Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 7

by Gayle Donnelly

  “Daniel, there’s nothing you could have done. You can’t blame yourself for this. It’s a tragedy and I feel just as sick about it as you but this is why I’m here—to get inside and to get to know the staff and the patients and hopefully catch the sick Valta bastards who are doing this to the innocent women of this area. You have to trust me, Daniel. We’re going to stop this. Together we’re going to stop this.” Chloe squeezed his hand.

  Daniel gazed at Chloe across the table, then down at their joined hands. His fingers slowly curled around hers, then his eyes locked on hers once again. He gave her a short nod before he pulled his hand away.

  Chloe settled back in her chair and took another sip of coffee. She smirked and tried to lighten the mood. “So, now that we’ve bonded and all that, you don’t mind if I call you Danny, right?”

  All eyes turned to Daniel as he slowly lowered his coffee cup to the table. After several tense seconds of silence Daniel replied, “Only you may call me Danny, little warrior.”

  Chloe smiled and gave a quick snort. “Might not be as fun now that I have your permission. But I must admit I like the ‘little warrior’ title. And you haven’t even seen some of my best moves yet.”

  She was teasing him but something had just passed between them. She didn’t know what but instinctively she knew she liked this man, could trust this man. Danny, she thought with a smile. Maybe she could handle working with these guys after all.

  “Damn, Chloe. Lesson learned, girl. A shower, two cups of coffee and you’re almost cool enough to hang with.” David gave her a wink and a dimpled grin as he leaned on the back two legs of his chair. Chloe absently wondered how in the world the chair didn’t break, given the size and weight of its occupant. From across the table, his brother Michael, younger by only two years she had learned yesterday, kicked the chair legs under the table, sending David toppling over backward with a thud. With the tender moment broken, Chloe couldn’t help but laugh with the four Coteri warriors with whom she was quickly realizing she could become friends. Yes, she was definitely where she belonged, she thought to herself as David pulled himself up off the floor, left dimple on full display with his smile.

  * * * * *

  Roderick looked up from his desk at his two personal guards. “Gabriel, please bring Talon to me.”

  “Yes, Sire.” Gabriel bowed and left the study, leaving Simon behind.

  “My king, if I may speak freely?” Simon questioned once Gabriel was gone.

  Roderick came around his desk and seated himself in front of the fire, motioning Simon forward. “Of course, Simon. What’s on your mind?”

  Simon approached but remained stoical. “I don’t mean to offend, but I feel I must tell you that I don’t feel right about being dismissed yesterday. Gabriel and I are sworn to protect you and now your daughter. I don’t understand why we were dismissed from your presence and I fear you may have been influenced to question our loyalty toward you. We have served you honorably for many years and have never been asked to remove ourselves during discussions. I must ask, are you questioning our loyalty?”

  Roderick turned his gaze from the fire and stared into Simon’s eyes. “Simon, you and Gabriel have served me loyally for longer than I can remember. However, my daughter felt the need to have last night’s discussion in private. And although I appreciate your and Gabriel’s service and protection, there is absolutely nothing in this world that would make me refuse a single one of my daughter’s wishes if it was within my power to grant it. Don’t ever make the mistake of questioning where my priorities lie in this matter, Simon. My daughter and her wishes will always come first, even above my own protection.”

  Simon stiffened, lifted his chin and returned to his post by the double doors. He bowed slightly and softly said, “Of course, Sire.”

  Roderick continued to study his guard. A man he had known and trusted for years. A man who was privy to every nuance of the king’s business. He saw a faint flush to Simon’s skin, an intensity in his eyes. He knew Simon was not pleased with his answer, perhaps even hurt by it. Roderick rose from his seat and approached him, stopping only inches from the man, and placed a hand on his guard’s shoulder.

  “Simon. You understand your charge now includes protecting Mina and my future grandchild with the same due diligence with which you have sworn to protect me. Do you not?”

