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The Apocalypse Chronicles (Book 3): Rebirth [Undead]

Page 11

by DeLeon, Jon

  This doesn't sound good. Jolie replied, "I'm here to help, in any way I can."

  "I knew I liked you. I'll be in touch."

  La Vida Dulce: Outbreak Day +106

  "Kira, this place is getting dangerous." Jolie and Kira were sitting side by side on the couch. Jolie had just told her the whole transcript of the radio call.

  "Why did you say yes?" Kira asked.

  "If I didn't, they probably would have found someone else. This way, at least we are part of whatever is going on. We can stop it or at least survive." Jolie sounded like she hadn't convinced herself. "I can't reach Ricahrd either to warn them. I don't know what to do."

  "Just keep doing your job. We'll just have to be ready for everything," Kira said, thinking. "I think Thad can be trusted. I'll ask him to help us."

  "What can he do?" Jolie asked.

  "I don't know, but it can't hurt," Kira replied.

  The King's Tower: Outbreak Day +109

  Kurt looked over the railing of the king's heliport. He could see the market and farming fields of Newlantis spread out as far as the eye could see. He looked over to the fishing docks. Thousands of boats ranging in size each tied up, back decks practically forming sidewalks. It really was a city floating in the ocean. It was an amazing sight to see. Kurt turned his head slightly, feeling a person lean on the rail to his right. Joe had joined him.

  Joe said, "Amazing, huh?"

  "Yeah. It really is," Kurt replied.

  "You know what the craziest thing is? There was a baby born today, a boy," Joe said.

  "What's so crazy about that?"

  "That kid will never know what it was like before the outbreak. He will only know mankind living on the sea. One day someone will have to teach him about everything that happened. This," Joe waved in a gesture out over the city, "will be normal to him."

  Kurt thought about it. "Do you think you'll ever feel normal again?"

  "Yeah I do. I think that after a long enough time, this will seem like a bad memory."

  Kurt's body began to shake. A tear ran from both eyes. "I don't think I will."

  "Kurt, I know this is hard," Joe said, putting his hand on Kurt's shoulder.

  "The things I've seen I won't ever forget. The things I've done, I can never deserve to be normal again. I will never be able to do enough to make up for all of it."

  "Kurt, what you did, it's not who you are."

  Tears flowed from Kurt's eyes freely. His face puffed and his chin quivered. "Joe, I envied and hated a man simply because his family was alive. I killed him. Not a zombie, but a human being. I turned my back on him as those creatures tore him to shreds. I've seen zombies blown to pieces by land mines. I watched as their hands and heads arced through the sky. I held the hand of a man as his leg was eaten off. I saw the fear and pain in his eyes. I . . ." Kurt paused, swallowing hard. "I even gave up on you. After that, I didn't care if I lived or died. Do you know what it feels like to completely not care?"


  "Don't tell me it's okay. It doesn't matter what the world is like or why I did it. I shouldn't have. I knew better."

  "Kurt, I'm not going to tell you it's okay. You may have committed acts and said things that you can't forgive yourself for. You may not deserve to be forgiven, but you know what? That shows you're still a good person. If you didn't feel bad, then I would be scared. So you may have done bad things, but I love you no matter. I'm going to keep loving you no matter what."

  "How do I keep going on like this? How do I get a sense of happiness back?"

  "I don't know. But we can figure it out together. I love you, man." Tears had come to Joe's eyes too.

  "I love you too, bro."

  "And if you ask me," Joe said, "it seems like that girl will help you care about something again." He looked back at Liz, who was standing by the helicopter.

  Kurt turned and hugged his brother.

  After a few moments, they separated. Joe spotted Ricahrd approaching with the king.

  "Come on, Kurt, we have plenty of time to heal, but only after we are out of this. Stay quiet now, no matter what this king says."

  Chapter 4

  The King's Tower: Outbreak Day +109

  "The familial crusader returns!" the king said, raising his hands to the sky. "And with good news, it appears." He walked over and hugged Kurt. Kurt awkwardly hugged him back. The king separated and looked him up and down. "In good health after all this time. It's such a rarity to have such fortune these days. And you even picked up another guest," the king said, tilting his head and looking at Liz.

