Finding Forever (Found in Oblivion Book 7)

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Finding Forever (Found in Oblivion Book 7) Page 11

by Cari Quinn

  “I was.” She pressed her lips together and the stiffness in her shoulders slowly rolled out to encompass her upper half. She was holding herself so rigidly. “I was. Joshua just decided he wanted to stay put and his housing had other plans.”

  Thomas’s lips pinched a little, but he gave her a bland smile as he shot the cuffs of his dress shirt. “Yes, well, I’m glad you had competent doctors regardless.” He smoothed his hand down the button of his precisely cut suit.

  Couldn’t even find a slice of humor in anything with this family. He wasn’t sure how Jules had such a great personality with their permanent wet blankets. Then again, his dad was usually found drunk in the middle of the lake with a fishing rod.

  Not like he’d come from much better.

  At least his old man didn’t pretend to give a shit about what was going on in their lives. He’d made his peace with that a long damn time ago. And that would never happen to him with Joshua. Ever.

  “Well, he’s perfect and healthy. That’s all that matters.” Jules turned up her bright smile. Tristan tightened his fingers around hers. She smiled up at him. “We get to blow this pop stand tomorrow.”

  Jayne cleared her throat, then glanced at the little name tag at the end of the crib. “Eves? The baby will be taking your name, Tristan?”

  “Joshua Randall Eves, yes.”

  Her eyebrow arched. “Right. Yes, I suppose he would have his name too.”

  “You can say Randy, Mother.”

  “Yes, well. Does this mean you’ll be doing something traditional for the future of our grandchild?”

  Tristan’s jaw clenched. “The baby is taking a piece of both our names. The three of us are considered the baby’s parents.”

  “In the eyes of the law, only two really matter.”

  He fisted his other hand. She didn’t need to remind him of the terror of all of that. And how the laws didn’t make allowances for anything other than the rigid and narrow-minded men who ran their damn country. Or that they’d had to beg Randy’s grieving parents for details about him.

  Or that the man who had completed them both had been so damaged that they couldn’t say a proper goodbye to him.

  So many unfair things had followed them through this pregnancy. But this wouldn’t be one.

  He opened his mouth to rip into her when Jules swiped her thumb over his hand to drag his attention away from the icy Jayne Reece.

  “We’re happy as we are, Mother.”

  Tristan swallowed hard. Were they? Part of him wanted to snatch up Jules and the baby and drag them to the nearest justice of the peace. To make sure no one could ever turn him away when it came to Jules.

  They’d had to sign over dozens of papers because they weren’t married. So that if anything happened, Tristan would have access to Juliet even though they weren’t married. Hell, not even officially engaged.

  They’d had a commitment ceremony with Sparks. In front of all the people in their life that mattered—they’d stood up and said the words.

  But there was no official documents allowing him to take care of his family. But there was this one thing that no one could take from him. His son.

  “Things would be much easier if you were married. And now that Randall is… Well, there’s nothing to stop you. It’s right for the baby and for protecting either one of your assets if something should happen. If you truly love one another, then I don’t see the problem.”

  Tristan hated that he agreed with Thomas. Hated it more than life.

  But when the tears welled up in Juliet’s eyes, he locked down his own selfish needs.

  “How can you say that? As if Randy was nothing. He’s not here. His baby is right there and you’re talking like he’s nothing.”

  Tristan flinched, but Jules was too upset to notice.

  Thomas dipped a hand into his pocket. “I’m not saying it to upset you, Juliet. I’m being pragmatic.”

  “Can’t you just be happy for a second? You haven’t even looked at your grandchild.”

  “I can see him from here. Now calm yourself before you get hysterical.”

  “Oh, you haven’t seen hysterical.”

  The baby stirred, making a small whine.

  “Jules.” Tristan slipped away from her to pick up Joshua.

  “Dammit.” She reached for the baby. “I’m sorry, love. Mama didn’t mean to yell.” The baby cried harder, his face turning red.

  “Hey, hey, hey.” Tristan stroked a finger down Joshua’s face. “Shh.”

