Crimson Sin (Rebel Heart Book 1)

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Crimson Sin (Rebel Heart Book 1) Page 22

by Trina M. Lee

  “Try not to look too hot tonight. It’s going to be hard enough for me to focus. If you look even half as good as you usually do, I won’t stand a chance.” Rowen’s playful, sexy tone emanated from my phone. On speaker, it sat on the bathroom counter beside me. We chatted while getting ready for the big night.

  “Ok. I’ll wear ratty pajamas and put my hair in a messy bun. No makeup.” I smiled to myself in the mirror as I carefully applied my favorite velvet-red lipstick.

  His chuckle was light and warm despite everything that had recently gone down. “You’d make even that look sexy. I can’t wait to watch you play.”

  “Stop that. You’ll make me nervous. Then I’ll fuck up, and we’ll lose. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” I teased him, knowing that neither of us cared who won tonight. All I cared about was seeing the night through to its end without incident.

  I left my long, black hair down, teasing it up just a little to give it a wild, tousled look. My grey blue eyes were heavily outlined in black and silver shadow. Taking the phone with me into the bedroom, I tossed it on the bed and began to dig through the stuff in my closet for the right attire.

  “So what are you going to do if Arrow doesn’t show up?” I asked. “Have you guys planned for that?”

  He sighed, a heavily dramatic whoosh of escaping air. “Sam will take over vocals if Arrow doesn’t show. It won’t be the same, but we aren’t going to let him ruin tonight for us.”

  I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it. “Good. I think he’s done enough.”

  Nothing but silence came from Rowen for a moment. He sounded defeated when he finally said, “Agreed. Somehow I suspect it’s far from over. But I’m not letting him ruin the great mood I’ve got going on, so let’s not talk about him.”

  I nodded again, felt stupid, and said, “Ok. What about Dash?”

  “What about him? I’ve been right here for days. If he wanted to kill either me or you, he’s had ample opportunity. I don’t think that’s what he wants.” The sound of a lighter’s flint was followed by an inhalation of smoke. It reminded me that Rowen’s good choice didn’t mean he’d never make bad ones.

  Why couldn’t I stop feeling so pressured to be perfect? Where had that even come from? My mother had raised me to be content with who I was, but society had tried to crush that. The men I’d risked dating had never been content with me being myself. Koda and others like him had encouraged the belief that I wasn’t good enough for the light.

  Feeling a sudden surge of frustration, I reached into my closet and dragged out the first thing my hand touched, a Motley Crüe t-shirt. I paired it up with tight leather pants and my favorite knee high boots. I was ready, on the outside anyway.

  “I wish I could bring the sword with me,” I said, gazing longingly to where it sat propped in its sheath in the corner of my bedroom.

  “I think you should. Can you fit it in your guitar case?” The loud clink of ice falling into a glass came through the phone.

  I eyed the sword. “Actually, yeah, I think I can fit it in there. Are you drinking?”

  “Just a little. I need to take the edge off. Don’t worry. I’ll catch a ride with Sam.”

  On the final night of the band battle, drinking was bound to happen. Still, I couldn’t shake the concern rooted in the back of my mind. “Well, I guess I’ll see you there then.”

  Rowen’s laugh was low and throaty. I almost wished we could blow off the whole evening and just stay in together. “I can’t wait to have my ass kicked by you.”

  After we hung up, I worked on squeezing the Midnight Star into my guitar case. It was tight, but I managed. That sword wasn’t the kind of thing I could just pull out and start brandishing like a wannabe warrior woman, but having it with me gave me some comfort.

  I checked on Seth before I left, ensuring he had fresh food and water. Then I gave his little head a kiss and locked up on my way out. Guitar case and bat wing purse slung over my shoulder, I headed down the hall with a strange, growing excitement in my step. I was still wary about what the night might bring, but I was kind of looking forward to it.

  The elevator door slid open. Cinder stood inside with arms crossed and a playfully scolding expression. He was channeling his inner ’80s rocker with a Poison t-shirt and blue bandana tied around his shaggy blond hair.

