Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 8

by Gayle Donnelly

  Chloe accepted his hand and stood. He felt that strange zing go through his system again at the contact. He saw her eyes widen in surprise as if she felt it too. He released her hand and they moved toward the door. Sean opened the door and froze. Standing in front of him was a man who completely filled the doorway. With long, wavy blond hair and hard hazel eyes, he stood just a bit taller than Sean’s six foot two inch frame. Sean instinctively stepped in front of Chloe but before he was able to speak, a light touch on his forearm grabbed his attention.

  “Sean, this is my graduate assistant, Daniel Lawrence. He’ll be working with me for the next several months. I’m sorry if Mr. Cahill didn’t let you know I had an assistant with me. He won’t be here on a daily basis but I thought it would be good for him to drop by on my first day to familiarize him with the staff and the facility. Daniel, this is Doctor Sean O’Connor, chief resident of the clinic.” Chloe smiled.

  Daniel extended his hand, his eyes never leaving Sean’s. “Nice to meet you, Doc.”

  “Welcome, Daniel.” Sean gripped the man’s hand and it didn’t escape his notice that the hold was firmer and lasted longer than a normal greeting, each man testing the other.

  Chloe cleared her throat and the men released their hold.

  “Well,” Sean said, extending his arm to indicate the way. “Shall we head to your new office and get you settled before you meet everyone?”

  Chloe and Daniel followed him down the corridor.

  * * * * *

  It was already dark by the time Chloe and Daniel left the clinic and made their way back to her house, Daniel following closely behind her white Land Rover in his black F250 pickup. Her feet were killing her. She was bone tired and starving. For her first day, it had been grueling. She’d met with three patients that morning, had lunch with Sean and Daniel, then spent the remainder of the afternoon with Sean’s referral patient. All in all, a very busy day and a disappointing one on top of that. Nothing she’d seen today got her any closer to finding out why this small clinic seemed to have been targeted. She was frustrated beyond measure. Not that she’d expected all the answers to miraculously appear before her on the first day, but she had hoped to find something more substantial.

  One patient in particular had affected her more than she was comfortable with. Something about the soft-spoken Samantha Peterson touched Chloe’s heart and damn it, she didn’t want that. The new Chloe was to remain detached and not let her emotions get involved. Yet she had spoken with Sam for hours and set another appointment for the following afternoon. Reviewing Sam’s file, including the photos and triage notes from the rape kit, Chloe knew Sam had been incredibly lucky. It was obvious to her that Sam was the only survivor of a Valta attack—at least the only one they knew about so far. The now familiar brand on the back of the woman’s right shoulder proved it. It broke her heart to know what the young woman had been through, even as she tried to keep her emotional shields in place where Sam was concerned. Unfortunately, Sam’s memory was sketchy because of the trauma and Chloe wasn’t sure how much help she would be to the investigation.

  Oh, who was she kidding? Chloe knew she had already broken her detachment rule earlier that morning with Daniel. She suspected she was on her way to breaking that rule with Sean as well. There was something about the handsome doctor that felt familiar, safe. And now Samantha. New Chloe my ass, she thought, disgusted with herself.

  Pulling into the drive she killed the engine and rested her forehead on the steering wheel. A light tap on her side window brought her head up quickly. Chloe reached over to the passenger seat, grabbed her briefcase and purse, then opened her door and stood before a grimacing Daniel. “What?” she asked. “You know, I’m a big girl and can make it into the house all by myself, Danny. I don’t need a babysitter twenty-four-seven.”

  Daniel took the briefcase from her hand and ushered her to the front door. “I’m not your damn babysitter, Chloe. All I’m doing is making sure you make it safely home. And outside in the driveway does not constitute safely home.” He continued to lead her down the cobblestone path to the front door. “Look Chlo, you’re expecting too much. This is going to take time. You can’t expect miracles on your first day.”

