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Hidden Instinct

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  Beryl smacked him. “Be quiet, you perv.”

  Yanith nodded and could see that Yadeel was in good hands. They were going to make sure that Yadeel got what she needed, even if Toryl had to pay the price.

  Chapter Seven

  Yadeel pinned her hair up, locking it in place with jewelled spikes. The rich red dress that her mother had provided was lovely and slightly scandalous, considering the deep cleavage.

  She looked at her strappy sandals, the long, folded veil sitting on the bed in traditional orange, and had to admit that she was going to look striking.

  A knock on her door brought her out of her focus as she double-checked her makeup. Right. She was ready to be stood up in front of the entire city.

  Yadeel wrapped her veil around her shoulders twice, and it nearly hid her breasts and shoulders, but they were still silhouetted under the nearly metallic orange.

  She stepped into the hallway and walked to the skimmer launch where her in-laws were waiting for her.

  Beryl turned, and she murmured, “Whoa.”

  Toyo looked and stared. “My son is an idiot if he doesn’t move the world to be there tonight.”

  She smiled. “So, not hideous? Good. My mom was cackling when she handed this dress over.”

  Toyo took her hand and helped get her settled in the skimmer. Beryl grinned. “That is his way of saying not hideous. You are stunning for a home-born alien.”

  Yadeel chuckled, and they were off to the fire festival.

  * * * *

  Toryl was getting dressed at the base, and one of his teammates asked, “So, your mate looks Terran?”

  Toryl wrapped the white sash around his waist. “Yeah.”

  “And she has brown hair?”

  He stepped into the soft boots and tied the laces. “Yes.”

  “Green eyes?”

  Toryl hissed. “Yes. What of it?”

  The guy grinned. “Does she dance like a Nyal in heat? Because if this is her, she has drawn quite the audience.”

  Toryl looked at the tablet, and Yadeel was dancing gracefully and seductively in front of the crowd.

  “I am going to kill my parents.” He muttered and ran for the door.

  “I thought we were going together!” There was laughter in the comment.

  Toryl gained altitude and flew toward the festival at full burn.

  * * * *

  The music paused for a moment, and Yadeel tried to leave the stage... again. Hands grabbed for her, and other hands kept her from the steps. She was backing toward the centre of the stage when there was a thud behind her.

  She turned slowly, and Toryl was there, kneeling on one knee with mist rising from him in slow curls.

  He stood and looked at her. She walked toward him, and the music started again. The shivering that started in her soul came out as he reached for her, and they kissed.

  The crowd cheered, and he slowly lowered her to the stage as he started to move with her to the rhythm.

  She blinked. “You really want to do this?”

  “I promised you a dance. So, we are going to have one.” He smiled, and the slow promise guaranteed that there would only be the one.

  She walked around with him, her hand sliding down his bare chest to his waist and around with tickling fingers. As the music built in tempo, she began to whirl, he reached to catch her, and each time he did, she let him hold her for a moment before she spun away. Her veil tangled around them, and when the music built to a climax, he pulled on the veil, it held her against his body, and he flew off with her in his arms.

  * * * *

  Beryl and Toyo were cheering and screaming with the rest of the crowd while the couple flew off.

  Beryl looked toward the reporter that had been talking to them. The woman was lovely and elegant and had been Toryl’s lover.

  “Yes, Althan, that is his mate. Apparently, all previous women have been practice for him. He seems to have found the right one now.”

  The reporter’s face fell. She had goaded Yadeel up to the stage, expecting her to fail. Beryl had watched the scheming on her features, and she had nearly laughed as her expression fell when Yadeel had moves that she had not expected.

  Althan had never taken the fact that she was not Toryl’s choice for a mate well. Hopefully, she would take it as a learning opportunity.

  * * * *

  Yadeel held tight to him as he took them above the city and toward the guardian base. She spoke as clearly as she could. “Why are we going there?”

  “We aren’t. We are going to a nearby island where privacy and supplies have been set up by my parents.”

  “That doesn’t sound odd at all after the week I have had.” She pressed a kiss to his jaw.

  “You don’t smell like me anymore.” He grumbled.

  “You had to leave before things were finalized, so I had a problem to deal with. It meant resetting me back to where I was before you nipped me.”

  He chuckled. “It was a bite.”

  “It was a graze. You couldn’t have mated with a flower petal with contact like that.” Perhaps taunting a man that she was strapped to wasn’t the wisest, but she trusted him.

  “You do realize the first thing that I am going to do when we land is rectify that error.”

  She licked his jaw. “I certainly hope so.”

  He grinned. “You are incorrigible.”

  “I am in heat. There is only so much foreplay that I am interested in, so I thought we would start it en route.”

  His arms nearly crushed her. “You are what?”

  “In heat. Biologically receptive. Increased chance of getting pregnant. I am sure you can figure it out.” She chuckled. “We could always wait it out.”

  He landed with a thud and tugged at the veil; it unravelled around them and slithered to the ground. “I want to take advantage of the opportunity.”


