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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 31

by Sorcha Black

  “Hmm, I find your ass pretty fascinating, myself.” She grabbed it with both hands and pulled Tess close.

  “You should have gotten pregnant right after me.” Tess sighed. “We could have held him off indefinitely if we took turns.”

  Elodie barked a laugh. “I’m sure it’ll be my turn soon enough. He’s been wanting this a long time, though. I’d rather get it over with instead of stalling and worrying indefinitely.”

  The water cascaded over their intertwined bodies, and Elodie focused on the heat to help her relax. Her stomach kept fluttering when she thought about what he might have in store for them.

  “See? That’s another difference between you and me. I’d rather stall and worry indefinitely than do this. What if it’s awful?”

  They’d delayed this long enough. Elodie shut off the water. “What happened to the girl that wanted to be defiled in every possible way? You’re braver than this.” Elodie kissed Tess until she started rubbing against her, trying to coax her into making her come.

  “Not now, Souris. If I give you an orgasm before Lock has his fun, you know there’ll be hell to pay.” She swatted her bottom, which only turned their kisses more heated.

  “The water is off.” The deep-voiced accusation made them jump apart. “What are you two doing?” Lock had been watching. His arms were folded. Damn he was hot when he was irritated.

  “Um...Tess lost a contact?”

  “Where? In your mouth?” He snorted. “She doesn’t even wear contacts, bratty Minou.”

  She tried to dazzle him with her most winning smile, but he remained unmoved. He grabbed her by the hair and marched her to the vanity, as Tess trailed along behind.

  “It was my fault, Sir. I was trying to convince her to get me off.” Tess was at his elbow, and in the mirror, Elodie could see her gazing up at him imploringly. “She told me no and tried to get me out of the shower, but I was being difficult.”

  “Thank you for your honesty, Mouse, but no matter what happens with you two, I know that Elodie is never innocent. Besides, when I punish her, you feel it more than she does – worse if you’re feeling guilty.”

  Tess looked horrified, which made Elodie want to save her.

  How did he not cave to her like Elodie did? She was such a sweet little pet. He was so strict with her.

  Lock bent Elodie over the counter and spanked her anyway, more playful than punishing. It stung because she was damp, but didn’t make her teeth rattle. No sane man could expect her to keep her hands off of Tess when they were naked in the shower together.

  “Sir, are you going to—” Tess faltered, apparently too shy to ask what she was wondering.

  He raised his brows and shook his head at Elodie when she would have clarified on her behalf.

  “What are you asking? Use your words.”

  Tess twisted her fingers together and her gaze wandered to the ceiling. “I just wanted to know if you were going to do put your...” She was blushing so hard she could have been used as a stop light.

  Merde, she was cute.

  “Go on. Ask.”

  Her eyes grew round. “Sir, are you going to...sodomize us?”

  A laugh burbled out of Elodie, and Lock clamped his mouth shut, his eyes dancing.

  “What?” Tess frowned and looked offended. “It’s a valid question.”

  “It’s just a very clinical word.” Lock tried to look serious, but his mouth kept twitching at the corners.

  “And legal. And biblical.” Elodie smirked. “Just not very sexy.”

  “How is – that – sexy?” Tess covered her bum with both hands.

  “It is. You can take my word on that.” He let go of Elodie like he’d forgotten he still had her bent over the counter. “And yes, I’m going to fuck both of your asses tonight. I’ve been a very, very patient man.”

  “But...but...I pushed a baby out of my body for you. Doesn’t that give me an exemption?”

  Ugh, apparently Tess was willing to sell her down the river to save her own ass. Literally.

  “No.” He towered over her, menacing her with his body. “Your body belongs to me. And if I tell you I’m fucking your ass, your answer is ‘yes, Sir.’ No backtalk.”

  “I read an article that said Doms should have to submit to things before they do them to their subs.” Tess was staring up at him, quivering.

  “What I do and what I don’t do as a Dom is none of your business, sassy girl. Some Doms are much stricter than I am and beat their subs severely every time they dare to question them. Should I do that, too?”

