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Oscar Wilde

Page 84

by Richard Ellmann

  17 Beddington, 34–5; cf. Laura Troubridge, Life Among the Troubridges, ed. Jacqueline Hope-Nicholson (1966), 152.

  18 Shane Leslie, J. E. C. Bodley (1930), 26.

  19 Edwin A. Ward, Recollections of a Savage (1923), 111.

  20 Lady Randolph Churchill, Reminiscences (1908), 105.

  21 ‘Mrs Langtry as Hester Grazebrook,’ New York World, 7 Nov 1882.

  22 Noel B. Gerson, Lillie Langtry (1971), 54; Wilde reported in Halifax Morning Herald, 10 Oct 1882.

  23 Bodley journal (Bodleian).

  24 Lillie Langtry, The Days I Knew (1925), 86–7.

  25 Gower, My Reminiscences, II: 153.

  26 [Raymond and] Ricketts, 29.

  27 Raffalovich in Blackfriars (1927).

  28 O’Sullivan, 175–6, and see Some Letters of Vincent O’Sullivan to A. J. A. Symons (Edinburgh, 1975).

  29 Langtry, 97.

  30 Ibid., 97.

  31 Letters, 66n.

  32 [Walford] Graham Robertson, Time Was (1931), 70.

  33 Langtry, 96.

  34 Ibid., 143.

  35 Heinrich Felberman, The Memoirs of a Cosmopolitan (1932), 125.

  36 Atkinson, 562.

  37 ‘Should Geniuses Meet?,’ Court and Society Review IV (4 May 1887): 413–14.

  38 From ‘Copies of 100 Letters to O.W.,’ in my possession.

  39 Jopling, 78.

  40 Ada Leverson, ‘The Last First Night,’ New Criterion, Jan 1926, 148–53.

  41 W. W. Ward, in V. Holland, Son of O.W., 220.

  42 Violet Hunt, The Flurried Years (1926), 13.

  43 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 13.

  44 ‘Literary and Other Notes,’ Woman’s World, Jan 1888.

  45 Langtry, 123.

  46 [Raymond and] Ricketts, 16.

  47 [James] Rennell Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, 1884–1893 (1922), 22–5.

  48 V. Hunt, Flurried Years, 13; Walter Sichel, The Sands of Time (1923), 125.

  49 Mason, 281.

  50 Letters, 148.

  51 The Artist as Critic, 308.

  52 Denys Sutton, Walter Sickert (1976), 30.

  53 Mason, 254.

  54 Mme de Steiger, ‘Oscar Wilde and His Mother,’ T.P.’s Weekly, 25 Apr 1913.

  55 Letters, 227–8n.

  56 Wyndham, 107.

  57 Max Beerbohm, Letters to Reggie Turner, ed. Rupert Hart-Davis (1964), 63; Cecil, 85.

  58 Lady Augusta Fane, Chit Chat (1926), 103.

  59 E. Smyth, Impressions That Remained, I: 115.

  60 Jimmy Glover, His Book, 15–16.

  61 Mrs Julian Hawthorne in Harper’s Bazaar.

  62 More Letters, 33–4.

  63 W. Schrickx, ‘Oscar Wilde in Belgium,’ Revue des langues vivantes (Brussels) XXXVII (1971), nos. 2/3: 117–256.

  64 Wilde’s ‘Envoi’ to Rennell Rodd, Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf (Phila., 1882), and Rodd’s poem ‘Une heure viendra qui tout paiera,’ p. 65.

  65 Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, 24.

  66 Letters, 73; ‘Envoi’ to Rodd, Rose Leaf and Apple Leaf.

  67 Sherard, The Real O.W., 286.

  68 Review in Saunders’s Irish Daily News, 5 May 1879.

  69 W. Rothenstein, 114; E. R. and J. Pennell, The Whistler Journal (Phila., 1921), 34.

  70 Ellen Terry, Memoirs, ed. Edith Craig and Christopher St. John (1933), 231.

  71 Whistler, two undated letters to Wilde in ‘Copies of 100 Letters to O.W.,’ in my possession; ‘Oscar Wilde MSS,’ Pall Mall Gazette, 5 July 1911.

