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Mountain Daddy_The Single Dad's New Baby

Page 12

by Layla Valentine

  “We’d had high hopes that you would get this wild phase out of your system, but it seems that you have no intention of ever settling down. You know your brother has a career and a fiancée—and what do you have? Nothing to show for your life, save for a bachelor pad on the beach!” He shook his head as he walked back and forth in the room, and I felt the effects of my hangover grow stronger.

  “I can’t leave this kingdom in the hands of an out-of-control partier. We would be the laughing stock of Europe!” He paused and looked over at me as I fidgeted in my seat.

  “Give me the throne and I’ll make you proud. All this stuff, gone!” I shook the tabloid as I spoke, but my parents exchanged a glance.

  “We thought you might say that, but this is too important to just hand over on such a light promise. That is why your mother and I have come up with a plan. An ultimatum, if you will… We want you to find a wife.” He clasped his hands in front of him and looked at me with a smile. My mouth dropped and I quickly closed it again, doing my best to process what he had just said to me.

  “A wife? You can’t be serious! I know a lot of women, but you want me to pick one to marry?!” I scoffed and turned to my mother. “Is this a joke?”

  Normally, my mother would be happy to take my side in this kind of debate. She wanted me to be happy, and she was willing to stand up to my father to make that happen. However, I could see in her eyes this time that she was more inclined to take my father’s side in this matter—and I felt myself cringe once more.

  “Not only are we serious, but we’ve put a deadline on it—you need to have this bride by the time you turn 30, or we are going to pass the kingdom on to your brother.” She smiled, looking to my father for approval, and he gave a slight nod. Turning back to me, my mother slowly rose from her chair as well. She walked around the table and paused, giving me a light kiss on top of my head.

  “I know you can do this, and I hope you’ll make us proud,” she whispered into my thick hair. Without another word, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my father once again. I turned to him, ready to argue the point longer, but he held his hand up to stop me.

  “Antonio, I wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t been the one to force my hand. Your bother has chosen a very different path in life, and I know you can, too. I want to see you both settled down and happy, and right now, all I can see in your future is ruin. Find yourself a wife, make us proud, and live the life you were meant to live.” He spoke with finality in his tone, and I couldn’t take any more of the conversation.

  I rose and turned on my heel, walking out of the door in a huff of defiance and refusing to acknowledge any of the servants on my way out the door. I stormed back to the limo and got inside, but instead of heading home, I told the driver to take me to Lomazz, the capital.

  I rode in silence, ignoring the minor comments my driver made as we cruised along, and I once again ignored him when he opened the door for me as we arrived at our destination. He did his best to offer me a smile, but I pushed past, walking down the narrow path that led to the beach. I kicked off my shoes and walked along the shoreline, thinking about what my parents had said.

  The sand felt good on my bare feet, and the breeze was helping to ease my hangover and clear my mind. If they wanted me to find a wife, I would find a wife all right. I could think of dozens of women who would be thrilled to get a proposal from their favorite royal.

  All I had to do was pick one.

  Chapter 2


  I smiled and thanked the barista as he handed me my takeout coffee. I’d been in Italy for two weeks, and I had been greatly enjoying myself. As a wedding planner, I spent much of my time helping people prepare for the biggest day of their entire lives, and while I loved every second of it, every now and then it was good to get away from it all and have some time to myself.

  I had always been a free spirit—more of a loner than anything. My friends and family found this an ironic truth since I spent so much time helping others join together in such a permanent way, but I didn’t mind. I was Sasha Greening—world traveler, dream-maker, and the planning genie that made everyone’s wedding wishes come true.

  Whenever I saw a bride smiling on her wedding day, surrounded by her guests and loved ones, I knew that I had done a good job. Even now, as I was on vacation, I was spending much of my time on the phone or online, answering questions, planning, and pulling off last-minute details that few people remembered until it was too late. I was supposed to be on vacation, but I enjoyed my career too much to take more than a day off at a time.

  Yes, I guess you could say that I’m a workaholic.

  But, after spending the last two weeks of my life traveling all over Italy, I was ready to return home. This morning I found myself in Lomazz, the capital of beautiful San Peluzzi. This beachside city overlooked the Mediterranean Sea, and every time I feasted my eyes on the water I couldn’t help but sigh at the beauty of it all. I told myself should someone ever catch my eye and convince me to marry them, I wouldn’t mind coming back here to have my wedding.

  I sipped the rich Italian coffee as I walked through the streets. There were signs for the tourists everywhere, as well as many local advertisements that sent shivers of excitement down my spine. Sure, I was going to be in the airport by that evening and getting ready to catch a flight back to the States, but there was a part of me that enjoyed imagining what it would be like to live here—to be able to experience such things every night.

  I smiled at the locals as I passed them along the street, sometimes offering a greeting, but more often just giving a light nod of my head and moving on. It was approaching noon, and the market was alive with people grabbing soups and sandwiches and all kinds of other tasty treats. I had grown quite fond of Italian cuisine myself, and knew nothing was going to compare to it once I got back to the States.

