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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 23

by Sorcha Black

  “No back seat domming, Minou.”

  Elodie got out of bed and walked up behind Tess, looking like a woman from a medieval painting with all of her pale skin, curves, and red hair. “Look at this big bite mark you left on her!” She muttered, and kissed the spot on Tess’s shoulder, making the throb there more pleasant. Compared to Lock’s, Elodie’s hands were small and soft, and moved over her in teasing caresses that contrasted his. Elodie’s naked flesh sliding against her back tickled and aroused. Both of them moved in close to Tess, kissing and stroking her.

  In his bonds, she stilled, closed her eyes, and tried to remember to breathe. They murmured things to her, to each other, but through the waves of sensation all she could hear was nuance. They cared for her. They wanted her. In all her time alone, she’d never considered that someday this might happen – not with anyone, let alone with two people at once.

  Somehow, they knew what her body wanted even when she didn’t. Overloaded, she hung by her wrists, letting them play her body, wind her arousal higher while she just tried not to scream.

  Everything stopped. Eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed flew open. The dragon shifter stood there, his gaze smoldering. He held a glistening finger to her lips.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She could smell herself on his fingers. There was no hesitation in his expression. He expected her to obey. Her body screamed to give him anything – to do anything – if only it would please him. If only she could come.

  Her mouth tried to obey, but at the last minute she just couldn’t.

  “I can’t.”

  One majestic brow was raised at her. Crap. Was he going to send her to her room so he could finish with only Elodie? At least Elodie wasn’t a prude.

  Ashamed by her own cowardice, she let her head droop. She couldn’t look him in the eye. What he’d asked was practically vanilla, for goodness sakes!

  “Hey now, none of that.” He lifted her chin. The finger he’d offered her went into his own mouth. Watching him suck his finger was positively sinful.

  Her sex drive kicked her in the shins and called her an idiot.

  Without another word, he unbuckled her cuffs and caught her when her knees wobbled. He scooped her up and brought her to the bed.

  “I’m sorry, Lock. I just couldn’t do it.” She tucked her head into the crook of his arm, and Elodie stretched out behind to spoon her, giving her skin a jolt of sensation.

  “You sucked my cock in front of a crowd of people, and this was too much?” His tone was curious rather than annoyed.

  “Maybe it’s weird to you, but I never even thought about tasting myself. When you asked me to, my brain just said no, then shut down.”

  He kissed her. Initially, she had the urge to back away, since he’d just licked the finger she’d refused to, but she forced herself to let him. Thankfully, he didn’t taste like anything but Lock.

  “I have a better idea anyway. If it’s tasting yourself that freaks you out, then tasting Elodie shouldn’t be an issue.” Lock arched a brow, daring her.

  Behind her, Elodie stilled. “Chéri, I don’t think—”

  “Elodie, I get that you dom her. I’m okay with that, but when the two of you are with me I’m always the Dom. One hundred percent of the time. I might have you help me do things to her, but that doesn’t make you my co-dominant. You are my submissive, and unless you want an unpleasant reminder of that, you’d better remember it.” His frown made Tess shudder. He hadn’t really punished Tess yet, and although she was curious, she also dreaded it.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lock stared over Tess’s shoulder for at least a minute, and Elodie whimpered and hid her face in Tess’s neck.

  “Lie on your back, Elodie.”

  She made a small sound of protest, but rolled away from Tess, who was suddenly cold.

  “Come on, Tess. I’ll show you what to do.”

  Self-conscious, Tess sat up. She’d gotten to the point where she was getting used to them doing things to her, but being expected to pleasure them was nerve-wracking. She had no idea what to do with a girl. Giving a guy a blowjob had been a lot easier than she’d expected, but girl parts were more complicated.

  “Kiss her on the mouth, then make your way down her body. Don’t rush. Girls don’t like being rushed most of the time.” He smiled. “Well, that and I want you to give me a show.”

  “Pervert,” Elodie mumbled.

  “Like that’s a surprise? Now shh. You’re ruining my virgin sacrifice scene. Quit being difficult.”