  72 Sladen, 65.

  73 Pearson, Life of O.W., 97.

  74 Lewis and Smith, 46.

  75 New York World, 8 Jan 1882.

  76 E. R. and J. Pennell, The Life of James McNeill Whistler (1911), 724; Léonée Ormond, George du Maurier (1969), 468–9.

  77 Hesketh Pearson, Gilbert, His Life and Strife (1957), 110.

  78 Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, 22.

  79 Margot Asquith, More Memories (1933), 120.

  80 Mason, 285.

  81 Mrs Julian Hawthorne in Harper’s Bazaar.

  82 Said during his American tour.

  83 Richard Le Gallienne, ‘Mr Wilde’s Whim,’ Daily Chronicle, 23 May 1892; Punch, 23 July and 12 Nov 1881.

  84 Rodd’s view, expressed in a letter of the time, is somewhat modified in his Social and Diplomatic Memories, 22. Oscar Browning’s review is in Academy xx (30 July 1881): 103–4.

  85 J. A. Symonds, draft of a letter to Wilde [1881], sold by a bookseller.

  86 Henry Newbolt, My World As in My Time (1932), 96–7.

  87 More Letters, 37, 102–3.

  88 Letter at Clark.

  89 Sherard, The Real O.W., 110–11; also a MS. (Hyde).

  90 Frank Harris: His Life and Adventures (1947), 303; E. A. Ward, Recollections of a Savage, 110–11.

  91 Frank Miles, letter to Mrs Boughton [1886], (Clark).


  1 W. F. Morse, ‘American Lectures,’ in The Works of Oscar Wilde, Edition De Luxe (Boston and N.Y., 1909), in the unnumbered volume containing His Life, 73–5. The letter from Morse is at Morgan.

  2 Jimmy Glover, His Book, 20.

  3 The World, 30 Nov 1881.

  4 TS. copy at Clark.

  5 The World, 30 Nov 1881; James McNeill Whistler, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies (1904), 243; ‘Oscar Wilde MSS,’ Pall Mall Gazette, 5 July 1911.

  6 Sherard, The Real O.W., 288.

  7 James Russell Lowell, Letters, ed. M. de Wolfe Howe (New Haven, Conn., and London), 262.

  8 Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, 22–5.

  9 Lewis and Smith, 209.

  10 The Picture of Dorian Gray, ed. Murray, 95.

  11 Philadelphia Press, 17 Jan 1882.

  12 New York World, 3 Jan 1882.

  13 Letters, 509.

  14 New York World, 3 Jan 1882.

  15 Ann Thwaite, Edmund Gosse (1985), 211.

  16 Mrs Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Crowding Memories (1921), 246.

  17 Clara Barrus, The Life and Letters of John Burroughs, 2 vols. (Boston, 1925), II: 106.

  18 Maud Howe Elliott, Uncle Sam Ward and His Circle (N.Y., 1938), 602–9; Sam Ward Papers, p. 444 (NYPL); New York Times, 6 Jan 1882.

  19 Lewis and Smith, 382.

  20 Helen Potter, Impersonations (N.Y., 1891), 195–7.

  21 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 21 Feb 1882.

  22 Mark Edward Perugini, Victorian Days and Ways (1932), 244.

  23 Sherard, The Real O.W., 336.

  24 Letters, 86.

  25 Philadelphia Press, 17 Jan 1882; for Wilde on Poe, see The Artist as Critic, 28.

  26 Whitman letters at Texas.

  27 Philadelphia Press, 19 Jan 1882.

  28 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 21 Feb 1882; Philadelphia Press, 19 Jan 1882.

  29 Ainslie, 96.

  30 Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in Camden (N.Y., 1914), 11. See also Whitman, letter to Henry Stafford, 25 Jan 1882, in Whitman, The Correspondence, ed. E. H. Miller, 5 vols. (N.Y., 1961–1969), III, 1876–1885: 264.

  31 The Swinburne Letters, ed. Cecil Y. Lang (New Haven, Conn., 1960–62), iv: 255; quoted in Letters, 99–100.

  32 George Ives journal, 6 Jan 1901, p. 4305 (Texas).

  33 From a bookseller’s catalogue (Hart-Davis).

  34 ‘The Gospel according to Walt Whitman,’ Pall Mall Gazette, 25 Jan 1889; Traubel, With Whitman in Camden, 284.