  Jules didn’t even think about it, she simply moved her gown aside and settled their son against her breast.”

  Jayne recoiled and stepped back. “We’ll leave you two alone.”

  “We’re glad the baby and you are all right. We expect to see you soon for a Christening in Boston, Juliet. We have a flight back home to catch.”

  Jules spared him a glance. “Thank you for making the trip.” Her voice sure didn’t match that sentiment. “Did you see Margo while you were here?”

  “We spoke.” Thomas fused with the button of his jacket. His voice gentled slightly. “He’s a handsome boy, Juliet. We hope for a visit soon.” And with that, he left the room without a backward glance.

  Jules sighed.

  Jayne patted Tristan’s arm. “Do you two have everything you need? Is that…apartment suitable for a child?”

  He gripped the guardrail on Juliet’s bed. “Yes, Jayne. The nursery is set up and we have plenty of support. Thank you for stopping by.”

  Her remote eyes zeroed in on his for once. And for a moment, he saw a flicker of something else, then it was gone. “We’ll be in touch.” She followed Thomas out into the hallway.

  Jules sniffed. “I don’t know why I thought it would be different. I’m so, so stupid. I thought maybe a baby would bring us together. God,” she kissed Joshua’s cheek, “did you see how my dad would barely look at him? Like he was less than because this perfect little boy is a product of a bigger love than they can fathom.”

  Tristan leaned down and kissed her temple. “They don’t matter. Just the three of us matter.”

  “Four, you mean. Randy is here in spirit. I have to believe that.”

  “Right, of course. I’m sorry, babe. Randy would be proud of him. And you.”

  Just as he was.


  Two months later

  Elle sighed and placed her sharpened pencil on top of the pad she’d brought for the meeting. A quick look around told her she was the only one who’d bothered to prepare in that way.

  Jules was scrolling through baby pictures on her phone and showing them to anyone who would look. Michael had one eye on them and one eye on his phone as he texted with his wife.

  “I can’t believe it’s time for one of these again. I was enjoying not having an alarm.” Luc yawned and stretched his arm out behind Molly’s chair.

  “Oh, yeah, so tough being you, dude. Look at you, all suited up for the occasion.” West cocked a brow at Luc’s slouchy hat that barely covered his man-bun, paired with a nearly threadbare white T-shirt, a pair of board shorts, and sandals.

  He looked like a ginormous beach bum, not a rockstar. Actually, so did West, minus the ginormous part and the hat. He was super tanned and his blond hair was nearly bleached white from the sun. His tank top and jeans and flip flops gave off the same impression Luc’s outfit did.

  Like he was still on vacation time. Hell, most of them seemed to be.

  Ryan was tipped back in his chair, hands locked behind his head, eyes closed. All he needed was a hammock and a cold drink. And Mal…

  Mal was not even present.

  He’d been growly all morning, and hell if she knew why. Probably didn’t want to deal with getting back on the road. Out of all of them, he was the least interested in being onstage. He liked the music. Even loved it most of the time. But he got tired of the grind of performing. And dare she say it, she was almost certain her big, sexy dude was becoming a—gasp—homebody.

ver they had a free night and went to make plans, she’d suggest dancing at a club or something fun and physical and he’d be super quick to mention a new movie and that he’d stocked snacks. They usually ended up getting naked before the credits finished rolling, so it was hard to complain.

  She’d seen a lot of ends of movies though, without matching beginnings and middles.

  But she was stupidly happy. Happier than she’d ever imagined. She didn’t mind Mal’s occasionally snarly moods. She’d understood what she was getting into when she got involved with him. He was still by far the best man she’d ever known other than her brother, who was also a pain-in-the-ass on his best day. Mal hadn’t even given her a hard time about splitting during the show and getting arrested, for pity’s sake. He’d just listened and rolled with the punches. And hadn’t mentioned it since.

  She’d mentioned it a few times, because she still couldn’t believe the possession charge had just simply gone away. Misunderstanding or not, she’d still had the stuff on her. The power of Donovan Lewis and his people was rather awe-inspiring.

  And scary as hell.

