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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 25

by Sorcha Black

  She screwed her eyes shut and applied herself to the task, but after five minutes she still hadn’t managed to come.

  “Time’s up.”

  Tess’s low whine was her version of one of Elodie’s temper tantrums. “I just can’t. I’m too scared someone will see.”

  He shrugged. “Then you’ll have to wait. I’m going to pull over somewhere on the way home and fuck the brat out of you.”

  They pulled onto the off ramp and she was staring at him nervously.

  “You don’t like that idea?”

  “I-I don’t know, Sir. I guess we’ll have to see. Did you”

  What on earth was she talking about? He ran through the gamut in his head. Oh. “I think Elodie stuck some condoms in your bag.”

  Tess covered her face with her hand as Lock pulled into the parking lot and chose a spot in the shade. It was a pleasant day, but the car would heat up in no time.

  “She’s determined that the two of us need to get along, up to and including crazed monkey sex.”

  She snorted and raised her hand to slap him affectionately, but dropped it back into her lap. Definitely less bratty than Elodie.

  “The idea of us having sex without her being there makes me feel weird.”

  “Like we’re cheating?”

  She nodded.

  “I know. I feel that way too, but she’s very insistent.” He opened his door and walked around to hers, watching through the window in amusement as she tried to adjust her panties and smooth her skirt before he opened the door and showed the world – or parking section D – what she’d been doing.

  He helped her out of the car, then pulled her hand to his mouth and sucked her index finger. Her sweet little moan made him want to drag her off into the bushes at the edge of the parking lot.

  Instead, he retrieved their clubs out of the car and went to the clubhouse. The building was teeming with people, and Tess clung to him and mostly hid behind his arm. Outgoing, she wasn’t.

  His boss, Richard, saw them almost immediately and strode across the room to them.

  “Locksley, my boy. We were starting to place bets on whether you’d make it. Some of the others thought you might have had car trouble.”

  “No, I was busy chatting and we missed the turn off.” He laughed his fake work laugh, which he detested, and he felt Tess looking at him. She was going to see an awful lot of how he was like at work, when he wasn’t sexting with Elodie, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. At work he was boring, phony, and politically correct. Maybe he should have warned her.

  Richard turned to Tess. “Well now I can see why you’d get distracted! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Why’d you hide such a pretty girl so long?”

  Tess blushed hard and her gaze darted to Lock, as though she was hoping he’d save her.

  Richard’s wife, Margaret, glided over and shook Tess’s hand in a ladylike way. “A pleasure, my dear. Do you know, I don’t think Lock here has ever told us your name.”

  “Sorry.” Nothing like starting off on the wrong foot. “Richard, Margaret, this is Tess. Tess, this is my boss Richard, and his lovely wife, Margaret. She plays a mean cello.”

  “Oh, you!” She laughed and swatted Lock’s arm.

  He could see the amusement in Tess’s eyes. If the woman only knew what he did to Tess when she smacked him.

  “We’ve divided up a lot of teams. It’s boys against girls. I can’t believe the turn out this year.” Margaret smiled happily and Lock had to bite his tongue to avoid reminding her that these team-building activities were mandatory, so of course they’d had a good turn out. “Come with me, Tess dear. I’ll introduce you to your team mates.”

  Lock’s heart sank as he watched her go, as though she was being led to the executioner. Hopefully no one would make her more uncomfortable than this was already, and with any luck no one would trip her up and make her say something to give them away. After some jockeying around, he managed to get on one of the teams playing against hers.

  “She’s adorable.” His buddy Sean motioned at Tess and grinned at him.

  Lock had been so preoccupied he hadn’t even realized Sean was in his group.

  “Is she always that shy?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “She doesn’t give off that fake, social-climbing vibe that so many of the wives have.”

  Lock surveyed the throng of golf-attired people, making small talk. “I’m sure most of them aren’t like this at home. I know this isn’t who I am, either. It’s this environment that makes everyone plastic.”

  “That’s a creepy statement, considering we’re in the toy business.” Sean was still staring at Tess, looking perplexed. “It’s so weird. I’m sure you told me she was a redhead.”

  Lock laughed and walked away, his heart in his throat. He ran through remembered conversations – just how much had he said to Sean about Elodie? He’d been careful not to use her name, considering other people in the company might know her from the industry, but had something else identifiable slipped?

  Eventually things got organized enough that they moved out onto the greens. Tess was chatting politely with the women on her team, and seemed to be managing okay. He was so going to owe her after this. Ideas of what he might do for her later, on the way home, crowded in.

  Up until last night he hadn’t intended on stopping on the way home, but Elodie had given him a stern lecture on how Tess needed his undivided attention sometimes, and how if they had sex and power exchange without Elodie once in a while it would make them closer. She also asked if she and Tess could mess around when he was at work. Elodie’s ulterior motives were often transparent – if he got to play with Tess alone, maybe he’d let her play with Tess alone too.

  Tess’s admission in the car, about liking the idea of being forced, made him painfully interested in trying that out with her. The river where they sometimes met for lunch was on the way home, and it seemed like a good place to stop. What would her limits be? Did she trust him enough to play around with dubcon?

