Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 3

by Gayle Donnelly

  The beast in him had wanted to howl with pleasure at the realization. He’d wanted nothing more than to roll her beneath him, strip her bare and sink into her slick, untouched heat as fast as possible. He’d wanted to mark her as his for all to see. The control it had taken not to do exactly that should qualify him for a damn Olympic medal in self-control. Instead, he had stepped away from her, hadn’t said a word as she’d straightened her clothes then spoken those emotional words. He’d simply let her walk away from him, maybe for good.

  Fuck! His cock was still straining beneath his zipper just thinking about her. His mind raced. She’s not mine. I can’t have her. She’s my general’s baby sister. She’s like a second daughter to the king. Mathias and Roderick would tear the skin off my bones if they knew I’d ever touched her. And she deserves better. Much better than me.

  Talon replayed the entire scene over and over again in his head. He knew he couldn’t have Chloe the way he wanted to, but he’d be damned if he was going to let her run away from her home and from those who could protect her. He had to talk to Mathias and if necessary the king, to find out where her assignment was. With that body, that temper and that stubborn spirit, Talon knew there was no way trouble wouldn’t find his little redheaded firecracker.

  First order of business, Talon would talk to Mathias. Then he would shake some sense into Chloe to make her stay or, if he had to, follow her hot little ass to wherever her assignment was and stay glued to her side until it was over and he could bring her home. She had been gone from home for too long. He couldn’t have her, yet he couldn’t tolerate any other man looking at her, let alone touching her. He’d have to figure that part out later but he’d be damned if he was letting her get that far away from him again.

  Talon didn’t know how long he lay there replaying the scene with Chloe, but just as he determined his next move, the doors to the training facility slammed open. Talon pulled his arms away from his eyes and rolled his head toward the doorway. Tre was fully armed and out of breath.

  “Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Think you might want to turn your cell phone back on?” Tre bellowed. “We’ve got trouble. Now get off your lazy ass and let’s go.”

  Talon stood quickly and moved toward the doors. He jogged with Tre through the corridors back to the main hall, passing through the front doors and moving out into the night. Frustration churned in his gut as he realized his talk with Mathias would have to wait.

  * * * * *

  After returning to her quarters and taking a quick shower, Chloe finished her packing. It had been so long since she had lived here and she’d only been back a short while, so packing was a quick task. She took a final walk-through of each of her rooms, making sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. There was nothing about the space that felt like home. Her heart clenched as she realized she felt like a guest.

  It was growing late but she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. Early tomorrow morning she’d board a plane to begin her new assignment in Washington State and leave this place behind for good. She knew in her heart she wasn’t coming back. The coldness of that thought forced her to wrap her arms around her middle.

  She went to search out her brother. She wanted to see Mathias one last time before she left.

  Walking through the dark corridors toward Mathias’ room, Chloe was lost in thought. She made her way to the grand foyer and found General Killian seated in one of the heavy armchairs next to the fireplace. The glow of the fire illuminated the walls with an ethereal light. She cleared her throat to announce her presence and Killian turned his head.

  “What brings you here at this hour, Chloe?” Killian asked in a deep baritone.

  Chloe put her hands in her front pockets, shrugged her shoulders and leaned against the huge rock face of the mantel. “Just anxious to begin, I guess. Couldn’t sleep.”

  “Did you have a good workout? I was going to do some late-night training myself but when I saw how intensely you were taking on that bag, I figured you would prefer to have the place to yourself.” Killian eyed Chloe closely, gazing at her as though trying to read her thoughts.

  How much had Killian seen or worse, how much had he overheard? Had he seen what happened with Talon?

  Killian stood, pulling Chloe out of her musings. “The plane is ready. We’re set to take off at dawn but I’m anxious to return home. If you’re ready, we can leave now if you’d like.”

  Chloe knew Killian could sense her turmoil. More than that, it was obvious he had been witness to what had gone down in the training room between her and Talon, at least some of it…hopefully only some of it. He was giving her a way out and after her latest run-in with Talon she was more than ready to take it. Mathias was busy with Mina so she knew goodbyes with her brother were second on his list of priorities. She had her orders from the king and there was definitely nothing left to say to Talon. There was absolutely nothing keeping her here. A gut-wrenching sadness filled her heart. There’s nothing here for me any longer.

  Chloe squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and lifted her chin to meet Killian’s gaze. “Let me run back to my room and get my bags. I’m ready to go whenever you are, General.”

  * * * * *

  Tre led Talon to the far part of the forest on the westernmost outskirts of the property. After several minutes they finally stopped in a clearing.

  “What the fuck is so urgent that you had to drag me all the way out here?” Talon stormed. “I’ve got things I need to take care of.” Namely finding Chloe and figuring out a way to make her stay here, where she belonged. After, of course, he apologized to her for his unforgivable words and actions over the past few days. He owed her at least that much.

  Tre took a deep breath and stared somberly at his friend. He didn’t want to share this news but knew it had to be done.