  Wanting to enjoy my day but not wanting to waste it, I decided to head out to the beach and take a walk, reflecting on what I had experienced over the past couple weeks.

  I set foot on the beach and decided to kick off my shoes. I was proud of my designer pumps, and the last thing I wanted to do was get them ruined in the wet sand. I didn’t care if it was rich, Italian sand—ruined was ruined and though I did make decent money with my career, I didn’t have the kind of money to go throwing around on a new pair of designer heels on a whim.

  I held onto the straps of my pumps in one hand and my coffee in the other as I walked along the cool beach, feeling the soft massage of the sand on my toes with each step I took and letting the wind whip through my hair. It was a magical feeling and I thought I could get lost in it forever. A sudden light gust of wind from the side, however, caused me to drop one of my pumps in the wet sand.

  The water was rushing up on the shore, lapping over my feet before retreating into the depths of the ocean, so I cried out in dismay as I dropped my shoe. In a moment of panic, I could envision the water carrying away my beloved pump into the depths of the sea.

  Whirling around, I expected to see my shoe filling with the sludge and being engulfed into the beach. Nothing could have prepared me for what I did see.

  The most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on was standing directly behind me. He must have caught up with me without me hearing him, and I was thankful he had—he was pulling my soaking wet pump out of the water. He smiled a flashy set of perfect teeth that made my heart melt, and I felt my knees go weak.

  “Oh! Thank you so much, I was afraid I was going to lose that!” I said as I eagerly held out my hand to take my shoe.

  He gave a light chuckle as he extended it to me, and I felt my cheeks slightly flush as I took it. For the first time in my life, I was lost for words.

  I nervously ran my hand through my hair and smiled, trying to think of something to say. My voice had all but gotten stuck in my throat, and I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

  What was wrong with me?

  Chapter 3

bsp; Antonio

  “I’m sorry I snuck up on you like that. I hope I didn’t frighten you,” I said with a charming smile. I could see right away that this woman was smitten with me, and I knew how to make the impression an even better one.

  I, too, was struck by meeting her. She had windswept blond hair and brown eyes, along with a complexion that told me she wasn’t from Italy. Her white chiffon blouse was unbuttoned at the top, revealing a glimpse of her beautiful breasts. Experience had taught me not to stare, but I couldn’t help but take a few seconds and discreetly admire them from where I stood.

  She took the shoe from me with a smile, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Immediately, all I wanted to do was get to know her…in more ways than one. She was stunning, certainly gorgeous enough to catch my attention, and I wondered what it would be like to have her in my bed.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come up behind me. I should have been paying attention.” She smiled at me as she spoke, and I could see she was clearly doing her best to keep her composure. I crossed my arms and tossed my head, causing my overgrown hair to sweep to the side. She once again looked away, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” I said with a wink. I could tell by the scarlet in her cheeks that she was uncomfortable but enjoying herself, so I continued. “What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing out here? Apologies if this is too forward, but you aren’t from around here, are you?”

  “I’m American. I’ve been here for the past couple weeks on vacation, actually. I tend to work a lot and thought it would do me some good to get away for a while, so here I am. I’ve always wanted to come here—ever since I was a child I’d heard such wonderful things about this place, and I’m pleased to say I haven’t been disappointed.” She gave me a flirty smile and I fell into step beside her.

  “I trust that the men were up to your expectations?” I asked with a lightly teasing tone in my voice. She looked at me with surprise in her eyes, but I could see that she was flattered.

  “Well, I can’t say that I have gotten to know many of them well. With nothing more than a drink here and there, it’s difficult to be a good judge of character.” I smiled as she spoke, seeing clearly what she was doing. I knew I could have as much fun with this as she was, so I continued.

  “I’m sure a woman as beautiful as you had more than your fair share of men to choose from! I just pray they were able to show you a good time.” I winked and she blushed, looking away. The breeze was whipping through her long hair, reminding me of one of the many models I had seen doing a shoot for swimsuits on this same beach.

  But the difference was, this woman didn’t need the help of lighting or cameras to look incredible—she could take my breath away with her smile alone.

  “Do you come down here very often?” she asked suddenly, bringing me back into the present moment. I flashed her another smile.

  “I guess you could say so. I have a place that way near the water, but it can get crowded so I come out here when I want some time to myself. Every now and then I get to see something magical, too, if I’m lucky.” She smiled and shook her head, though she was looking off into the distance, and I was proud of myself.

  “Antonio,” I said, extending my hand.

  She hesitated for a brief second then took it and I lifted her fingers to my lips. I could sense that my elegance had left a strong impression on her as she gasped and had to gather herself before answering.

  “Sasha. Sasha Greening,” she said.

  “Beautiful. May I call you Sasha, Miss Greening?” I asked with all the ease of a gentleman.

  She looked at me and smiled as she nodded and I felt a surge of triumph rush through me, but the feeling was quickly replaced by guilt and confusion. The conversation I had had with my parents that morning came flooding back to me, and I realized I was going to have to give up this part of my life if I was going to get the throne.