  Around the eighth hole of the golf game, Tess started looking uncomfortable. He drifted closer, trying not to look like he was eavesdropping.

  The raucous laughter of the three other women in her group reminded him of a strip club, and they kept glancing his way. When he got close, they fell silent, but there were grins and flirty, interested looks. What on earth had she been telling them?

  Apparently his level of sneakiness wasn’t sneaky enough to fool them.

  “You shoo, Locksley Matthis. This is girl talk.” One of the wives made flapping motions with her hands, like he was a cat trying to get into the cream. “We’re taking real good care of your Tess here. We’re not going to get any interesting information out of her if you’re hanging around.”

  Shit. Why had he dragged her to this thing? How was she going to make things vague enough to leave Elodie out of the conversation?

  He pulled his phone out and checked the messages. There was one picture from Elodie. The shot only showed her parted lips and a t-shirt with a scoop neckline that had been pulled down to show her nipples. He locked the phone and shoved it back in his pocket before Sean or anyone else saw it. El’s dirty pics were always welcome, but those tits obviously didn’t belong to Tess.

  “The turkey vultures are having your poor girlfriend for lunch.” Sean looked around to make sure no one would overhear him then grimaced sympathetically. “She’s fresh meat, so I’m not surprised. God forbid they find out anything juicy about anyone that works here – the rumor mill would work overtime. Jenna told me that at the picnic they asked her all sorts of personal questions. Bunch of busybodies.”

  “Personal? Like what?”

  “Oh like, wedding plans and how many kids we wanted. That sort of thing.”

  Lock groaned aloud. “We haven’t been together that long. Hell, we haven’t even talked about that stuff yet.”

  “Tell me about it. We got home from the picnic and Jenna sta
rted talking about our future. It was creepy. It passed after a few days, but it made things damn awkward.”

  What would she say to them? With three people in their relationship, even if things did work out long-term, there could never be a wedding. Kids, maybe, but even that would be complicated. He’d always thought he wanted kids – sometime in the distant future – but how did you even raise kids with three parents, outside of a commune?

  Whoa, slow down, bud. They’d only been with Tess for a few months, and he’d been with Elodie for less than a year. There was nothing saying any of it would work out, right? And how would they manage things like this? Telling work people that Elodie was their roommate wouldn’t fly if they ran into them in town somewhere. The girls were always all over each other. Would they have to make sure never to go out in public together?

  After the eighteenth hole, they moved things onto the clubhouse patio. Tess made her way over to him as soon as his foot hit the flagstone.

  “Hi!” She leaned against him and he hugged her to him.

  “I owe you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Was it awful?”

  She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “Only because of what you had me do in the car.”

  “My poor Mouse,” he whispered back. “Should I find a back room somewhere so we can fix that?”

  “What? No!” She frowned in prudish disapproval. “You brought me so that I’d make a good impression. If you wanted a wild girl, you should have brought someone else.”

  “Oh, like if I dragged you into the back and fucked your sweet pussy, you’d really be upset?”

  She gasped. “Don’t be rude! People are going to hear you.”

  Why was Tess being prim such a turn on?

  Lock wrapped his hand around the back of her head, trying to make it look romantic to other people, but make it feel controlling to her. “There’s a buttplug in your bag, along with those condoms. Maybe I should use that on you as a reminder of who’s in charge.”

  “Is it the bigger one you just bought?”

  “It is.”

  She gulped and her eyes went round. “I’m not sure what this conversation was originally about, but I’ll do what you want. Always.”

  For a crazed moment he seriously considered dragging her into a back room and having his way with her. Idiot. Like he couldn’t wait? What was he, a teenager?

  He forced himself to behave.

  They drank soda, socialized, ate. The women from her team kept trying to feed Tess shandies, but she declined every one.

  Irving came over, smelling of liquor, and joked with Tess for a few minutes. She was sweet, submissive, and charming, and there was no doubt in Lock’s mind that she’d won the old man over.

  “Did you get too much sun, Tess?” He finally asked, trying to find a good way for them to leave when only one or two other couples had left.

  She blinked up at him, but only took a moment to catch on. “Oh, yes, Sir.” She blanched. “Uh, Lock. I really should have worn a hat or something.”


  Irving gave her a strange look, but seemed to blow it off.

  Lock only realized he was holding his breath when the other man took his leave and walked away.

  They made the rounds, letting people know they were going and thanking them for such a good time. Lock even managed to say it without rolling his eyes.

  As they pulled away from the parking lot, Tess exhaled sharply.

  “Happy to be leaving?”

  She frowned at him. “Why does this feel like an out of the frying pan, into the fire scenario?”

  “Because you’re a smart girl?”

  Tess fiddled with the strap of her purse, avoiding his gaze. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Whatever I like. You’ve been fantasizing about dubcon games, and I’ve been fantasizing about defiling you, so it sounds like a good place to start.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She shivered and started to slide her hand up her skirt.

  “No more of that until I tell you that you’re allowed to. I want you horny.” He took the onramp and circled past the golf club. “Now. Tell me what they were badgering you about. You looked like you were going to faint.”

