Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Misplacing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  Aidan released his teeth and stroked his tongue over the indentations in her skin. Running over the curve of her neck and up to her ear, he revealed in the feel of her on his tongue.

  “Mine.”He growled against her ear. Pulling back to the tip of his hardness he stroked back to the hilt. Stretching her inner walls around him, taking her for his, and offering himself as her mate, her legs wound around his hips and he settled against her.

  His fingers were still laced with hers, but now he eased her arms down until her hands were either side of her head as he rested on his elbows. He moved within her, slowly stretching her around him, making sure she was ready for his loving. The tiny moans that escaped her lips were like a gift to him.

  “Look at me, Dee. Let me see your eyes as I move inside you…”He waited for her gaze to meet his. The heat of passion that he saw reflected his own, and he growled long and hard as he pulled back to the tip before stroking back to the hilt. “My Mate, my life, my One.” He growled against her lips before devouring her mouth like a man who thirsted after a long wait.

  He took her slowly at first. Long, slow strokes from the tip to the hilt that had her hips rising to meet his, and then he drove her wild with short fast pumps of his hips. The tip of his erection was rubbing back and forwards over the sweet spot within her, until she thought that she would go insane with the pleasure he was giving her.

  Aidan took her to the hilt with one long thrust. Her fingers tightened against his, her body arched into him, and her inner muscles tightened around his length.

  “I can’t come for you like this…”She protested her frustration. She’d never climaxed with just penetration alone, and she knew he wouldn’t claim her until she was sidetracked by an orgasm…

  “You can, and you will. I promise.” The deep growl that rolled through him sparked something deeper inside her, as if she could sense the wolf within. Whispered words against her ear captured her very soul.

  He pulled back and found the sweet spot again, rolling his hips, rubbing the swollen flesh with the tip of his own, over and over until her whole body seemed to bear down. He thrust then, deep within her to the hilt, pulling back to do it over and over again until her hands gripped his so tightly that he knew she was on the edge.


  He felt his fangs elongate and watched her eyes take him in. There was no fear as she witnessed his beast push forwards to claim her. Her heart pounded in her chest, a small skip when she accepted his true nature, and then he was pumping inside her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

  Dee curled her body around his, tighter with every movement of his hips, and when he nestled his head against her neck, and his hot breath caressed her skin as he placed his fangs against her flesh, she felt the release wash through her body hard.

  Somewhere inside her mind she registered the pain from the press of his fangs into her skin. Heard the long hard growl of his beast within him as he tasted her blood for the first time on his tongue, and the groan of pure pleasure as it rolled down his throat. All the while the constant throbbing of her own pleasure soared through her body.

  Aidan released his fangs and ran his tongue over the wounds, sealing them forever within her skin. His claim. His mate.

  His whole body begged for release, ached with the need to spill his seed within her. He lifted his lower body and pulled back to the tip, starting to thrust into her, long, deep powerful strokes that brought her back to him. His name was on her lips, over and over again as he swept her back up towards another climax.

  She was trying to deny her body another release, fighting against it, holding herself back, and he growled a gentle encouragement for her to let go.

  “Come for me, love…”He moved faster, until she couldn’t deny him any longer. Her body relaxed and he felt her muscles tighten around him. “Take me over with you…”

  She cried out as he thrust her over the edge. The ferocity of the waves of pleasure that shattered her body and mind into a million pieces was almost too much to bear as her fingers locked against his.

  He felt the powerful clench and release of her inner muscles around the length of him and buried himself to the hilt as her body massaged his seed to spill deep within her.

  Aidan tossed his head back and growled long and hard as the orgasm tore through him. His muscles quivered and his body caged around hers protectively as he knew he was at his weakest.

  Finally spent, he lifted her upper body against his and rolled them together in the bed. Cradling her against the warmth of his chest and whispering against her ear as he brought her back to him.

  Lacy yanked open the front door and eyeballed the man who had been knocking like a bitch for the last ten minutes. Dragging her from sleep and giving her the kind of headache that only a rockers muse should suffer.

  “Where is she?”The deep menacing growl should have put Lacy’s guard up immediately, let alone the glare that came from eyes, so dark they could have been pure ebony. But she was fuzzy around the edges, and fuzzy wasn’t conducive with fast thinking.

  “Not here…”Lacy got out before he pushed past her into the apartment. Lacy felt her emotions get the better of her. She didn’t take into account what they had done to this man and why, if she had she might not have stayed… “Who the hell do you think…”She started, slamming the front door closed and turning towards him with her hands on her hips.

  “I know what you witches did to me. I remember everything…”He was stalking back towards her at the door. Just the sheer size of him gave her pause for thought now, but it was too late, she’d already closed her escape route and he was bearing down on her, looking as if he wanted to tear her limb from limb.

  “Billy…”Was all she managed to get out before the palm of his hand struck her across the face, sending her sideways to the floor.

  “Get up…”He growled down at her. Reaching down and grabbing a handful of her hair to yank her back up to her feet, just to batter her back down to her knees again…


  At some point he must have pushed the two single beds back together again, because Dee could feel the parting between the mattresses under her left hip as she started to wake to the cold, hard light of day peeking through the cheap, unlined curtains and around the edges.