  “No, Sir? I didn’t mean to sound like I was challenging you. I was just asking.”

  He raised a brow. “I didn’t mean to cane you. My hand slipped. Repeatedly.”

  Tess bit her lip. “Point taken.”

  They filed downstairs. Tess sulked the whole way, which was adorable and hilarious and took Elodie’s mind partially off of how nervous she was. He said the plugs were more than enough prep, and that most girls didn’t get such careful treatment, but he was still bigger than the plug, and much...bumpier.

  There were candles laid out everywhere in the dungeon, and Lock moved around the room, lighting them.

  “We’re in for a romantic ass fucking?” Elodie couldn’t help it. When she was nervous, she made jokes.

  “We’ll see how things play out.” He took a length of fabric off the dresser and wrapped it around Tess until she was wearing a pretty toga that would come off even more easily than it went on. There was another, and he put it on Elodie, slowly, with a lot of unnecessary nipple torture.

  By the time he was satisfied with her outfit, she was ready to jump him.

  “There.” He stripped off his shirt and grinned at them. Fuck, his growing collection of tattoos was making him progressively hotter. How was that fair?

  “What? What are we supposed to be?” Tess looked down at her toga and frowned.

  “Why, you two are princesses, of course, and I’m your guard.”

  Elodie snickered. “Guards don’t wear shirts in this kingdom?”

  “I could put it back on.”

  “No!” she and Tess objected in unison.

  “Are we supposed to be sisters or twins or something? It’s really not my kink.” Tess grimaced.

  “Well you’re not actually sisters, so does it really matter?”

  “Maybe Elodie is the princess and I’m her handmaiden. I can be nobility too, if you’d prefer.”

  “Fine, fine.”

  A fit of giggles caught Elodie. It was so Lock and Tess to get into a debate about story and plot for a scene. Meanwhile Elodie never lost track of the fact that the point was to fuck, not to quibble about minutiae. The funniest part was sex role-play had started out being Elodie’s kink, and now the two of them were just as into it.

  “So what’s happening?”

  “A rival king is attacking your castle. You’re all alone in the world. The king’s been beheaded—”

  “I really don’t think we’d be in the mood to have sex with a guard if her father was just murdered.”

  “Shh. This is dubcon. You agreed to do what I want in exchange for me getting you to safety. You’re at your cousin’s keep, so now you need to pay up.”

  Elodie was getting tired of set-up. Things, for them, could draw on all night if she didn’t spur them on. Blah, blah, blah – let’s get to the fucking. “Well, we’re safe now. Our cousin is apparently rich, so he can pay you off, instead of whatever nefarious plans you had for us two innocent virgin types.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and tried to glide out the door, but Lock was on her in an instant.

  He grabbed her arm and spun her around, then marched her back to the middle of the room. “Stay,” he growled.

  “We’re extremely grateful to you, Sir, but we’re under orders not to let anyone have us until we’re married. We’d gladly repay you in other ways,” Tess offered coyly.

  “Do you know how to pleasure a man with your mouth?”
/>   “No, Sir. But if you let the princess help me, I’m sure we could learn together.”

  Lock looked at Elodie, but she shook her head in mock dismay. “But I couldn’t! Princesses don’t do that sort of thing. That’s got to be my handmaiden’s responsibility. I saw a man’s thing before. It was ugly and still gives me nightmares.” She sniffed primly. “Besides, my friend told me they spit on you, if you get too close.”

  Tess went into silent laugh mode, eyes tearing, shoulders shaking. Lock grabbed Elodie’s hair and forced her to her knees.

  “If it spits on you, that’s your own fault. Keep it in your mouth and it doesn’t make a mess.” He growled.

  Elodie tried to push away as he untied his belt and undid his jeans, but he held her where he wanted her.

  “Now suck my dick, you prissy little bitch. We made a deal. You’re lucky I’m not insisting on fucking your pussy instead of your mouth.” He popped her mouth open, using the traitorous point on her chin then shoved his cock in partway.

  El made sure to graze him with her teeth, both to keep the experience authentic for him, and to remind him who was really in charge.