  "She's with me," Kurt said.

  "Lucky boy," the king said, leering at Liz. "Speaking of good news, I have some as well," the king said as he turned to Joe. "Come walk with me."

  The pair took a few steps from the rest of the group, far enough that the rest of the group couldn't hear their conversation. "You know, Mr. Feller, I've been thinking about what you said. You were so right."

  "About what?" Joe asked.

  "About my desires, my ambitions, my dreams. I don't just want to be king of this floating rust heap. Which brings me to my dilemma. I can't very well be king of more if people know that I killed off the poor under my control. After all, the city and the world must first be built on the poor. Then when they are no longer needed, they must be cleansed. So in order to save this city but still have the ability to expand and have my reputation be lauded, I must have another reason for an outbreak to occur. That way, I can be the hero, not the villain. It was me, the king, who against his own heart had to make the tough decision to close off the general quarters to save the city." The king feigned tears and heartbreak. "Then through a miracle of science, provided by you, Feller the Great, we were able to bring peace to Newlantis. You and I will both be recognized as heroes. You will be loved across the world as a savior."

  "Why me?" Joe asked, playing his part to let the king feel his suspicion, but also interested.

  The king leaned in, uncomfortably close. "I've given Dick here chances to work with me, to become wealthy and build a grand partnership, but he's too much of a lapdog. He wouldn't do anything 'unethical' or that his beloved mayor wouldn't like. You . . . you are different. You know how this game works. Plus the mayor already trusts you, possibly even more than Ricahrd. Why else would he give you the serum?" The king took a short pause, trying to gauge Joe's interest. "Look, I already have a new convoy security person in place ready to supplant Ricahrd, and the captains of the tankers are all about to retire, so I'm thinking, maybe you are the new leader of the convoy. Maybe . . ." The king glanced at Ricahrd and then back to Joe. "Ricahrd was bitten on your trip and didn't tell you? I think he looks a little sick, don't you?"

  Joe looked at Ricahrd, who was standing next to Kurt and Liz whispering something to each other.

  The king grew impatient, his tone turning aggressive. "Or maybe it's Kurt who was sick." The king nodded to one of his men. The security guard started moving slowly behind Kurt, a needle in his hand.

  "You know, I think someone is sick," Joe said.

  The king raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"

  Joe took a deep breath. "I know what must be done."

  Philipo's Office: Outbreak Day +109

  "Let me tell you the meaning of our symbol," Philipo started. "Although it looks like a simple fishing hook, it's actually an arrow. It signifies the rise from underneath. We are here . . ." Philipo twirled his arms. "In the underbelly of Newlantis, much like Jonah was inside the great whale. And just like Jonah emerged from that leviathan glorious and full of new life, we intend to rise and do the same. Ricahrd may have told you that we need the serum to keep it as insurance against the king trying to kill us all using the same demons that now roam the earth. That's not wrong but only partially true. You see, there are already zombies roaming in Newlantis."

  Joe glanced at Ricahrd, mentally asking him what this was about. Ricahrd shook his head, clearly not knowing. "Where?" Joe asked.

  "Like I said,
we are going to rise up, both figuratively and quite literally," Philipo said. "The king must be taken out of control. In order to do that, we must go after him. He rarely leaves his tower. He feels safe there, but with the Enerjax booster and your help, we can get him at home. You see, the tower is built on stacked containers. Well, while his main residence and rooms directly below are heavily guarded and made with containers stacked like this . . ." Philipo held his hand sideways, palm facing the ground. "The structure of the supports under the heliport and gardens is made with containers stacked like this." He turned his hand vertically, fingers to the sky. "In these structures, there are no guards, well no men at least. The king has filled these columns with zombies, chained to the walls, dangling and thrashing, as well as walking around the entrance. It's impossible to get past them without being infected. We could cut into those towers from below, but then we'd be dead. There are hundreds of zombies in each support."

