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Harley's Choice

Page 13

by Shaelin Ferra

  “I-I wasn’t talking to you.” Her eyes narrowed at me. “I was wondering if Kit would care to dance with me.”

  I watched as Carson’s eyes narrowed at Rebecca “Mr. Carson please and I am sorry but it looks like my dance card is already filled.” He nodded to the line of women at the edge of the dance floor all looking longingly and expectantly at Carson. His eyes asked and I nodded with mine and he waltzed me off the floor leaving Rebecca with her eye wide and her jaw flapping in the wind.

  “You better come back for me.” I told him.

  “Always.” He answered quickly and went off to the beginning of the line and danced away.

  “I have had just about enough of you Hairy.”

  “Ah there is the Rebecca we know and have always hated.” I turned slowly towards her venomous voice.

  “Listen, you hogged him during the cooking class and now on the dance floor. You have been completely selfish.” She whined, totally unbecoming of a twenty-eight year old.

  “Rebecca you are married.”


  “Wow, such behavior. Look Rebecca you stay with your friends and I’ll stay over here. Leave me alone or you’ll wake up bald.” Her eye widened and she put a hand to her straight blonde hair and stomped away.

  I walked to the punch bowl and poured me a cup and then walked to the table where I had sat before to let my feet rest a moment. I heard the foot steps behind me and knew they were not Kyle or Carson so when the man spoke I was not surprised. “Harley, Harley Shelton right?”

  “Yes,” I looked up to the man standing in front of me. He looked vaguely familiar but couldn’t place him.

  “I was wondering if you would care to dance.” Dancing was a personal favorite pastime so I nodded and followed him to the dance floor. “I have seen you throughout the weekend and have been waiting for a moment to say hello.”

  “Well then hello…it’s Tim, no Tom right?” I questioned as his face faded ten years back and I was finally able to recognize him, he really hasn’t changed much.

  He smiled bashfully. “Yes that’s right. Thompson Felding. I, well I…”

  “It’s nice to see you Tom, now just spit out whatever it was you wanted to say.” I have no patience for those who hem-haw around.

  “I wanted to say I have always admired your strength for dealing with Rebecca and the nasty bitches in High School and I had a crush on you from sophomore year to graduation.”

  “That’s one of the nicest things I have heard this weekend thank you. For curiosity sake why didn’t you ever approach me in school?” as if I didn’t know. He was the kicker on our football team, he was one of them that stood around well the tormenting went on, all though sometime in the sophomore year he was absent during the daily razzing, I now knew why. He just looked bashful again, not a good emotional look for men. “So what are you doing with yourself now?”

  “I am junior partner in a law firm. I’m up for promotion in six months.”

  “Oh, well congratulations.”

  “Yes…it keeps the bills paid and the child support paid.”

  “Divorced then?”

  “Yeah, married Darcy,”

  “Darcy Hershberger?”

  “Yeah, we got married at twenty and had two kids before twenty-three all while I was in law school and by the time I was doing my internship the hassle got too much. Seventy hour work weeks and weekends down to nil took its toll. She took the kids and moved in with her mother and I got the bills.”

  Ah yes, yet another reason never to get married. I honestly didn’t know what to say so I just nodded solemnly and was saved from having to make any comments by the end of the song.

  The DJ announced he was going to up the beat of the music and I told Tom that I wished to sit down. He led me back to the table he found me at and took a seat next to me. Oh boy… “So I saw you dancing with Kit Carson?” I waited I didn’t think it needed a reply “How’d you two meet?”

  “This afternoon in cooking class, he just walked in and was assigned to be my partner.”

  “That must have been nice.”

  “I suppose it was a bit distracting really, he hardly did anything and he sang to me.” I laughed thinking back to it.

  “So the rumor you and Kyle, our class success have been close.”

  “Tom we were always close, what would make one think that just because we didn’t see each other for ten years we wouldn’t have reconnected, honestly I didn’t know that my Kyle was that Kyle. It was a big shock.” I smiled. “I did get him to sign the book I had just bought to read; now I’m afraid to crack the spine.”

