up at her, especially as she was squirming against his hold on her again.

  “At least sex is the last thing on your mind right now.”She sniggered. Trying to push herself up and away from him again.

  “Nope, especially with you squirming like that…”He growled out.

  “Well you could try to help me up…”She growled back down at him. A moment later, and with her heart in her mouth, she was lying flat on her back across the bed. It took her a long moment to realise that she was looking up at the ceiling, and when his head and shoulders appeared at the side of the bed, a slight pained expression still on his face, she couldn’t help but chuckle again.

  “Still finding my pain amusing?”There was a deep warning rumble in his chest, but she couldn’t hold onto the smirk or the splutters of laughter.

  “It’s not my fault you’re an idiot…”She protested as he dragged his large body from between the small recess.

  Pulling himself up to his full height above her, his eyes were dark as they swept over her body, taking her in. She’d not given a thought to how she looked, just grateful to be out from the sides of the bed.

  Lying across the bed, her tee had ridden up her body to just under her breasts, revealing the small round of her stomach and her black panties that were slightly askew. Aidan licked his lips at the same instant that another, deeper, more heartfelt rumble went through his chest.

  “Where were we?”

  “You were getting your balls redesigned…”She started, but her eyes couldn’t help but take in the thickness of his manhood as it rose back up to attention, and she couldn’t quite comprehend the rest of her sentence.

  He took a step next to the bed. Part of his anatomy swayed like it was signalling pure intent, almost above her head. She looked up his hard body at him, and she thanked the triple Goddess for what she was about to receive.

  Dee reached up and stroked down the length of him, upside down and from below him, it felt strangely erotic, or maybe it was erotically strange, she wasn’t sure and she didn’t care, right now all she wanted to do was run her tongue down the length of him, or maybe up…

  Aidan didn’t move, frozen in place by the unexpectedness of his mates touch, all he could do was clamp down on his jaw and growl with pleasure. It was probably closer to a damn purr, but he didn’t care, she was touching him…

  Dee lifted her other hand and stroked her fingers down both sides. It felt like silk around pure steel, and she wanted to know what he tasted like. She kicked her feet into the end of the mattress and pushed her head off the side of the bed. With her fingers wrapped around the width of him she eased it downwards.

  “Lower…”She beckoned him down, and his brain kicked his backside into gear and he moved for her. Digging his knees into the side of the mattress either side of her shoulders, he lowered his hardness towards her mouth, his heart beating so hard against his chest in anticipation that he wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t going to drop dead.

  And there it was. Her tongue circled around the heat of his flesh and his damn knees wanted to give out.

  “Lower…”She beckoned him down. Taking him inside her mouth and making sure he was wet before she closed her lips around him and sucked him hard.

  The dark curses that built up in his mind spilt from his lips as her hands moved to his backside and she urged his hips forwards. The feel of her tongue running, not down towards his sack but upwards felt weird, but good, so damn good.

  “Sweetheart, that’s not what I…”He bit down on a curse as she tipped her head further back over the bed and eased him down into her throat. “Christ!” He growled out, loving the feel of what she was doing, but wanting to fill his own needs.

  Aidan reached down her body and ripped the thin straps of her panties. His need to taste her was as great as hers had been and he leaned down over her, spreading her thighs wide with his large hands and slowly sweeping his tongue from her nub to her channel, growling with the first taste of her arousal as it rolled over his tongue.

  His ministrations only increased the ferocity that she worked over him. Her tongue sweeping over the ridge, toying with the beads of his juices that she savoured, and then taking him as deep into her throat as she could. The feel of her teeth running back and forth against his tender flesh made it all the more enjoyable.

  Aidan tried to pull his hips back away from her, but she wasn’t letting him get away. He’d said to start as they meant to go on and she embraced that very idea. Aidan could feel her mouth pulling at his very seed as he worked over her. Sucking and nipping, his tongue tasting every last inch of her sex, inside and out, thrusting into her clenching channel over and over until she moaned down the length of him.


  He replaced his tongue with his fingers and took her deeply, making her hips come off the bed to greet his tongue as he greedily feasted over her folds and around the swollen nub.

  He couldn’t stop his hips from moving against her if he wanted too. He was close, the pressure at the base of his spine was building, and he devoured her like a hungry man.

  Damn, but he had one foot in heaven and the other in hell. He wanted this to never end and yet he longed to find release. He pulled out of her mouth and gave her the release that she needed, devouring her with a ferocity that didn’t just take her over the edge, it launched her, and when her muscles clamped around his fingers in a violent throb, he eased them out of her and tasted her essence.

  “You didn’t… I need too…”Her voice was a mumbled jumble of regret as he worked over her, taking her orgasm as far as he could before her hips moved away, her body too sensitive for his touch. “Let me…”Her hands reached up for him, but he was already gone.

  And when she finally realised that he wasn’t coming back, she lifted her head to look for him. And there he was, crawling up and over her body, looking like the predator she knew he could be.

  There was just something so raw in his moves, so powerful in the hard musc
les of his body that rippled under the surface of his tanned skin as he slowly caged her in beneath him.

  “Will you let me claim you now, Mate?”The wolf was in every word. It was in his eyes as he stared down with such tenderness and longing.

  In that moment it felt as if she held the key to the magic kingdom. To refuse him wouldn’t just be rude; it would be an act against the natural order of things.

  “Claim, not bond.”

  The wolfish grin that appeared for just a moment made her womb ride the rollercoaster, and damn it felt good. He reached out and took her tee from her body in a heartbeat. His mouth coming down on one hard nipple as her back hit the bed and he sucked hard. Her back arched off the bed as her feet slipped up the bed, cradling his upper thighs.

  With a flat tongue he travelled up over her collarbone to her shoulder, where he would place his mark, just below to curve up to her neck. His hands ran up her arms, locking his fingers with hers, he pushed her arms above her head.

  “Open for me, be mine.”He growled against her skin. Blunt teeth bit into her flesh until she whimpered. Her natural Fae instinct fought against surrendering herself to him, but the mating pull on her body took over. Her head lulled to one side to allow him better access to her neck and throat, thrusting in her mate completely.

  She could feel the hardness of his erection against the entrance to her channel and her legs fell open for him, wide, with her knees practically touching the mattress.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast was more than satisfied with her surrender.

  Aidan’s natural instinct was to thrust hard, bury himself within her all the way, but he wouldn’t take her like a beast. She was Fae, Human. He would show her the reverence that she deserved as his mate.

  He stroked into her, a long push that took her halfway down his length. He could feel the tightness around him, feel her still throbbing muscles sheath him in her satin touch, and he growled long and hard against her skin.


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