  That wasn’t all she could feel. Tucked under his arm with the length of her body running down the side of his and her hand on his chest, she could feel his warmth, feel the bare skin of his body making hers tingle from head to toe, and she felt safer than she had ever felt in her life before.

  “Good morning.”His gentle growl rolled through his chest beneath her hand and made her jump with the unexpectedness of it. She thought he was asleep. “Did you forget I was here?”He teased her, but tightened his hold around her body to sooth the rapid pounding of her heartbeat.

  “You’re easy to overlook…”She shot back. Wanting to pull away from him slightly, but savouring the closeness of him and the feeling of security that his presence gave her.

  “I’ll have to do something to change that.”In a heartbeat he’d pulled her up onto the length of his body. His head was nestled between her shoulder and her neck, and his tongue was working over the mark he had placed into her skin.

  “That’s cheating…”She ground her hips against his. His hardness was pressing between her thighs, and she couldn’t help but wonder if the thing had a mind of its own, it certainly seemed to be searching for a home.

  “Whatever works…”He chuckled against her flesh and she used her palms to push against the solid wall of muscle over his chest, straddling his body and allowing the tip of him to find a home inside her channel.

  “You only had to ask…”She teased, feeling his hips slowly push up from the bed, easing his length inside her.

  “I’m an Alpha, sweetheart. I prefer to take what’s mine…”He growled against her ear.

  “Me too…”Dee pushed up off his chest and down on his hips, taking him to the hilt within
her slick channel and rolling her hips against him, taking pleasure in the feel of him deep inside her.

  He pushed up to a sitting position, wrapping his arms around her body and caging her against him.

  “Are you challenging me?”His eyes were dark from desire and she had no fear of the low deep menacing growl that escaped his lips.

  “Only not be an arse for half an hour…”She offered. The light of wickedness was in her eyes, and he couldn’t help but narrow his gaze on her and try to read her emotions, her body language.


  “Tell your wolf to take a nap, lay back and let me do all the things I want to this body of yours…”

  Aidan couldn’t help the slow smirk that played over his lips. His arms released her and he lay back in the bed. His hands laced behind his head.

  “Be gentle with me.”He growled at her, unable to hide the amusement within him.

  “No promises.”

  Dee had been wrong, he hadn’t killed her car, just wounded it. She wasn’t best pleased that it had taken another hour after check out time at the hotel to be able to pick up the car. She wanted to see Tanya and make sure that she wasn’t hyperventilating into a brown paper bag in a corner somewhere. But a phone call later managed to assure her that Tanya had spent her night doing much the same thing as Dee had, hyperventilating in a good way.

  Breakfast had been an eye opener about her mates eating habits. To say she was wary of putting her fingers anywhere near his plate was an understatement. The man could eat, and eat, and eat… And he’d even eyed the leftovers on her plate as she slowly pushed it away from her.

  “Go ahead. I think there’s still room in your little toe for some more.”She dripped sarcasm, but it didn’t bother him.

  “I have a fast metabolism and a healthy appetite for most things.”There was no mistaking the sexual innuendo in his voice or the smouldering look in his eyes, and she shifted on the wooden bench seating that, without a cushion, it only reminded her only too well of his appetites in other departments.

  She’d taken what she wanted from him this morning, and then he’d returned the favour in the shower, up against the bedroom wall, and over the back of the chair.

  “I’ll buy you a shovel for your eating habits. As for your other appetites, I think I might end up bow legged…”Dee offered him over the rim of her cup and he took a moment to think on it, and then leaned in over the table until all she could see was him. Those gloriously dark eyes staring back at her, eating her up, and promising so much more of last night and this morning that she thought she might actually be able to feel him inside her.

  “We wouldn’t want that. We’ll have to do it standing up and from behind a lot more, don’t you think?”The gentle deep growl rolled towards her and made her want to just climb up onto the table top and open for him right there in the damn café.

  “I think we need to get home.”She cleared her throat and eased back in her chair, even the slightest distance back from him was a godsend right now. It didn’t help much, but it made her feel better in herself. The damn mating pull had taken her hard, how insane was she to think she could be around him and not get caught up in him?

  Aidan pushed the plate into the middle of the table and grinned back at her. “Done.” He informed her and she managed to wrench her eyes from his and look down at the plate, devoid of food.

  “I’m almost certain there was a damn pattern on that plate…”

  For what was probably the first time in her life Tanya didn’t panic, even though she had cause too, even though she’d waited for it to come for a long moment when she listened to Lacy on the phone, there was just calmness and an emotion akin to disgust, but so much more.

  Evan walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips and a smile on his face, but that smile died on his lips when he felt the wave of emotion that swept over him, and it was coming from his mate.

  “What happened?”Evan growled. His wolf had sensed their mate’s mood swing and was on full alert within him. He covered the distance between the bathroom and Tanya in long easy strides. Wrapping his hands around her upper arms, he tried to ease her towards him, but she was set in stone, and he wasn’t about to force her into his arms.