  “All you have to do is ask and I’ll sign a dozen of them for you.” Kyle’s voice startled me.

  “Hey! I was beginning to wonder if I was to finish this night alone. Your buddy has pushed me to the back burner.” I laughed as I pointed to the dance floor where Carson stood surrounded by a gaggle of women all clamoring for his attention.

  Kyle shook his head and looked to my companion. “Tom right? I remember you from geometry class.”

  “Yes, that’s me, and can I say it’s an honor to meet you. I’ve read all your books.”

  “Tom, you’ve met me several times…”

  “Er, yes, so should I say congratulations on your success? I’ve still read all your books.”

  “Thanks Tom, now if you don’t mind I’m going to steal away this lovely lady and she and I are going to attempt a rescue mission on my friend Casanova.” He took my hand and pulled me away.

  “It was nice to see you again Tom, good luck on getting the partnership.” He seemed to beam with pride and then stood and walked into the mix. “Why are we rescuing him?” I asked as we walked onto the dance floor.

  “A couple of reasons, one; they are doing the award ceremony soon and he wanted to be out of here by then and two; the bitch won’t stay upstairs for too long.”

  “Just let me have five minutes with her and she’ll never show her weave wearing skinny ass in public again.” I mumbled and he laughed…I guess they think I’m cute when I make these promises because they both laugh at my statements like that. “No really, I was just thinking about plucking her hair out with tweezers. What is it with me and removal of hair tonight?”

  “Whatcha mean kitten?”

  “Well I told Rebecca if she didn’t back off of me she’d wake up bald.” He stopped and I bumped into his back. He turned and looked at me and threw his head back and laughed. Everyone within a twenty foot radius stopped and looked at him. Then to make it worse he picked me up and swung me around.

  “That’s my girl!”

  “Kyle put me down you’re causing a scene. Really it was just a threat.”

  “Yes but you did it…” Just call me Simple Sam because I had no idea why he was so happy about that.

  “What are we cheering about over here?”

  “Mr. Carson!” I had to hold myself back from running to his arms. I was becoming too comfortable being around these two. I was still scared, but I was almost eighty-five percent sure I was in love with them both. Both of them and I knew I wouldn’t be able to choose. When I was with one I missed the other and didn’t feel like I was standing on two feet without both nearby.

  “We’ll talk later over dessert.” Kyle whispered to our threesome causing both of them to look at me. I swallowed hard. “They are about to do the awards and she’s not going to stay put…”

  Carson mumbled some very naughty words and then took my hand and kissed it. “It was a pleasure to meet you. It’s good to know my old friend has someone so beautiful to stand beside him.”

  I blushed. He was a natural actor through and through. “The pleasure will be mine…and please don’t be a stranger. Kyle talks about you often and I think he misses his friend.”

  “Rightly scolded ma’am and yes the pleasure shall be yours.” He smiled a smile that I was beginning to call his ‘I’m going to be a bad boy’ smile and clapped Kyle on the shoulder and walked out of the ballroom.r />
  The DJ called us to seats and introduced Rebecca again. “What did he mean ‘the pleasure will be mine’?”

  “You said that when you should have said the pleasure was mine.” Kyle’s smile distracted me.


  “You said ‘The pleasure will be mine’ when you should have said the pleasure’s mine.” I flushed and Kyle rubbed my hand, smiled, slid his chair next to mine and put his arm over my shoulder.

  I found out it was so he could play with bruises. Really I should have let them believe they hurt. The first time caused me to jump the second time caused me to exhale heavily. “Do it again and you won’t be around for your award.” I threatened, he chuckled but put his arm down and I missed the warmth.

  “And now for the razz awards for in good fun and friendship we recognize the following people.” Rebecca announced three names for the worse dressed the least changed and the wallflower. People laughed and had a good time. It was nice to see that people have matured; this would have never been cool to do in school. “And finally for the votes of the best dressed: Marcy Furgeson!” Marcy went up and she really was quiet stunning in a white off the shoulder number her legs were long and toned her pixie hair was pokey and the lips red.

  Good choice I thought “She looks good, but nowhere as amazing as you.” Kyle whispered in my ear.