  Chloe inserted her key into the lock and let out a long breath. Opening the door, she took a step inside as Daniel followed her in and handed her the briefcase. “I know that, Daniel. Regardless of what you all think of me, I know what I’m doing here.” Chloe closed the door and reactivated the alarm. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not anxious to find out something that will help us stop these bastards. Allow me the courtesy of being disappointed that things aren’t moving faster, okay? I’m impatient.” She shrugged. “What can I say?”

  Daniel grinned and placed a strong hand on her shoulder. “Hey, at least we have a lead, right? We’ve never had an opportunity to talk with a potential survivor, Chloe. You got us that on your first day. And if my gut is right, that girl did somehow survive and escape a Valta attack. Samantha Peterson may be able to help lead us to those bastards once you win her trust and get her to open up to you.” He squeezed her shoulder in reassurance before he continued. “And I have every confidence you’ll be able to do just that, Chlo.”

  Chloe smiled up at him. “Thanks, Daniel. I hope so too.” She turned and moved into the kitchen, turning lights on as she went, with Daniel following close behind. As she approached the kitchen table, Chloe froze. Her sudden stop had Daniel almost running into her back.

  “Damn it, Chloe. What gives?” Then Daniel got a good look at Chloe’s face and followed her gaze to the table. Right in the center was a large red purse, or what used to be a purse, slashed and shredded. On top of the mangled leather was a small white card with two words written in bold print. Soon, pet.

  * * * * *

  The ringing phone jerked his attention from the computer screen. He identified the caller on the display and answered. “Report.”

  “It’s done, Luca. No problems. Her security system was a joke and I even got to add a little flare to your request.”

  Ryker’s low chuckle grated on Luca’s nerves. He bit out, “What the fuck do you mean by added flare, Ryker? I expect you to follow my orders to the letter. No more, no less. Understand?”

  Tense silence filled the air, then Ryker growled, “Look Luca, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been in charge of this territory for a long time and we’ve been more than successful since I took over. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Trust me. My way will have more of an impact than simply leaving a damn note.”

  Luca’s temper reached a boiling point. This imbecile thought of this as his territory? This jackass thought to question Luca’s orders? Was arrogant enough to go against specific instructions?

  “Oh, Ryker,” Luca drawled. “We’re going to have a serious discussion about just what your role is in this little operation and just where you sit in the fucking pecking order of the hierarchy here. Now tell me what you did.”

  “I found a red purse in a box right in the kitchen. There was a note with it. The note indicated it was a gift from Mina and talked about how much she missed the redhead. I slashed up the purse, used the back side of that note to write your message, then put it all on the kitchen table just like you said.” Ryker let out another exasperated sigh. “She now knows we can get to her, and with the addition of the slashed bag, she knows it’s personal. I know how to do my job, Luca, and I’m damn good at it. Trust me. That little female is shaking in her boots right now.”

  Luca hated to admit it, and sure as fuck wouldn’t admit it to the moron on the other end of the phone, but Ryker’s little added flare was actually a nice touch. He obviously was still going to have to teach the man a lesson for daring to defy a direct order. It wouldn’t do to have his subordinates second-guessing him. Hell, he got enough of that shit from his mother.

  Luca gripped the phone so hard his knuckles turned white. “We’ll deal with your disobedience later. Now give me an update on what happened
today at the clinic.”

  In an even tone, Ryker began, “My contact said nothing much happened. Chloe met with patients, had lunch with coworkers, then left well after seven this evening.” Ryker cleared his throat and added, “There is one additional thing to report, Luca. Apparently the girl had a graduate assistant with her all day long. He never left her side. From the description, I’ve no doubt the assistant is Coteri, but it didn’t sound like anyone I recognized.”

  Luca leaned back in his chair and contemplated this latest information. “Well, well, looks like my little Chloe has a bodyguard.” Not that it will do her any good, he thought to himself, but it was definitely good information to have. Ryker just might be of some use after all.