  This close, Roderick saw the tightening of Simon’s jaw muscles as the man stared past Roderick’s shoulder. After a moment’s pause Simon replied, “Yes, Sire. I completely understand and would gladly give my life for her and your unborn grandchild’s protection. You have my solemn oath.”

  Roderick gripped the man’s shoulder in acknowledgment and support, then stepped back. “I value your loyalty beyond measure, Simon. Give my daughter some time. Trust must be earned with her, as it should be. Our world is still very new to her. Just give it time. You may wait outside for Gabriel’s return with Talon. I wish to be alone.”

  With a short bow of his head, Simon removed himself from the study, softly closing the doors behind him.

  Roderick paced. His stomach sank. His mind whirled, replaying all he had learned the day before. They had a traitor in their house. One who threatened not only everything he had built for his people but the only true family he had left, his daughter and grandchild. How had he let this happen? How could he not have known? His failure bore heavily upon his psyche as he continued to pace the study. A short rap on the doors brought him up short.

  “Enter,” Roderick said.

  Talon entered with Gabriel and Simon at his heels.

  “Leave us,” the king ordered his guards. They looked at each other in question, then at their king. Bowing slightly, they turned to leave and closed the doors behind them.

  Talon stood stoically by the doors, his gaze steady and intense.

  “Talon, come sit,” Roderick requested.

  Talon took a seat across from his king.

  Roderick shifted and looked directly into Talon’s eyes. “Although we spoke on this matter yesterday, I wanted to meet with you alone so there could be no misunderstanding of my wishes.” He paused before continuing. “Mathias will remain with Mina and there is no one else I can entrust with this task, Talon. Although I know your instinct is to be elsewhere, my daughter’s safety must be paramount in my priorities. I am entrusting you with finding the identity of our traitor. Mina must be kept safe and her child must be born without incident. Only you can ensure this by finding the traitor. I have complete faith in you. Do you understand the significance of the task I lay before you, Talon?”

  Talon simply stared back at his king, every one of his instincts telling him to go to Chloe, yet knowing his king was asking him a monumental service.

  Roderick stood and moved to stand directly in front of Talon. “I know you are torn right now, Talon, but your specialized skills are needed here at the moment. So I will ask you again. Do you understand the significance of what I’m asking you to do, and do you accept?”

  Talon stood stiffly and bowed his head in acquiescence. “As you wish.” He raised his head and looked directly into his king’s eyes, staring intently. After a moment of silence, Talon left the study without another word.

  Roderick massaged his temples after Talon had left. “Damn, this is going to be harder than I thought.”

  * * * * *

  Gabriel and Simon watched as Talon left the king’s study and quickly vanished down the far corridor. “What the hell is going on, Gabriel?” Simon questioned. “Don’t you think it’s strange that all of a sudden we’re asked to leave the king’s presence?”

  “I don’t know,” Gabriel replied with a shrug. “I think the king’s daughter simply hasn’t adjusted to her role and her new life. She’ll get used to it and things will go back to normal. The king is just trying to give her time to adjust.”

  Simon shook his head. “Something’s not right with that one. Don’t you feel it? She’s strong-willed but unsure, which is dangerous. She
could be negatively influencing the king. We need to intercede.” Simon’s whispered voice grew increasingly louder.

  “We need to do no such thing, Simon. The king is perfectly capable of making his own decisions without our interference,” Gabriel replied in hushed tones.

  “Unfortunately I no longer share your faith,” Simon muttered under his breath as he turned and walked down the darkened corridor.

  * * * * *

  Talon left the king’s study and went straight to Mathias’ chambers. One quick knock on the door and he was ushered inside. Mathias and Mina simply stared at him in silence.

  The two warriors faced each other with piercing gazes. Neither one moved. Finally Talon said, “Roderick has formally charged me with finding our traitor. He’s leaving Chloe in the hands of Killian, confident in his abilities to protect her against any threat that comes to her in Washington.”