  “You’re bias, now hush!” I watched Rebecca open the next envelope and she paled slightly.

  “For the most amazing change is Harley Shelton.” She spoke quickly and emotionlessly. Applause went up through the room and I sat there stunned.

  “Well go on kitten.” I stood and floated to the stage I took the envelope from her tightly grasp hands.

  “This must just bite your ass doesn’t it?” I smiled to the crowd did a little curtsy and exited stage left.

  I sat back down next to Kyle who pulled me close to him and asked “What did you say?” I simply just shook my head.

  “Last but not least for the most successful member of our graduating class; Kyle Douglas, known to us bibliophiles as Kyle Mallory.” I smiled at him and he stood and walked to the stage. The applause was loud and long.

  He stood up on the stage like he owned it and raised his hands and spoke in to the mic. “Thanks everybody. I appreciate everyone who read my books and hope you continue reading as I continue to write.” He turned to exit the stage and was attacked by a throng of avid fans. He was nice enough to sign things people handed him and finally made it back to me. “Can we please go now?” I nodded and stood up and he took my hand.

  “Wait! Mr. Mallory please wait.” I sighed and rolled my eyes as Rebecca came running up behind us. She came to a stop as she saw me. “Lord you’re everywhere aren’t you?”

  “Rebecca is there something you needed to say to me?” Kyle’s voice was dark and dangerous, Rebecca was oblivious to it, but to me, it intrigued me and turned me on a little bit. I definitely needed help.

  “Yes, I was wondering if you like to get a drink?”

  I snapped. “Ok, listen you. You are married and annoying me. Kyle is with me, you never had a chance. Get over it and go away you insignificant little gnat.” I walked away pulling Kyle with me.

  When we got to the elevator he pulled me to him. “That was amazing and so incredibly hot.”

  “What me telling the bitch off?”

  “No you laying claim to me.” I laughed.

  “Easily done darling, I am an exceptionally jealous woman I wouldn’t try getting rid of me now.”

  “Never kitten.” He kissed me and pulled me into the car and kissed me the entire ascent. We stumbled along the hallway to my room kissing and touching and getting incredibly hot. We made it to my door and he pushed me into it. “Open this door kitten, now.” He pressed his hips into mine and I moaned into his mouth.

  “I can’t.”

  “Do not tease me right now.” His voice reached that dark area again and I shivered against his body.

  “Y-you have my key.” He quickly patted himself down and came up with a key. “When do you think Carson will be here?”

  “Should be already, or will be soon. Either way I will be in you v-e-r-y shortly.” He said the last part into my neck and kissing me. I shivered again and turned and he pressed me into the door again.

  I got the key in and opened the door.

  And stopped.

  I put my hand to Kyle’s lips to keep him from saying anything and lifted my dress and pulled my pistol. “Is he still alive Marcus?”

  “For now…throw that little pistol you keep on you and he’ll stay alive a bit longer.”

  “Marcus if you hurt him I will slice you in so many pieces that you couldn’t even be used for shish kabobs.” Marcus laughed.

  “That’s why I love you Harley you have such a way with words.” I took my phone from Kyle and typed in a message. “Come on in the room darling and the gun best precede you.” I pushed Kyle and my phone out the door and the look on his face was one of shock and he released the door and it shut in his face. I just hope like hell he looks at my phone.

  Chapter seven:

  I turned and tossed my pistol on the floor to the other side of the room. “Alright now let him go please…this is between you and I remember.” I stepped out from the corner and let him see me dressed as I was. “Hello Marcus.”

  “Ah, my darling, you look amazing.”

  “Thank you Marcus.” I looked at Carson and he was breathing deeply through his nose which flared out with every inhale and staring daggers at Marcus. I gave a sad smile to him and his eyes softened at me. Oh he was going to be so mad at me…I felt the tears burning. I looked away. “Still wearing that cologne I gave you a year ago?”

  “It’s special to me.”