  1 Letter at Clark.

  2 Archibald Forbes, letter to Miss Flossie, 15 Jan 1882 (Clark).

  3 Letters, 89; Morse in Works, 80.

  4 Letters, 89.

  5 Lewis and Smith, 205.

  6 Washington Post, 21 Jan 1882; New York Times, 23 July 1883.

  7 The Artist as Critic, 276.

  8 Letters, 102n.

  9 Swinburne Letters, iv: 166; quoted in Letters, 100n.

  10 Mrs Bodley, ‘For Remembrance,’ IV, pt. i: 648–9 (Bodleian).

  11 Philadelphia Press, 1
3 June 1882; O’Sullivan, 176.

  12 Mrs Henry Adams, Letters, ed. Ward Thoron (1937), 338.

  13 Leon Edel, Henry James: The Middle Years (Phila., 1962), 31.

  14 Edel, H.J.: The Middle Years, 31; Ernest Samuels, Henry Adams: The Middle Years (Cambridge, Mass., 1958), 164; Mrs Henry Adams, Letters, 342.

  15 Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 21 Feb 1882.

  16 Our Continent, 15 Mar 1882; Washington Post, 21 Jan 1882.

  17 More Letters, 47; and cf. Maud Howe Elliott, This Was My Newport (Cambridge, Mass., 1944).

  18 Letters, 94n; Chris Healy, Confessions of a Journalist (1904), 130–8.

  19 Boston Sunday Herald, 29 Jan 1882.

  20 Letter to John Boyle O’Reilly, n.d. (Hart-Davis).

  21 Morse in Works, 81.

  22 Ibid., 82; Ross’s correction to Harris (Hyde).

  23 Letters, 122n.

  24 Lewis and Smith, 155–6.

  25 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 8 Feb 1882.

  26 Boston Sunday Herald, 25 Jan 1882.

  27 Letter to Miss Selwyn, Oct 1887, Frances Edwards Catalogue no. 560 (Ledger-Ross Collection, Bodleian).

  28 Iowa State Register (Des Moines), 27 Apr 1882.

  29 Thompson, Eugene Field, I: 171–2; Charles H. Dennis, Eugene Field’s Creative Years (N.Y., 1924), 213.

  30 Omaha Weekly Herald, 24 Mar 1882.

  31 Account book in the Arends Collection, NYPL.

  32 Letter at Yale.

  33 ‘Oscar Wilde,’ Chicago Tribune, 14 Feb 1882; Omaha Weekly Herald, 24 Mar 1882; Freeman’s Journal (Dublin), 11 July 1883; New York Times, 24 Mar 1883.

  34 New York Herald, 10 Feb 1882; Boston Globe, 10 Feb 1882.

  35 New York Tribune, 12 Feb 1882.

  36 New York World, 18 June 1882; St. Paul Globe, 18 June 1882.

  37 Hyde, Oscar Wilde, 71; Philadelphia Press, 9 May 1882.

  38 San Francisco Daily Examiner, 27 Mar 1882.

  39 Irish Poets of the Nineteenth Century, ed. Robert D. Pepper (San Francisco, 1972), 33.

  40 Unidentified clipping at Clark.

  41 Saratoga Weekly Journal, 20 July 1882; Atlanta Constitution, 5 July 1882; Letters, 122.

  42 Lewis and Smith, 180; Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 21 Feb 1882.

  43 Lewis and Smith, 256, 261.

  44 Kevin O’Brien, Oscar Wilde in Canada (Toronto, 1982), 67; Lewis and Smith, 362.

  45 Martin Birnbaum, Oscar Wilde: Fragments and Memories (1920), 28–9.

  46 See Sherard, The Real O.W., 169, on the Brookfield incident.

  47 Swinburne Letters, IV: 312.

  48 New York Times, 20 Sept 1882; Andrew’s American Queen, 23 Sept 1882.

  49 Boston Globe, 16 Oct 1882; Moncton Times and Transcript, Diamond Jubilee, July 1954.

  50 New York Tribune, 29 Dec 1882; New York Times, 29 Dec 1882. Letter to John Boyle O’Reilly sold Parke-Bernet, 6 Mar 1945 (Hart-Davis).

