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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

Page 4

by Kiki Burrelli

  He nibbled on his bottom lip. What did he have to lose? Before Finn could lose his nerve he typed out a quick response giving Christian his new phone number and saying that he was back and that he'd try to talk to the professors today. Almost immediately, his phone buzzed with an incoming text notification.

  Dude, you're back on campus? Where? I'll come meet you.

  Startled, Finn hesitated. Did he mean right now? He should respond later. Why? He wants to help you. He's your friend, right? He could have friends. He was good enough for friends. Finn shoved a large amount of bagel in his mouth and tapped out his reply, pressing send and smearing a little cream cheese on his phone.

  Fifteen minutes later, he spotted Christian ambling up the sidewalk. He smiled and looked really awake despite the early hour. His dirty blond hair was just long enough to bounce with each step and his cheeks were rosy. Had it been a long walk? Finn stood once Christian was close, but he wasn't sure what to do next. A hug? Would that be weird? A handshake? People shook hands. That was a normal, acceptable social gesture.

  He had his hand out, but Christian ignored it and pulled him into a hug. It lasted a little longer than Finn thought was socially acceptable and he held him kind of tightly. He never realized how strong Christian was. Still, Finn wasn't exactly the encyclopedia for what was socially acceptable and he wasn't about to do something to make it all weird like pull away too early.

  Christian released the hug but kept his hands on Finn's shoulders and stared as if scrutinizing him. Finn squirmed.

  "Are you okay, man? You don't have to talk about it, but if you want to…" Christian made it clear by his tone that it was entirely Finn's choice.

  Finn mumbled and cleared his throat. "Yeah, just going through some stuff. Maybe later we will get into it. Like…with beers." With beers? This is what he got for trying to sound like a guy's guy.

  If Christian noticed, he didn't let on. "Yeah, sure, absolutely."

  "What are you doing up so early?" Finn asked, desperate to fill the silence.

  Christian gave him an easy smile. "I was at the gym, the pool is empty this early. Just about the only time it is."

  Now that he mentioned it, Finn remembered that Christian had originally gotten into undergrad on a tennis scholarship. He didn't think that mattered once they'd gotten accepted into the graduate program but that obviously didn't mean Christian had stopped playing or staying fit. Which he was. His body was tall and lean, but a muscled sort of lean. Not like Luke who was as sturdy as a body-builder—without the weird random muscles and bulgy veins.

  Finn wasn't sure how to reply and thought he'd let too much time pass as he scrambled to think of one so he started nodding like he thought it was great that the pool was empty.

  "So you're going to try to get back in? That's great. The hardest coursework has far and above been psychopathology but really, you could write a series of papers to show your competency. Your biggest issue is going to be getting past Professor Paterson. As a teacher he is knowledgeable but since you left he's been appointed as psych department head. He's a bit of a stickler."

  Christian blushed as if he'd said something far worse about the man who Finn remembered as a top level dick. Finn smiled at the other man's slight embarrassment. So he wasn't the only one with words in his head that he didn't know how to say. Christian looked up then, his eyes on Finn's smile. He grinned and then reached his hand across the table, setting his warm palm on top of Finn's hand. The gesture was sweet and kind and nearly brought tears to Finn's eyes.

  "It is really good to be sitting across from you. The cohort was—you know, scratch that. I don't know why I keep saying that. I was worried about you. Me. I thought, you blew it buddy, that I'd lost my chance. And maybe I have but you need to know, you have a friend and aren't alone in…this. Any of it. I'll help you out every step of the way. Hell, I'll start asking a million questions during lectures to slow our progress way down." He smiled at his joke but Finn was still trying to blink back his tears. Christian's gaze wandered to a spot on the other side of the street. His smile dropped and his eyes widened with what looked like fear.

  "Do you know that guy?" he asked.

  Finn turned.

  The sight of Luke, glaring at them from across the street was like a punch to his gut and a tickle to his groin. How was he instantly so mad while also being turned on? Luke wore a tight black t-shirt and worn jeans that clung to his hips in a way that made Finn jealous of the denim. What gave him the right to look so angry and attractive?