  "That's why you need the booster," Joe said, understanding.

  "Yes. It will allow us to exterminate all of the guards quickly, effectively and quietly."

  "Then what other help do you need?" Joe asked.

  "Well, even after making the climb to reach the upper level of the king's tower, we still can't get through the last defense. The final defense, mainly a security measure to ensure no undead crawled their way out of the top, was electrifying the final hatch."

  "Since when do containers have hatches?" Joe asked.

  "That was an added piece for the king's use. You see, he built the heliport on scaffolding so that you can still walk under it and reach the top of the containers. If he catches a traitor trying to usurp him, the king throws them down that hatch."

  "It's a feeding door?" Ricahrd asked, disgusted.

  "Yes," Philipo answered. "But now it will be his Achilles’ heel. Here's what I need. When you are on your way back, Ricahrd will contact me from the last barge you stop at. We'll make our way through the towers and be waiting for your arrival. After you land, you'll see a bank of solar panels and batteries with a cord running off the side of the landing platform. That's the power source for the hatch security. All you have to do is pull the plug, and we'll be through and storming the platform in less than a minute."

  "It can't be as simple as pulling a plug," Joe said.

  "No. You will have to shoot the control box."

  "The king won't let us keep our weapons," Joe said, shaking his head.

  "We have a guard on our side. Look for our symbol. He'll give you a gun."

  The King's Tower: Outbreak Day +109

  Joe walked over toward Ricahrd, Liz and Kurt. Directly behind them stood the guard the king had nodded to. Joe looked at the man. A smile crept to Joe's face.

  "So what do you say?" the king asked.

  "I think it's time for new management," Joe said back.

  La Vida Dulce: Outbreak Day +109

  "Kira, Kira, wake up. Joe and Ricahrd are back, and something big is happening."

  Kira sat up fast, waking quickly from the post-shift nap she had just started a few minutes ago. "With Kurt?"

  "I don't know," Jolie said. "But we have other problems to worry about."

  "What?" Kira asked, throwing on clothes. "What's going on?"

  "The Newlantis police called me. They want me to set the captains up. They told me to have all the captains meet on the HQ tanker for a 'meeting.' Then when everyone is gathered, the police are going to come and, well, do what must be done. His words, not mine."

  "What did you tell them?" Kira asked.

  "I told them yes," Jolie answered.

  "Good," Kira said, nodding her head, determined. "Jolie, go to the command center and alert the other security men. I'll tell Thad and the other captains who have returned about the situation."

  "Then what?" Jolie asked.

  "Unlock the gun case."

  Jolie nodded and ran upstairs.

  Transatlantic Convoy Tanker: Outbreak Day +109

  "Is everything ready?" the Newlantis police commander asked Jolie as they entered the hallway just outside the dining room of the convoy HQ tanker.

  "They're all in there, waiting for a security brief."

  "And the other security men?"

  "I told them I'd take an extra shift. They are in their bunk rooms, two doors down, that way," she said pointing down the walkway.

  The man, who wore a mask, nodded. He directed two of his men to the indicated doors. The other four men who accompanied him all crowded around the double doors that led to the dining room. The commander held up his fingers, counting down.

  Three . . . two . . . one . . .

  The police entered all three rooms simultaneously. Gun blasts rang out, deafeningly loud in the enclosed environment. The fight only lasted about twenty seconds. The police commander limped out of the dining room, having been shot multiple times. He turned just in time to see Jolie raise her sidearm. One last blast signified the end of the Newlantis police attack force.

  Thad emerged from the dining room, still holding the AK-47 security had given him. He glanced at the dead body and then to Jolie. "Everything okay out here?"

  She turned and looked toward the security bunk rooms. The burly man she had met before stood in the hallway, giving a thumbs up. "We're good," she said.

  "Okay then," Thad said, pushing the dead body at his feet with his boot. "What next?"

  "Help me strip the uniform off this guy," Jolie responded.

  The King's Tower: Outbreak Day +109

  "Kill them," the king commanded his guard standing beside Joe, Ricahrd, Liz and Kurt.