  51 Sherard, letter to A. J. A. Symons, 13 May 1937 (Clark).

  52 Atlanta Constitution, 6 July 1882.

  53 Letters, 115.

  54 Ibid., 115.

  55 George E. Woodberry, letter to Charles Eliot Norton, 25 Apr 1882 (Houghton).

  56 Letters, 108.

  57 M. H. Elliott, This Was My Newport; Andrew’s American Queen, 17 June, 15 and 29 July 1882.

  58 Isabel Field, This Life I’ve Loved (1937), 139–44.

  59 Letters, 111–14; Impressions of America, ed. Stuart Mason (Sunderland, 1906), 30–3; The World, 7 Mar 1883.

  60 Letters, 119.

  61 Birnbaum, photograph opposite p. 26.

  62 Lady W, letter to Wilde, [Oct?] 1882 (Clark).

  63 O’Brien, O.W. in Canada, 128.

  64 Langtry, 93.

  65 Birnbaum, 27.

  66 New York Tribune, 31 Oct 1882.

  67 Ledger papers (Bodleian); The Bookfellow (Australia), 15 Nov 1914.

  68 ‘Mrs. Langtry [as Hester Grazebrook],’ New York World, 7 Nov 1882.

  69 Undated item in Society.

  70 Mary Anderson, A Few More Memories (1926), 20; Letters, 124–5, 126.

  71 Letters to Steele Mackaye in Percy Mackaye, Epoch: The Life of Steele Mackaye (N.Y., 1927), 444, 445–6.

  72 Mackaye, Epoch, 446; letter to Steele Mackaye, [11 Oct 1882] (Taylor Collection, Princeton).

  73 Edgar Saltus, Oscar Wilde: An Idler’s Impressions (Chicago, 1917), 14–15; Lewis and Smith, 410.

  74 Saltus, 15.

  75 O’Sullivan, 11; New York Tribune, 28 Dec 1882, 10 Jan 1883, 4 Feb 1883.


  1 Letter to Waldo Story, [31 Jan 1883] (Manuscript Room, NYPL).

  2 Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, 25; Birnbaum, 14; Sherard, Life of O.W., 215–16; Letters, 144.

  3 Sherard, The Real O.W., 51.

  4 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 25, 58.

  5 Wilde’s notes (NYPL: Berg); Birnbaum, 14; Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 24.

  6 The Artist as Critic, 30.

  7 Sherard, The Real O.W., 22–5, 67.

  8 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 59, 20.

  9 Sherard, The Real O.W., 36.

  10 Sherard, letter to A. J. A. Symons, 3 June 1937 (Clark); Robert Pepper called this to my attention.

  11 Louis Latourette, ‘Dernières heures avec Oscar Wilde,’ Nouvelles Littéraires, 5 Dec 1928.

  12 Augustus John, Chiaroscuro: Fragments of Autobiography, First Series (1952), 433–4.

  13 Sherard, letter to A. J. A. Symons, 31 May 1937 (Clark).

  14 Letter from W. R. Rodgers (Hart-Davis); Sherard, letter to Symons, 31 May 1937 (Clark); Raffalovich in Blackfriars (1927).

  15 Sherard, The Real O.W., 251.

  16 Wilde’s notes (NYPL: Berg).

  17 Walter Sickert, A Free House!… (1947), 44.

  18 Sherard, The Real O.W., 200.

  19 The Artist as Critic, 325.

  20 Jopling, 80.

  21 Wilde’s notes (NYPL: Berg).

  22 E. Terry, Memoirs, 253; Truth, 4 Oct 1883.

  23 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 72.

  24 Robert Merle, Oscar Wilde (Paris, 1984), 83–4, compares the verse form of ‘The Sphinx’ to a serpent.

  25 O’Sullivan, 231.

  26 Letters, 139.

  27 Swanwick, 66–7.

  28 Sherard, The Real O.W., 238.

  29 Mary Anderson, letter to Wilde, n.d. (owned by the Players) (Hart-Davis).

  30 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 68.

  31 Wilde’s notes (NYPL: Berg).

  32 Letters, 145; Wilde’s notes (NYPL: Berg).

  33 Sherard, O.W.: Story of an Unhappy Friendship, 50.

  34 More Letters, 53.


  1 Mackaye, Epoch, 452; original letter is at Dartmouth.

  2 Letters, 147–8; The World, 23 May 1883.

  3 Violet Hunt, draft of her autobiography (Hart-Davis); letter to Wilde, July 1881 (Hyde Collection); Douglas Goldring, South Lodge (1943), 187.