  The door opened and Lila stepped inside, closing the door behind her. “Hello, Warning Sign. Sorry I’m late.”

  “Two whole minutes,” Michael said cheerfully, holding up his phone. “I, for one, am shocked.”

  Lila ignored him, her gaze landing on the empty chair beside Elle. “Where is Malachi?”

  Elle shifted on her seat. He hadn’t even given her a preplanned excuse, the jerk. “He’s, um, not feeling well.”

  “Aww, does he have the sniffles?” Luc chuckled and Molly poked him in the belly. He only laughed harder. “Or maybe someone kept him up too late, hmm?”

  Elle tapped her pencil against her cheek. “Don’t worry, he has the stamina to withstand that.”

  West covered his ears. “TMI.”

  Lila took her place at the head of the conference table.“Tell him he’s not to miss any more meetings or he’ll be answering to me.”

  Michael swallowed a laugh. “Um, I don’t think that’s going to scare him.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll kick his ass if he tries it again—I mean, I’ll make sure he takes his medicine.”

  Half the table hid smiles behind their hands.

  “See that you do.” Lila swiped her finger across her ubiquitous iPad. “I realize today’s meeting was on short notice. We weren’t scheduled to reconvene for another couple of weeks.” She glanced at Jules. “How are you? How’s little Joshua?”

  “Tired.” Jules smiled and tucked away her phone. “Me, not him. He sleeps when he wants and is a happy little clam mostly. Especially if I don’t try to rock him back to sleep. He only seems to want his daddy—” She broke off and leaned her cheek on her fist. “It’s been an adjustment,” she added quietly.

  Elle averted her eyes. Jules didn’t have to elaborate. They all knew this had to be so hard on her and Tristan. Not just first time parenthood, which was a big enough change. But to have to do it without their other partner and deal with grieving on top of all the new baby challenges…

  “If you ever need a sitter or any help at all, Mal and I can come over.”

  Jules raised a brow. “Sure you don’t have to run that past Mr. Growly first?”

  “He’s very good with kids.” Elle nodded at Michael. “He’s always got Hope giggling and bouncing around calling him Unc.”

  “Hear that, Li? She’s getting ready to make you an aunt,” Michael teased. “Once women start being proud of how good their men are with babies, you know what’s next.”

  “Not everyone knocks up the missus before the ceremony.” West elbowed his best friend. “I remember the days when this band wasn’t full of baby fever.”

  “Oh, shut up. You were cooing at Joshua even more than Tristan was when you stopped by.” Jules pitched a wadded up straw wrapper across the table at West, who ducked and lobbed it right back.

  “Children.” Lila sighed. “Unless anyone is giving birth right now in this room, save your procreation talk for another time. I have big things to discuss with all of you.”

  “Big good or big bad?” Molly casually linked her fingers with Luc on the table.

  Elle had to smile, even not knowing what Lila’s announcement might be. In the few years since she’d been in Warning Sign, their lives had all changed so much. There had been drama and catastrophic losses, absolutely, but there had also been lots of love and positive things that had happened like Michael’s little girl Hope and Jules’s new little boy being born. They were all in happy, committed relationships and were solid as a band and with each other.


  “Great actually. We’re start with the smaller things first.” Lila consulted her iPad. “You’re getting new busses.”

  A cheer went up around the table, complete with some fist bumps and slapped hands. “Wait, did she say busses? As in plural?” Jules asked.

  “As in I don’t have to be crammed in with all you stinky males.” Molly rolled her eyes. “Thank God.”

  “She only likes two particular stinky males cramming her.”

  “West,” Lila snapped. “Focus.”

  “It never changes.” Elle had to grin. “No matter how many months off we have, we just bounce back into this rhythm.” She shot a glance at Jules. “I don’t mean it’s the same, not at all. I just mean—”

  “It’s okay. Honestly. I know what you mean and I’m grateful for it.” On Molly’s other side, she reached out to squeeze their lead singer’s free hand. Molly swallowed hard and squeezed back. “I’m so happy to have this slice of normalcy in the middle of two a.m. feedings and getting sprayed with pee.”