  He laughed and lifted her in his arms, walking toward the house. “I think we passed on romance. I do promise to make it up to you every day after today.”

  They crossed the threshold, and she ran her hands over him, sliding them over his chest and the ridges of his abdomen. He chuckled. “You have gotten ahead of me.”

  “While you have been working like a madman, I have been fantasizing about having you in my grasp again.” She slid her hand over his erection under the fabric.

  “You have never had that in your grasp before. I would have remembered it.” His voice came out slightly strangled.

  She looked around. “Nice place.”

  He cupped the sides of her neck, and his thumbs stroked her jaw. “Shut up.”

  She smiled as he kissed her, and the laughter was soon overwhelmed when the simmering heat in her body finally had a focus.

  She fought the sash at his waist, and he unravelled it with a few tugs. The drawstring of his festival clothing released, and she soon had the hot bar of his cock between her fingers. She stroked her fingers up and down, learning the length and width of him.

  He murmured, “I have to take my boots off.”

  “Loosen my shoes while you are down there.”

  He laughed and knelt to remove his boots. He did as she asked, and he unlaced her sandals. He slid his hands up the back of her legs. “Who knew you were so demanding?”

  She chuckled. “Oh, the things you are about to find out.”

  He eased her legs apart, and he muttered. “I was about to say the same.”

  He licked his way up her inner thigh until he had parted her slick folds with his tongue. She braced her hands on his shoulders, but as he licked at her, she buckled and moaned. Her body pulsed around his tongue, and his hands cupping her ass under her dress were all that kept her upright.

  Yadeel moaned as he continued to lap at her. A sharp tug to his hair got him to raise his head. His eyes were slightly glazed, and she wasn’t going to get him to bed, so she knelt over him and rubbed her
slick folds against his erection.

  She pressed her lips to his neck, licking and sucking at his skin. He groaned, and his throat flexed under her mouth.

  She leaned back and looked him in the eye. “Sorry, but if I bite you, it isn’t going to be neat if I can even make it through your hide.”

  He smiled. “I don’t care. I am delighted to wear your mark, but I think we will start simply.”

  He bit his lip and kissed her, biting her lip slightly, and as their blood mixed and mingled, she shuddered, and he swelled against her. The slow stroke of his tongue against hers made her head spin.

  Her blood seemed to have caught fire, and she pulled him against her, trying to fuse them together. She rose on her knees and tried to get him inside her, but while he slid against her, he didn’t enter her.

  Toryl broke from their kiss and pressed his forehead against hers. “Let me help. You aren’t ready.”

  He stroked his fingers against her opening and worked one inside before he was able to do the same with the second. His fingers slid inside her, and she moaned against his mouth.

  Their kiss resumed, and she rocked with the thrusting of his fingers until she moaned against his mouth, her body pulsing around his fingers.

  He moved quickly and eased her onto him, her body slowly yielding to the pressure from below while gravity held her in place. Small sounds emanated from her throat as he pressed into her, and when he was fully seated, she was panting. It seemed to have calmed him right down.

  Toryl used his lips to brush the strap of her dress off her shoulder, exposing her breast on that side. He did the same with the other.

  Once her breasts were exposed, he leaned her back and suckled hard at first one and then the other.

  Her body clenched violently around him, and he rose slightly so that he could thrust his hips against her. The movement inside her caused a slick tension around him, and his lips on her breasts were enough to send her into another spiral of pleasure.

  He thrust again, she screamed and shook around him.

  He lifted her against him and bit at the edge of her shoulder and neck. She felt him draw and swallow a moment before his cock jerked inside her, and he growled against her skin.

  Her chest was still heaving as she panted when he withdrew his bite and raised his head to look at her. “Are you all right?”

  She swallowed and nodded. “Yes.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  Yadeel thought about it as she ran her hands across his chest. “Honestly?”


  “More, please.” She ran her hands over him and down his belly.

  He muttered, “Thank the stars. Hang on.”

  She gripped his shoulders as he moved, and he walked up a flight of stairs while still inside her. Her body was frenzied by the time he dropped her to her back and came down on top of her, still inside her. The slow thrusts were delightful as he pinned her arms above her head, and their torsos rubbed together. He kissed her slowly, and she returned each wet slide of his tongue with one of her own. It would be some time before she was sated, but she had known that going in. The eventual fatigue was just part of the process.

  Chapter Eight

  It was less awkward to meet his parents after their five days of nearly constant sex than she had imagined it would be.

  Beryl and Toyo had picked her up when Toryl was called back to duty the day that his leave was over. He had taken leave of her sweetly and throughout the night, making sure that she was completely comfortable with the bright pearl of her skin and the newly pointed ears.

  Beryl kept glancing at her and smiling happily.

  Yadeel looked over at her and asked, “What?”

  “You look so pretty. I hope the grandkids end up with your colouring. It would be adorable.”

  Toyo murmured, “Beryl, can it.”