  4 Harry Phillips, son-in-law of Charlotte Montefiore, letter to Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, 14 Sept 1960.

  5 T.P.’s Weekly, 30 May 1913.

  6 Unidentified clipping.

  7 Otho Holland (Lloyd), letter to A. J. A. Symons, 27 May 1937 (Clark).

  8 Constance Lloyd, letter to Otho Lloyd, 7 June 1881, in Letters, 152n.

  9 Lady W, letter to Wilde [Dec 1882] (Clark).

  10 Letters, 143.

  11 New York Herald, 21–26 Aug 1883.

  12 The Globe (London), 2 July 1882; Lady’s Pictorial, 7 July 1883.

  13 New York Herald, 12 Aug 1883.

  14 Kenneth Rose, Superior Person (1969), 72.

  15 New York Times, 12 Aug 1883.

  16 Ibid., 28 Aug 1883.

  17 Ibid., 29 Aug 1883.

  18 Morse in Works, 165.

  19 Constance Lloyd, letter to Wilde, 11 Nov 1883 (Hyde).

  20 Constance Lloyd, letters to Otho Lloyd, 23 and 24 Nov 1883, in Letters,

  21 Constance Lloyd, letter to Otho Lloyd, 26 Nov 1883, in Letters, 153.

  22 Otho Lloyd, letter to Wilde, 27 Nov 1883, in Letters, 153n.

  23 Constance Lloyd, letter to Wilde, n.d. [1883] (Hyde).

  24 Letters, 154.

  25 Otho Lloyd, Holland family papers; Constance Lloyd, letter to Wilde, n.d. [early Dec 1883] (Hyde).

  26 Letters, 155.

  27 Constance Lloyd, letter to Wilde, 4 Jan 1884 (Hyde).

  28 Otho Holland (Lloyd) to A. J. A. Symons, 27 Nov 1937 (Clark).

  29 Willie Wilde, letter to Constance Lloyd; Lady W, letter to Wilde, both 27 Nov 1883 (Clark).

  30 Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, A Player Under Three Reigns (1925), 110.

  31 Sherard, letter to A. J. A. Symons, 3 June [1937] (Clark).

  32 Morning News, article headed ‘Paris, Tuesday June 10, 1884’ (Clark).

  33 Life (London), 19 June 1884.

  34 Vernon Lee (pseud. of Violet Paget), Letters, ed. I. C. Willis (1937), letter of 8 June 1884 to her mother, p. 143.

  35 Robert Baldick, The Life of J.-K. Huysmans (Oxford, 1955), 88; Morning News, 20 June 1884 (Clark).

  36 Raffalovich, 246.

  37 E. A. Brayley Hodgett, Moss from a Rolling Stone (1924), 130.


  1 W. Rothenstein, 358; ‘Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young,’ Chameleon, Dec 1894.

  2 L. B. Walford, Memories of Victorian London (1912), 147–53, 230–3.

  3 Jopling, 79, 82.

  4 Hyde, O.W., 121–3; a fuller account by him is in the Hyde Collection.

  5 ‘A Handbook to Marriage,’ Pall Mall Gazette, 18 Nov 1885.

  6 Kernahan, 217.

  7 A. de Brémont, O.W. and His Mother, 89; Life Among the Troubridges, 169.

  8 Jopling, 80.

  9 Hyde Collection.

  10 Trevor Blackmore, The Art of Herbert Schmalz (1911), 43–4.

  11 Staffordshire Sentinel, 6 Nov 1884.

  12 Edinburgh Courant, 22 Dec 1884.

  13 York Herald, 10 Oct 1884.

  14 Hunter Blair, 138.

  15 Letters, 295.

  16 Ibid., 165.

  17 Harris, 337–8.

  18 Beddington, 41.

  19 Letters, 180–1; ‘As You Like It at Coombe House,’ Dramatic Review, 6 June 1885.

  20 J. H. Badley, Memories and Reflections (1955), 78–9; Letters, 181, 184–5; ‘Literary and Other Notes,’ Woman’s World, Jan 1888.

  21 Don C. Seitz, Whistler Stories (N.Y., 1913), 66–7; Pearson, Life of O.W., 96.

  22 [Raymond and] Ricketts, 29.

  23 Letters, 170–1 and n.


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