  “Girls aren’t a walk in the park either, trust me,” Lila said dryly. “Anyway, back to the busses. We’re adding a lot of them, due to the upcoming changes.”

  “What changes?” Ryan asked.

  “We’ll get there. There will be a couple of crew busses, and then a bus for Jules and Michael and the kids and their spouses, assuming they want to travel with us.”

  Jules gasped. “Are you serious?”

  Michael was already grabbing for his phone. “Holy shit, Chloe will love this. At least sometimes. Axl’s in school, and Hope will be soon, but there’s always breaks.”

  “Very serious.” Lila smiled and glanced at Molly and Luc. “As Warning Sign’s lead singers, you will also get your own bus. And of course, Ethan is welcome whenever he’s able to travel with you.”

  Molly and Luc exchanged a glance. “Damn. How’d we score that?” Luc let out a low whistle.

  “Remind me not to ever step foot on that bus.” West lifted his brows innocently when Lila looked at him. “What? I just meant to give them privacy. That’s it.”

  “Your mind is a cesspool,” Jules informed him.

  West grinned. “Lo enjoys it.”

  “Speaking of Lo, the third bus will be for the rest of you. Lauren and West, Ryan and Denver, Elle and Mal. I trust that works for all of you?”

  “Considering that’s a huge gain of space, I think we can deal.” Ryan smacked West on the back. “No more of Molly and Jules’s hair crap all over the bathroom sink? Win.”

  “Hey, Elle has hair crap,” Molly protested.

  “Ponytail holders don’t take up as much space as sixteen cans of bouffant spray.”

  Molly crossed her arms. “I use straightening spray, thank you very much.”

  “And shellac shit and conditioner and who knows what else. And let’s not even talking about the piles of makeup. Lo, Denver, and Elle are way more low maintenance.”

  Elle frowned at West and tried to remember if she’d even put on any makeup besides lip gloss that morning in her rush out the door. “Thanks. I think.”

  “Additionally, we’re adding a couple crew busses. Warning Sign is about to get the biggest opportunity yet and we want you all to travel comfortably and in style.”

  As excited chattering broke out around the table, Elle bit her lower lip.
Mal had excellent timing. Except not. “Should we wait to talk about this with Mal? I don’t want him to be behind.”

  “You can fill him in.”

  Elle sighed. She would, right after she kicked his ass.

  “You’re all aware Brooklyn Dawn is about to launch a huge United States tour. A leg overseas is also a good possibility, though that will depend on strength of ticket sales here along with a few other factors. Originally, their shows were supposed to opened by Rebel Rage, but that band has been dropped from Ripper Records’s roster.”

  “Shit, really?” Michael tapped his thumb against his phone. “Is Cage causing problems again?”

  “You know I don’t discuss what is going on with other bands.”

  Michael shook his head. “Which means yes. That guy is a mess.”

  “Isn’t that what all of you used to say about me?” Luc looked down at his fingers tangled with Molly’s. “Maybe we should all just wait and see what comes out before we jump to assumptions.”

  Molly leaned her head on his shoulder in quiet solidarity. No one else spoke.

  “Regardless of what precipitated Rebel Rage leaving the label, that means there’s a spot open on Brooklyn Dawn’s tour.”

  “An opening act gig. Again.” Ryan exhaled. “Look, Lila, Brooklyn Dawn is incredible and I know they’re everywhere right now, getting all the buzz, but do you really think that’s what we need to be doing? If we keep opening shows, we’re never going to get a chance at headlining. Last fall, we were on our way to something bigger before—” He fell silent. “Sorry, Jules.”

  “Please stop apologizing to me. And stop censoring yourselves. We can’t be a true band if you’re all monitoring your words and being careful not to hurt the poor damaged widow.”

  Lila gazed at her steadily for a moment before nodding. “She’s right. We have to have faith in Jules that she’s strong enough to know what she can handle. No one wants to talk about last fall. Or even this year so far. There’s a lot of hard things to think about, a lot of bad memories that will always be inside us. But we can’t begin to find a way to rebuild if we don’t face them.”


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