  "Yeah, uh," Finn's mouth felt dry. He licked his lips, trying to be able to speak again. Luke lasered in on his mouth. If possible, he looked angrier. "He's my sister's friend. He's crashing at her house right now too."

  Luke's expression darkened further. Had he somehow heard Finn from across the street and then found fault in what he'd said? What did he expect Finn to say? He's the guy who just gave me two mind blowing orgasms and then left before I could wake up? A rush of fury controlled Finn's next movements. He deliberately turned away from Luke, bringing his full attention to Christian.

  "Don't worry, if we ignore him he might—" Before he finished Finn saw a shadow cast over their table. A long, domineering shadow.

  Christian smiled, half standing, his tone placating. Of course he would try to diffuse the situation. "Hey, I'm Christian. One of Finn's—" he began with a tiny tremble in his words.

  "I don't give a fuck who you are," Luke snarled.

  Finn got to his feet abruptly. His chair hit the front of Luke's body and when he stood and turned to face him he was so close he could've kissed him without leaning forward. "Don't be a dick. What the hell are you even doing here?"

  Luke leveled a domineering expression toward him. "Taking you home," he said, his words clipped.

  Like a child? Like some wandering pet? Not like the lover he abandoned. Finn wanted to punch him so badly his knuckles itched. "Fuck off."

  Chapter Five

  Luke was being an asshole. He knew it. But, after the talk he'd had with Daryl, he'd rushed home in a frenzy. The urge to see Finn and claim him all over again had been too strong. And then, he'd been gone. Panic had clawed at him and did not release his heart until Luke had tracked Finn's scent all the way across town to the sleepy cafe on the corner. His relief had been short lived when he saw that his Finn wasn't alone. Not by a long shot.

  Fueled by rumors and what-ifs, by the horror stories Daryl had seemed to have gotten perverse pleasure in relaying to Luke, he'd stalked over to his mate, ready to tear the challenger apart. Stories of mates who hadn't been claimed securely, stolen by someone stronger or better, stories of mates who hadn't been protected and had been killed, leaving the wolf to grow insane in their absence, all swirled in his mind.

  The most important thing Daryl had said was that the mating connection could be tenuous at first and that it really wasn't secure until one of the party had conceived.

  All of this combined was why, when that little shit had dared to put his hand on Luke's mate, he'd seen red. And then, to make it all worse, his Finn had turned away from him.

  He wasn't turned away from him now. Oh no, he was deliciously, cock throbbingly close. Luke had to fight his primal urge to bend Finn over where he stood to show that little prick across the table who Finn belonged to.

  But he doesn't belong to you. Not yet. One fuck did not a mating make. At least, not in Finn's head, obviously.

  And then, by shifter standards, he couldn't ever be Luke's. Though, Luke had already pretty much sent that notion straight to hell where it belonged. Finn was his mate. He just needed to convince Finn of that.

  He would. They'd have a long, reasonable discussion. At a later date. Right now, Luke just needed to get Finn out of this situation. Get him alone in a place where he could smell only him, feel him and be soothed by his nearness.

  "Come on, Finn. We're going."

  "Like hell," Finn spat.

  Why was his mate fighting him now of all times? Why
was it making him a thousand times hornier? Luke took a grounding breath. "Finn, I just need you to—"

  "He-he said he doesn't want to go with you," the other guy said.

  Luke sort of respected him. The guy sounded terrified but was still trying to protect Finn. Too bad Finn wasn't his to protect. "If I were you, I would shut the fuck up and walk away from this," Luke said putting enough growl behind it to ensure his meaning was clear.

  Finn stood straighter, like he was protecting the other guy. That just pissed Luke off while simultaneously turning him on more. He liked seeing this sort of fire in his mate. "I don't understand this new attitude of yours, but Christian is my friend and you don't get to talk to him like that." Finn turned from Luke again, but this time just his head rotated away. His body stayed in line with Luke's. Chest to chest. Hips to hips. "I'm sorry about this. I'll call you?"

  "Are you sure?" Christian asked, clearly unhappy that he was being dismissed.

