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Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters from India Box Set (The Malhotra Bride; Meghna; The Runaway Bridegroom)

Page 19

by Sundari Venkatraman

  ‘Doesn’t the man have any sense of decency?’ All female eyes were riveted on the newcomer. Meghna gritted her teeth while she failed to notice the admiring male glances on her own legs.

  Rahul walked rather stiffly as his legs brushed against Meghna’s with every step they took. He kept quiet, doing his best to concentrate on controlling his hands. His body had jumped in response the moment he set eyes on Meghna that morning. Her long, slim legs appeared far too sexy. Temper flared for a moment as he thought of her contradictory words and action. She had ordered his hands off. But her clothes were too provocative, an open invitation. A smile broke out on his face as he guessed that like a typical woman, she had changed her mind and expected him to behave differently.

  Rahul turned to his left to look at the dark brown head so close to his shoulder, her hair brushing his bare arm, slender shoulders slumped in dejection. He let go of her hand to hook an arm around her shoulders and pull her close to his body. There was no protest from her as she cuddled closer with a sigh of pure delight.

  “Wonderful,” whispered Rahul, close to her ear.

  Meghna raised her eyes eagerly to look at his face, glad that the ice was broken. She also mentally got ready to do battle with him if he drew too close while she was inwardly thrilled with his compliment.

  Rahul quickly looked away from her, pretending to admire his surroundings. “I can’t believe this is the same place we used to avoid because of the mess. This garden’s truly beautiful now.”

  He caught the look of disappointment spread on Meghna’s face as she replied in a voice totally devoid of enthusiasm, “Yeah, I know.”

  They walked for a while, both lost in thought. Rahul fell behind as he slowed down to appreciate the garden better. Meghna walked a few metres before turning around with a frown, “What’s with you today, Rahul? Why are you so slow?”

  “You go on ahead, just admiring the view from here,” he replied, a grin spreading on his face as he eyed her long legs with a look of abject pleasure on his face.

  Colour flared in Meghna’s cheeks. She looked around quickly to check if anyone else heard his comment. The people around were going about their business, unaware of the undercurrents between the two of them.

  She turned away from him without a reply and walked faster to put more distance between them.

  “Meghna,” Rahul called out. She refused to stop. “Meghna,” his voice grew louder as he moved closer, his strides not lazy anymore. He reached out to touch her shoulder. “What’s eating you, Honey?” His voice was too close for comfort, his soft breath stirring the tendrils of hair at her nape.

  “Why, nothing,” came the innocent reply. They completed three rounds very fast before descending the hill by mutual consent. They walked back to the club house in a companionable silence.

  Meghna went to the changing room to pull off her shorts and t-shirt before taking a shower, all set to jump into the swimming pool. She wore a one-piece swimsuit, patterned in shades of mauve and blue with a low-cut back. The colour flattered her complexion and gave her the confidence she so badly needed just then. What she was not aware of was the way the figure hugging suit displayed her perfectly shaped body to advantage, her legs appearing longer than ever.

  Rahul - who came out of the shower at the same time that Meghna stepped out of the ladies’ - couldn’t help staring, just managing to stop his jaw from dropping. Was this the same chubby teenager he left behind when he went to England?

  Meghna was taller than the average female with a slender figure, the curves in all the right places. Rahul looked at the way the bright coloured swimsuit hugged her figure lovingly like a second skin.

  Meghna caught his gaze on her and moved closer to him, her eyes studying him boldly from under her lashes. He wore a very brief pair of black swimming trunks, barely decent. There were more than a dozen people at the pool despite the earliness of the hour. She was glad of the distraction as a neighbour called out to her from the pool.

  She had been about to make a fool of herself, caught staring too hard at the male hunk beside her. She wondered whether he was aware of the furore he was creating amongst the females in the pool and also within her. She found them to be the cynosure of all eyes as suddenly every woman wanted to acknowledge her presence, no doubt trying to wangle an introduction in the process.

  Meghna was thoroughly exasperated and annoyed as she introduced Rahul to all of them one by one, when she suddenly decided to call it quits and took a running dive into the deep end of the pool.

