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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 19

by Gayle Donnelly

  “Shhh, baby. I’ll give you what you need,” he soothed as he added another finger, careful not to push too deep.

  “Talon, I can’t stand this. More,” she cried as she continued to writhe beneath him.

  His lips once again closed over her engorged clit and suckled as his fingers continued to pump in and out of her tight pussy. Her cries became louder and he felt her inner muscles clamp fiercely around his fingers as she cried out his name, stiffened, and nearly pulled his hair from his scalp. He lapped at her release, feeling her clit pulsating against his tongue.

  * * * * *

  Chloe had no time to recover before Talon moved above her, the hard underside of his erection sliding gently through her now saturated folds, coating it with her juices.

  He held his weight on his elbows and met her gaze with a fierce intensity as he continued to move his hips, driving her impossibly right back to unbridled desire. Her hips began to move in tandem as she dragged her nails down his muscled abdomen, the need to touch him overwhelming as she moved her hands around his hips to grip his tight ass.

  “Talon. Please.” She was begging and didn’t care.

  He stopped all movement then lowered his head slowly and took her kiss, weakening even more of her heart’s defenses. “Be sure, Chloe,” he rasped as his lips left hers. “Last chance, baby.”

  She knew he would stop if she asked, even though he hadn’t experienced his own release, and her heart softened even more. She didn’t hesitate in her response, lost as she was to the sensations firing through her system. Chloe gripped the muscled globes of his ass and pulled him to her as she ground her pelvis into his iron-hard shaft. “I think you’ve made me wait long enough, don’t you, Talon?” She brought her knees up to his hips. “Don’t make me wait any longer. Please.”

  She watched as his beautiful blue irises darkened in response. He shifted and she felt the head of his cock slide down to her entrance before slowly pushing inside. He lifted his torso and she followed his gaze down to where they were barely joined. Tender tissue stretching against the impalement sent a schism of pain and pleasure through her as he slowly worked his way in. He pulled back slightly and pushed forward, a little more each time.

  “God, Chloe. You’re so fucking tight, baby. Your pussy’s gripping my dick like a tight little fist. It’s so good, sweetheart. So fucking good.”

  Chloe couldn’t catch her breath, his course words only igniting the fiery need in her veins higher. She felt completely filled yet needed more of the burn. Talon lowered his head and took one of her nipples into the heated depths of his mouth. His hips continued to thrust slowly in and out as he licked and sucked her tender nipple to the roof of his mouth. She ground her head into the pillow and arched her back, still needing more yet fearful she couldn’t take any more sensation.

  “Oh god. Talon,” she cried out desperately.

  Talon released her nipple as one hand moved to where they were joined, his hips never stopping their tortuously slow in and out movement. When his thumb found her clit, he began a rhythmic circling that nearly brought her off the bed with a cry. She squeezed her eyes shut. It was too good. It wasn’t enough.

  “Look at me, Chloe. Damn you, look at me.”

  Talon’s low growl smoothed over her riotous emotions. As she gazed into the storm of his deep-blue eyes, she saw the efforts of his restraint. Sweat beaded on his forehead and neck, his jaw was clenched to the point of snapping, and the muscles in his shoulders and chest were rigid. He was trying to be gentle, for her. In that moment she lost all hesitancy, rolling her hips forward to give him better access. His hips shifted in reaction, driving him even deeper as he continued to play with her tormented clit.

  He groaned in response. “Easy, baby. We’re gonna take this nice and slow.”

  She didn’t want nice and slow. She was on fire, the burning need a mixture of both pain and pleasure and she wanted more. If this was to be her only time with him, she wanted all of him and she wanted it now. Chloe wrapped her legs tightly around his powerful hips as she pulled his head down to hers for a kiss. Their combined moans filled the room as she held on tight to the back of his head and thrust her hips upward, her strong legs locked tightly around his hips, driving him through her barrier in a blinding ecstasy of stinging pleasure.

