Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 4

by Gayle Donnelly

  “We need to get to Mathias and Roderick and figure out our plans,” he said without slowing his pace.

  Hanging back a couple of paces, Tre added, “Guess we need to stop by supply and pick you up a replacement cell phone—and maybe a new set of nads since yours seem to be twisted beyond all recognition.”

  Talon stopped and slowly turned to face Tre. “I’m only warning you once. My control is hanging by a thread right now. Keep it up and I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Turning slowly back around, Talon resumed his course toward Mathias’ room.

  “Fuuuuck me,” Tre muttered to himself as he followed Talon. “This isn’t gonna be good.”

  * * * * *

  Chloe reclined in the private jet she shared with Killian, finally tired enough to close her eyes and relax. Leaning back in the cushioned recliner with her iPod playing Creed, she smiled at the ironic twist her life had taken. She felt bad she hadn’t had a chance to say her goodbyes to those she loved and explain the reason for her sudden departure, but honestly, did it really matter? She knew she didn’t belong there anymore—wasn’t needed or even wanted, in the case of Mina and probably Talon as well. So no, it didn’t really matter that she hadn’t said goodbye.

  Who would have thought it possible that her life could change so drastically in a few short days? Who would have thought how much she could have changed in such a short period of time? Although painful, she knew those changes were for the best. Her last confrontation with Talon after her workout had solidified her clarity on that subject. She would no longer allow her emotions to rule her decisions, whether in assignments or in any personal relationships. Because in the end it just wasn’t worth it and it hurt too damn much.

  Yes, going back to Washington and working with Killian was just what she needed—a fresh start with a new perspective on life. She would complete this newest assignment, then move on to the next. No attachments, no entanglements, no regrets.

  After leaving Talon in the training room, she had headed straight for Roderick’s study. She’d told him she wanted to be permanently stationed in the States and that she had no intention of returning to Germany. Although his disappointment had been evident on his face, understanding had glinted in his eyes and he’d reluctantly said he would honor her wishes. New assignment, new life, new Chloe.

  The vibration of her cell phone brought her out of her private thoughts. Removing her ear fobs, she pulled the phone out of the pocket of her black cargo pants and read the display. Talon. Staring at the screen for a few moments, she hit ignore, powered off the phone and returned it to her pocket. New life, new Chloe—starting now.

  Killian was in the small office at the back of the plane, reading the latest updates from his officers in Washington on his laptop. He’d told Chloe when they departed to relax for a while and he would fill her in on the details of her assignment later on during the flight. She heard his phone ring and seconds later heard him roar with anger. Something was definitely wrong.

  Curiosity got the better of her and she made her way back to the office, knocked softly and slowly pushed the door open. Killian was pacing the small space, cursing and yelling at whomever he was talking to on the phone. When he turned back toward the door to make another pass across the room, he saw Chloe and motioned her in.

  As Chloe sank down into a small leather chair in front of the desk, Killian resumed his pacing, one hand gripping the phone with white knuckles, the other hand dragging his fingers through his thick, brown hair with obvious frustration. With each swipe of his hand, his biceps flexed through his snug black T-shirt and his rock-hard thighs bunched with every long stride. Chloe mentally slapped herself for even noticing those things at such an obviously inappropriate time. But damn, she’d almost forgotten during her time away from home just how good-looking her Coteri brethren could be. Killian’s infinity tattoo, the symbol carried by all Coteri generals, could be seen on his right biceps just below his sleeve and it moved with every flex of his heavily muscled arm.

  Chloe didn’t know Killian well but knew of his reputation. He was well-respected as a general, one of the fiercest warriors, a definite ladies’ man if the legends were anywhere close to true, and was considered a close friend to the king. As she watched him, she was confident she would learn a lot from this man during her assignment and vowed to prove her worth to both Killian and to herself.

  Chloe was brought out of her reflections by Killian’s bellow. “What do you mean you have no idea who it is? You’d better fucking find out and fast! Their safety is paramount but I also need to know what my people in the States are up against.”

