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Mirin, Christelle - Bonding Camp (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 7

by Christelle Mirin

  “What’s this bonding all about anyway?” Betha coughed, clearing her throat again. “I need a drink of water. Gosh, it’s early.”

  Lauren wasn’t sure how much to tell Betha. Then she remembered…She couldn’t tell her anything thanks to the contract. She’d have to make something up. She didn’t want to lie to her best friend, but maybe she could bend the truth a bit, leave things out. “I’ll tell you about it when I get back. I’ll be back late tonight.”

  “Okay, tell me then. I think I need four pots of coffee.” The sound of yawning came over the phone. “Call me when you get back.”

  “I will. Now go have coffee.” Lauren hung up, smiling. She’d come up with something to tell Betha without giving away too much. She didn’t want to ruin this new sensation she had found. The sensation of being able to totally trust other people—one in particular.

  * * * *

  Lauren and the others lingered over breakfast, talking about mundane things such as the weather, the flowers that were blooming, and life in general. After breakfast, they convened in one of the meeting rooms for the last appointment of bonding camp.

  “Miss Brooke,” Morgan began, “you’ve done extremely well here at bonding camp. I think the others will agree with me that you will be a nice fit at Cane, Moss, and White, and it will be a pleasure to work with you.”

  A sense of happiness swelled within her. Justice and Crystal both nodded and murmured their welcomes. Lauren leaned forward, placing her hands on the polished wooden tabletop. “I’m very honored to accept the position, and I hope to be an associate for a very long time.”

  Justice, who sat beside her, reached over and clasped her hand. “I hope you’ll be more than just an associate. I hope one day you’ll be family.”

  Lauren grinned. “Family. It has been so long since I’ve felt more welcome than I feel here.”

  “I’m glad,” Crystal added. “Perhaps one day, your name will be added to Cane, Moss, and White.”

  A rush of excitement thrummed through Lauren. “I will do my best to be an asset to the firm.” A partner? Could it get any better than this? Her original plan of making Cane, Moss, and White a stepping stone on her way to bigger things just flew out the window. She’d be a fool to turn a partnership down. Especially with a company she felt so comfortable with. Especially now that I’ve found Justice. She glanced toward the man she was quickly falling in love with and squeezed his hand.

  He smiled and squeezed her hand in return. “I’m sure you’ll be one of the top assets of the firm, Lauren. There’s no doubt in my mind.” He looked to the others. “Shall we enjoy the rest of the day then head back to the city?”

  Morgan and Crystal nodded, rising from their chairs. “Morgan,” Crystal said, looking up at him, “would you mind coming with me to the whirlpool? I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” She winked.

  Morgan looked down at her, one corner of his mouth twitching while he tried to control a smile. “I’d be glad to.” He looked at Justice and Lauren. “If I don’t see you again before we leave, I’ll see you both on Monday morning.” He nodded then took Crystal’s small wrist in his large hand. “Shall we?” Then he led her from the room.

  Justice laughed. “Looks like they’ll be occupied for the rest of the day. What would you like to do?” He rose from his chair, pulling Lauren’s out for her.

  She stood, warmth enveloping her. “I have a few ideas…”

  Chapter Ten

  Three years later

  Lauren stepped off the elevator, took two steps, then stopped dead in the middle of the hall. The double glass doors of the office faced her. Staff bustled on the other side of the doors, everyone seeming to be on a mission, intent on their work. Every large law office Lauren had ever entered had been the same—office staff scurrying about, phones ringing, printers chugging out drafts of legal pleadings, and everyone looking like they needed something done yesterday. The firm’s daily grind was the same with one huge exception—everyone here wore an honest-to-goodness smile.

  She sighed, admiring those double glass doors.

  “Are you going to stand in the middle of the hall staring at it all day?” Justice asked, coming up beside her and slipping his arm around her waist.

  Lauren felt the instant heat that always accompanied his touch. “I just want to enjoy the moment. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing, you know.”

  Justice laughed. “I forgot. Yes, it is. Having your name on the door as a partner is a big deal.”

  She looked up into his smiling eyes. “It’s almost too good to be true.” Looking at the doors once again, she read the gold lettering out loud. “Cane, Moss, White, and Brooke. I’m just…in awe.”

  “Well, come with me, partner. I’ll ‘awe’ you some more.” Justice snatched her hand in his and led her through the double doors into the controlled chaos of the office.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. They passed her desk. She stretched to drop her briefcase on it.

  “Ah-ah, bring it with you,” Justice admonished, pulling her along.

  “What is going on?” she asked, laughing.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and began clapping their hands. “Congratulations!” they all called after them.

  Lauren almost had to run to keep up with Justice now. They entered the area where the partners’ offices were located. Their secretary, Rhonda, rose from her desk when she saw them, and she, too, began applauding.

  Lauren didn’t know what to think. Surely they weren’t applauding because she made partner and got her name on the door. It was an important event for her, but the staff—she knew they all liked her, but applause? It embarrassed her a bit.

  “Here we are,” Justice said, opening a door that had seemed to appear over the weekend.

  It wasn’t there when she left on Friday. Hmm. Lauren stepped over the threshold into a perfectly decorated office.

  “How do you like it?” Justice asked.

  She turned to face him. “Justice, seriously, what is this?”

  “This”—he swept his hand in an arc—“is your new office.”

  A feeling of warmth blossomed in her chest. “My office?”