  At Lock’s prompting, she lay on top of Elodie. They kissed uncertainly and Lock groaned.

  Tess glanced at him where he lay on his side, his head propped up on his hand so he could watch.

  “That’s right. Show her you like her first. Had you ever kissed a girl before you kissed Elodie?”

  “No.” She kissed Elodie again then noticed the bed shift.

  Lock was up and moving around.

  “Merde,” Elodie muttered under her breath.

  He got rope out of a drawer, and Tess kept kissing her while he tied Elodie’s wrists to the headboard and her legs apart, to the footboard.

  “Sir, you don’t have to tie me. I’ll be a good girl,” Elodie whined.

  “You need a reminder, so we’re going to do what I want. That shouldn’t surprise you.” He got Tess to kneel between Elodie’s legs. “Now kiss your way down her body, Tess. Take your time.”

  She did as she was told, but he started to touch her body here and there, light and teasing. Her braid fell over one shoulder and the tip of it dragged across Elodie’s body as she kissed her way down her neck to her breasts. She sucked and nipped at Elodie’s nipples, and she loved every squeak she got out of her. When her noises started to get desperate, Lock interrupted.

  “Good. Time to stop that now. It’s good to leave her wanting.”

  Elodie made a miserable sound, and Lock hummed in pleasure.

  “Keeping her on the edge is fun, don’t you think?”

  Crap – there wasn’t a good answer to that question. It was fun, but if she said yes, Elodie might make her pay for it later. Instead of answering, she kissed and nipped downward. He didn’t stop her to insist she answer. Elodie was gasping and squirming before Tess even got lower than her navel.

  Tess stalled around there, but Lock wasn’t fooled.

  “Come on. You can do this for me. Kiss her here – the inside of her hip is very sensitive.”

  She shifted lower, and Lock stroked her back as she kissed Elodie where he told her to. His voice was seductive as he coaxed her along. How had she ended up so desperate to please him?

  His hands went from drawing tickly pictures on her back, to caressing her waist then slipped down to her ass. He rubbed the back of her thighs, then between them, until she found herself moving, trying to get his hand where she wanted it. A smack landed on her ass.

  “Behave. I’ll get there when I get there,” he growled. “Quit stalling and get between her legs.”

  Tess’s heart sped faster. She felt faint. It was like this was the last step between being straight and being bisexual. Everything that had happened with Elodie before this hadn’t been a big deal, but this somehow felt like there was no going back. Was she even bi? She’d been trying not to examine that too closely, letting herself feel good and enjoy herself for the first time in her life. She wasn’t really attracted to girls, for the most part, but Elodie was so loving and sexual that the rules somehow didn’t apply. Did she want to go down on her, or was she just doing this to please Lock?

  Her mouth inched lower, breathing warm air across Elodie’s bare flesh. With her legs tied apart, all she could do was squirm and try to press upward. Elodie was panting as though she’d just finished a race, but she made noises like she was in pain.

  “Dieu, Tess – just do it! S’il vous plaît. Please, don’t leave me like this.”

  Tess blew a stream of cool air between Elodie’s thighs, enjoying the way de
sperate French swears rolled off her tongue. She steeled herself to do it and spread Elodie’s sex to find her clit. Elodie gasped and held her breath.

  Before she chickened out, she leaned in and flicked Elodie’s clit with the tip of her tongue then kissed it. Elodie’s body went taut, and her voice rose several octaves.

  “That’s right, Tess. Good girl,” Lock crooned in her ear. His fingers toyed between Tess’s legs and she squirmed, trying to focus on pleasuring Elodie. She licked around her clit, then gently suckled it, not sure if she was doing it wrong, but no one was stopping her.

  He was whispering dirty things in her ear about how hot it was to watch them together. “Do you think you can slide a couple of fingers into her?”

  Tess nodded at him then licked lower, tasting her. The scent of Elodie’s arousal was dizzying and sexy, even though she didn’t taste like anything familiar.