  He hissed and grabbed her roughly by the hair. “Suck like it’ll save your life.”

  Hell yeah. Lock knew how to talk to a girl.

  Tess moved in beside her and the two of them sucked and licked, one of Lock’s hands in each of their hair. He kept swaying, as though he was going to topple over. Silly man. He should have sat down first.

  Playfully, they started mouth wrestling over who was going to get the tip of his cock, then got distracted by kissing each other. Elodie could feel him watching them, and wondered what he’d do about it. Sometimes he ordered them to play together while he watched, so there was a chance he’d sit back and enjoy the show.

  “Typical,” he spat after he’d let them make out for quite a while. By the time he interrupted, she and Tess were rolling around on the floor, the kissing hot and heavy, their thighs pressed between each other’s legs.

  Elodie groaned inwardly – if he was stopping them now, it meant her imminent orgasm would have to wait.

  “Being nobility doesn’t mean you can get out of paying your debts. Since you’ve decided not to pay me in the way we originally agreed on, or in the way we compromised on, that means we’ll do things my way.” He grabbed Elodie and dragged her to the cabinet, then fished out rope. She fought and complained as he wrestled her to the floor and hogtied her, then threw her on the bed. When he turned to get Tess, she was gone.

  “Fuck!” He bolted from the room.

  Sneaky little mouse. Elodie laughed until her sides hurt, trying to wriggle free of the ropes and knowing Lock wouldn’t go far with her tied, unless she could get out with relative ease.

  She’d just gotten a hand free as he came back in dragging a panting, naked, and sweaty Tess behind him.

  “No, no! You can’t!” Tess was trying to kick him, but he ignored it.

  “We could have done things the nice way, but now you’ve chosen the hard way.”

  Ugh. That reasonable but paternalistic tone made her so hot. She wriggled on her belly, trying to use her free hand to untie her other hand. Should she try to run away on her own, or get Tess free too?

  She got the rest of the rope off just as Lock finished tying up Tess. Elodie scrambled back just as he threw Tess down beside her, and bolted for the door. He caught her by the toga just as she tried to wrench the door open. The makeshift garment fell to the floor, but not before he caught her arm.

  “Non! Lâche-moi!” Elodie pounded on his chest, but he acted like she was no more difficult to control than a small child having a tantrum.

  “I’m not going to let you go.” His gaze caught hers and she was helpless to look away. “I was going to have your little friend first, since she was rude enough to run away. But now she’s tied and you’re not, so you’re first. Lucky girl.”

  “Non! What are you going to do to me?” She thought she might have a chance to escape again while he got the lube and other things out, but he had everything close at hand, tucked under one of the pillows on the bed. Sneaky Dom. He threw her on her back. She turned over and tried to scramble away, but he caught her ankles and dragged her back to the edge of the bed, then pinned her there with a big hand on her lower back.

  “I was going to fuck your ass while you were face up, but I guess you want it this way instead. The problem is I won’t be able to see you cry while I force my cock, inch by inch, into your poor little asshole.”

  Oh fuck. Leave it to Lock to make something debauched even dirtier. Damn, he made her horny.

  “In my bottom? can’t do that!”

  “Of course I can.” His chuckle was nasty.

  “It would never fit. Please just let us please you with our mouths. I promise we’ll be good.”

  Tess was whimpering, the sound making Elodie want to do terrible things to her.

  “You’re out of chances.” He crossed her legs and flipped her onto her back again. “The only question now is how much this is going to hurt. If you cooperate, I’ll try to make it painless. If you fight, I won’t bother greasing myself up first.”

  She stilled, knowing he’d never do that to her the first time, but not wanting to give him a reason to make this less pleasant. “I’ll be a good girl. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Lock leaned down and kissed her mouth. She had the urge to fight it, but lay docile and let him. He bit his way down her body, making her squeak and squirm even though she loved it. Her legs spread of their own accord, and he dragged her right to the edge before going down on her. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and flicked his tongue over her clit for ages, so lightly that she screamed in frustration. His gentle kisses brought her to the edge and kept her there as he worked a well-lubed finger into her ass, then a second. It wasn’t terribly dignified, but it also felt good and she was so close to coming, she didn’t care.

