Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 29

by Gayle Donnelly

  A prickle of unease swept through Tre. “Hey, Dev. Does this bother you? I’ve got a bad feeling. Getting in here was too damn easy, man.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” Dev stated with cold acknowledgment. “Something’s not right about this.”

  Tre walked the wall and found the power. He flipped the switch and the entire room flooded with light. His gaze tracked up the walls and to the open-rafter ceiling. He froze. “Oh, shit.”

  Dev followed his gaze and immediately went to his com. “Everybody out now. This place is wired to blow! Answer me. Talon, Daniel, anybody? God damn it, get out now.”

  * * * * *

  Chloe crept quietly up a set of stairs, still amazed she hadn’t run into any Valta since escaping her stone cell. She listened intently at the door and when she heard nothing, pushed the door open and entered a large, windowless room with gleaming wood floors. The room was dimly lit and filled with expensive furnishings. She padded silently across the floor but stopped when she heard a commotion down one of the narrow hallways across the room.

  A strong arm encircled her neck from behind, nearly crushing her windpipe. “Leaving so soon, Red?” Ryker’s snide voice spoke right next to her ear.

  The noise down the corridor grew louder and she thought she recognized some of the voices. Her boys! They were here. Ryker pulled her back tightly against his chest and she struggled for air. Anger pulsed through her veins. She didn’t make it this far to suffocate in this slimeball’s grasp.

  Chloe was preparing for her first strike when she heard the sound of a door slamming against the wall and then she was suddenly thrown forward with such force she fell to her knees. She got to her feet and turned quickly to see Michael and Ryker circling each other.

  “Chloe, the team’s here. Get the hell out. I’ve got this.” Michael ordered, never taking his gaze off Ryker.

  Ryker didn’t hesitate as he rushed Michael, the sharp curve of his long blade aimed for Michael’s neck. Chloe screamed. “Michael!”

  In a deft move, Michael ducked beneath the blow then slammed Ryker back into the wall. But Ryker recovered quickly and charged at Michael again, the two men each inflicting damage with short stabs and swipes of their blades. “Chloe, David’s right behind me. I’ve got this. Get the fuck out. Now!” Michael shouted.

  She needed to find the rest of the team. She turned to run down the open corridor only to stop in her tracks midway at the agonized roar of fury in David’s voice. Chloe ran back the way she came and stood just beyond the entrance of the room. She clasped a hand over her mouth at the sight of Michael lying motionless in a pool of blood as David fully entered from the other side of the room and after taking one look at his fallen brother, fell into full berserker mode.

  She watched in stunned awe as David attacked and continued to advance on the flailing Ryker, cutting and slicing without mercy. David deftly spun backward and landed a roundhouse blow to Ryker’s temple with his boot. But before the man went down, David gave one last yell of fury and sliced his sword with utter precision across Ryker’s neck, removing his head from his shoulders.

  A movement caught her attention and Chloe’s gaze turned to find Daniel rushing into the room from the same entrance David has used. He took in the scene in front of him, not noticing Chloe in the darkened corridor. Just as Chloe was about to step forward, a high-pitched scream jerked her attention to the open door she had come through to first enter the room. Sam held a dagger high above her head as she ran toward David, no doubt seeking revenge for Ryker’s death. She only made it about five steps before Daniel stepped forward and stopped her advance by exerting a guillotine choke hold, one arm wrapped tightly around her neck and the other draped over the top of her head.

  Sam sliced with her dagger, cutting Daniel’s arms and legs in her struggles to break free and even from across the room, Chloe could see the glow of pure insanity in the woman’s eyes. Daniel made a quick jerking movement with his arms and Chloe heard the reverberating crack of Sam’s neck breaking before she watched the lifeless body slide to the floor.

  Chloe had just lifted her leg to take a step forward when she was brought up short. A large hand clasped over her mouth and her feet left the floor as she was pulled up by the hair and carried backward down the corridor. She struggled and kicked but the hold on her was too tight. She was thrown, unceremoniously, into a room and landed hard on the wood floor.