  I’m going down on a girl. On Elodie. The thought was almost as arousing as doing it. She slid her fingers along El’s slippery dampness and pressed two fingers into her, hoping she wouldn’t do it wrong and hurt her. Elodie’s pussy was tight around her fingers and clenched harder when she swirled her tongue over her sensitive bud. Lock’s hand wrapped over the back of hers, and he guided her fingers to move. She was just getting the hang of things when Elodie’s body went rigid and then bucked beneath her. Elodie keened, panted, squirmed, and shouted things in French. Startled, Tess tried to back off, but Lock grabbed El’s hips and kept her still.

  “Don’t stop! Keep going. See if you can get her off again,” he urged.

  Nervously, she obeyed, and was inordinately proud of herself when Elodie’s cries turned to screams of pleasure yet again. When Elodie begged her to stop, Lock pulled her away.

  “Enough for now, or you’ll make her sore.”

  “Okay.” Feeling slightly unsure of herself, Tess crawled up and cuddled Elodie while Lock untied her. “Did I do a good job?”

  Elodie blinked at her but didn’t answer.

  “You might need to give her a minute.” He chuckled. “But yes, you did a good job. The way our ears are bleeding from all her screaming should be your first clue.”

  She squirmed, less satisfied with hearing that than she would have thought. At that moment all she cared about was the need going down on Elodie had unexpectedly left her with, and the knowledge that tonight having that need satiated meant immanent pain.

  “You look nervous, little Mouse. You know I’ll be careful with you – or do you want to wait for another day?”

  She tugged at her lip with her teeth, wishing he wouldn’t make it so easy to back out. This was Lock – as dommy as he was, if she withdrew her consent, he would stop, even mid thrust.

  Quiet spread over the room. Lock curled up behind her and held her, and Elodie rolled to her side and faced her, almost nose to nose. They petted her quietly, letting her think. The truth was she’d done too much thinking in her life. It was too easy to talk herself out of doing something so far outside her comfort zone.

  “Are you scaring yourself, Souris? It’s not that bad for most women the first time – especially not if he knows what he’s doing, which Lock does.” Elodie stroked her face and a feeling of calm wrapped around her. “I lost my virginity to a virgin and it was less than pleasant, but we’re here and we’ll help you through this. Or you can say no, and that’s okay, too. It’s your choice.”

  Elodie started to kiss her and the hesitation receded. This was one of her goals, and now that she was going to achieve it, she couldn’t run away.

  “I’m okay. I want to – I’m just nervous.”

  They both murmured sympathetically and she started to feel silly. If teenaged girls could do this, she damn well could.

  She turned to look at Lock. “Just do it. Don’t stop unless I safeword.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Are you sure? That might not be the most pleasant way to do this.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. And Elodie should hold me down. Virgin sacrifices should be done properly.”

  They blinked at her, but Elodie nodded. “Don’t forget your safeword.”

  “I won’t.”

  Elodie leaned against the headboard, after tucking a pillow behind her, then pulled Tess into her arms so that she was between her legs and lying back against her. She wrapped her legs around Tess’s then pulled them apart with her own.

  “What are you doing?” Tess struggled. This wasn’t what she’d been thinking.

  Elodie caught her wrists, holding them down on the bed.

  She wriggled more, but couldn’t get loose.

  “You said to hold you down. I’m the altar you’re tied to, and I’m offering your body to our lord and Master.” She grinned down at her. “Master, your humble slave asks that you accept this lovely bit of fluff as a token of her devotion.”

  “No, I...” Oh fuck, this was hot. Lock was looming over her, looking dangerous.

  “No? Do you think that word means anything to me?” Lock, the dragon shifter, laughed unpleasantly and slapped the inside of her thigh. “You’re mine to defile, little slave. If you think you have a choice, hide your sweet softness from my gaze.”

  Again, she tried to pull her legs together, but it was no use. Elodie was stronger.

  “Please no, Master. My father isn’t a wealthy man, but maybe I could please you another way, instead? Who will marry me if you deflower me?”

  Behind her, Elodie shook like she was giggling. Okay, so maybe the word deflower was a bit over the top. It totally worked in romance novels where pirates kidnapped innocent young girls.

  Lock didn’t seem to be thrown off by the word. “Oh, you’ll please me that way first, before I deflower you, girl.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair!”