  Tess groaned. “Oh, Sir. You have no idea what kind of serious, unrequited crushes the women have on you. They wanted details about our relationship but were so jealous that I thought they’d claw my eyes out.”

  “What? Most of them are married and none of them are ever flirty with me. Well, not before today anyway. I did see a few of them making eyes at me when you were talking to them.” It was so weird thinking any woman could lust after him. If they got to know him, and found out what a nerd he was, they’d change their tune.

  She shrugged. “I’m pretty sure I made it worse. But before I tell you what happened, you have to remember it was an accident, okay?”

  “You were supposed to make me look boring and normal, remember?”

  “I know, I know. But they said they knew there was no way in hell a man like you was going to wait until marriage, no matter how old fashioned the Stanleys are.”

  “And you told them they were mistaken, of course? That you were sweet and innocent and I was a gentleman?”

  She grimaced. “I tried. I really did. They didn’t believe me and just kept speculating. I had to stop them from getting too crazy.”

  Shit. “And so?”

  “I told them you were a perfect gentleman most of the time, but that you did get bossy about some things.” Her face turned a bright pink. “I didn’t mean it like that, but they jumped on it and money started changing hands, like there’d been a bet. They started talking about you being kinky and how you probably liked to use blindfolds and rope and stuff. Then they started talking weddings and babies and asking what our plans were. I needed a safeword for that whole conversation. I considered faking sick and bolting for the bathroom, but it would have looked even more suspicious.” She covered her face with her hands.

  Helplessly, he chuckled. She seemed so distraught. It was too late now. All those women had were rumors they’d made up themselves, which Tess hadn’t confirmed. In all, he had to call it a win. So many things could have gone wrong and here there were walking away, free and clear. After that much worrying, having gotten past this outing made him feel almost high.

  “I’m so sorry. I doubt they’ll say anything to the Stanleys though. They seem to think they’re boring and annoying – like this was the bad girls club and they were letting me in for the day. I don’t think I’m bad enough for them to keep, though. They were talking about Brazilian waxes and using sex as a reward to get their husbands to do renos.” She shrugged. “I didn’t have anything interesting to add to that.”

  No serious damage to his reputation had occurred. Elodie would have given them the gory details. At least Tess only hinted that he was a bit alpha in bed. Acceptable.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t have a drink after all that.”

  “I would have, Sir, but I didn’t want to give you a reason not to play with me.”

  So much sweetness. He put his hand on her leg, and she sighed happily.

  “That was good thinking.” He smiled indulgently. “I’m going to take you back to the river, then you’re going to try to get away from me. I’m going to catch you and do horrible things.”

  She blinked at him a few times, as though she was trying to process what he’d said.

  “Do you like that idea?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured, looking at her hands where they lay twisted in her lap.

  “Do you have abuse triggers you haven’t told me about? I don’t mean to pry, but this might freak you out, even if nothing bad has ever happened to you.” One of his former subs had had a love/hate relationship with dubcon play. She’d beg for it, then would break down when things started getting intense. He didn’t want to break Tess.

  “I don’t think I have any triggers – I was never sexually assaulted or physically abused or an
ything. I know I have some self-esteem issues, but I don’t think that’ll mean anything,” she mumbled, “As long as you don’t tell me I’m ugly or useless.”

  “That’s so far from the truth I don’t think I could say the words, even if it was one of my kinks. No one should ever talk to you like that, Tess.”

  She gave a one-shouldered shrug that broke his heart. He knew her family had no use for her, but didn’t understand why. She was such a sweet little thing.

  Lock took her hand.

  “It’s ancient history, Sir. I’ve worked through most of that crap, other than some of the self-esteem stuff.”

  “Maybe they don’t see you for who you are, but Elodie and I do. You’re a beautiful, kind, intelligent woman. Whatever they’ve said to the contrary isn’t true.”

  “Maybe.” She smiled at him shyly, her cheeks pink.

  They rode in silence for a while. Lock was still torn about doing this after having opened the kettle of fish about Tess’s family, plus Elodie not being present made him nervous. She wanted him to play with Tess alone, but he hoped like hell she wouldn’t freak out after the fact. And the idea of playing such a rough game with Tess was worrying him too, but also turning him on in a bad way.

  He pulled into the parking area and Tess swore.

  “It’s not too late to back out. You still have options. Vanilla – a blowjob in the car, me fucking you on the hood. We could just go home.”

  She shook her head.

  “Get the condoms and buttplug and lube out of your bag.”

  Looking determined, she rummaged through her bag and pulled the items out, piling them on the dash. Both of them were breathing hard even though the chase hadn’t happened yet.

  Lock parked, then put the supplies in his cargo pants. He grabbed a small coil of rope from the trunk then helped Tess get out of the car.

  “You can safeword even if you’re scared. I won’t be upset.”

  “I know,” Tess whispered. She smoothed her skirt with jerky movements, and he was pleased to see how hard her nipples were poking at her t-shirt.

  He led her down the path and he tried not to be amused at the idea that he was literally leading her down the garden path. Unprompted, Tess’s small hand slid into his palm, and they walked along like any other loving couple out for a stroll on a lovely Saturday afternoon.


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