  “Fine, Ryker. Keep me informed and head back to base. I’ll be in touch soon with your latest instructions.” After a short pause Luca continued, his tone full of deadly intent. “And Ryker…don’t ever think to alter my direct instructions again or, trust me, you’ll beg for death before I’m done with my punishment.” Luca disconnected the call before Ryker had a chance to respond.

  * * * * *

  Daniel was on his cell before Chloe had the chance to take even a single step toward the table. “David, get the team over to Chloe’s house now. The place has been breached, security compromised, and the fuckers left her a message.”

  He ended the call and was making another while pulling a long, wicked-looking blade out from behind his back as he began to search each room of the house. Just where in the hell was he able to hide that? Chloe thought curiously, knowing instinctively there was no need to reach for her own weapon tucked securely in her briefcase. She heard Daniel upstairs, still searching, and he was now obviously talking to Killian, given the clipped and respectful dialogue. “Yes, sir. No, sir. Situation is under control, sir.”

  Chloe used her enhanced sense of smell to take in the scents in the air. She knew, as she was sure Daniel had already realized, that the intruder was no longer in the house. His search was simply precautionary. And if she was being completely honest with herself, it was a gesture she appreciated given the state her nerves were in. Needing to do something, she turned her attention to the table and reached for the note. She looked at what used to be a beautiful Versace bag. The last gift she would most likely ever receive from her best friend, shredded beyond all recognition. Ironic, she thought to herself as she stroked the tattered leather pieces. And how very symbolic of that once close relationship. A relationship that had meant everything to her, now shredded beyond all recognition.

  Daniel came down the stairs, his heavy footsteps pulling her out of her musings. She turned to face him as he entered the open kitchen. “All clear and the team is on the way. We’ll move you to a safe location immediately, then—”

  She held up her hand to stop his tirade. “I’m not going anywhere, Daniel.” Her voice was firm, broking no argument.

  Daniel inhaled deeply and slowly returned his blade to its position behind his back. He placed gentle hands on her shoulders. “Chloe, honey.” His tone softened as if he were speaking to a child. “You’ve been compromised here. It isn’t safe. Above all else, we have to keep you safe.”

  Chloe’s anger went from zero to sixty in less than a heartbeat. She could feel the heat rush to her face and knew she was beet red. She slapped Daniel’s hands away and shoved him hard in the middle of his chest. Taken off guard, he actually took a step back before she began her own tirade. “Above all else you have to keep me safe?” she asked incredulously. “Just who do you think I am? Some poor, defenseless female who can’t take care of herself and handle her assignment?” She paused and glared into Daniel’s stunned eyes.

  “Never mind—you don’t need to answer that, because the answer is obvious. Listen to me, Danny, and listen well. If you think I’m going to let some cowardly bastard scare me out of my home or away from my duty, you’re sorely mistaken. Whether you, or the team, or Killian, or Ta—” She stopped herself. “Whether you want to believe this or not, I am fully capable of handling this situation and completing this assignment successfully.”

  She advanced on him as her voice rose, finger pointing directly at his chest. “Now get the guys to do a sweep of the area, upgrade my security system and quit treating me like some damn porcelain doll that will crack at the first sign of stress.”

  Daniel’s eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape. Then she saw the smallest hint of a smile lifting his lips. “Damn, little warrior. You just might be okay after all.”

  Chloe allowed her breathing to regulate. The heat of her anger slowly drained away at the sight of Daniel’s grin and with his words. She gave him a not-so-friendly slug on the shoulder. “Damn straight, big guy. Now while we’re waiting for the others, I’m getting out of these heels then coming down for a glass of wine. It’s been one hell of a first day.”

  She moved around him and walked purposefully to the stairs before she looked at him over her shoulder. “Oh, would you do me a favor and get rid of this mess?” She motioned to the kitchen table. Chloe knew that if she had to do it she would most likely break down into tears. She was shaking inside and her façade of control was close to shattering, and above all else, she couldn’t allow Daniel to see that. She gave him what she hoped was a confident smile, then went up the stairs, fighting the urge to run and lock herself in her room.