  "Yeah." Finn turned from Christian to look at Luke directly in the eyes with a challenging stare. "I'll deal with this."

  Luke's wolf howled.

  Once Christian had taken his leave, Luke found that he could breathe a little deeper, his claws felt a little less likely to break through the skin at his fingertips.

  That was until Finn wheeled on him, shoving him back with enough strength that he almost stumbled. He did take a step back though, so his mate wouldn't feel like his efforts were fruitless.

  "I don't have any idea what your fucking problem is but you will never be that rude to him again. Do you hear me? He is like, my only fucking friend and I don't need some guy who came in my ass once to stomp around thinking he has some claim on me. I especially don't need you running around spouting your mouth off and scaring him away. Christian is going to help me get my life back on track and you will not mess this up for me. Get it?" He lurched forward so that they were literally nose to nose. "Get it?"

  Luke wanted to kiss Finn so badly his lips tingled, but he thought that might get him a knee in the crotch. So, instead, he just closed his eyes and inhaled his mate's angry, sexy scent. It helped in some ways and made other things worse.

  "Are you smelling me?"

  Luke opened his eyes. Finn stared at him with an expression that was intrigued and weirded out. You need to control yourself. He took a step away and nodded, no use denying it now. "Yes I am and yes I get it. Can we go back home now?"

  Finn cast his eyes around as if trying to find a reason why he couldn't. "I guess yeah, but I'm walking and I like to walk alone."

  Luke smiled. He almost managed to make it not look bitter. "It's the only way I walk."

  Pain, or maybe the recognition of pain flashed behind Finn's beautiful brown eyes. "I guess you could like, walk behind me or something. At a distance. Like, a few steps back."

  Luke bowed his head in agreement. All that meant was that he would have an unfettered view of Finn's ass the entire way back. He waved his arm to the side in a sweeping gesture. Finn grabbed his paper coffee cup and the rest of his bagel. He stopped short. "Do you want anything?" he asked in a mumble.

  Honestly, he was all coffee'd out. He shook his head.

  Finn slid the bagel in the paper parchment pouch it had come in and with coffee in hand and head held high, he led the way back home.


  Finn thought they'd been walking for around a mile and true to his word, Luke stayed a few steps behind. He'd spent the first half trying to catch Luke staring at his butt. He was sure the guy was, but every time he turned back, Luke's eyes were up, looking into Finn's with a challenge behind them.

  The new information from Christian was in his mind, but he kept getting distracted by Luke, specifically all the odd things that had happened concerning him.

  "How did you find me?" Finn asked, facing forward and in a tone that was quiet for polite conversation.

  "You mean at the cafe?" Luke answered as if it was perfectly normal that he'd heard Finn's question clearly.

  Finn filed that bit of new information away. "Yeah, I didn't say anything about it, not even to Frannie."

  "I got lucky?"

  "Are you asking me?"

  "No. I just don't want to lie and I'm trying to make this…there are a few things…and well, we should talk, but…hey, your house is the other way." Luke took a few long strides so that he walked beside Finn.

  "I know. I decided I needed to go to the library. Frannie's is just that way." Finn pointed, but when Luke stayed beside him, he stopped. "You don't have to come with me. It will be really boring."

  "The library is pretty far though."

  "I know how to get back to Frannie's from the library."

  "I like being around you," Luke said and his words sounded so honest that even Finn could find no doubt in them. "Besides, I—uh—need to go to the library too. There is a book I wanted."

  Finn shuffled, not sure how to say what he needed to say, while knowing it needed to be said. Luke was older than him, by probably ten years or so and he seemed like the type of guy who had known who and what he was from the womb. And he made no apologies for it. Finn, on the other hand, couldn't stop saying sorry.

  "I apologize to tables when I run into them," Finn blurted.

  Luke laughed. It did amazing things to his already gorgeous face.

  "That wasn't supposed to be funny. I'm trying to warn you away. You know what you are. I don't. I'm still trying to figure out why I am, much less who. I know I am twenty-fucking-five and should have a better grasp on all of this. But—is this making any sense? I had an amazing time last night. That only fills me with more questions."

