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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

Page 19

by Kiki Burrelli

  Christian took a step back. Derrick released his hold. "I needed to help a friend," he said quickly and quietly. "I didn't know at the time that this was where that choice would leave me, but it is what it is. This is what I have to deal with now. Yeah, it will suck having to start again, but at least I can feel good about myself, knowing I did the right thing." He turned and took them to the bus depot. "It will be like I'm giving myself an impromptu extended vacation. Get a bus ticket to someplace warm. I've got some money saved." He froze and looked over at Derrick. "Sorry, that was rude. Flaunting that in your face."

  His misconception had been amusing. Now it was just annoying. Thinking about Christian getting on a bus and leaving him was also doing things to him. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to him yet. An idea began to form.

  "I'm not homeless."

  Christian's face broke out into a beautiful, relieved smile. "That is great. I'm glad you have places you can crash."

  Derrick growled in frustration. "No. I mean, I have a home. A big one. And money, lots of money."

  Now Christian looked at him the same way Derrick looked at the old, crazy alligator hunters that lived in shacks deep in the bayou and rarely bathed. He shifted, uncomfortable. "So, I'm sorry again for stabbing you. Though, it seems to have completely healed, which isn't weird at all." He swayed back on his feet, saying goodbye in not so many words.

  Nope. Not happening. Derrick always got what he wanted and right now he wanted to spend more time with this too-friendly, scheming, confusing man.

  "I want to offer you a job."

  The other man had the nerve to laugh at him.

  Derrick clenched his jaw. "Why are you laughing?"

  Christian had to wipe real tears from his eyes. He was laughing so hard. "I'm sorry, really, this is so rude."

  "You're damn right it's rude!"

  Christian took a deep breath and looked as though he was purposefully trying to calm himself down. "I'm sorry. What is this job?"

  "You're a genius at getting people to do what you want, and I can be…a little rough around the edges—"

  "You don't say?"

  Derrick ignored the interruption. "I'm proposing that you come with me and help me in that regard. Advise me. Help me be more…likable."

  "What? I wouldn't…I don't think that's something—"

  "Look, you already said you don't have anywhere to go. I've been away from home for about a week, I think. And they are going to be mad when I do get back. You can just bust in in front of me, smile and throw your magic glitter around and then I'll pop in behind you."

  "My magic glitter?"

  "Or whatever it is that you use to make people like you."

  "Human decency?"

  "Whatever you want to call it."

  Christian pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth, worrying that small nip spot. Derrick's inner wolf perked up, noticing the man's every movement. His wolf wanted to sniff at the air, bump into him, get as much physical information as possible.

  "Besides, it is really beautiful and warmer, and there are tons of things for you to see." He was begging. He never begged. People just did what he asked, or they didn't, and he made them. But Christian wasn't looking convinced. The longer he went without doing as Derrick wanted, the more agitated Derrick's wolf became. "You hurt your hand," he said accusingly. "And really shouldn't be traveling alone. It is unsafe for you not to come with me."

  Thankfully, that seemed to convince him. "Fine. Okay. I'll advise you. But when I want to go, I go. Understood? I'll get the tickets. What's our destination?"

  The tickets? Bus tickets?

  "Why don't we fly? It is pretty far."

  "I can't afford two airplane tickets all the way to…where are we going?"

  "Louisiana. I'll buy them."

  Christian smiled. "Don't pull out your wallet," he said as if he didn't believe Derrick owned one. "I believe you have money and aren't homeless. But that doesn't mean you need to throw your money around. I'll get us two tickets for the bus. I love road trips."

  Derrick didn't object. Partly he was relieved that Christian had agreed to come with him, and partly because Christian had looked so damn excited at the prospect of driving across the country. He shouldn't be this content with the idea of sitting on a stuffy bus for days but he'd already been gone for a week. A few more days wasn't going to hurt anything.