  She looked up to see a battered and bruised Gabriel looming over her. “Now, now, my pet. You’re not trying to leave me so soon are you?” Luca’s smooth voice drew her attention to the other side of the room.

  Chloe scrambled to her feet but Gabriel was too fast, pulling her back against his chest and keeping her immobile with an arm across her neck. “It’s over, Luca.” She stated with what she hoped sounded like calm authority. “My team is here and Ryker is dead.”

  Luca merely smiled. “Ah, yes. Ryker. I’ll have to thank your team for saving me the trouble with that one.” He tapped his chin with a finger. “Oh, wait. That won’t be possible when your team is all dead.” He mused.

  Chloe sucked in a started breath before she heard a familiar voice bellow her name.

  “Chloe!” Talon shouted her name seconds before he burst through the door, his gaze instantly landing on Luca before he locked his sights on her.

  “Talon.” Chloe’s relief was palpable. She watched as his expression transformed into unadulterated fury as he looked upon her face.

  He started to advance, sword held firmly in his right hand. “Hello, Talon.” Luca drawled. “I’m so glad you could join us. I’ve certainly enjoyed my time with your little Chloe here.”

  Talon stopped at Luca’s words and the low growl that escaped his chest actually sent a shiver down Chloe’s spine. Talon remained completely focused on her. “You, I’ll deal with in a minute.” He addressed Luca in a deadly tone without averting his gaze.

  Luca chucked. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to make that much later, old friend. It’s past time for me to go.” Luca backed toward a door at the other side of the room but stopped before going through. “Such a pity.” He looked to Chloe and shook his head with feigned regret before smiling. “Hope you enjoy the fireworks.” He said with menacing glee before he closed the door behind him.

  Talon’s eyes moved up to land on Gabriel’s face and a satisfied smile curved his lips. “Good job, baby. I see you landed a few good shots of your own.” He delivered with pride even though his gaze still burned with fury.

  Chloe struggled against the hold Gabriel had on her. “And I would have gotten more if the coward hadn’t cheated and hit me over the head.” She seethed.

  Talon’s smile turned cold and deadly as he again began to advance slowly. “You’re going to pay for that, Gabriel. For that and every traitorous act you’ve committed.”

  Chloe took that opportunity to bring the heel of her foot back into Gabriel’s kneecap. He bent forward in pain but didn’t release his hold. She threw her head back, thoroughly enjoying the sound of crunching cartilage when she connected with his nose. Gabriel’s hold faltered and she spun out of his grasp. Chloe threw a hard right uppercut that landed squarely on his chin before she deftly faded back and landed a spinning back kick to his temple. He doubled over but didn’t go down. Ha! Take that! she thought, fairly proud of herself at that moment. Talon’s movement behind her made her chance a quick look in his direction. That mistake cost her as she felt the now-familiar blow to the back of her head from the hilt of Gabriel’s sword. Damn it, not again. She thought instantly as he flung her off to the side and she landed in an ungraceful heap, once again fighting the blackness that tried to pull her under.

  As if through a fog, she heard Talon’s howl of fury and then the clashing of swords. Chloe forced her bleary eyes to open as she lay on her side and found Talon and Gabriel exchanging blows with fists, feet, and iron. She tried to summon the strength to bring herself out of the swamping haze but it was no use. The last
image to register in the murkiness of her mind was Talon’s sword driving forcefully through Gabriel’s heart then she closed her eyes and was forced to surrender to the darkness once again.

  Talon pulled his sword from Gabriel’s chest but before the body could drop, he unerringly sliced wide and watched with cold indifference as the body dropped to the floor, now minus the head.

  He rushed to Chloe’s side and gathered her in his arms, nearly shaking with relief that she was still alive, although unconscious. “Chloe, baby. Can you hear me?” He asked as he gently traced the bruises on her jaw, cheek, and neck. His fingers lingered on her battered throat as he felt her pulse. It was strong, steady.

  “Talon.” A harsh voice brought his attention to the door to find Dev and Tre. “We’ve got to get out of here now.” Dev snapped. “The entire lower level is set with enough C-4 to blow the entire island. The rest of the team is already out. Let’s move.”