  Killian stopped and met Chloe’s gaze, then turned his back to her. In a deep, growling tone that brought her to the edge of her seat he said, “Don’t you dare question my ability to protect my responsibilities, asshole. We both know your role in this current situation so I don’t want to hear what you want or what you demand. You lost that right, so just concentrate on securing your end and let me worry about what’s mine. Do your fucking job and keep me informed of any updates.”

  There was a moment of silence as Killian listened intently to the caller. He once again turned to face Chloe. His irises flamed as he snarled his response. “Fuck you, Talon.” He disconnected the call. Killian lowered himself into the chair behind the small desk and let out a calming breath. He slowly raised his gaze to Chloe’s. “So, ready to talk about the details of your assignment?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask what the call was about but she had a pretty good idea already. Talon had probably called Killian when he couldn’t reach her on her cell. He‘d probably tried to talk Killian into taking her back to Germany. Not because he wanted to see her but because he didn’t have faith in her or in her abilities to complete her assignment successfully. “Babysitting Mina doesn’t qualify you for field assignments, little girl.” His words in the training room slammed into her head. At least Killian had told the arrogant jerk off. But she couldn’t deny the twinge of pain she felt at Talon’s lack of faith in her. Straightening her spine, she looked directly at Killian. “Absolutely, General. I’m more than ready.”

  * * * * *

  The plane finally touched down at Sea-Tac airport in Washington and taxied to a private hangar. Chloe was home. And she realized this did feel like her home. She knew it would never be the same as when she and Mina had lived here but her soul recognized this place—the beauty of the mountains, the endless evergreens, the water. She felt at peace. She took a deep, cleansing breath as she followed Killian off the plane and toward a waiting black Hummer. They threw their bags in the back and climbed in.

  Killian maneuvered the vehicle out of the hangar and onto the I-5, heading north toward Seattle. They rode in silence. After his call with Talon on the plane, Killian had explained to her in detail all that had been happening in the area and what her role would be in this assignment. She would only be utilized to gather intel and nothing more. It hadn’t surprised Chloe when Killian had informed her that Roderick’s only requirement in allowing her to assist his team was that she be kept protected at all costs and be far removed from any danger. As the Hummer continued smoothly down the highway, Chloe’s fingertips rubbed her right hip bone and she forced herself to tap down her anger at the archaic, chauvinistic principles applied to Coteri females. No, she wasn’t a warrior and certainly didn’t pretend to be, but that didn’t mean she needed protecting as if she were made of spun glass.

  Chloe’s thoughts turned to the missing women, the torture and branding, the murders. Her stomach churned at the thought of all those poor, innocent victims. How in the world had all this been going on right under her nose when she lived here with Mina and she’d not even been aware of it? Well, she was aware of it now and she would stop at nothing to find out the information needed to bring down the sick Valta bastards responsible.

  Just as she was about to break the lengthy silence and ask Killian where they were headed, his cell phone buzzed. He hit the speaker
button and in a clipped tone said, “Darrius, gather everyone in the conference room. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. There’s been a new development and you all need to be briefed.”

  “We’ll be waiting, General,” Darrius replied.

  Killian ended the call and cast a glance at Chloe. “I had hoped to ease you into your new assignment, Chloe, but unfortunately we no longer have the luxury of time. We’ll debrief with the men, then we’ll get you settled into your new base of operations. You’ll start first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Chloe simply nodded and turned her gaze out the passenger window. She didn’t want Killian to see the look of unease she knew would probably be visible in her eyes. As she watched the familiar landscape speed by, she forced her pulse to calm, her breaths to even. Closing her eyes she could literally feel her protective shields begin to take form and strengthen. Gone were the emotional feelings of homecoming. No more walks down memory lane. She was here to do a job. No matter what Talon thought of her abilities, no matter her own doubts or Roderick’s orders, she would not fail. She couldn’t. This was too important.

