Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 28

by Gayle Donnelly

  The men under his command looked at Killian as though they were seeing him for the first time. Their eyes held looks of both embarrassment and condemnation for their general.

  Dev broke the stunned silence. “For fuck sakes, Killian, get over yourself. Everyone knows Reagan willingly spreads her legs for any male with a working dick. You seem to be the only one still denying that reality. Talon was just one in a very, very long list of your niece’s acquisitions. I should probably chastise the kid for his lack of judgment in that single encounter. But hey, he obviously learned his lesson since he vehemently refused to go back for seconds, as do most of her conquests.”

  Killian was literally shaking with rage as Dev continued. “And as for his father, no man can be held responsible for another’s actions. Xavier made his choice and Talon has more than proven his loyalty and worth over the years and you damn well know it, as does Roderick.”

  Killian stepped forward. “Fuck you, Dev.”

  Dev closed the distance until he was nose to nose with Killian. He lowered his voice and spoke through clenched teeth. “No, fuck you, Kil. Get your head on straight so you can focus on the task at hand and act like the fucking general you are. And when this is over, you and I are going to have a sit-down with the king to discuss your actions in this entire investigation.”

  Dev stepped back and turned his attention to the others. “Okay, let’s go over the plan one more time. We’ll be there in less than five minutes and we all need to be on our A-game if we’re going to have a chance in hell of pulling this thing off.”

  * * * * *

  The fog in Chloe’s mind was lifting though she refused to open her eyes. Memories came flooding back, making her head ache. Oh wait, maybe her head ached from Gabriel slamming the hilt of his sword on the back of her head, after they’d gone head to head in an impromptu kickboxing match. Apparently traitorous royal guards weren’t above taking cheap shots in a fight. Coward.

  She remembered her surprise when moments after the team left, Gabriel attacked her from behind. She wanted to smile as she thought about his look of astonishment when she fought back and landed some seriously painful blows of her own. In the end, however, he had overpowered her as she took the blow to the head and surrendered to the darkness that overtook her.

  “Wakey, wakey, Red.”

  She squeezed her eyes tight, not ready to face what she knew was waiting for her. A hard backhand to her jaw forced the issue as she opened her eyes and tried to focus.

  “Blondie.” She croaked, suddenly realizing how sore and tight her throat was. She tried to move and quickly found the reason for her discomfort. She was shackled to a stone wall with thick iron cuffs around her wrists and ankles and her neck was constricted with an iron collar bolted into the wall. She silently cursed that the iron would prevent her from shifting because she wanted nothing more than to tear into this slime of a man until he stopped breathing, permanently.

  “The name’s Ryker, Red.” He oozed while drawing a finger down her cheek. “I figure it’s well past time for us to be on a first name basis, don’t you? I have a feeling we’re going to be spending a lot of time together. Of course, that’s after the boss is finished with you.”

  “Go to hell.” She whispered. Her collar so tight she was finding it difficult to speak. “What have you done with Sam, you bastard?”

  Ryker took a step back and laughed as he shook his head. “You mean your patient and dear friend Samantha Peterson?” He asked with veiled innocence. “Would you like to see her, Chloe?”

  He turned his head and motioned with his hand. Chloe watched in horrified silence as Sam calmly walked into the room and plastered herself to Ryker’s side. No! This can’t be happening, she thought as her mind tried to come up with any number of reasons to explain what she was seeing.

  Ryker put his arm around Sam as she looked to Chloe and smiled. “You have to help me, Chloe. I’m so tired of running and I didn’t know who I could trust. I’m so afraid, please help me.” Sam mimicked the words she had fed Chloe over the phone and Chloe felt like she was going to throw up.

  “Why?” Was all Chloe could manage.

  Sam shrugged. “It was nothing personal, Chloe. I really do kind of like you. And hey, I didn’t lie about the feeling you were in danger, right? Just look at you now.” She looked to Ryker and slid her arms around his waist before turning back to Chloe. “But personal feelings aside, it’s my job to help Ryker and I’m exceptional at it. I help find the girls he needs, I helped get you out of the way, I do what I’m told and in return he’s going to make me like him. Aren’t you, baby?” She looked back at Ryker with adoring eyes.

