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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 13

by Gayle Donnelly

  Talon stood rigid, unmoving, meeting his general’s gaze with his own steady intensity. After a long pause, Talon replied evenly, “Since it has nothing to do with this investigation, that’s between me and your sister…General. Now does someone want to tell me what the hell has happened so I can do my damn job?” The two men stared at each other with such heated intensity it was a wonder the walls didn’t burn down around them. Mathias finally broke the contact and turned to Roderick.

  “Talon, Chloe was attacked after work.” Roderick brought up a hand to halt any comment. “We’re only just finding out about it now and I’ll deal with Killian’s timeliness in reporting later. She was injured, slightly, as was a human male companion she was with, but she’s secure now and apparently she dealt out quite a bit of damage of her own on her attackers.”

  Talon took several deep breaths, nostrils flaring as he tried to control the rage that was quickly reaching a boiling point in his blood. She’d been attacked. She was injured. She’d been with a human male companion. He turned to his king. “And you still believe Killian and his men can protect her? No offense, sir, but I don’t share your level of confidence in Killian.”

  Roderick moved from behind his desk to stand by his daughter. Placing an arm around her shoulders, he met Talon’s gaze. “Chloe is safe. She is more capable than any of you give her credit for. From what Killian said, she took one Valta down and was holding her own with the other when his men arrived. I trust Killian and his men and I trust in Chloe.”

  He gave Mina a quick squeeze, then released her to move forward to stand in front of Talon. “Gabriel agrees with your assessment of Simon leaving the country. He believes he has a lead on where Simon may have gone and I’ve given him leave to search and bring him back for questioning. You will remain here to lead the interrogation once Simon has been returned.” Roderick took another step closer and leveled his gaze on Talon.

  Talon didn’t allow any emotion to show on his face as he stared back at his king. When Roderick moved to return to his seat behind his desk, Talon glanced over at his general. Mathias was now at Mina’s side, arm around her waist in a gentle hold. But he knew his friend and that icy stare in his direction meant only one thing. He was furious—furious to the point that Talon knew if they were alone there would be bloodshed. And he didn’t blame his friend one bit. Hell, if Mathias attacked him now, Talon knew he wouldn’t defend himself. He deserved to get the shit beaten out of him for the part he’d played in Chloe leaving.

  Mathias might not know the details of what had happened between him and Chloe but it didn’t matter. Talon knew and his gut rolled, knowing once again he was the cause of Chloe’s pain, the one who’d placed her in danger. He was the reason she’d been attacked and hurt, because he was the reason she’d left her family. Fuck…just fuck. Without saying a word, Talon bowed his head slightly to Roderick and left the study.

  * * * * *

  Mina looked between her husband and father in the silence that followed. Mathias stepped away from her to stand in front of the fireplace. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and stared intently into the flames. Roderick leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers, seemingly lost in thought as he watched Mathias. Mina slowly walked to her father’s side and placed a hip on the corner of his desk, waiting quietly until his gaze finally met hers.

  “I don’t understand you, Roderick.” She shook her head. “Chloe’s obviously in danger and she’s important to you. She was physically attacked and hurt. You know how special she is to me and Mathias and it’s more than obvious she’s important to Talon as well.”

  Mathias’ low growl filled the room but he remained where he stood, so Mina continued. “I have more than enough protection here without you making Talon stay. And I know he isn’t the only one capable of interrogating Simon once he’s found and brought back here. So why won’t you let him go to help protect Chloe? How can you be so heartless where she’s concerned?”

  For the first time since she’d met her father, she saw a glimmer of anger in his eyes as his gaze flared at her last comment. Mina rose from the desk and took a step back, and immediately her father’s gaze softened. She wasn’t scared. She knew her father would never hurt her, but his intense reaction had startled her.