  She swam furiously without a pause for about fifteen minutes, trying hard to work out the fury she felt towards Rahul. ‘Why did he have to preen around like a peacock lapping up the admiration of the girls like a sex-starved maniac?’ thought Meghna. ‘So what if they came to him in droves? Did he have to enjoy their company so much?’ Meghna was green with envy. She shuddered as she recalled the manner in which each one was vying with the others to be near him, trying to touch him wherever her hands could reach. She shook her head in a temper and swam harder.

  “Ease off, Honey. The swimming pool won’t disappear if you slow down, I’m sure,” came the taunting voice of her tormentor.

  “Get lost.” Meghna spat at him

  “Meghna,” Rahul placed a hand on her arm trying to pacify her. She kicked at his chest as she swam away from him.

  “Ouch,” growled Rahul, his voice soft enough to be heard only by her. He was holding his chest at the point where her toes had touched him.

  Meghna fell for his trick yet again as she moved swiftly over to him to inspect the harm she had done. She pushed his hand away to see for herself. Rahul pulled her close and crushed her body close to his own, pressing her head on his shoulder.

  “Let me go Rahul. This’ll definitely not please your newfound girlfriends. And I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to keep your hands to yourself.” Meghna tried hard to sound angry, but her voice thickened as various new sensations surged through her body.

  Her soft legs brushed against Rahul’s hair roughened ones while her breasts were crushed against the muscular wall of his chest. Her mind wanted her to move away from him. But her body seemed to make its own decision as her arms went around his neck to hang on to him tightly, her lips pressed against the curve of his neck. Her tongue slowly darted out to lick at a bead of moisture on his neck, while she watched in enchantment at the pulse beating hard there, the rhythm matching her own heartbeat.

  Rahul nuzzled her shoulder, his teeth nipping gently as his lips trailed a path of fire towards her ear. “I never knew sharks could exist in a swimming pool,” he commented lazily, raising his head to watch Meghna with an ardent gaze.

  Meghna looked up at him for a moment before burying her face on his shoulder, not able to meet the heat in his golden gaze for long. “You poor baby! I’m sure you felt terrified as they fingered you. The last time I saw, you seemed more than willing to be their meal,” her voice was mildly sarcastic as she recalled the way they fought with each other to get their hands on him. She also recollected that he hadn’t tried hard to stop them. She pushed at his shoulders to break free of his arms as her temper built up once again. “You didn’t seem to protest too hard when they fell all over you,” she voiced her thoughts, her grey eyes stormy.

  Rahul looked at her as his breath broke out in a sigh. His fingers played with her hair as he answered her, “They’d have clung all the harder if I protested too much.”

  “Experience, I presume,” came the swift retort.

  Rahul’s eyes crinkled with laughter as he said, “Seems like I can’t win either way, so what the hell?” and swept down to capture her lips in a soul-searing kiss that Meghna returned with equal fervour.

  If anyone had suggested that Meghna was capable of Public Display of Affection a few days ago, she would have protested vehemently. But today she was only too happy to show the other girls that Rahul was interested in her and none else.

  “Mmm, you taste delicious,” Rahul tra
ced his tongue over her lower lip as Meghna opened her heavy eyelids reluctantly to meet his laughing brown eyes. She turned away quickly, feeling shy, only to meet the interested gazes of the many onlookers standing outside the pool. Colour ran hot on her cheeks as she went underwater to hide herself. She swam below water for a while before getting out at the other end of the pool. She squeezed the excess water out of her long hair before moving towards the changing rooms. She didn’t wait to find out whether Rahul had finished his swim.

  They met near the lift and went up to the sixteenth floor in silence. They seemed to be in a private vacuum of their own as the conversation bounced off them, oblivious to no one but each other.

  Twin tornadoes hurled themselves at them the moment Meghna opened the door to the flat. Sasha and Rehaan squealed their ‘Good Mornings’ while they were lifted and swung into the air in turn by Rahul.