  Ryker shoved her away so fast she nearly stumbled. He looked at her with disgust. “Shut up you fucking bitch and stop running your mouth.”

  Sam rushed back to his side and stroked his chest and abdomen in apology. When he visibly relaxed she returned her attention to Chloe. “You really did make it too easy, Chloe. But don’t take it too hard. If it makes you feel any better just know that I’ve been doing this for a while now and I’m very good at it.” She sighed and smiled. “And when you’re finally taken care of, Ryker’s promised to turn me and then I’ll be young, strong, beautiful, and immortal.”

  Chloe could only stare in stunned amazement at the look of sheer insanity glowing in Sam’s eyes. The woman actually believed she could be turned like the fabled stories of vampires or werewolves. How in the hell how had she missed the signs of such stark raving lunacy after spending so much time with her? How could she have been so naïve as to have believed every lie that came out of Sam’s mouth?

  She shook her head, as much as the collar allowed, at her own stupidity then leveled Sam with a hard stare. The rasp of her constrained voice carried a resounding sadness and resignation. “You’re delusional, Sam. He can’t change you and in the end, you’re going to die like all the rest of their victims.”

  “You bitch.” Ryker took an aggressive step toward her but stopped at the sound of a heavy door crashing open.

  Heavy footsteps echoed into the room and then the newest visitor entered Chloe’s line of vision. Her stomach dropped.


  He looked between Ryker and Sam then slowly turned his head to meet her gaze. He smiled. And if she didn’t know what a twisted monster he really was, she absently thought she could find him attractive. And just how sick was that? Chloe mentally blamed her earlier blow to the head for her inapt thoughts.

  He turned once again to Ryker. “I thought I gave you specific instructions to notify me when our guest regained consciousness, Ryker. You know, I’m growing tired of your seeming inability to follow even the simplest of orders.”

  Ryker pulled farther away from Sam and stammered. “I just came in moments ago to find her alert, sir. I was just getting ready to contact you.”

  Lying weasel, Chloe thought.

  Sam stepped forward, a look of utter awe in her eyes as she looked upon Luca. “We haven’t met but I’m Samantha. I’m the one who made it possible for Ryker to bring Chloe to you.” Her gaze took on a hooded expression, clearly in full lust mode at the sight of Luca. “I’m good at lots of things. All you have to do is ask.”

  Luca looked down upon her with a look of pure contempt and Chloe knew in that moment, Sam would never make it out of this alive. In the next instant, Luca swiped his arm out and flung her away from him with such force Sam slid across the floor and slammed into the stone wall behind her. She sat dazed as she looked at him pleadingly.

  “Leave us.” Luca instructed Ryker as he watched the man pull Sam off the floor by the hair and usher her out of the room.

  Chloe heard the door close and a sick feeling of dread pooled in her stomach. She was alone…with Luca.

  Luca smiled and stepped closer. He clasped her chin tightly in his hand and turned it side to side. “I must say, you look a little worse for wear, my pet. Although after seeing Gabriel, I have to admit I think you fared far better in your little spat.�
� He smiled. “I’m impressed. I knew the first time I saw you standing on your back deck you’d be a fighter.”

  He pressed his body to hers as he lowered his head to her neck and inhaled deeply. “And I do so love a fighter in bed, Chloe. It makes things so much more interesting.”

  She jerked in his hold and he stepped back, laughing at her struggles. “Don’t worry, love. I can tell you’re anxious to get started but there will be plenty of time for us to get acquainted. After all, I always keep my promises.”

  His note from her office bled into her mind and she thought she might vomit. She had to figure out a way to get out of here. She couldn’t allow this to happen.