  “It’s Lacy. She’s in trouble. I have to leave…”Tanya sounded almost clinical as she stepped back away from him and he let her go. Dropping his hands to his sides he watched as she finished pulling on her clothes.

  “What kind of trouble?”Evan asked, curious, but not really caring what it was, it was bad enough to cause this change of mood within his mate and that meant that she wasn’t going anywhere without him by her side.

  “Our past has come back to haunt us…”She went to step around him, but he put his hand out and circled her wrist. Tanya’s eyes met his and he could see the pure hatred that resided there.

  “Talk to me, sweetheart.”Evan growled out. He didn’t like his mate’s mood. She looked ready to kill.

  “I need to drive down and get her. I need a car…”Tanya didn’t want to waste time, Lacy needed her and she needed to be there, it was that simple.

  “I’ll drive you, let me get dressed…”Evan let go of her and for a long moment she stood in place, and then she started pacing. Pacing was bad, even Evan knew that. He dragged on his jeans and a tee in record time, just as Tanya gave into the frustration of not being where she needed to be and headed out of the door with him hot on her heels.

  Tanya hit the last step with purpose just as the front door was thrown open and her eyes met Dee’s. With one look Dee knew that something was badly wrong, she just didn’t know what.

  “Tanya…”Dee stepped towards her. Flicking her eyes to Evan she saw the tension in his face. “What did you do?”She accused and saw him bite down on his lower jaw in annoyance, but before he could answer his mate stepped in.

  “It’s not him, it’s Lacy.”

  “Lacy?”Dee covered the distance between them as she saw Tanya’s top lip curl in disgust. “She’s hurt…”


  “Billy showed up…”Tanya saw the shock hit her friend like a brick wall. Aidan felt it, closing the distance between them, he reached out to wrap an arm around her waist, but his touch made her step away from him.

  “That’s not possible…”Dee shook her head in absolute denial.

  “It’s possible if the baby is a girl…”

  “A girl?”Evan growled out, staring down at his mate as her eyes came up to his and she winced. Perhaps not the best way to tell him the sex of the baby, but the grin on his face spread wide and he reached for her hand, closing it inside his large one and he gently squeezed.

  “She broke the connection…”Dee muttered. She was trying to think too fast for her own mind.

  “The spell was ongoing, the protection was lost…”Tanya agreed and Dee rallied towards her mate.

  “I need my keys…”She needed to get to Lacy. Billy had been growing more and more unpredictable by the day, who knew what getting his memories back and realising what had happened could make him do. She needed to get to Lacy…

  “Neither of you are leaving here…”Aidan started and he saw the anger blush her cheeks crimson as her eyes flashed a warning at him.

  “I maybe your mate, but I’ll not be your prisoner. Lacy needs me and I’m going.”Dee glared up at him, and he growled long and hard at her challenge to his authority, but he held himself in check.

  “Not without us.”He added and saw his mate shuffle from one foot to the other. She’d misjudged the situation, and she spat out a curse within her mind. But this was Fae business. This was getting Lacy out of there and repairing the spell to keep Billy away from all of them. This above all else, was her responsibility.

  “No.”Dee shook her head. Having an Alpha there, a mate, would only complicate matters.

  “What does that mean?”He growled back at her.

  She looked at him with disbelief. She didn’t have time for this. “I know you�
��re male, so you’ve dismissed the word from your vocabulary, but even you, alpha, knows what bloody no means…”Dee’s back was against the wall. How could she explain Billy to Aidan without him wanting to know it all? How could she introduce a mate into the equation without the crap hitting the fan?

  “I know what no means…”He growled, “I just fail to see how it applies to this situation.” He wasn’t about to let his mate run off across the country if her friend was already in trouble. That meant trouble was still around and she could be walking right into it. The hell with that, she was his mate and he would lay down his life to protect her.

  “You need me to draw you a damn picture?”Dee shot back. Feeling the unease within the small group.

  Tanya was shuffling from one foot to the other, unsure, and the Beta was watching them like a hawk. As for her mate, he closed the distance between them and growled down at her.


  “This is Fae business, you have no place there, mate or not.”Dee spat out.

  “My place is at your side, especially when there is danger…”He growled back at her. Why the hell couldn’t she understand just the simplest law of mating? She was his to protect…

  “Just give me the damn keys to my car…”

  “You’re wasting time. You go nowhere without me.”Aidan couldn’t have made it any plainer if he got right up in her face and roared it into her brain, and he saw that recognition in her eyes as she squeaked in frustration.

  “Fine. Get in the damn car.”She snapped back at him and his eyes flicked towards Evan.

  “Stay here with Tanya. We’ll bring Lacy home.”

  Tanya went to take a step forward, but Evan put his arm around her waist.

  “Stay here. It’ll be ok.”Dee assured her and she nodded. She didn’t want to stay behind, she wanted to be there for Lacy, but she looked to her friend and then to her mate, and knew that wasn’t going to happen.


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