  “I’m sorry, Kätzchen. But it’s you who doesn’t understand. Forgive my reaction.” He rose and walked slowly toward her, gently grasping both her hands. He took a deep breath and let it out before he began. “There is no one I love more than you, Mina. I’ve waited years to finally be a part of your life, in whatever way you let me, and now that you’re here your safety and protection are more important to me than anything.”

  He dropped her hands, let out a long sigh, then joined Mathias over by the fireplace. He turned to face her again and continued. “You don’t yet understand the monumental task I put on Chloe’s young shoulders when I asked her to watch over you. And your lack of understanding is completely my fault. In our culture, our females are to be cherished, protected at all costs. I’m not ashamed to say that since their parents’ deaths, I have always thought of Chloe as another daughter and Mathias as a son. And yet I placed such a great responsibility and burden on Chloe when I knew there could be danger. I made that choice to protect my true daughter. You, Mina.”

  Roderick ran his fingers through his hair and walked back toward Mina. “I will have to live with that decision for the rest of my days, knowing what it cost Chloe. But I tell you this now—it’s a decision I don’t regret. That decision brought you home to me, Mina.”

  He took Mina’s hands again and stepped in close. “But what you need to realize is that Chloe put her life on hold to do that service for me. She loves you deeply. That part of her assignment was never a lie. It distressed her greatly when I refused to allow her to be honest with you once you both had become so close, and believe me, she begged me repeatedly to do so. But I also know that she’s loved Talon since she was young.”

  At that statement, Mathias straightened from his stance and moved to Mina’s side. The scowl on his face made his feelings on the king’s last statement clear. Roderick simply shook his head and continued. “Talon had a difficult upbringing, Mina. It’s his story to tell not mine. He is a proud man, an honorable man, and one my strongest warriors. Yet he doesn’t believe he is worthy of our Chloe. It’s my greatest hope that he is able to realize just how wrong he is in that respect, before it’s too late.”

  Mina’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Then I don’t understand why you won’t just let him go to her.”

  Roderick sighed. “Talon must come to this realization himself. I’m simply providing a path that he can choose to follow or not. Believe me, Mina. There is method to my madness.”

  Mina looked at her mate, whose jaw was clenched so tight she thought he’d grind his back teeth to dust. Then she turned back to her father. When their gazes met, a small smile lifted his lips. Her eyes widened as realization finally dawned. King Roderick, Coteri matchmaker extraordinaire? Mina sent up a silent prayer in the hopes that her father knew what he was doing.

  * * * * *

  “Have we heard any results on O’Connor’s blood test yet?” Daniel asked Killian as he moved to sit at the large conference room table.

  “Not yet,” Killian replied, as anxious for the results as Daniel. “I sent the sample over to Doc Alka at Seattle General. She’s the best Coteri we have at blood typing but she’s thorough. She won’t get back to us with any results until she’s absolutely certain of her findings. It may take a while but she promised to make it her priority.”

  Daniel snorted. “You met with her personally to make the request I assume? I’m sure she promised you that and a whole lot more.”

  Killian shrugged in indifference. “She’s a beautiful woman and definitely a worthy distraction when needed. What can I say?”

  Daniel shook his head, then pressed, “Have you thought any more about my request to tell Chloe about the personal threat against her�
�considering the recent attack against her in the parking lot?”

  “I have my reasons for ensuring her focus remains solely on her assignment, Daniel,” Killian said blandly. “You and the men are here to assist her. She is here to concentrate on her role in the clinic. She doesn’t need to be distracted by anything else. She can hold her own. That’s been demonstrated without question. We’re gaining ground in the investigation and that’s where I need her focus to remain.”

  Daniel slammed his hands on the table in frustration and rose to his feet. “She needs to be told, Killian. She’s not stupid. She knows this threat is somehow personal and she’s wasting time trying to figure out the puzzle. If you really want her full concentration on the task at hand, then take this puzzle away by giving her the answers she deserves so she can better protect herself.”