  “Marcus you have lost your ever loving mind! Don’t you remember? We broke up, I broke your ankle and nose, missed your head damn the luck. You cut my neck and gave me a black eye and three bruised ribs.” I looked to Carson who looked, if possible, even more pissed. Oh I knew he was never going to forgive me for not telling him this one.

  “It was a lover’s spat, that’s all.”

  “What about Carl?”

  “Ah, Carl…I regret he had to die. He would have told you, I planned this out…minute, by minute…I didn’t plan on him.” Marcus tapped the pistol he held to Carson’s temple. “He put up a hell of a fight.” I took a good look at Marcus and he had blood on his nose down his shirt and what looks to be a start of a black eye.

  I smiled at Carson. “Good job honey.”

  “NO! ME! I’M HONEY!” Marcus screamed in that ‘I’ve totally lost my mental facilities’ sort of way.

  “No you are insane!” I needed to be out of this dress. “Look Marcus, dear, I am wearing four inch heels and have been for two hours, can I change?” He circled the pistol in the universal ‘Go on’ sign. “So why did you kill Captain?” the tears burned my eyes at the mention of Captain’s name.

  “That damn mutt meant more to you than anything, that and he bit my ankle when I left that day.” His smile almost made me throw up. “He was fun to kill…took my time. Did you get the pictures?” I ignored the taunt it was hard, but I did it, I felt sick.

  I untied the wraps and slowly unwrapped myself from the dress for Carson, I looked at him and his nostrils flared. I tried to tell him I knew what I was doing, but I wasn’t sure if he got the message, and then I looked back at Marcus.

  I focused on him instead of Carson because I was suddenly ashamed of my job. I was a master in the art of seduction, I’ve had other people watching before, but having Carson be that man changes everything. “So Marcus you’ve been planning this, huh?” my voiced softened and I did another wrap. “You going to tell me what this plan entails or do I get to guess?” I undid another wrap.

  He was enthralled just as I wanted him to be. “Yes I was going to come and pick you up, a little wine and dine and then I was going to fuck you into submission and then kill you.”

, Marcus, that’s really nice of you.” I finished unwrapping myself and let the dress fall off and pool around my feet.

  “I must say you look amazing, but where did these bruises come from?” I didn’t answer him instead I turned around. “Harley I asked you a question! You will answer me!” I lifted my hair and took the hair tie off the dresser and wrapped my hair into a make shift bun. “Harley they are all over you.”

  “Yes Marcus…they are.” I pulled on a tee shirt and nothing else. I bent and gathered my dressed keeping my ass out toward Marcus. My dress had not only pooled around my feet, but also my full package case. I quietly lifted the tabs and the lid and reached in and pulled out a gun. I frowned for the loss of the dress. I loved this dress. I stood up with the dress in my arms and the gun hidden under it. “Marcus, as much as I appreciate the thought of the wonderful plan, I am going to have to cancel. For you see I am spoken for. You lost me and he found me.”

  “Him! You can’t be serious he’s like a foot taller than you and there is no way you are compatible in any way!”

  “Marcus how do you think I got the bruises.” He face still held no recognition. “Marcus I know it’s been like six months since you’ve been that close to me, but you know how easy I bruise.”

  “FOUR! IT’S BEEN FOUR MONTHS BITCH!! His tanned face was blotchy with fury and did not look becoming. “I am sorry Harley we are going to have to forgo the wine and dine.”

  “Ok Marcus.” I cocked the gun under my dress, his eyes widened and I pulled the trigger. He flew back against the connecting door and he fell. I wasn’t fooled for a minute and untangled my gun from my dress and two handed it. “Marcus you ass…be insane or cunning but you can’t be both!”

  “You shot me.” He grumbled as he got up. I took aim for a head shot when…

  The burn through my arm dropped me. “Fucker!” My right arm completely unresponsive. The gun was no where I could see.

  “Now it’s my turn.” He took aim and I rolled into him. I knocked him down and nailed his face with my heel. He returned by elbowing my thigh and numbing the entire leg, I returned the favor my using my left leg into his temple. “Fuck!” He rolled out from between my legs, my right leg tingling all the way down and my right arm bleeding and nonresponsive I crawled away and heard him stand and stomp after me.


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