  “I’ve heard rumors tonight, Talon,” Tre started. “We have a traitor. I would have discussed this with Mathias but he obviously has his hands full at the moment with Mina.”

  “Impossible,” Talon hissed, pacing with impatience, his attention elsewhere. “Who would betray us and where did you get this information?”

  Tre shrugged. “Let’s just say I have a source in the neighboring village who is very reliable. One who frequently amuses Valta warriors. This source overheard two of the bastards discussing the fact that Mina was Roderick’s human-hybrid daughter and that she’s pregnant. This news will make Valencia all the more determined to find the answers to successfully mating humans with our kind. All her efforts will now be focused on her New Orleans project, where apparently she’s had the most success so far with her experiments, or so my source overheard. She’s sending Luca to the States to head up the next phase.”

  Talon stopped pacing and stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Recently, the Valta’s unyielding desire to dominate what they believed was the weaker human race had led to increased brutality against their human victims—Mina being one of their most recent targets. It was the responsibility of the Coteri warriors to stop the Valta and Talon took his role in this growing battle very personally.

  “So let her send Luca to New Orleans. Devereux can handle his territory. Why does that make you believe we have a traitor?”

  Tre moved to stand directly in front of his friend. “That’s not all my source heard, Talon. Luca now has a bounty on your head. However, no one is allowed to kill you other than him. You’re to be brought to him alive so he can finish you off himself. He’ll stop at nothing to spill your blood and make you suffer.”

  Talon chuckled coldly and raised a brow. “Okay, so Luca is still pissed about us nabbing Mina out from under him. Probably still pissed about the little message I left for him on his bedroom wall. Big fucking deal. Let him come after me. I’ll gut him then send him home in pieces to that bitch of a mother of his. Again, why does this information make you think we have a traitor?” Talon looked back toward the castle and resumed his pacing.

  Tre sighe
d as he shook his head, knowing he needed to take a more forceful approach to get his friend’s full attention. “Look, man, I know your brain is focused on other things right now, but follow me on this, dumbass. How did Valencia and Luca know Mina was Roderick’s child? And more importantly that she’s pregnant? Every step of the way in bringing Mina to the castle, they knew where we would be…the stores, the opera, the hotel. Her pregnancy was only recently discovered. That news has yet to be shared outside of a select few in the castle and yet the Valta already know about it.” Tre went silent, shifting from one foot to the other, and lowered his head.

  Talon stopped pacing and let out an exasperated sigh. “Just spill it, would you, Betty? What are you leaving out?”

  Tre flinched at the stupid nickname but braced his feet apart and raised his head to meet his friend’s gaze directly, no hint of amusement in his features. “You want more proof that someone within the castle walls has betrayed us, T? Fine. Tell me how the Valta scum know that a certain little Coteri redhead will be relocating to Washington with Killian for her latest assignment? That’s the last part of the information I heard tonight, Talon. My source said that the Valta warriors boasted that even though they couldn’t get to Mina now, they would at least be able to have some fun by snagging second best. And I do mean have…some…fun. They plan to take the person Roderick always thought of as a daughter but who was not of his blood. And they plan to get her in Washington. Through her, Roderick will suffer and as icing on the cake, you will pay. And just who do you think that little redhead is, Einstein?”

  Talon’s body stiffened as Tre’s words finally sunk in. His eyes blazed with rage. He brought his arms down and fisted his hands at his sides. “There’s no way in hell Chloe is going to Washington,” Talon growled.

  Tre let out a long sigh and shook his head in resignation. “That’s where you’re wrong, bro. She left less than an hour ago on a private jet with Killian. She’s already gone, man.”

  Talon let out a roar that shook the trees. He immediately prepared to shift when Tre grabbed his arm.

  “Hold up, T. You need to stay calm and think this through. You can’t go charging back to the castle causing a scene. We need to figure out the best way to handle what we’ve learned. We don’t know who is leaking this information or who we can even trust at this point.” Tre shifted his stance so he was directly in front of his friend.

  “Look, I know how you feel about Chloe but you need to use your head on this one. And just to be clear, I’m talking about the head on top of your shoulders, buddy.”

  Talon stiffened even further if that was possible. “What do you mean you know how I feel about Chloe? She’s my general’s kid sister, a Coteri female. Of course I want to protect her, just as you or any other warrior would do.” Talon was nearly shaking with fury.

  Tre chuckled. “Yeah, right. You are so full of shit, T. Even for as long as Chloe has been gone, that little redheaded firecracker still turns your dick to iron just by walking into a room. That girl has had her eyes on you for as long as I can remember. And you’ve been denying the attraction for just as long. Don’t play the kid sister card with me.”

  When Talon didn’t reply, Tre took a step back and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “But hey, maybe I’m wrong. Besides, not that she wasn’t before but since she’s come back…damn is she hot!”

  Talon immediately slammed into Tre, squeezing his trachea with a grip that would have snapped a human man’s neck.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, ball-licker. And if you ever say anything like that again, I’ll fucking neuter you myself!” Talon’s anger was palpable as he squeezed his friend’s throat.