  Chapter 4

  Christian stored his gym bag in the overhead compartment, dropping his school bag in the seat next to him. Derrick came up behind him, unceremoniously lifted the school bag, and plopped it on the floor of the bus, taking the now vacant seat.

  "Please, sit next to me," Christian said, sarcastically.

  Derrick grunted.

  "So, where in Louisiana are you from? Did you grow up there? Do you have any siblings? What about your parents? Are they both alive? Are they the only ones who will be mad at you?"

  Christian only stopped because Derrick had placed a single finger against his lips, silencing his next fifty questions.

  "It's a long, long drive. There will be time later to answer your questions."

  Christian settled back. He had taken the window seat in the very back of the bus. The bathrooms were in front of them, creating a barrier from their seats and the rest of the bus. Though, another rider could occupy the two seats on the left side, if they wanted to. But, the bus didn't look too full. Not yet. Christian assumed they'd be stopping a few times during the twenty-three thousand miles.

  Christian hoped there would be plenty of chances for him to get up and stretch his legs. If anything, he needed space to breathe air that wasn't suffused with the scents of the man sitting next to him. He'd felt a kernel of something in the pit of his stomach, beginning back in his apartment. Since then, that kernel had grown into an urging that was becoming harder and harder to ignore. Christian didn't quite understand it yet but had noticed that it was the most difficult to ignore the closer he got to the man sitting next to him. Now, he was meant to sit on a bus, right next to him, for days.

  You can do this, he assured himself. You've run marathons. He'd rather run a marathon all the way to Louisiana then try to pretend his sexy companion wasn't having an effect on him. The driver shut the doors and Christian opened his window. Soon, the town in which he'd spent most of his young life, whizzed by. He wasn't all that sad to say goodbye for a bit.

  There was one person that he needed to contact, though. He was surprised Finn hadn't called him. But then, maybe that was a sign. He hadn't been all that subtle. And if he was honest, Christian had known he had zero chance the moment he saw Finn's roommate staring at them from across the street at the coffee shop. The way he had looked at Finn, Christian shuddered. He wouldn't hate being looked at like that. Yeah right, buddy.

  Christian swallowed his embarrassment. There was nothing he could do about all that now. Still, there was no reason to cause Finn any undue stress. He rummaged for his cell phone, careful not to jostle his wrist too much and quickly found the number in his contacts.

  Hey man, I, uh, am not going to be around for a while. Don't worry or anything. I'll text ya when I get back into town. There. That should be enough so he wouldn't worry.

  "Who are you texting?" Derrick asked, his tone sharp.

  Christian pressed the button to darken the screen. "What? Why do you care?"

  "Because, you are…working for me!" Derrick said, somehow sitting nearly a head taller than him in the seat. He leaned over him, imposingly. "And you need to be thinking about helping me. Not, texting old boyfriends."

  Christian blushed. For some reason, this seemed to make Derrick angrier. "He isn't a boyfriend."

  "Yeah, well, turn your phone off. It should be for emergencies only."

  "I think I liked you better drunk in an alley."

  Derrick gaped at him. His mouth opened and closed just like a fish.

  Just then, the bus stopped. A large crowd climbed aboard. Christian's prayers were answered when a young couple
moved all the way down the aisle to take the last pair of seats at the back of the bus. The girl nodded their way. Christian smiled.

  Hours later and Christian knew everything he could about his new friends, Serena and Jack. They were both recent high school graduates and were wondering if a backpacking trip through Europe was too cliche of a thing to do. They were sweet and carefree and soon, their infectious spirit filled Christian.

  He leaned over Derrick's lap to grab the bottle of something that Serena had offered to share. Christian took one swig and determined the contents were not sugar-free lemon-lime soda, as the label professed. It burned on the way down and filled Christian down to the toes with warmth. His skin flushed and his cheeks burned. He took another swig and then passed it back over Derrick's lap to the two graduates who proceeded to finish it off and then giggle madly amongst themselves.