  I put my hands in my pockets as we continued to walk together. Before meeting this woman, I’d made up my mind that I was going to propose to Sophia. Sophia was starved for three things in life: money, attention, and luxury—the three things that I would be more than capable of providing for her. She came from a good bloodline that I knew my parents would approve of, and she was head-over-heels infatuated with me. It wouldn’t be at all hard to get her to agree to the situation.

  If I was going to be a married man, I was going to have to give up my flirtatious ways. I thought the tabloids were difficult to deal with now, and I was single and able to do as I pleased. If I was going to take the plunge into marriage and be caught up in some sort of scandal with another woman once I become king, it would mean ruin for my family and disgrace for the entire country. No, those days, sadly, were going to have to be left behind, and I was going to have to grow up.

  “I’m engaged.” The words fell out of my mouth in an odd tone, and I could see Sasha give me a sidelong look. A visible wave of disappointment washed over her, and for an instant I regretted that I had agreed to my parents’ plan. I’d have loved nothing better than to wine and dine this woman and see where things ended up before she left the country.

  “Congratulations, you must be very happy,” she said, visibly recovering from her shock. I felt bad that I had simply announced the news, and part of me thought that it had been a foolish move as I had not yet proposed to the girl I’d just claimed I was going to marry. But, at the same time, I was so certain she was going to accept my proposal, I may as well begin spreading the word.

  “It’s fresh news, honestly. I haven’t even told my parents yet,” I said as I continued to walk beside her. Once again, I could see the glance she gave me, as though she weren’t certain how she ought to respond to what I was saying. She gave me a smile, though it was somewhat confused.

  “I’m sure they are going to be very happy for you both. How long have you known each other?” It was a very standard question for anyone who didn’t know me to ask, but answering it felt strange.

  “Several years now. We’ve always managed to end up in the same places at the same time, and I guess you could say that we clicked,” I laughed, but she didn’t join in. There were a few seconds of silence, and I was scrambling to think of something to say. It was unlike me to be uncomfortable with silence, and it was even less like me to have trouble breaking it.

  I didn’t want to keep talking about Sophia. The truth was I didn’t know much about her save for the fact she would be the most likely person to say yes to my proposal.

  “I’m a wedding planner, funnily enough,” Sasha said suddenly, and I stopped. She paused, too, giving me a professional smile. I was struck with her remarkable ability to maintain her poise even in the most uncomfortable of situations.

  I opened my mouth to reply, but I didn’t hold her eye contact. Letting out a sigh, I looked over the water before looking back at her.

  “How would you like to plan the wedding of the Prince of San Peluzzi?”

  Chapter 4


  “I’d be d-delighted,” I stammered. I’d always dreamed of planning a royal wedding, and although this was going to be a major step up from what I was used to, I knew it was going to be worth it.

  Prince Antonio rubbed his hands together with a satisfied look on his face, and I could see that he was pleased. I was blown away with his being a prince, and could hardly believe he was so eager to ask me to help him with the wedding. He also hadn’t seen any of my work, and I was surprised to hear that he was so keen to hire me when he didn’t know how good I was.

  “I’m going to have to postpone my return to the States in order to do this, so let me see what I can manage with my finances and hotel and I’ll get back to you,” I said as I pulled out my phone. I had never canceled a flight in the spur of the moment like this, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to keep my room at the hotel. They were planning on me being out of there that afternoon and I was planning on being on a plane that night.

  The Prince waved his hand as though he was brushing off my concern. “I’ll get my people on the hotel right away. I’ll pay for everything to keep you here for as long as you need to plan this. Let me know any fees or anything at all, and it’s taken care of.”

  I felt my cheeks grow warm as I blushed once more, and I used my hand to brush the hair behind my ear. “That is very kind, thank you.”

  “Of course, I am going to pay you for your services on top of this, so don’t forget to send me a bill, and spare no expense! Please.” He put his hand on my back briefly and gave me a charming smile as he led me along the beach a short distance, and I felt a brief twinge of disappointment when he removed his hand once more.

  “The only problem is that I have a wedding in the States at the end of the month—it’s for my best friend and I really can’t miss it. She’d never forgive me,” I spoke as I glanced over to him, hoping my words wouldn’t change his mind too much. He didn’t seem to be at all deterred by what I had to say, and nodded with more enthusiasm than I would have thought given the circumstances.

  “Excellent! I would hate for you to miss that as well, so why don’t we plan on finishing mine in the next two weeks? Is that enough time for you to put together something special? I’m thinking something big, but not too big. I want to show the world that I am pleased with my decision, but I know time is of essence for you, and I don’t want you to feel stressed.” He looked at me with great concern in his eyes and I was quick to assure him I could put together a ceremony in that amount of time.

  “All I will need is to know how many people are coming, who you want for roles of importance, and what you are thinking as far as ceremony and traditions go. I’ll let my imagination take care of the rest, if you don’t mind.” I winked at him and could see by the look in his eyes that he was pleased with the proposition. He gave a curt nod and reached into his back pocket.


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