  “You’re questioning my decision in this matter, Daniel?” Killian said, still seated at the head of the table.

  Daniel returned to his seat with a long sigh, not in the habit of questioning his general. “I’m just saying she deserves to know. She can handle it, Killian. She’s strong. Frankly, I’m surprised her family hasn’t called to warn her of the threat already.”

  Killian rubbed his jaw and looked away for a moment. When he returned his gaze to Daniel it was blistering. “You have no idea what her so-called ‘family’ has put her through, Daniel. If she wants to contact them, she certainly has that right and capability. But I’ll be damned if I let them fuck up this investigation by harassing her with phone calls that will only deter her focus from where it needs to be.”

  He took a steadying breath and brought down the volume of his voice. “She deserves better than to be made to feel inferior, incompetent or undeserving. This one’s special, Daniel, and she’s thriving here. I intend to make sure she continues on that path of progress.”

  His voice hardened. “This means no unsolicited contact with those who would make her question her worth or her abilities.”

  Daniel just stared at his general, dumbfounded. “What are you saying, Killian?” he said, remembering the new phone he had been told to give to Chloe.

  Killian shrugged. “It’s simple. If she wants to contact her family she can. But their calls and direct messages to her will be blocked until I can be assured they won’t negatively impact her capacity in this investigation. It’s my call, Daniel,” he added, noting Daniel’s look of surprise. “And as with everything else surrounding the threat to her, she is not to be told until I deem it necessary.”

  Daniel slowly rose and took even strides to the door, for the first time seeing his general in a new light. As he reached the handle he turned back to Killian. “She’ll hate you for this, Killian. You know that, right? I’ve seen how you are with her, how you touch her and look at her. She’ll hate you for this…then she’ll probably knee you in the balls.”

  Killian stood, crossed his arms over his chest. “I run this territory. It’s my call. She’ll understand I only had her best interests in mind…when I decide to tell her, Daniel.”

  Daniel shook his head and left the conference room as Killian returned to his seat and stared out at the beautiful Seattle skyline. “Only in your best interests, Chloe,” he said to himself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Talon stood on the pier overlooking the restaurant, which was situated right on Bud Bay Inlet. It was dusk and the tide was in, the water lapping softly below, the smell of brine heady. The clouds covered any hint of the moon above. The Olympic Mountains were hidden behind the walls of approaching darkness.

  Chloe sat in the outside dining area with a man, looking relaxed and smiling, the outside heaters casting a glow on her features. Her thick auburn mane was down and her curls were blowing softly in the cool breeze. She wore form-fitting black pants, a thin V-neck sweater and high-heeled black boots that went just past her knees. Even at this distance, his mouth went dry at the sight.

  He saw her throw her head back and laugh at something the male said. His gut clenched, his hands tightened into fists. He felt a rage build inside him that he couldn’t explain. What the fuck was wrong with him? It was one thing to hear Mina talk about the time Chloe had spent with humans, it was another thing altogether to actually see it with his own eyes, regardless of whether or not she’d had sex with them.

  Human or not, he wanted to kill. He wanted to cross the pier, throw her over his shoulder and take her away and make her understand who she belonged to. At that moment, he didn’t care what she had done during her previous years while living with Mina, didn’t care that he shouldn’t and couldn’t have her. His instincts told him he needed to claim her before someone else did or before he lost all control and killed an innocent. Because that’s exactly what he wanted to do to the bastard seated across from Chloe, the one making her smile and laugh while he watched from a distance as she reached across the table and touched the man’s hand.

  “Long time no see, bro,” a low voice rumbled behind Talon.

  Talon spun around in attack stance.

  “Damn, never thought I’d see the day I could sneak up on the mighty Talon,” the man drawled with a half smirk lifting his lips. “Guess your concentration was elsewhere, huh?” The man nodded his head toward the restaurant.

  Recognition hit as Talon brought his hands down and stood to his full height. “Fuck you, Betty.” Talon shoved Tre hard in the chest. “And just where the hell have you been?”