  He traced his fingers down her cheek and then down the center of her chest. She shivered in revulsion. “But I’m not going to take you until your bruises and cuts have healed, Chloe.” He lowered his voice and leaned in close once again. “I want to know when I finally have you that the only marks on your fair skin will be mine, pet.”

  “Can’t breathe.” Chloe wheezed out the first words she’d spoken in his presence as she struggled against the neck collar.

  Luca tilted his head to the side as he looked at her. “I do think Ryker may have overdone your restraints, love. Let’s see if I can make you more comfortable.”

  He removed a small key from his pocket then moved his hands behind her neck. With a click, the lock on the collar disengaged and Chloe took a deep breath as the collar fell away. Luca traced his fingers over her raw throat and frowned. “Fucking Ryker.” He growled. “These marks will take more time to heal. But don’t worry, pet. I’ll make sure he pays for his carelessness.”

  “My feet are numb.” She stated, forcing herself to meet his gaze head on.

  He gripped the back of her neck in a firm hold and jerked her forward. “Now Chloe. You wouldn’t be trying to entice me to free you, would you?”

  She resisted his hold until he let go, causing her head to slam back against the wall. She grimaced in pain. “I’m just telling you my feet are numb. I think Ryker put the ankle shackles on too tight, which means more bruising.” She tried to shrug, which was hard with her arms extended in a wide V over her head.

  Luca took a step back and dropped to a crouch, examining the ankle irons. He cursed and soon she heard the click of the locking mechanisms as each of the leg irons fell away.

  Luca stood to his full height and stared intently into her eyes. Unbelievably, he looked furious yet she somehow knew his anger wasn’t directed at her. “Thank you.” She said in a strong voice as she lifted her chin, knowing not to show any signs of weakness.

  He remained still for several moments then ground his lips to hers in a hard, painful kiss before she could even process what was happening. Just as she gathered her senses and prepared to bite, he pulled back and laughed. He touched a finger to the tip of her nose. “Ah, yes. Definitely a fighter,” he mused. “You and I will have so much fun, Chloe.” He lowered his voice to an almost whisper. “And I’m going to love to hear you scream.”

  He turned and left the room. The door slammed shut but there was no resounding click to indicate she was locked in. And why should there be when the bastard left her chained to a wall?

  Chloe began to shake uncontrollably and had difficulty catching her breath. She had to force her breathing to slow down or she’d hyperventilate. She had to conserve her strength to do what she needed to do to escape. She knew she was on her own since there was no way for her team to know where she’d been taken. And she’d never felt more alone in her life.

  Chloe dropped her head back against the hard, cold stone of the wall. She was so tired. Her head throbbed, probably from Gabriel’s earlier blow and the stress. She struggled to keep her eyes open. Maybe she could just rest for a bit before she moved forward with her plan.

  Her mind drifted and she allowed her thoughts to turn to Talon. She would have liked the chance to tell him how she felt about him, even knowing he’d never return those feelings. She held their intimate memories close to her heart and replayed them in her mind, finding comfort in the images.

  Here, in this dark, cold room, shackled to a wall, she could admit that she’d loved him her entire life. She had surrendered her heart to Talon long ago and perhaps even surrendered a piece of her soul. She couldn’t regret their time together. I love you, Talon. The thought blazed through her mind before she lost the battle and closed her eyes to the darkness.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  As the cruiser approached the far side of the island, Talon stood with a jolt. I love you, Talon. Chloe’s words flooded his mind as clearly if she’d spoken them aloud and he almost staggered at the impact.

  Tre came to his side. “What is it, T?”

  “She’s alive.” Talon said with urgency as he gripped Tre’s shoulders. “I heard her. She’s here and she’s alive.” Tre raised a brow in question but didn’t reply.

  Talon moved quickly to the cabin to arm himself with weapons before sliding his broad sword in the sheath behind his back. As the boat approached the shore, he moved to the bow. Not waiting for the anchor to drop, Talon leapt over the side, landing waist-deep in the icy water. He pushed quickly to the shore, not waiting for the others to follow, his singular focus on getting to Chloe.