  Yadeel gave her a bland look. “I am pretty sure it didn’t take this time, but at least the bonding completed. Dr. Yanith will be delighted that I can stop visiting her, and she can get back to her normal client base full time.”

  “What is her normal client base?” Beryl asked.

  “She majored in obstetrics with a minor in endocrinology. So, lady issues all day long.”

  They were nearly to the city, and Yadeel brushed her hand down the basic dress that had been the only thing in the closet. Toryl had left wearing nothing but a grin. The uniform had been thrown down to him from the hovering shuttle.

  Beryl nodded. “We are going to need to get a few outfits for premieres and events that match your new colouration.”

  “I think I can manage a few pieces.”

  Beryl chuckled. “You don’t have to. If you want it, there is a job for you as an educator and recruiter for the pan-planetary guardian project.”

  “What now?”

  “You go to schools and talk to the children about the importance of getting training for their latent talents, and if you are inclined to use your instincts, you might identify a few.”

  “Oh, that kind of recruitment.”

  Toyo chuckled. “Or you could go through training now that your Terran Syndrome is no longer an issue.”

  “I could?” She frowned. “I am not too old?”

  Beryl groaned. “Yadeel, you are twenty-six. Many latent talents don’t emerge until they are nearly thirty. You have time.”

  They landed and walked into the med centre. “Well, I have always been a quick study, and I love learning.”

  Beryl grinned. “We have the applications with us.”

  They laughed on the way to the med centre and got into the lift after a short check-in at the front desk.

  Doctor Yanith was in her office when they arrived, and she looked Yadeel over. “Your family is going to be so excited.”

  “Excited is one word for it.” She chuckled. “So, let’s find out what the transformation did to me.”

  Yanith rubbed her hands together. “You are going to be in so many monographs.”

  They headed into the exam room; the regular medical staff was dismissed for privacy purposes.

  Yadeel laughed and got into position on the scanning bed.

  “So, what has the week brought to you?”

  Yanith chuckled. “Your mother is gearing up to take the dark continent school system to court. She has six peacekeepers there in prison as well as your old headmaster. She wants to burn them alive but will settle for them being sent to the mines or mind scrubbed.”

  “Do I have to do anything?”

  “Oh, no. This is a family project now. Every filthy secret that these guys have has been exposed, and the Sandersons are running with it.” Yanith was watching the monitors as the scanners went up and down in slow passes.

  “Wow, you have gone nearly completely physically Vimpyr with Admaryn ears and the Terran talent. Your brain is bright, and your senses have all tuned up.”

  “Any sign of flight signals?”

  Yanith shook her head, “No, but the part of your brain that works your sensor talent has doubled in output.”

  Yadeel sighed and waited for the scans to be over.

  “Your hormonal output is within standard ranges. If it spikes again, find your mate and take care of it. You missed your conception window by two days, so remember that for next time.”

  The scanner lifted, and Yadeel sat up. “Any idea if my cycle is sticking to any particular race?”

  “You look like you are stuck with Terran, so four weeks from now, make sure he is either with you or half a world away. It depends on what you want.”

  Yadeel looked over to Beryl and Toyo, who were studiously looking around with innocent expressions. “I am going to resume studies and take some training, so probably a delay is best.”

  Beryl winked and gave her a thumbs-up.

  Yanith nodded. “Right, well, you are a healthy mixed-breed W’lyn. I would like to see you once a week until we verify what your hormonal cy
cle is like, but the more information we can gather at this stage, the better chance to sort out future generations.”

  “So, I am doing it for any other possible mixed breeds in the same situation?”


  “You have really learned how to manipulate my family.”

  Yanith laughed. “I have learned from the best. Your tips early on were very helpful.”

  Yadeel hugged her. “Now, before we leave, is there anything you need me to find?”

  Yanith got excited. “Please. I have a list in my office.”

  Beryl frowned. “Yadeel, do you do this often?”

  “Sure. The doc has a lot of clients, and they tend to move things, and she doesn’t have time to find them, so I practice while looking for stuff.”

  They entered the office, and Yadeel looked at the list and wandered around the room while everyone else stood near the door. Yadeel gathered the items and set them in the centre of the desk. She pulled items out of the desk and knelt where the missing diagnostic pod was under it.

  “The rest of these are in the hospital. Shall I get them?”

  “Don’t bother. Can you write down the locations?”

  Yadeel recorded the locations, and Toyo asked, “Can you see through the floors?”

  “Sure. The items that I am looking for are very specific, so it is easy to narrow my focus. The vibrancy of the colour determines the location.”

  Toyo looked like he wanted to make notes. She looked at Yanith. “Anything else?”

  “Well, don’t tell your brother, but I lost one of the earrings he got me.” Yanith looked hopeful.

  Yadeel crept into the back of the office and plucked it from under the baseboard.

  “Here you go. If he ever gets you something larger, it will be easier to find.”

  She chuckled and sterilized the earring before hooking it into place. “One of my patients brought in her new baby, and it was grabbing at my hair. Don’t you dare mention this to your brother.”

  “I won’t. So, what am I getting for my birthday?”


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