  Barriers in place, she turned back to face Killian with calm determination. “The sooner the better, General. I’m ready.”

  Killian turned his head to meet her gaze. “It’s Killian, Chloe.” His storm-gray eyes bored into hers. “You’re a guest member of my team and a civilian, so the formality isn’t necessary. Call me Killian.”

  Chloe felt heat rush to her cheeks under the intensity of his stare. “Killian,” she replied softly.

  * * * * *

  The pounding on the door to his quarters brought Mathias out of a dead sleep. Mina was snuggled against him, back to front, and damn but he didn’t want to move. He pulled her closer, placing a warm kiss on the side of her neck. Mina gave a soft moan in response, mumbled something about wanting a triple shot mocha, but didn’t wake up. Mathias smiled as he hugged her closer. He had kept her very busy last night.

  The pounding continued. Mathias knew it was still before dawn so something must be wrong. Drawing on a pair of pants, he left the bedroom, softly closing the doors behind him so as not to disturb Mina. Mathias made his way to the front door and opened it. He took one look at the expressions on Tre’s and Talon’s faces and knew something was definitely off. Mathias quickly ushered them inside and closed the door.

  “What the hell is wrong? And keep your voices down. I don’t want you to wake Mina,” Mathias said in hushed tones.

  Talon remained silent as he began to pace the room, fists clenched and jaw rigid.

  “Guess I drew the short straw then,” Tre mumbled as he watched his friend try to keep it together.

  Tre told Mathias everything he had recently learned, from what the Valta knew about Mina and the baby to Chloe’s departure and the threat against her, and finally his conclusion that they had been betrayed by someone close to them. As Mathias listened, he felt his body go taut with rage. A low rumble began in his chest as he too began to pace, mirroring Talon from the other side of the room.

  When Tre finished, Mathias stopped pacing and roared, “How is this possible? You’re telling me not only is my pregnant mate still in danger, but from someone within these walls? And my baby sister is now a target as well, but she snuck away in the middle of the night without a word to anyone? Not even to me?”

  Mathias stalked toward Talon and grabbed him by shirt, tugging him close. “What the fuck did you do to her, Talon?”

  Talon stood mutely, hands still fisted at his sides, eyes glowing with his own inner fury.

  Tre quickly stepped between the two men, forcing them apart. In the next instant, all three men turned toward the sound of the bedroom door as it opened and Mina walked out, tying her robe around her. Mathias immediately crossed the room and pulled her to his side, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulder.

  “What’s going on, Mathias?” Mina asked, her voice still groggy but filled with confusion and apprehension.

  Mathias gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “Get dressed, love. We’re going to see your father. We’ll explain everything to you when we get there. Tre, contact Roderick and ask him to meet us in his private study in ten minutes. Alone. This isn’t Council business…not yet.”

  Talon resumed his pacing on the other side of the room, fists clenching, muscles contracting, jaw grinding.

  As Mina watched him, she stood with her hands on her hips and her brows furrowed. “Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on, and I mean now.”

  Mathias turned to face her and brought his hands up to cup her face. “Please, Mina, don’t ask questions now. I need you to get dressed and we have to get to Roderick. I’ll explain everything when we get there but I need you to trust me on this and just get dressed for me, please.” He leaned in and placed a soft kiss across her lips.

  Mina slowly lifted her gaze and looked sternly into Mathias’ eyes. “Fine, I’ll get dressed, but one of you better start talking the second we hit Roderick’s door. Your expressions are scaring the hell out of me right now and I don’t like it one bit.” Mina turned and went back into the bedroom to change.

  Chapter Four

  Mina, Mathias, Tre and Talon entered Roderick’s study. Their king sat behind his large mahogany desk, already dressed for the day although dawn had not yet arrived. A fire was blazing in the enormous fireplace off to the left as Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture played quietly in the background. Roderick motioned for them all to sit down. Tre and Talon took their places in two leather club chairs while Mathias, still cradling Mina close to his side, sat on the plush sofa closest to the fireplace.