  She screamed. Talon froze, seated to the hilt. He pulled his lips back and looked down at her in terror. “Chloe, tell me I didn’t hurt you, baby. Why did you do that?”

  Chloe was lost in the sensation now. She’d waited years to have this man exactly where he was at this moment and she didn’t want to waste a minute of it. “Talon, it’s so good. Please move. Please. I need to feel you. I need more.” She rotated her hips.

  As if a switch had been flipped, Talon took her lips like never before, the deep rumble from his chest igniting her senses into a firestorm. His lips moved to her neck as he reached back and released her legs then pulled one of her legs up over his shoulder. This angle allowed an even deeper penetration as he continued his hard thrusts and grinding movements that had her screaming his name. His strokes were hard, deep, plunging and she could feel fissures of sensation taking her higher and higher.

  This was Talon, touching and tasting and taking her to heights even her most fervent fantasies hadn’t dreamed of. She was teetering on the scorching impulses of pleasure and pain to the point she didn’t think she could survive if he didn’t allow her to come.

  “Please, Talon.”

  “What, baby? Tell me what you need.” His voice was deep, gravelled.

  She could only whimper in response.

  Talon licked around the shell of her ear. “Do you feel how tight you’re gripping my cock, Chloe? It’s like being stroked by flames and I can’t get enough of the burn. You’re close, baby. I can feel you getting tighter, feel you pulsing. Are you ready to come, sweetheart?”

  Chloe was so lost in sensation she could only nod, his words alone fueling the fire in her veins. She felt her inner muscles clamping down hungrily each time his cock retreated, only to vibrate in awareness when he filled her again.

  Talon rose to his knees and draped both of her thighs over his forearms. His hands gripped her hips as he continued to pound deep with penetrating strokes that had her nerve endings flaming. Her gaze locked with his. “Now baby. Come now!”

  Chloe screamed as her orgasm flooded through her body. She felt her muscles contract as her back arched and she swore she got light headed. Talon continued several more driving strokes until he let out a primal roar and went rigid, the hard spurts of his release sending her into a second orgasm. Strong arms surrounded and lifted her up to his chest as his mouth descended on her neck. They stayed joined as the tremors slowly faded.

  Talon licked over the teeth marks he had left in her skin. He laid gentle kisses to her face and chin, finally meeting his lips with her own. The kiss was slow and gentle as he laid her back down on the bed. As he slowly pulled out of her, her body gripped his retreat and she realized he was still hard. She sleepily hoped he didn’t have any grand plans for round two anytime soon because she didn’t know if her body could take it. He lay at her side and pulled her into his arms before kissing the top of her head.

  “Sleep, baby,” he whispered softly before moving from the bed.

  She was surprised when he returned with a warm washcloth and began cleaning her gently. She was even more surprised when he turned out the light and climbed back into bed with her, enfolding her in his arms as he stroked her back. Although she was exhausted, her mind was racing. What now? Could one time ever be enough? Had what they just shared meant anything to him at all?

  “You’re thinking too hard, Chloe. Go to sleep, baby. We’ll figure all this out in the morning.”

  As she snuggled closer to the man of her dreams, she allowed the fantasy of this night to continue, at least for a little while longer. She closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hours later, Talon lay
wide awake. His thoughts a blistering cacophony of emotions he couldn’t seem to quiet. Chloe was in his arms, sleeping peacefully. Her thick auburn curls draped over his arm and chest. The moonlight coming through the window glistened over her dewy, white skin. As he watched her sleep, he stroked his fingers down the silky softness of her back, needing to touch her.

  His fantasies hadn’t even come remotely close to the reality of Chloe. Damn if she hadn’t turned him inside out to the point where he didn’t even recognize himself anymore. She was amazing, in every conceivable way.

  He continued to run his hands over her supple skin as he remembered her soft cries, her responsiveness to his touch. He thought of the amazing sensation of sinking into an inferno of heat then feeling the ecstasy of the blindingly tight grip of her pussy around his cock. It had taken all of his control to not mark her right then and there. Her cries of release and the feel of her inner muscles clamping around him had him nearly losing that battle. He fought the compulsion even harder as he continued to thrust through his own mind-blowing release. The fact that he was her first almost shattered his soul. He was stunned at the amazing gift she had saved for him.