  Tre wheezed as Talon’s grip tightened. “So if you’re really not that into her, I take it that means she’s fair game then, huh?”

  Talon’s hold relaxed somewhat as Tre smiled and held up both hands in a sign of submission. “Hey man, I just call it like I see it. You can bullshit everyone else all you want but you and I both know how you feel about that girl, Mathias’ sister or not. Maybe it’s time you stopped fucking around and do something about it before it’s too late. She did leave with Killian, after all.” Tre wagged his eyebrows up and down.

  Talon shook his head as he released his hold and stepped back. Fuck. He’d thought he had better control than this. If a smartass like Tre could see his desire for Chloe, who else could have seen it? Obviously the traitor, if the Valta knew they could get to him by hurting Chloe. When he found out who had betrayed them, he would gut them slowly with his bare hands. And she’d left with Killian of all men—a hard, alpha, unattached Coteri general who lived on a different continent. No fucking way!

  Without another word, Talon shifted into a silver hawk and flew back toward the castle. He was going to see the king and get some fucking answers, tonight.

  Chapter Three

  Talon arrived back at the castle and quickly changed forms. The Coteri’s unique ability to shift from animal to human form without losing clothing or weapons was a definite advantage at times like these. Racing through the corridors to Chloe’s quarters, he saw immediately what he already knew in his gut to be true. Chloe was gone. Rage tore through him as he looked around the barren rooms. There was nothing to indicate she had ever been there, yet he felt her presence all the same. He walked into the large closet, instantly barraged by her scent. Her clothes were gone but her sweet fragrance still lingered—a mixture of honey and spice that was uniquely Chloe. He moved over to her bed and lifted her pillow, inhaling deeply. He took in the remnant of the floral scent of her hair as his mind drifted back to their confrontation in the training room.

  The images flooded into his head. How she had felt when he’d enveloped her from behind as he whispered those callous, cruel words in her ear. How her taste had exploded into his mouth as he devoured her silky flesh. How she’d burned him alive with her responsiveness to his touch. And the look of utter sadness and resignation in her beautiful, emerald-green eyes before she’d walked away. His gut ached. She was gone and she was now in danger because of him.

  He grabbed his cell phone and tried to call her. He knew when the call abruptly ended without going to voicemail that she was ignoring his call, which not only pissed him off but made his stomach clench with self-disgust. He’d done this. He knew he’d played an integral part in her decision to leave her home, her family, him. Damn, the things he’d said to her since she’d been home. He’d been able to fight his attraction to her in the past, albeit with difficulty. Over the years she’d been away, he’d deceived himself into believing that he had moved past it and those feelings were under control. Then she’d returned and all bets were off. From the first moment he’d seen her in the field after the attack when Mina was taken, her long auburn curls blowing wild in the wind, her luscious ass swaying enticingly as she walked by him without even a glance, he’d known he was in trouble. As she passed, her sweet scent had hit him with an impact that had almost brought him to his knees. He’d wanted to throw her over his shoulder and take her away from the prying eyes of any other male in the vicinity and make her his in every way imaginable. He’d never had such an intense reaction to a female before.

  Mina’s unwitting comments about the type of men Chloe had been attracted to in the States had incensed Talon. He’d been pissed. Pissed at the thought of her with another man, pissed at himself for his overwhelming reaction to her, pissed at her for having such an effect on him. And he’d taken out his anger on her. He was a bastard and he knew it. It was no wonder she’d left. He’d be damned, though, if he’d let her get away with that decision. He knew he couldn’t have her but Chloe belonged here, with her family, where she could be protected. Knowing the danger she was now in only made it more imperative that she return home, within the protective walls of the castle.

  Talon began to pace. Bringing Chloe back had absolutely nothing to do with what he did or didn’t feel for her. It was his duty as a Coteri warrior to see to the
protection of his people. He knew Mathias and the king would agree with him. No, this had nothing to do with how the little redhead made his blood burn with need while at the same time drove him crazy with her smart mouth and independent nature. Hell no. His feelings had nothing to do with this.

  Talon punched in Killian’s number on his cell. Killian was one of the king’s strongest generals. Talon would inform him of the traitor and tell him to bring Chloe back immediately. The idea of Chloe being alone on a private plane with Killian set his teeth on edge…and just where the hell had all that possessive rage come from? He knew he had to get a grip on his emotions but as Talon relayed the recently discovered information to Killian, his anger only intensified.

  “Let me worry about what’s mine,” Killian raged over the phone. Talon lost it and roared his own barrage of obscenities as he ordered the general to turn the plane around and bring Chloe back. Killian left Talon with a colorful parting comment and disconnected the call. Blood boiling, almost shaking with rage, Talon threw his cell phone across the room where it shattered against the wall.

  “Well, so much for not causing a scene. I take it your conversation with Killian didn’t go well?” Tre said as he casually leaned a shoulder against the doorway to Chloe’s room, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk.

  “Don’t push me right now, pup,” Talon growled as he stalked toward the door, shouldering past Tre and moving into the corridor.


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