  Tre shoved him back. “Baking, what do you think? I’ve been working to get my ass here to watch her. Took me a while after making a pit stop to see Dev in New Orleans. I just made it in a few days ago. Some of us prefer to follow protocol, if you know what I mean.”

  Talon returned his gaze to Chloe, crossing his arms over his chest, not giving a damn about orders or protocol at the moment. He had disobeyed a direct order from his king and he knew what punishment awaited him upon his return. But as he stared across the pier at the beautiful creature who tied his gut in knots, he knew he’d had no choice in the decision he had made. He had to be here. He had to protect her. And he had to keep his hands off her.

  “Look, T,” Tre began, “I met with Killian and his men. He’s cool with me being here. He brought me up to speed on what’s happening, both with Chloe’s attacks and with the clinic. Dev is backing me on this so Killian is good with my involvement. But I can tell you right now, he won’t be happy to see you here. And he’ll know you’re here. For whatever reason he doesn’t want Chloe knowing who is behind the threat against her and he’s definitely got some kind of beef with you and her family.”

  Talon didn’t move and remained silent for several moments. Then he turned to his friend. “Killian is wrong. Her home was breached twice, Tre. She was physically attacked in the parking lot outside her work and the fuckers left marks on her. Marks, Tre.”

  “She beat the hell out of two Valta warriors, Talon. Give her some credit.”

  Talon lifted his leg over his Harley and turned the ignition, revving the motor loudly before turning his gaze back to his friend. “Did you honestly think I’d stay away and allow these threats to continue?” He knocked back the bike stand with his boot and revved the engine again. “You know me better than that, Tre.”

  Talon looked back toward the restaurant to see Chloe and the man leaving their table, the man’s hand at the small of her back. His knuckles turned white as his grip tightened and he ground his back teeth.

  “Talon.” Tre grabbed his shoulder, his expression hard. “I know for a fact the king ordered you to stand down on this and allow Killian to handle it. And after meeting with Killian, I know he has no idea you’re here yet. You do know what this means, right?”

  Talon sat on the bike. The rumble of the engine vibrated through his system, mimicking his emotions. He looked at Tre, then his gaze turned back to where Chloe was walking through the parking lot, arm in arm with another man. After a long pause he said in a low monotone, “Yeah, I know. Problem is I just don’t give a fuck anymore.

  As Tre watched his friend tear out of the clearing and head down the curving, tree-lined road, a slow smile spread across his lips. “About fucking time, bro.”

  * * * * *

  Wild ferns blanketed both sides of the road as the enormous evergreens almost created a private canopy, seeming to enclose them from the outside world. Sean was having trouble keeping his eyes on the road. He couldn’t help but glimpse Chloe’s profile as he drove the scenic, tree-lined route back to her home. He hazarded another glance. There was something about her. It wasn’t just her looks, which fired all of his cylinders. It was her personality, the way she truly cared about her patients, her commitment to protecting the innocent women in the area who had been victimized. It was her strength, her intelligence, and her ability to draw people in and make them feel as if they were the most important thing to her while in her presence. Hell, she’d definitely done that to him. He liked her, he had to admit it. And if he was honest with himself, it had been a long time since a woman had caught his interest for more than her looks alone, shallow as that may be.

  Dinner had been a surprise. He felt relaxed, content, at peace. Talking and laughing with Chloe was natural. He’d never felt so at ease with a woman. What was it about her? As he took the last winding curve toward her house, he reached over and placed a hand on her knee and gently squeezed. “I had a really good time tonight, Chloe.”

  She placed her small hand on top of his and smiled. “I did too, Sean. Thank you for dinner.”

  Sean turned into the drive and killed the engine. He turned in his seat to face her. “I’ll see you to the door.” He waited hopefully for her to invite him in but she simply smiled and unbuckled her seat belt.


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