  He pulled her closer and ran his fingers through her thick curls. Yeah, she was definitely better than any of his fantasies. But he knew his feelings ran deeper than that. Chloe had made a place for herself here. She was strong, intelligent and caring to a fault. And although the men on her team touched her too damn much for his peace of mind, he could see they genuinely cared about her and trusted her and she them. But the thought of her as a target, in danger, especially from Luca, ignited a rage in his blood he didn’t even know existed. He knew without a doubt he would protect her with his life.

  She shifted under the covers, sliding one long leg up and over his thigh, curling closer around him. He felt his cock stir, remembering the feel of those insanely long legs wrapped firmly around his hips. He wanted her again but knew it was too soon. She was small, inexperienced, and he had taken her hard, despite his attempts to be gentle. She would be sore and he couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her. And he had hurt her.

  He cursed himself for the thousandth time. She actually believed he thought she wasn’t good enough for him. Believed he had hated her and only wanted to use her as just another sexual conquest. “A toy,” she’d accused. A toy to be used and thrown away without thought.

  Her beautiful green eyes had been ablaze in fury during her earlier tirade on the deck but beneath the anger, he saw the soul-deep hurt behind her accusations. He had hurt her more than he had even realized. He was a grade-A bastard.

  Talon tightened his hold, savoring the feel of her naked skin against his. He’d never done this with another woman or even felt the desire to. But holding Chloe felt…right. His thoughts were scrambled. His emotions were a jumble. Was this love? He scoffed at the thought. How the fuck was he supposed to know? Given his parents’ relationship, he certainly didn’t have any form of compass to compare what he was feeling for Chloe.

  His father had been a bastard. His blatant bouts of infidelity were well known, particularly to his mother. He had been a warrior for the former king, Roderick’s father. He was cold, hard, and didn’t hesitate to show his dissatisfaction in Talon or his wife with cruel words or his fists, depending on his mood at the moment. His defection to the Valta when Talon was still young sealed his mother’s fate. She died shortly after, his young mind believing she died from the shame as well as a broken heart. He never saw or heard from his father again but lived with the shame to this day. He grew up doing everything in his power to prove he wasn’t anything like the traitorous tyrant that spawned him. But the fact was that bastard’s blood ran through his veins and that thought sickened Talon. How could he risk committing to any female, especially someone as special as Chloe, knowing that kind of tainted DNA was inside him?

  As the skies started to lighten from night to early pre-dawn, he gazed once again upon Chloe’s beautiful face, sleeping peacefully in his arms, and came to a realization. He had hurt her, repeatedly, and allowed her to believe he thought she was unworthy. He was the son of a traitor. And now he was a man who had defied his king’s direct orders and would most likely be removed from service upon his return if not imprisoned. But as he continued to hold the beautiful creature in his arms, he also admitted he was a selfish bastard and one who didn’t give a damn anymore about all of the reasons they shouldn’t be together.

  His emotions were still a scattered mess where Chloe was concerned but of one thing he was certain…Chloe was his, whether she realized that fact yet or not, at least until the threat to her was eradicated. He pulled her tighter to his chest, enjoying the heat of her silken flesh against his. He needed to protect her through this assignment and face his punishments from the king before he could even think about anything longer term. But he had a sinking feeling that regardless, he wouldn’t have the strength to let her go.

  * * * * *

  Luca drummed his fingers on the glossy mahogany wood of his desk as he stared across the room at Ryker, listening to the incompetent fool ramble on about his own self-worth. “I’m telling you, Luca,” Ryker continued. “I’ve got a plan, a foolproof way to snatch the girl.”

  “Foolproof like your last plan, asshole?” Luca sneered. “Yeah, your parking lot stunt was aces.” Luca shook his head in disgust. “Fucking idiot.”