  “Fuck,” Tre muttered. “So much for sticking to the plan.” He looked to the team of David, Michael, MaKane, and Daniel. “You boys ready to have some fun?” He asked with a grin and then jumped over the side to follow his friend.

  The four followed without hesitation, leaving Killian and Dev on board. Dev looked to Killian. “You ready to kick some ass, General?” He said before he too, leapt over the side to join the others.

  Dev caught up to the rest of the group at the outskirts of the compound. The dense forest area camouflaged their presence. “Okay, stick to the plan and stay in contact.” Dev ordered as each man put a com device in their ear.

  “Where’s Killian?” Daniel asked, looking behind them.

  “He’s coming.” Dev assured.

  “I’m not waiting.” Talon announced as he crept silently away from the group to the back of the enormous structure.

  Dev waited a heartbeat then shook his head. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  Each man moved into position at varying entrances. “One down.” MaKane’s voice sounded through the com.

  “Two down here.” David confirmed.

  “I’m in.” Talon reported.

  Then Tre. “Got your back, bro.”

  * * * * *

  Chloe jerked awake at the loud sounds above her. There was yelling, heavy thuds then the familiar sound of metal against metal as though swords were making contact. She didn’t know how long she’d been out but an adrenaline rush flooded her system. She knew what she had to do and with the obvious distraction happening up above, she knew she didn’t have much time.

  Chloe took a deep breath and gripped the taut chains that were attached to her wrist cuffs. She brought her knees up tight to her chest, the strain on her arms immense, and kept her back pressed flat against the wall. She rolled her hips forward and extended her legs straight up so her knees pressed to her nose, using the strength in her arms and abs to help leverage her lower body. She pulled tightly on the chains and rolled her lower body up and over in a backward roll against the wall. The wide V of her arm restraints allowed her shoulders to rotate to the point she was able to finish upright with her legs in a straddled plank position, her body now suspended above the wrist cuffs.

  Her arms were shaking with the strain and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold this position for long. Chloe bent sideways at the waist so her head and hair fell over her restrained right hand. Once there, her fingers dug through the fallen mass of curls to find a hair pin she had used this morning to keep stray strands at bay. Pulling the pin free, she turned her head and took it between her teeth.

  Sweat dripped down her forehead at the exertion of her efforts. You can do this, damn it, she told herself as pain seared
through her arms. Chloe lowered her head so the pin fit into the locking mechanism of her right cuff. Twisting her head back and forth, she finally felt the pin engage. With a final turn of her head, she heard the lock disengage and the cuff fall free. Only her hold on the taut chain kept her from dropping and dislocating her shoulder of her still-secured left arm.

  Chloe took a deep breath and gripped the left cuff chain as hard as she could. She released her hold on the right and swung her body over to the left side so she ended facing the wall, both feet now planted firmly against the stone wall as both hands gripped the remaining chain. She took the pin out of her mouth and quickly removed the remaining cuff before dropping to the floor.

  She sank down on the cold stones in relief and began to massage her sore wrists. “Damn, sometimes it pays to be flexible.” She muttered before rising to her feet and moving to the door.

  * * * * *

  Tre and Dev easily fought their way through three Valta who stood guard at a steel door, barely breaking a sweat in the process. Tre pushed the door open and they proceeded down the metal staircase leading to a lower level. They moved silently down a long, darkened corridor and came to a halt at the sight of two double doors.

  “You ready?” Dev asked.

  “Go.” Tre pushed through the doors with Dev close behind, both prepared for another confrontation.

  “Fuck me,” Tre pronounced as he took in the expansive space, lit only with emergency lighting.

  One side of the cavernous room was lined with surgical tables with attached stirrups on the ends. The opposite side consisted of a row of incubators. The room was empty of occupants and Tre breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Already used or preparing for use?” Tre asked Dev.

  Dev shook his head. “Looks to me like they’re still setting up shop and nothing has been used yet.”


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