  Talon began to pace the large room, fists clenched in anger. He stopped and faced Mathias head on. “For now I’ll do as Roderick commands and do what’s necessary to find this traitor. But know this, Mathias—if I learn of even a whisper of a threat toward your sister, I’m going after her. Treason be dammed. I will defy the king’s orders and bring her back here myself, no matter what you or the king has to say about it.”

  After a long moment of silence, Mathias took steady strides across the room to end standing nose to nose with his friend. “Make no mistake—I want my sister safe from all threats, Talon.” The innuendo that Talon was one of those threats was clear in his tone.

  “I’m curious, however,” he continued, “why you feel so strongly about going after my sister? Is it simply the Coteri warrior’s creed to protect our females, a dedication to our friendship, or because you played some part in her decision to leave?”

  Mina’s sudden intake of breath had Talon’s gaze moving to hers. “But it’s my fault she’s gone,” Mina whispered. “I said terrible things to her before she left. I hurt her. I could see it in her eyes. And God help me, Mathias, I wanted to hurt her. Hurt her as much as she had hurt me.” Mina’s eyes welled, then the tears began to fall. “She’s gone and now she’s in danger, all because of me.”

  Mathias moved back to Mina’s side, enfolding her in his arms. As Talon listened to Mina’s heartache, his own guilt burned like acid in his gut. Self-disgust rolled through him as he said in a hoarse voice, “You aren’t the only one who said hurtful words to her, Mina. Chloe’s decision to leave doesn’t lie solely on your shoulders.”

  Both Mina and Mathias stared at Talon. The silence at his admission was deafening until Mathias fully turned to once again face his friend, understanding dawning on his face.

  “Shit. I told you to stay the hell away from her. For that matter, I told her to stay the hell away from you!” Mathias let out an exasperated breath and shook his head. “Look, we both know your aversion to commitment where females are concerned. And while I don’t agree with your reasoning, because you’re nothing like that traitorous asshole, I understand it.”

  Mathias ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before he continued. “But because I understand it, I also know I don’t want my sister to suffer the consequences of your warped opinions on relationships. And she would suffer, Talon. You and I both know that.”

  Talon didn’t respond, didn’t offer any argument in his defense. Mathias let out a long sigh. “Look, now isn’t the time to get into all this. Like the king, I trust Killian’s abilities, but I won’t stand in the way of your decision if it means protecting my sister. But you also have to understand the potential repercussions of disobeying a direct order from Roderick.”

  Mathias dropped his chin to his chest and paused before meeting Talon’s direct gaze once again. “At the first hint of danger, I trust you will bring my sister back home. No matter what it takes, you will return her, safe and unharmed. And I think you know I don’t just mean unharmed in the physical sense, right Talon?”

  Mathias stepped forward, placed a heavy hand on Talon’s shoulder. “We can deal with any other fallout later, once she’s safe. When and if the time comes, I trust you to bring her back where she belongs and where she can be protected.”

  Talon never lowered his gaze. He dipped his head in respect to his general and friend, knowing full well what the fallout would mean to his future.

  Mina stepped forward and placed her hand on Talon’s forearm. “I trust you, Talon, to do what’s right and what needs to be done.” She gave a gentle squeeze, then retreated back into Mathias’ arms.

  Talon’s response was simply a short nod of his head. Although he was glad he had both their support, he knew there was nothing and no one who could prevent him from going after Chloe when the time came. He also knew he had just ended his career as a Coteri warrior. He’d admitted to his general that he was fully prepared to disobey a direct order from his king, which constituted treason. All for a fiery redhead he could never have. Damn.

  Mina watched silently as Talon left their chambers. She turned to Mathias. “You plan on filling me in on just who this ‘traitorous asshole’ is that Talon compares himself to?”