  The man pulled his pistol and raised it, pointing at Joe's face.

  Joe didn't move, didn't panic and didn't fight. He just smiled. His eyes hadn't left the tattoo that adorned the guard’s left cheek. Look for our symbol. Philipo was a clever bastard.

  "Do it!" the king yelled, angry at the pause.

  Instead, the guard let the pistol twist in his hand, turning it so Joe could easily take it. Joe grabbed it and turned, aiming at the control box of the electric supply. He pulled the trigger, sending a round into the metal panel. Joe's eyes were trained on a small LED light; it flickered twice and then died out.

  "Kill them all!" the king yelled to his other guards on the heliport.

  Joe, Ricahrd and the resistance guard all dove behind boxes, while Kurt pulled Liz to the ground behind another box.

  Kurt scanned the situation. "Stay here," he said. He ran around the back of the helicopter.

  The guard handed his other sidearm to Ricahrd. Together he, Joe and the guard popped up firing at the king's guards, dropping back down for cover. They were outnumbered ten to three. Joe peeked his head over the box he was using as cover. The king was moving with a guard toward the door to his tower. "He's getting away!" Joe yelled over the blasts.

  The guardsmen nodded. He pulled a grenade from his back and pulled the pin.

  Joe nodded, looking at Liz. He motioned for her to cover her ears and then stood and opened fire, emptying his ammunition, attempting to give the man cover.

  The guard reared up and threw the grenade with all his might, aiming for the door to the residence. It flew true. The grenade landed at the foot of the door and rolled just inside.

  La Vida Dulce: Outbreak Day +109

  Kira watched as a flash and a fireball rose above the wall. She hugged the kids closer to her. They were all scared and crying. Kira was in shock. She needed to do something, but what could she do? "Kids, let's all pray." She bowed her head, hugging the small children. "Dear God. Please. Please. Give them strength. Loose your angels around Joe and Ricahrd. Protect them and bring them home to us. Please, God, please."

  The King's Tower: Outbreak Day +109

  A moment ago, the grenade had exploded. It had accomplished its job. It had been an incendiary charge. A fire now engulfed the door leading into the residence.

  The king sat against a planter, his teeth gnashing, furious.

  "Nice throw
," Joe yelled as he surveyed the explosion. He turned to make eye contact with the guard. The act had come with a cost. He lay flat on his back, his head bleeding out on the platform.

  Ricahrd shook his head. "I'm out," he mouthed.

  Joe looked at his gun, locked in the empty position. He tossed it to the ground. "Fuck."

  "Go!" the king screamed. The remaining guards started advancing with the king. They peppered Joe’s and Ricahrd's positions, keeping them pinned down.

  Suddenly a new sound rang out. A loud chattering almost deafened Joe. He covered his ears and looked at the source. Kurt stood in the door of the Black Hawk. He had climbed inside it and now was wielding the door-mounted machine gun. It was fish in a barrel. The guards had all come out from cover, confident in their dominance. In the first few seconds, Kurt chewed up four of the remaining six guards. The others dove for cover. There was no cover to be found though.

  They were taking fire from the side as well. The resistance had arrived. Gio and a group of other men were firing from the side as they climbed over the platform.

  Kurt shifted his fire, almost hitting one before Joe caught his attention with his waving arms. Kurt let go of the trigger. A few more bursts and the battle was over. Joe and Ricahrd turned and looked around, standing at the sight of Gio standing over the dead body of the king. Joe and Gio shared a nod.

  "Everyone, put down your weapons!" Teo yelled from the helicopter. He had a needle pressed to Kurt's neck. "If anyone makes any moves toward me, I turn him into a zombie."

  "No!" Liz yelled.

  "Stop!" Joe held his hands up. "It's okay, Teo. You don't have to do this."

  "Everyone's guns down now!" he commanded again, pressing the needle against Kurt's skin.

  "Okay," Joe shouted. "Okay." He turned, waving his hands, motioning for everyone to lower their guns. The resistance let their aims relax.

  "On the ground!" Teo shouted.


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