  Talon pulled Chloe into the cradle of his arms and stood, moving quickly to the door. “Luca?” Talon looked to Tre.

  They were running down the long hallway, heading to the nearest exit, when Tre answered. “Our first priority was to get the team out but we saw the bastard ducking down a back corridor. Dev saw Killian in pursuit.” He paused when they reached the outer doors and hustled through. ”The general isn’t wearing his com transmitter so there was no way for us to warn him of the explosives.”

  “Faster, damn it.” Dev interrupted, leading them toward the safety of the cruiser.

  They pushed harder toward the shoreline, which Talon absently noted was covered in crushed oyster shells. He took care not to jostle the still-unconscious Chloe too much. They boarded quickly and Talon immediately took Chloe inside the cabin. As he laid her gently on one of the couches, he looked over to find David tending his brother’s wounds.

  Michael raised his head and looked to Talon. “Is she going to be okay?” He asked in a weak voice.

  Talon brushed the hair from Chloe’s forehead. “Yeah, she’s going be fine.”

  “Ow, fucker!” Michael’s loud exclamation had Talon turning his head. “Not so damn tight. That hurts.”

  David continued to wrap the gaping wound in Michael’s abdomen. “Oh shut the hell up you pussy.” He bantered back without sympathy.

  Talon felt the rumble of the engines engage and then the steady movement of the cruiser moving from the shore. Tre approached and knelt by Chloe’s side. “Dev decided we needed to pull back, just to be safe.”

  Tre had barely finished his sentence when the thundering boom of an explosion rocked the boat. Daniel and Tre raced up the steps to join MaKane and Dev topside.

  “H-o-l-y hell,” MaKane muttered.

  Daniel added, “That was too close for comfort.”

  Tre looked to Dev. “Killian?”

  Dev shook his head as he continued to stare at the fireball of flames spreading throughout the island. “I don’t know.”

  The men watched for several moments in silence then Dev moved to the controls. “Time to head home, gentlemen.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chloe stirred, her hand moving to her aching head. Although the pain was intense, she felt warm, comfortable, and safe. A gentle touch down her cheek brought her lids open to find deep-blue eyes staring down at her. Awareness dawned. She was home in her bed, safe, and with Talon.

  Talon cupped her face and she immediately placed her hand over his. “God, baby. I’m so sorry. For everything.” He said softly before he bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  She met his steady gaze with her own. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Talon. None of us could have known about Gabriel.” She turned her head away in shame. “If anything, I should have figured out Sam was a raving lunatic. If there’s anyone to blame in all this, it’s me.”

  “No.” He stated with certainty as he forced her to turn back to him by cupping her chin. “You’re amazing. Have I told you that lately?”

  Chloe couldn’t help but give a snort of disgust. “Amazing? How amazing is it that I allowed myself to be overpowered and captured…twice.” Her hand unerringly went to her right hip bone as she shook her head. “This mark means nothing. I was weak. A real warrior wouldn’t have allowed that to happen.” She shook her head in embarrassment.

  Talon clasped her shoulders. His eyes lit with fury. “You went up against a two-hundred-and-thirty-pound Coteri male, Chloe. I don’t know in what reality you’re living but no female, regardless of her capabilities, would be able to best such an opponent in a fight of sheer strength.” He let out a long breath and ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. “You’re the strongest woman I know, baby. You fought off your attackers, you were smart enough to escape where they were holding you, and you stayed alive and didn’t panic when any other woman would have simply given up.” He squeezed her shoulders again in a tighter grip. “Don’t tell me you’re not a warrior. That mark on your hip declares it but your actions prove it.”

  Chloe felt ensnared in his gaze, powerless to look away. The honesty of his words flayed her. He truly believed every word he’d spoken. Then she remembered her thoughts of Talon while trapped in that cell. She loved him until it physically hurt. But now that they were back here and safe, she didn’t know if she had the courage to make good on the promise she’d made to herself to tell him how she felt.