  A heavy knock sounded on the office door. “Enter,” Luca responded then smiled and stood from behind his desk when he recognized his visitor. “It’s about damn time. Run into any trouble getting here?”

  The man cast a sidelong glance at Ryker before answering. “None. I arrived a few days ago but wanted to get my bearings and do a bit of reconnaissance before coming to see you.”

  Luca motioned to one of the chairs in front of his desk before taking his own seat again. “Excellent. And how are our friends back in Germany? Any worries there?”

  The man lowered his large frame into the cushioned club chair and smiled. “The king is so preoccupied with pleasing his long-lost daughter he can’t focus on anything else.” He shook his head. “However, I do need to tell you that after I arrived I did some scouting around the redhead’s place.”

  He hesitated for a moment and looked at Ryker before returning his questioning gaze back to Luca. Luca nodded for him to continue.

  “Talon is here as well as Tremayne. They were all sitting out in the open on the back deck with Killian’s men. Talon was still at the castle before I left. He must have left shortly after me, although I know for a fact he knows nothing of my involvement so his reasons for coming here are obviously for the girl.”

  Luca chuckled at the news. “Perfect. It seems your information about Talon’s feelings for Chloe was accurate. You have proven your worth once again, my friend.”

  Luca cast a quick glance at Ryker, noting the man’s furrowed brow and clenched jaw, before returning his gaze to the man before him. “You’re not intimidated by Talon, are you?”

  The man snorted. “Intimidated? Hardly. He’s an underling with an ego. He’s not even a general, and for good reason. No sir, I’m most certainly not intimidated of Talon.” He shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure you were aware we had more players in the game here in Washington. That’s all.”

  Luca threw his head back and laughed. “Excellent. Welcome to the team, General.” Emphasizing the new title.

  Ryker chose that moment to step forward. “Luca, as I was trying to tell you before, I’ve got someone on the inside at the clinic where Chloe works. Someone who’s close to her and has gained her trust.” He shifted from one foot to the other in obvious excitement. “We can use this. My plant will do our bidding without question.”

  Luca eyed Ryker intently. “And I’m just now hearing about this, why?”

  Ryker looked from the visitor back to Luca and took a deep breath before answering. “I’ve been using this person for over a year now. First, it simply made it easier to snatch the prospective fem
ales for our trials. There was already an innate trust factor, which had the females almost coming to us willingly. My plant already had a strong connection to the clinic. Once I learned of your upcoming arrival and your desire to obtain the girl, it was easy to adjust focus and order a connection with Chloe. That connection has been made and we can use it.” He hesitated but continued. “They’ve gone to lunch, met socially outside the clinic, and spent personal time together, which has strengthened the bond.”

  Luca ran his hand over his jaw thoughtfully. “And what makes you think this human of yours will ‘do your bidding’ as you say without question?”

  Ryker gave a shrug of his shoulders. “Because this person believes I will eventually change them, make them like us.”

  Luca slapped his hands on the table threw his head back and laughed. “Your ingenuity surprises me, Ryker. Fuck if I actually thought you had it in you.” He stood and moved from behind his desk to stand in front of the man.

  The visitor stood as well, a small smile tilting his lips. “Your human actually believes you can change them? Let me guess, by biting them like a vampire?” He chuckled and shook his head. “What a fucking idiot.”

  Ryker crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the man. “Fucking idiot or not, my plant is tied to Chloe and has her trust.” He turned his gaze back to Luca. “I’m just waiting for your orders on how you want to use this information, sir.”

  Luca dropped a heavy hand on each of the men’s shoulders then motioned to the two chairs before returning behind his desk. Slowly lowering himself to his seat, he placed his elbows on the arms of his chair and steepled his fingers. “Gentlemen, we have plans to make.” His gaze zeroed in on Ryker. “But first, you will give me the name of this human and tell me everything. I’ve come too far in my plans to allow for any unknowns to spoil my fun now.”

  * * * * *


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