  What was in that bottle? Christian wondered. He had a little bit better of a tolerance to alcohol than he probably should have, so then why were two swigs making him feel hot all over?

  The bus driver made an announcement, but it sounded like static and white noise to Christian. He turned to Derrick who stared at him oddly. "What—what did he say?" Christian asked.

  "He said we are stopping at the next truck stop but that it will be the last stop for a few hours."

  "Ohhhh." The world felt never ending on his lips. He never wanted it to. He'd leaned into Derrick, and his scent was as intoxicating as whatever he'd taken a few sips of. Christian's dick hardened, stretching against the zipper at his pants.

  Had Derrick noticed? Christian followed his dark gaze down. Yes. Yes, he had.

  Christian was intensely aware of Derrick's body heat, of the hardness of his arm and leg against his, the way his arm hairs brushed against Christian's arms. He hadn't been this attracted to a man in, well, probably never. Christian enjoyed dating. He loved getting to know his new partners, particularly the things they enjoyed in bed, but it had always been friendly, polite.

  There was nothing polite about this consuming wave of lust. He nibbled his bottom lip again, but this time, the motion felt like a sensual invitation.

  "Are you feeling okay?" Derrick asked, grinning. "You seem flustered."

  "No," Christian snapped going back forth between lust and anger so often and so quickly that they started to feel like the same thing. "My wrist is throbbing. My legs are cramped, and I don't have any room to stretch out because you took the seat right next to me!"

  Derrick didn't respond, despite being the recipient of probably the rudest thing Christian had said in years. "Why are you smiling?" Christian couldn't help but ask. Derrick was still giving him that too sexy grin that made his cock twitch. At this rate, Christian would have to change his boxers at the truck stop.

  Derrick shrugged. "I like seeing this new side of you. Not sure what exactly brought it on, but I don't mind it. No one is as nice as you," Derrick said as if witnessing Christian's rudeness had won him some bet. Then, Derrick narrowed his eyes. He leaned over, accosting Christian with more of his delicious body heat as he inhaled. "And there is something else. Light, but appealing." His eyes darkened, and he angled his body towards Christian. "Really fucking appealing."

  Just then, the bus stopped, reminding Christian that they were not alone. Far, far from it. He stood and slipped past Derrick, bolting down the aisle and out the bus before anyone else could stand.

  The truck stop was one of those brightly lit sorts of places meant for the serious long distance traveler. Up ahead was the central building with a convenience store and diner. To the side were the bathrooms. Some, he noticed were coin operated and offered private stalls and showers. He rummaged in his pocket, having forgotten his wallet in his school bag back on the bus. Glad when his fingers brushed against a few quarters, his new plan was already forming. He'd rent a stall for long enough to jack off gently so as not to harm his wrist further and relieve this awful tension. Then, he would re-emerge hopefully feeling more like himself. He inserted the quarters into the slot and heard the door's lock click open.

  "I don't think you have time to shower." Derrick's voice was too deep and too close. Despite his statement, he moved forward, pressing against Christian's back, herding him forward into the private space.

  "What are you doing?" Christian asked, trying to sound offended even while a deep echo of longing pulsed through him.

  "You work for me now," Derrick said, the door closing ominously behind them. "I was making sure my brand new employee wasn't trying to give me the slip." As he spoke, his hands slid down to Christian's hips, keeping him in place against the front of his body. He pulled him back and Christian bit back a moan as Derrick's erection nudged his butt. "Besides, how was I supposed to let you out of my sight smelling like that?" His voice was husky and lust-filled.

  Christian wasn't exactly sure what that was meant to mean, but he also didn't care. He'd sought a secluded space to try to dampen his urges. Now, the cause of those urges was locked in a room with him. The urges had taken control.