  She turned her head, looking for Tess, and found her close, watching, aroused. Tess wriggled nearer and kissed her while Lock left the room, probably to wash his hands. He returned and untied Tess.

  “You should play with her while I do this. You can help me make this good.”

  It wouldn’t take much. Elodie squirmed, wishing they’d stop chatting and get her off already.

  “But I don’t know what you mean, Sir.” Tess blinked at them in well-acted innocence. “What should we play? Shall I fetch our chess set?”

  Elodie squirmed, wishing Lock would get impatient and just fuck her pussy. Was it too late to get out of this?

  He rolled on a condom that seemed to magically appear, and moved between her legs. For a moment he watched her, and she thought he’d cave to the pleading puppy dog eyes she was giving him.

  “You’re okay, Minou. I’ll take care of you. And Mouse, your chess set can stay where it is. This is a much better game.” He pushed his hips between El’s thighs. “Can you make her come, sweetheart? Kiss her and touch her while I do something she doesn’t like. We’ll see what happens.”

  Tess chewed on her thumb. “But why would you do something she doesn’t like?”

  A slow, evil smile spread across Lock’s face. “Because I love it, and she’s mine. You’re next, so you’d better make sure she owes you.”

  Their Souris gulped and the role-play fell away from her, too. “We’re going to be okay,” she whispered in Elodie’s ear. “He knows what he’s doing.” It was like she was trying to convince herself, more than anything.

  “You might even like it.”

  They both stared at him silently, and he smiled wryly.

  “Seriously. Some women like this.” When neither of them responded, he grimaced. “You’ll have to see for yourselves. The plugs aren’t so bad now, right? Kind of hot?”

  Stubbornly, Elodie glared at him. The plugs made her crazy horny, but like she’d ever admit that.

  “Tell me if I need to slow down, okay?” He kissed her again, and she clung
to him for a minute, trying to slow down the racing of her heart.

  “Yes, Sir.” Was she yelling? She could barely hear him over the pounding in her ears. He’d used so much lube, maybe he could even go in sideways, right?

  He pressed the tip of his cock to her ass. This was familiar enough. He’d been hazing them for this for ages. He was only a bit bigger. She knew how taking a slightly larger plug felt. This had to be similar. This was a lot more intimate than him using a plug, though. He started to push inward, using short strokes, pulling out and relubing, pushing in again, listening to her body. At first she screwed her eyes shut, feeling all of it, unable to bear looking at him. It was uncomfortable. It was humiliating. Aside from her fear, she could feel her skin prickle hotly. Tess’s hands moved over her skin, and she blushed harder. Maybe doing this in front of Tess was a mistake. Knowing she was watching made it worse.

  “Shhh. Hey.” Lock laid his hand on the side of her face and stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. “Look at me, my Minou.”

  She met his pale blue gaze, not caring that she probably looked miserable.

  “You’re such a good girl for me.” He kissed her, and coaxed his way further into her ass. The sensation made her gasp, and she tried not to clamp down. “Fuck, you feel so good. I can’t believe you’re finally letting me do this.”

  She tried to hide her face in his hand, but he turned her chin back so he could look at her. His eyelids fluttered a few times, and he looked like he was in complete bliss. For her it was uncomfortable. But although it made her feel completely used, she felt even more completely his. When he stopped, breathing hard, his effort to stay in control came as grunts rumbling in her ear.

  “I’m not going to last long.” He groaned, staying very still.

  Elodie tried to respond, but only gasped. He could be done anytime and she’d be fine with that. Tess stretched out beside her and nuzzled into her neck, her small hand slipping down between El and Lock. Elodie whined, not wanting any more stimulation, but too nervous to move. The girl’s mouth latched onto her neck, just as her fingers found Elodie’s clit. With two fingers, she stroked it, making it impossible for Elodie to stay still. She sobbed, the heaviness in her clit, along with the emptiness of her pussy and fullness of her ass completely messing with her mind. She tried to back away – to get her body away from them both, but they wouldn’t let her go.


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