  * * * * *

  Daniel watched as Chloe moved fluidly up the stairs, spine straight, chin held high. She disappeared at the third floor landing and he turned to look at the mess on the kitchen table once again. Daniel shook his head. Any other female would have gone into hysterics after a threat like that. Not Chloe. Not this female. Just where did that type of strength and courage come from?

  Placing his hands on his hips, his jaw clenched in fury, Daniel stalked to the kitchen table and picked up the note. Soon, pet. The paper crumpled in his fist and a feral growl rumbled through his chest. “Not on my watch, fucker.” He dropped the note back in the box, closed it up and moved everything to the back corner of the kitchen.

  Making his way into the front room, he noticed a white powdery substance scattered from the front door to the kitchen. He bent down, trailed two fingers through powder and rubbed it between his fingers and thumb. No, not a powder, he realized on closer inspection. Gathering as much of the grainy substance as he could into a clear plastic baggy, he put it in his back pocket and continued into the living room. He passed a low table and picked up a framed photo showing a laughing Chloe and her friend Mina. His fingers traced Chloe’s smile, then he returned the photo to the table. “Definitely not on my watch.”

  Daniel pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed as he walked to the kitchen. “Killian, she refuses to relocate or to have any of us stay with her at the house. It’s time to bring her up to speed on the threat against her so she’ll be in a better position to protect herself.”

  “My feelings haven’t changed on that front, Daniel,” Killian replied sternly. “What you will do is set up a rotation with the men. She may not want any of you staying in the house but at least one of you will always be outside, securing the perimeter of the property.”

  Daniel rubbed the back of his neck in agitation. “So we can at least tell her about the perimeter protection?” he asked, with little hope since he already knew the answer.

  “Don’t challenge me on this, warrior.”

  Daniel disconnected the call and forced himself not to throw the phone across the room. “Fuck.”

  Chapter Eight

  After showering and changing into her soft cotton yoga pants and a T-shirt, Chloe made her way back downstairs only to find six massive men dressed in black invading her living room. David grinned at her approach, his dimple in full bloom. MaKane’s brows were furrowed with concern. Michael didn’t even look up from the magazine he was reading. Darrius shifted uncomfortably on his feet, probably remembering their first meeting. Killian stood stoically, his arms crossed over his broad chest, leaning against
the kitchen bar. Daniel rose from the couch and met her at the foot of the stairs. “You doin’ okay, Chlo?” he asked softly, his brows knitted with concern.

  Chloe reached up, ruffled his hair in an effort to lighten the mood and smiled at the fact he didn’t flinch at her touch this time. She continued into the kitchen, intent on fixing herself a glass of wine. She had a feeling she was going to need it with this bunch.

  Killian turned to watch her as she poured the chardonnay. “So, Daniel tells me you refuse to move to a more secure location. Is that true, Chloe?”

  Chloe returned the bottle to the fridge and took a sip of the golden liquid—well… more like a gulp—before bringing her gaze to Killian’s. “With all due respect, General, don’t think for a minute that I don’t know what I’m doing or that I can’t handle this situation or this assignment.”

  She took another sip and moved to sit at the kitchen table. She set her glass down, leaned against the back of the chair and crossed her arms over her chest before continuing. “This little stunt was a diversion tactic and I’m not about to let some cowardly bastard scare me away from this assignment.”

  She let out a long sigh when she was met only with Killian’s silence. She knew she had to make him understand that she was strong enough to handle this. If she didn’t, she had no doubt whatsoever that she would be pulled off the assignment. And she couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “Look, the security here is amateur, General. We didn’t need anything more sophisticated when Mina and I lived here. Now we do. Let’s just get it updated so I can do my job, sir.” She took another fortifying sip and locked gazes with Killian.

  She knew that steely resolve filled her gaze and she had probably overstepped her bounds with her new boss by speaking to him in such a manner but she would not back down. She could not fail at this. No matter what, she had to succeed, if only to prove to herself that she could. They stared at each other in determined silence. The sound of the doorbell broke the spell.


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