  Meghna went to greet Sanjay and Reema ‘Good Morning’ while Rahul progressed more slowly with the kids vying for his attention. Finally, he lifted them both into his arms as he walked over to the dining table where his friend and his wife were sharing a morning cuppa.

  Rahul sat with Sanjay, sipping from his mug as Meghna and Reema dealt with the children’s breakfast.

  “So what would you like to do today?” asked Sanjay.

  Rahul hesitated for a few seconds before replying, “I’d like to go with Meghna to her class. After that we can—” He looked at Sanjay apologetically.

  “Relax, Rahul. You’re on holiday. You must do what you want to.”

  “But so are you. And you’ve taken leave because of me. Sanjay, I—”

  Sanjay understood only too well his friend’s need to spend time with his sister. He also realised how thrilled Meghna would be to hear this. “Come on, Rahul, I’d love to spend some free time with Reema and the kids. You go ahead with your plans. It’d be great if we could all go to the Dandiya Raas together in the evening.”

  “That should be perfect. I want to tag along with Meghna wherever she goes, if she’ll let me, that is. I wanna know her more.” Rahul made his intentions clear.

  Sanjay gave his closest friend a smile before saying, “Just the way to go, man. Wish you luck I only hope she doesn’t lead you a merry dance.” Both men turned to look at the girl affectionately. Meghna looked up at the two dark heads together and wondered what the two of them were cooking up between them. She raised her eyebrows in query.

  Rahul gave her a sly wink before answering Sanjay from the corner of his mouth - he wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to read his lips, “Don’t you worry, Sanjay. I’ve just this minute realised that I enjoy dancing to her tunes.”

  Sanjay slapped his friend on his back as Rahul got up to go to his room to get ready for his outing with Meghna.

  MEGHNA STEPPED OUT OF HER ROOM READY FOR HER CLASSES when she noticed Rahul sitting on the sofa all dressed to go out too.

  “Going somewhere?” She asked him, trying hard to hide her disappointment. ‘When would he return?’ she wondered.

  “Yeah I’m going with you, riding pillion on your bike.”

  Anger flared in Meghna’s eyes as she bit out, “You don’t trust me to ride my bike.”

  Rahul was in front of her in a flash. He held her face in both his hands, palms pressing hard against her hot cheeks. He waited for her to look him in the eyes before saying, “You don’t trust in me at all, do you? Why do you always suspect my motives? Will it make you happy if I offered to drive the bike and asked you to ride behind?” he asked rhetorically.

  Meghna studied his eyes for a minute before replying, “I’m sorry. Do tell me what you want to do.” A charming smile replaced her tempestuous expression.

  “Well, that would be telling,” said Rahul too softly, bringing a flare of colour to her cheeks before he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go, Honey. You’re getting late.”

  Meghna fitted the helmet on her head before starting the engine. She waited for Rahul to sit behind her. He settled himself too close to her for comfort, his arms around her middle, chest slammed into her back, and the front of his thighs pressed against the back of hers.

  “Rahul,” Meghna’s voice rose over the sound of the engine, “I’m sure the seat has more space.”

  Rahul pretended to be puzzled. “So what?”

  “Will you please move over a little bit?” asked Meghna impatiently.

  “Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  Meghna did not want to admit to this. “Well—not quite.”

  “Then what are you cribbing about, Sweetheart? Let’s leave. I’m extremely comfy.” He gave her his devilish grin, which seemed to be his own personal trade mark.

  Meghna shot away as though her back had caught fire.

  Prashant was waiting for Meghna at the gates of the sports club as was his habit. Rahul immediately noticed the scowl on the other man’s face as he met his eyes. Prashant’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets as his frown deepened. It was obvious, at least to Rahul, that the other man was not happy about Meghna having company. If looks could kill, Rahul would be lying dead right then.

  Prashant turned his gaze to look at his partner, “Good Morning, Meghna.” She was not yet aware of the animosity between the two men. Rahul was doing his best to intimidate the other man with his superior height.