  “All’s fair in love and deflowering. Besides, you have a magic word to make this all stop.” He kissed her then, long and hard, then undid his jeans and stripped them off. Apparently dragon shifters didn’t wear underwear.

  His cock was huge, erect, and imposing, especially knowing that any minute he might jam it into one of her orifices. He looked like he was in a jamming kind of mood.

  Lock crawled up the bed, not stopping until his groin was even with her face. He grabbed his cock in one hand and the back of her hair in the other then brushed the tip of his dick against her lips. She clamped her mouth shut and glared at him.

  “You’re learning too many naughty tricks from Elodie. If you don’t cooperate, I’m going to have to force you.”

  Heat flared through her and she squirmed.

  “Oh, you like that idea? An almost-virgin with a kink for dubcon?” He pushed down on her chin and her mouth popped open, as though he’d used a magic trick. Holding her head in place, he pushed the tip of his dick into her mouth. “Lick, suck. Make me wet so I don’t hurt you when my member thrusts into you.”

  Member? She snorted, but did what she was told. There was no use making things unpleasant if this was her only chance to lubricate that monster.

  She did what she could, considering the size of him and the soreness of her jaw from going down on Elodie. Secretly, she’d always assumed she’d be good at giving head, considering how many popsicles she’d eaten in her life, but apparently she should have been shopping for bigger popsicles. Since Elodie was holding her arms down, it made things more complicated. Lock didn’t seem to care about that. He stroked his cock, masturbating into her mouth, which made Tess feel used and dirty and unbelievably horny.

  At some point, when she was writhing and whining beneath him, he withdrew then went down on her long enough to drive her crazy. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on, while she waited impatiently. What if it broke? What if he got her pregnant? Sure they’d all gotten tested a few weeks ago, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t knock her up.

  Then he was above her, his cock prodding at her entrance.

  “You’re ours, do you understand me, Tess?”

  Was this part of the game? Doubtful. He looked serious.
r />   “I’m yours...” She hesitated at the end, not sure whether to call him Lock, or Sir, or Master to go with the role-play. “I want to be yours, like you asked. Both of yours.”

  He paused, his gaze sinking deep into hers. “We’re yours and you’re ours.” Without waiting for a response, he pushed the head of his cock into her. There was an uncomfortable prying sensation that burned. Tess whimpered and froze in place.

  “Relax, petite Souris. It hurts at first, but it’ll get better.” Elodie was still pinning her legs, but was lazily stroking her breasts rather than holding down her wrists. “Do you need me to get some lube, Lock?”

  Lock frowned in concentration, but replied to Tess. “No, you’re wet enough for me, aren’t you sweetheart? Your body just doesn’t know what to do with this.” He pulled out a bit, which made Tess sigh in relief, but then inched in farther.

  She whimpered, then grabbed onto his biceps, trying to focus on the play of his muscles over the leather armbands, how strong he was, and how much she wanted him inside her. Right then the last bit was a lie. She lay very still and let him do what needed to be done. He worked at easing into her and eventually he bottomed out. It felt like her organs were trying to reorganize themselves to accommodate him. How was it fair for a girl to be this horny but need to accept pain along with the pleasure? Total design flaw.

  There’s a dick in me. I’m not a virgin at all anymore. If it wasn’t so uncomfortable, she would have clapped her hands in glee.

  Lock stilled, giving her body time to accept him.

  “You were a very good girl to let us have you,” he murmured, his voice full of approval, but strained.

  “This isn’t fun,” she whined.

  “No, I know, sweetheart.”

  But Elodie was touching her again, kissing the side of her neck. She shifted to the side so she could reach farther down and played with Tess’s clit.

  “No,” she protested vaguely, squirming, her body clenching around Lock as she tried to move away from Elodie’s insistent fingers.

  He started to move, fucking her in long, slow strokes, as Elodie distracted her. It was strange and overwhelming, and it felt good but it hurt, and Elodie – damn her – Elodie was going to make her come. She didn’t want to come because with this huge dick in her it was going to hurt!


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