  Mina looked toward her father, noticing the firm set of his jaw as his gaze bored back into hers. Her eyes roamed the room and landed on Tre and Talon, usually so full of fun and mischief but now both looking fierce, like the warriors they were. Mina then turned her gaze to Mathias, who immediately stroked her cheek with the back of one hand while he squeezed her shoulder into a side embrace. His beautiful green eyes were somber as he leaned down and gently brushed a soft kiss to her forehead.

  What the hell is going on? Mina wondered. Mathias had refused to answer her questions until they could meet with her father. The sober look of the men and their continued silence was scaring her. A small movement took her gaze to the entrance of the room where her father’s personal guards, Simon and Gabriel, stood stoically on either side of the massive double doors. They were ever present, swords at the ready, their sole responsibility being to protect the life and welfare of her father—and now her as well. All this was still so new to her. Would she ever get used to it?

  Mina slowly stood, away from Mathias’ side on the sofa, and gazed at the two men, her father’s protectors. She didn’t understand or couldn’t explain the feeling she had. She just knew what had to be done. Walking slowly toward the guards, Mina stopped before them. “Gentlemen, will you please excuse us? We need to have this discussion in private.”

  Simon and Gabriel stared at her questioningly but made no move to leave. Then Simon looked over Mina’s head at Roderick and simply asked, “Sire?”

  Mina turned from the men and locked gazes with her father.

  After a long silence, Roderick rose and came around to the front of his desk. He leaned back, bracing his hands behind him on the ornate wood, his long legs stretched out in front and crossed at the ankles as he let out a long breath.

  “Simon, Gabriel, please leave us. Stand watch outside Mina and Mathias’ quarters until further notice.”

  “Yes, Sire.” They both said in unison with a short bow. They left the room, closing the doors behind them.

  Roderick’s gaze found Mina’s once again. “Daughter, I assume later you’ll explain to me why I released my personal guards?”

  “Later my ass!” Mathias exploded, rising from the couch and crossing the room toward Mina. “What just happened, Mina? I want you protected at all times and yet you dismissed the king’s—and your—personal guards?
I told you, nothing will stand in the way of your protection. I won’t go through that again, Mina. I won’t risk losing you again. Now what the hell is going on?”

  Mina placed her hand on Mathias’ chest. “I don’t know how to explain it. I just got a strange feeling that we needed to have this conversation in private. Don’t ask me to explain because I don’t even understand it myself. I’m still getting used to all of this, okay?” Mina’s voice rose in her frustration.

  She turned to face the rest of the men in the room with her hands on her hips. “Now somebody better tell me what the hell is going on before I lose it!”

  “I wholeheartedly agree, Kätzchen. Somebody start talking. Now,” Roderick replied sternly.

  Tre looked at Talon, then Mathias. He realized he was once again going to be the lucky bastard who got to deliver the good news. “Damn it.” he muttered under his breath. He rose and faced his king and began to tell him in detail all he had learned and surmised about the traitor.

  Mina gripped Mathias’ arm and gasped. “How could they know about the baby? And Chloe’s gone? Does she even know she’s in danger?”

  Never moving his gaze from the flames of the fire, Talon gave a monotone reply. “She probably knows about the threat by now.”

  Mina took determined strides and ended right in front of Talon. She grabbed him by the shirt and tugged until he stood and towered over her, his body rigid and his gaze intense. Mathias protectively moved to stand between them but Mina wasn’t having any of it. She stepped around Mathias and pointed her finger into Talon’s chest.

  “Probably knows? Like hell. Get her back, Talon, now.” Mina demanded. “It’s my fault she left. Damn her, she knew I was just blowing off steam. How dare she just up and leave me like this before we could talk this all out. Go get her, Talon. Bring her back!”

  Mina was panic-stricken. She was furious and she knew she was losing it. Mathias tried to embrace her but she shrugged him off, knowing she didn’t deserve his comfort.


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