  Christian spun around. Derrick's hands slid around his body so that they were still on his hips but with Christian facing forward. Christian lunged his face up in a kiss. He did not wait for Derrick to take the lead and claim his mouth. Christian was too turned on for any waiting. He licked at the other man's mouth, nearly moaning in pleasure at the taste and feel of him against his tongue. After a moment of stunned stillness, Derrick kissed back, spearing Christian's mouth. Christian sucked on the intruder, a sad mimic of what he wished he was sucking on.

  Christian ripped away from the kiss. Remembering they didn't have much time and being unable to stay away from Derrick's dick a moment longer, Christian dropped to his knees, ripping Derrick's pants down as he did.

  "Christian," Derrick barked out his name.

  He could barely hear him, as overcome as he was with the absolute need to have Derrick's hard cock inside of his mouth. The cock in question sprung out from its boxer prison, already dripping and ready for him. He opened his mouth and swallowed his cock until he felt it lodge against the back of his throat. A bit of the dripping fluid leaked down, and it was as if Christian could feel its healing effects. Already, he was less frantic about needing to suck cock and felt more like it was something he could just enjoy. He let his tongue lick against the hard shaft as he bobbed his head up and down. He had always been proud of his gag reflex, or lack of, and now was thankfully no different. He was able to slide down to the hilt and keep him there as he hummed his approval, one hand reaching up to cup his balls.

  "Holy shit, Christian, that's right baby. Suck that cock," Derrick urged him. "I knew you'd be great at this, fucking, fuck," he growled, and the sound ripped through the room.

  They didn't have time. Christian needed to feel Derrick climaxing. He doubled his efforts, hollowing out his cheeks as he sucked and licked. He clung to Derrick's hips and made a frenzy of slurping sounds.

  Christian could tell when Derrick was near because he suddenly gripped his face and began thrusting, fucking his cock so far down that Christian did finally gag and loved every moment of it. Derrick let out a yell and pulled Christian's face forward, clamping his mouth around his dick as he released his cum down his throat. Christian swallowed the fluid greedily, distracted for a moment at how truly delicious it tasted. Not delicious in a carnal way as it usually was, but that it truly tasted good. He hummed his approval as Derrick rode the last of his orgasms out.

  The transformation in Christian's temperament was extraordinary. He felt relaxed and content. His own cock was still hard, but with a belly full of seed it didn't seem to matter as much. When it was clear he was finished, and Christian had swallowed every last drop, Christian stood. Sliding Derrick's boxers and pants up as he went.

  Christian wiped his mouth clean and then smiled a relaxed smile. "We better get back on the bus."

  Chapter 5

  Derrick shifted position, reforming the sweater behind his head into something that resem
bled a pillow. Christian slumbered peacefully, leaned up against the window, his head rested against the cushion of his hood. Even asleep there was a half smile that played across his lips. Derrick wondered what Christian would do if he woke him up with a little kiss. Nothing serious, just a light brush. He leaned forward, ready to do just that before pulling back with a start.

  A light kiss? Derrick grunted and shifted his body away from Christian. He thought about moving to the now empty pair of seats on the other side of the bus. Serena and whatever his name had gotten off in Utah and since then no one had taken their spot. None of the passengers had even stepped past the bathrooms. It might have something to do with Derrick's less than sunny disposition. A few times, Christian had explored the front of the bus, but the moment Derrick tried to join him, whoever he had been talking to clammed up.

  He didn't like when Christian went ahead and out of his sight. He didn't like that he didn't like it. He also didn't like knowing he wouldn't occupy the empty seats next to them because he didn't want to stray even that far from the sleeping man next to him.

  What the fuck? He wasn't possessive. He used what he wanted when he wanted it. Was it because he had yet to explore the other man's body entirely? Maybe that was all he needed, a nice long fuck to get him and all of the territorial thoughts out of his head.

  Christian moaned and shifted. He smiled wider and then mumbled something that Derrick didn't catch. Derrick leaned in closer, needing to know if it was a name on Christian's lips. If it was a name, it had better be his. What if it was that Finn asshole? Derrick suppressed his growl. It wouldn't be.


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