  Luke let his fingers brush Finn's softly, almost interlocking. Finn found it was hard to breathe. "I did too," Luke said, unashamed.

  A car passed and Finn jerked his hand back, shoving it in his pocket. "I wasn't lying, Luke, when I said that was my first time. I didn't know that I was, that I could want…I still don't know if I am—I mean, probably I am?" He felt flustered and was confusing himself.

  Luke didn't look flustered though. He looked calm and sure. "Do you have to put a label on it? Why can't you be Finn who enjoys having mind-blowing sex with Luke?"

  Finn blinked at him. "I have to go to the library."

  "Did I say the wrong thing?" Luke asked, keeping in step with him.

  "I don't even know if I'm that much. What if I'm only Finn who enjoyed that one night with Luke?" He expected Luke to stop then, once he thought he wasn't getting any more out of the situation.

  He didn't. His steps never even faltered. His responding words were even and confident. "That would be fine, for now. But I would eventually convince you otherwise."

  This time, Finn did doubt him. Not because there as a sudden lack of sincerity in his words, but because it didn't make a damn ounce of sense. He watched the street idly as it filled with more cars as the morning progressed. Maybe, Finn wondered, he was a really great lay? Funny, none of the girls he'd ever had sex with had seemed all that impressed. Of course, every single one of those times he'd been drunk or under some other chemical influence. He actually couldn't remember a single one of their names. Finn scowled. Did that make him a slut?

  "What are you thinking?" Luke asked, bringing him back to the present.

  Finn shook his head. No way was he going there. "If you're coming, let's go. The library is just about to open." He resumed his course, not sure if Luke was going to follow, but sort of hoping he would.

  A few hours later and Finn had a pile of books that he could reasonably hide behind. Good thing since Luke had a habit of just staring at him for long periods of time. Was this how he would convince him? By awkwarding his clothes off? He wished Frannie would hurry up and come home from her retreat. Finn had a thousand questions about how she had met Luke, how he ended up crashing at her house and what was up with his super powers.

  As if riding his background information train of thought, Luke leaned forward and whispered, "So, that guy at the cafe, he's a
buddy of yours, you said?"

  Finn narrowed his eyes at Luke, still pissed at how he'd acted towards Christian. "Yes. We were in the same group of students going through grad school at the same time. The same group I am trying to get back into, with Christian's help. I didn't realize we were friends until recently. He is a really great guy."

  Luke growled at that but there wasn't much menace in it. It almost sounded involuntary. Still, the librarian shot them a warning glance.

  Finn opened his mouth to relieve his worries but what would he say? You have nothing to worry about? I've been in the same classes with Christian for years and you were still my first? He didn't have the balls to say any of that and it seemed a little presumptive of him. He didn't know if Christian liked him like that. Finn just closed his mouth instead.

  "I wish you would say the words inside of you," Luke said.

  Finn's brow furrowed.

  "At least with me, anyway," he amended.

  Finn scooped his books up. Luke lunged forward like he wanted to take them from him but Finn stopped him with a warning glare. He could carry his own books, thank you. "I thought you said you needed a book?" Finn reminded him.

  "Yeah," Luke said and without looking he grabbed the nearest book from the closest shelf. "Here it is."

  Finn leaned forward to see the title and grinned. "How to Find Your Inner Goddess?"

  Luke glanced at the book in his hands and then gave Finn a smile that was all teeth. "She's in here somewhere."

  Finn's head fell back and his mouth opened as he laughed so hard and loud he couldn't control it. His body shook as he tried to quiet himself. It felt amazing. When he finally calmed enough to check his books out the librarian seemed relieved that they were leaving. It turned out, Luke didn't even have a library card, and he tried to put the book back on the shelf but Finn checked it out for him. After all, who was he to stand between Luke and his inner goddess?

  When they exited the library the sun had risen high into the sky and it had warmed considerably. By the time they'd reached Frannie's house, Finn was sweating under the pile of books. He opened the door, ostensibly ignoring Luke's attempt to help him. He stepped through the entry way and into the living room.


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