  Talon stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I heard you, Chloe.” She sucked in a startled gasp. His voice was quiet, deep, and rolled over her senses. “Just like before when I heard your mind’s words on the bike. I heard you last night.” He paused and leaned in so close they were sharing breath. “I love you too. And I want you to know I’ve never said those words to another living soul.” He admitted softly then pressed his lips to hers in a kiss so tender it brought tears to her eyes.

  He pulled back and gently brushed the wetness away from her cheeks. “We need to talk, baby.”

  Chloe sat up in alarm, the movement sent her head spinning and she had to close her eyes for a moment to regain her equilibrium. When she lifted her lids, she saw Talon’s tortured expression and the pain to her heart at the sight of his distress was immediate.

  “Talon.” She began. “You don’t have to say anything. I know you’re not staying. I’ve always known.” She took a deep breath for courage, loving him enough to give him a way out. “I’ll forever treasure the time we’ve spent together here but I know you don’t do long-term. I’ll be fine, I promise.” She stroked his roughened cheek with her fingers.

  The blue of his eyes began to churn with each statement until when Chloe finished, she swore he could shoot fire from the deep-blue orbs. She yelped in shock as he grasped her by the arms and pulled her to his lap.

  “You’ll be fine?” He grated. “You’ll treasure our time together after I leave?” He shook his head then leveled her with a heated stare. “Oh, I don’t think so, baby.” He finished roughly then took her lips in a searing kiss, pressing his tongue into her mouth to tangle with her own. The blazing intensity was unlike anything she had ever felt with him before. He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands. “Your mine, Chloe. And I’m not letting you go.”

  Chloe stared at him for a moment in shock before she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tight, savoring the feel of his strong arms surrounding her as he rocked them back and forth. After several moments he pulled back and lifted her chin with his fingers. “Now it’s time to talk.”

  Chloe sat in silence for the next hour as Talon talked. He kept her on his lap, absently stroking her hair and rubbing a hand in circular patterns across her back. He explained his driving need to overcome the shame of his father’s defection, the feelings for her he felt he had to keep hidden for so many years because of his fears of somehow tainting her with his father’s defective DNA. He told her of the findings on Sean, the probable death of Killian and the escape of Luca. He finished with explaining his determined conviction to return
to Germany and face his punishment for disobeying a direct order from the king.

  “I don’t have a choice, Chloe.” He continued as he cupped one side of her face in his hand. “I made the decision to come to Washington for you willingly and I don’t regret it. But my honor requires that I return to Germany and accept whatever punishment Roderick demands.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and placed a kiss to the center of her palm. “Until that task is done, any future between us remains on hold.”

  Chloe reached up and turned his palm over, placing her own gentle kiss in its center. Talon lifted and turned her until she sat straddled in his lap. “Tell me you understand, Chloe.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “Tell me you’ll wait for me.”

  Chloe rose up on her knees and pulled the nightshirt over her head, dropping it to the floor and giving silent thanks that Talon must have dressed her in it before putting her to bed. She lowered herself back onto his thighs before grabbing the hem of his dark T-shirt and sliding it up and off. Chloe traced his deeply tanned skin with her fingers, moving over his broad shoulders, his impressive pectorals then down his rippled abdomen before ending at the waistband of his jeans.

  She heard Talon’s quick intake of breath as she pulled the button free and eased the zipper down, her knuckles grazing over the hard silk of his cock. Gripping his waistband, Chloe slid off his lap and down the side of the bed to the floor, ending on her knees. Talon assisted by lifting up so she could drag his jeans from his hips and down his legs, finally pulling them free and tossing them aside. She ran her hands up his muscular thighs, loving the feel of him beneath her hands. She continued her movements upward until she encircled the steel length of his cock and began to stroke.

  Chloe lifted her lids slowly to meet his gaze, thrilled at the cacophony of lust and heat she found staring back at her. She couldn’t wait another second. She lowered her head to take him into the wet heat of her mouth. His taste exploded on her tongue as she worked the engorged head, paying particular attention to the sensitive underside. Flattening her tongue, she took him deeper and felt his hands in her hair, pulling just to the point of pain, as he groaned in pleasure.


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