  Meghna greeted him enthusiastically, “Good Morning, Prashant. Please meet Rahul, an old friend of the family and Rahul,” she turned towards her childhood sweetheart, “This is Prashant, my partner in the dance classes.” She stood back to watch the two men shake hands. Rahul was tall and supremely confident, his handshake firm. Prashant was not so tall and quite diffident, trying hard to measure his competition while Rahul had already dismissed him as none.

  “Hello,” said Rahul politely, his ever present grin absent for once while his eyes looked dangerous.

  “Hello,” Prashant answered with barely concealed anger and jealousy. He looked at Rahul boldly, obviously refusing to be cowed down by his expression.

  “Let’s go, Meghna, we’re getting late,” said Prashant, doing his best to ignore the other man.

  “Rahul,” Meghna turned to look at him.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty head about me Honey. I’ll take a round of some old haunts of mine. Should be back around eleven or so. Will that be alright?” He looked at Meghna enquiringly.

  Prashant’s head shot up at the ‘Honey’. He glared at Rahul who chose to eye him with arrant disregard.

  Meghna smiled at Rahul, “Fine.” She suddenly remembered, “Rahul, I’m not sure there’s enough petrol.”

  “That’s okay, let me handle it. Bye, Honey.” He said extra loudly, succeeding in upsetting the younger man more than he already was.

  Rahul whistled cheerfully as he got on the bike and roared away.

  “Who’s he? And where the hell did he spring from?” asked Prashant angrily once Rahul had left the scene.

  Meghna’s look clearly stated that it was none of Prashant’s business. But she answered him patiently anyway, “Rahul’s from London. He used to live in Mumbai before.” She didn’t elaborate further.

  “What’s he doing here?” asked Prashant belligerently, pushing his luck.

  “He’s on holiday, if it’s any of your business,” muttered Meghna, her temper mounting.

  “But, Meghna,” Prashant pleaded. “I thought you and I have an understanding. We—”

  Meghna stopped walking, turned towards her partner and stood in front of him, her arms akimbo. She looked Prashant in the eye and asked, “What understanding?” her voice dangerously soft.

  “Well—er—” Prashant hedged, not quite meeting her blazing eyes.

  “Yeah, tell me. I’m waiting,” prodded Meghna.

  “Well, everybody knows that we’re a couple—”

  Meghna didn’t allow him to finish. “And who’s everybody?” Her body was trembling in a fine fury as she fixed her gaze on Prashant, refusing to let him off the hoo

  Prashant squirmed, a flush slowly rising on his face. “Meghna, be reasonable. We, that is, you and I—”

  Meghna cut him off mid-sentence once again. “Look, Prashant. Let’s get this thing clear once and for all. There’s no ‘we’ as far as you and I are concerned. If, I repeat, if there’s any kind of relationship between us, it’s only as partners in the dance class. I’ve no feelings for you other than as a friend. If there’s any other kind of relationship, it exists solely in your imagination. I’ve never encouraged you to think otherwise. I have belonged to Rahul for more than six years now.” There, it was out, the verbal admission that she belonged to her tormentor.

  Prashant’s jaw dropped and it was obvious that he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. While his eyes turned red with temper, his fists clenched tight. Meghna could see that he was fast losing control, but she simply couldn’t understand why. She had never given him the impression that she was interested in him in any other way then as a partner in the dance classes.

  But they were getting late for the class. She didn’t want to continue discussing Rahul with him just now. The children must have already assembled in the hall. As it was, they had missed out on the warming up session they usually did before the kids arrived.

  Prashant turned away from Meghna and walked to the class, when it became obvious that she wasn’t going to say anything more. His back was stiff with hurt pride.

  Meghna followed more slowly, her face disturbed, her grey eyes clouded, regretting her outburst. She consoled herself saying that it had to happen sometime. Prashant had been ripe for it, presuming an alliance where none existed. She shrugged her shoulders and absolved herself of all responsibilities towards him. He was an adult and if he wanted to behave foolishly, it was his funeral.

  Meghna walked into the class and felt infinitely more cheerful on seeing the eager faces of the kids who wished their teachers a loud, ‘Good Morning.’


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