  Justice placed his hands on her shoulders. “Lauren, a partner can’t be without her own office. How would that look to our clients?”

  Her hands flew to her mouth. A wave of happiness overtook her and she laughed. “Oh my gosh, I love it!” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly on his very kissable mouth.

  When she pulled away, Justice was grinning. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I do, I do,” she said, turning to admire the gleaming glass-top desk with the cushy-looking leather chair behind it. The walls were painted butterscotch yellow, and the wood floor was a glowing pecan. The room was so inviting, it didn’t seem like an office. Lauren crossed to the desk and carefully laid her briefcase on it.

  I really love working here, she thought, turning to face Justice again. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me. You earned it.” He crossed the room and pulled one of the slim leather chairs from in front of the desk, turning it slightly. “Sit down. I have something else to talk to you about.”

  Lauren sat down, taking note that Justice’s grin had been replaced by a very serious look. It was unusual for him to look so serious outside the courtroom. She folded her hands in her lap and waited for him to speak, her tummy jittery from all the excitement and now this.

  He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and lowered his chin, looking at her through his thick lashes.

  Lauren realized she was holding her breath. She forced herself to let it out slowly through her nostrils, hoping he couldn’t tell.

  Finally he raised his chin and looked her directly in the eye. “Lauren?”

  “Yes?” Her throat was dry. She chided herself for being so nervous. Whatever he wanted to talk to her about was probably something simple. This was the first time she had felt even the least bit nervous sin
ce she had started working here.

  Suddenly, Justice whipped his hands out of his pockets, dropped down on one knee in front of her, and presented her with a small velvet box.

  Lauren’s mouth dropped open, her eyes drawn to what had to be a two-carat diamond sparkling atop a silvery engagement ring. This she hadn’t expected. Not at all.

  “Lauren Brooke, will you be my partner for life, bond with me forever?” Justice asked, his voice soft and serious.

  Lauren looked away from the ring and met his gaze. “Justice Cane, I would be honored to be your partner for life. To bond with you forever and ever.”

  Justice stood and, taking her hand, pulled her to her feet. He plucked the ring from the box, placing the container behind him on her desk. Then he raised her left hand. His gaze shot to hers. “You’re shaking.”

  Lauren smiled. “It’s turning into a very exciting day.”

  He flashed a grin then slid the ring onto her finger.

  It was a perfect fit. Just as he was for her.

  * * * *

  Two months later

  Lauren flipped the file folder closed. She rested her hands atop it and looked at the clock on the wall across from her desk. The new associate applicant would be here in ten minutes. This would be her first time interviewing a new applicant on her own. His file looked very respectable, even though he was just out of law school. His photo included in the file was intriguing. Very nice-looking, rugged, hair just a bit longer, but she sort of liked that. His name was Joseph Brown. And if the interview went well, she would invite him to bonding camp to see if he fit in with the firm.

  She leaned back in her chair. Bonding camp. She remembered the first time she had attended. She had arrived nervous and jittery. She had left calm, happy, and satisfied with life. It had been enlightening.

  Lauren had asked Justice his thoughts on bonding camp and their relationship a week after he had proposed. She wondered whether or not, after they were married, they both would continue with their “visits” to bonding camp. They had talked about it all night, revealing their feelings on the subject. They had both agreed they would continue to attend as long as both of them didn’t have a problem with it. After all, they had both been involved with bonding camp from the time Lauren had hired on at the firm up until Justice had proposed, and it hadn’t been a problem. Neither one of them foresaw a problem in the future. But they left themselves open for debate should one of them decide they wanted to revisit the discussion on their attendance.

  So…if Lauren approved Joseph Brown for bonding camp, she would be the first one to greet him there. It would be a first for her. She’d be the first to welcome him, inform him about “bonding” and their version of it, and be the first to “bond” with him.

  Rhonda knocked on the door, interrupting Lauren’s thoughts. “Miss Brooke, Mr. Brown is here for his interview,” she said, opening the door and leaning in.

  Lauren smiled. “Show him in, Rhonda.”

  She nodded and opened the door wider. “Mr. Brown, Miss Brooke will see you now.”

  Lauren stood, ready to greet the new applicant.

  Joseph Brown walked through the door, and Lauren almost sucked in her breath. His picture didn’t do him justice. Probably six foot tall, light brown, sun-streaked hair just brushing his shoulders, and striking bright green eyes. Dressed in a dark suit with crisp white shirt, he looked like he’d be more at home standing on a beach in a swimsuit, arm clasped around a surfboard.

  He approached her, smiling widely, and offered his hand. “Nice to meet you, Miss Brooke. I’m Joseph Brown.”

  Lauren moved around her desk and took his hand. It was warm, strong, and slightly rough. He works with his hands. Wonder what he works on?

  “It’s a pleasure,” she said. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.” Standing this close to him, she could smell his cologne. Clean and fresh. Inviting. Heat began to coil inside her, attraction beginning to crawl its way to her core. She released his hand and returned to her side of the desk.

  Yes, if he interviewed well, inviting Joseph Brown to bonding camp would be interesting…very interesting.



  Christelle Mirin loves to write. Exploring all the possibilities of romance and sensuality in her writing is always in the back of her mind as she goes about her daily life. She lives in the Mid-West with her husband and two Cairn Terriers, Lucy and Wilder Snoot. Christelle also is the founder of her own ghost investigation group and travels with them to seek out the unknown and the unexplainable.

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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