  Mathias chuckled as he placed a quick kiss on Mina’s brow. “It’s a long story, love. Let’s get comfortable in bed and I’ll explain all the sordid details.”

  Chapter Seven

  Doctor Sean O’Connor sat in the clinic’s employee lounge reviewing the scans of one of his patients, a twenty-six-year-old female who had originally presented with obvious signs of sexual trauma and the corresponding psychological effects. And damn, it was only eight thirty in the morning. But to top it off, he had to meet with the newest psych counselor joining his staff later this morning. Man, he hated Mondays. Sean closed the manila file on Samantha Peterson and headed back to his office for a short break before his meeting with the clinic’s latest addition.

  With coffee in hand, Sean pushed open his office door and stood dumbstruck at the view in front of his desk. A small hand reached out to him as he stood stupefied.

  “Hello, Doctor O’Connor, I’m Chloe Walker. I hope you don’t mind but your assistant told me to wait in your office. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Peeling his tongue off the roof of his mouth, Sean managed to extend his hand in greeting, thinking his Monday just got a hell of a lot better. “Pleasure’s mine, Doctor Walker,” he replied, hoping he was presenting the professional demeanor both their titles demanded but knowing he probably wasn’t.

  When their hands touched, Sean felt something akin to an electric current shoot up his spine. What the hell? This woman was definitely not what he’d been expecting. He felt like a randy teenager and knew he had to get a grip. Sean released her hand and moved behind his desk, thanking all that was holy he was wearing a lab coat that went down to mid-thigh.

  “Please have a seat, Doctor Walker.” His voice was huskier than he intended as he took his own seat behind the desk.

  He couldn’t stop staring. Her eyes were such a translucent green, reminding him of highly polished emeralds. Her auburn hair was pulled back, which only accentuated the slim line of her neck and the silky-looking skin that trailed down the open V of her emerald-green blouse. She smiled warmly as she lowered herself gracefully into the chair, crossing one impossibly long leg over the other. She’s a colleague, he chastised himself. Pull yourself together and get your mind out of the damn gutter! Sean was brought out of his musings by her soft, lyrical voice.

  “Please, Doctor O’Connor, call me Chloe. I find in my line of work, a level of trust is more easily developed when people see me as an individual as opposed to associating me only with my title.”

  Sean smiled, finally able to regain a measure of self-control over his uncharacteristic reaction to his newest staff member. “I imagine that’s true considering your area of expertise, Chloe. I’ve gone over your credentials and you come highly recommended. As I’m sure you know, Killian Cahill is a member of the board of directors at our affiliate hospital in Seattle and speaks ve
ry highly of you. We’re happy to have you join us. We can certainly use someone with your skills, especially given the recent trouble we’ve had in the area.” He leaned forward and clasped his hands on top of the desk. He continued in a lowered tone, “I assume you’ve been apprised of the recent events we’ve been dealing with?”

  A slight frown replaced her smile. “Yes, Doctor O’Connor. Mr. Cahill has informed me of your recent troubles and I’m eager to assist in any way I can. I’m actually very anxious to get started if you don’t mind giving me a quick tour of the facility and showing me to my office?”

  The sincerity in her gaze was obvious. He’d always been good at reading people. She cared. That was clear. He just hoped she was the entire package and could actually do some real good for their more troubled patients.

  Sean was in trouble and he knew it. He never allowed his personal life to bleed into his professional one. He had more sense than that. But the cadence of her voice, her incredible green eyes, her scent… He felt a sense of recognition, yet he knew he’d never laid eyes on this woman before. He certainly would have remembered. But there was definitely something familiar about the young Doctor Walker. Oh yeah, he was definitely in trouble.

  Sean rose and walked to the front of his desk, extending his hand. “Please, we’re very informal here. Call me Sean, Chloe. Let me show you to your office and take you to meet some of our staff, then you can get started. There’s actually one particular case I’d like your assistance on that I was just reviewing this morning. Should be right up your alley.”


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