  “Taking the elevator, Ember?” He teased. “Really? You live on the second floor.”

  I stepped in and hit the button for the lobby. “Hey, this sucker gets heavy.” I eyed his clothing with an inquisitive stare. “What’s with the threads? Are you coming to the show?”

  Cinder didn’t often come to my shows, and I’d always accepted that it wasn’t an ideal scene for angels. On second thought, maybe it was. Still, I hadn’t expected to see him tonight.

  “I am. For the most part I’ll be unseen. I fully believe you and Rowen are more capable than Dash realizes. However, should it be required, I intend to be there to fight at your side.” Cinder’s readiness showed in the way he held himself, rigid though calm.

  I threw an arm around him in a hug, finding it funny that he smelled of baby powder. “Thank you. For everything.”

  “No need to thank me. I wish I could do more, but I am confident in the woman you have grown into. You have all you need to succeed. And though I probably shouldn’t be, I’m eager to see Dash again. It’s been a while.” Cinder’s gaze slid over me. With lips pursed, he said, “Can you actually breathe in those pants?”

  “Yes,” I laughed, momentarily distracted by the revelation that Cinder wanted a piece of Dash. I suppose kicking some demon ass was pretty satisfying for the angels though Cinder would never say as much.

  Cinder could have popped over to The Spirit Room in an instant, but he rode with me in the Nova instead. The engine sounded a little rougher than usual. Probably time for another oil change. As long as The Piece didn’t leave me stranded and waiting for a tow truck, it was all good.

  A line had already formed to get into The Spirit Room before we arrived. As I parked, my belly flipped a few times, but otherwise I was feeling good about the show.

  Arrow would be sorry if he just handed us this win. Of course, the fact that he was willing to do that made me think something was very wrong. But what could I do? He’d left on his own. Hadn’t he?

  “I’ll see you later,” Cinder said when I began dragging my stuff out of the car. “Break a leg. That’s what they say, right?”

  I nodded and smiled, happy for his good wishes. “Yes, thank you.”

  He was gone before anyone could take notice of him. Jett was waiting at the side door where the bands enter. She thrust a vodka and sprite topped with a cherry into my hand.

  “Here’s to our big win.” Her grin was huge. Her deep-burgundy painted lips made her teeth appear dazzlingly white. “Can you feel it, Spike? I can fucking feel it.”

  “I feel it, Jett. It’s going to get interesting.”

  She did a little happy dance that I had to admit was infectious. Our chances were good but not guaranteed. Still, I wasn’t going to ruin the positive vibe she had going. Positivity could breed very good things.

  The DJ pumped classic rock into the building while Sacred Stone set up. Being the last band to be eliminated, they’d been brought back as the opening act tonight. Hopefully Paul would keep his chauvinistic trap shut if we ran into each other.

  I scanned the growing crowd. It was too soon for Dash yet. He wouldn’t appear this early in the evening.

  “Tonight we win. Then we get signed. And then we tour and live it up.” Jett’s eyes sparkled with big dreams. “I can’t fucking wait.”

  I’d grown up sharing that exact dream. I still did, but now I wondered if it was doable. Once I chose a side, I would have new obligations. No. I shoved those thoughts aside and focused on everything from Jett’s lilac perfume to the notes being plucked on stage as Sacred Stone did their sound check. Live in the moment.

  I drank back the vodka quicker than intended. I nee
ded a little relaxation, something to take the edge off. The alcohol spread through my veins with more force than I’d anticipated.

  “Is this a double?” I asked.

  Jett tossed her purple bangs out of her eyes. “Damn right it is.”

  I followed her upstairs to the dressing room. It was empty other than Rubi and Tash who primped in the mirror amid giggles and girl talk.

  “Dude, don’t let him do shit like that to you,” Rubi admonished as we entered. “It’s unsanitary.”

  “Shut up.” Tash slapped her with a hairbrush. “I like it.”

  “Do we want to know?” Jett asked, plopping down on the couch. She pulled a joint from her cleavage and sparked it up.

  I propped my guitar case near the door. Instead of joining Jett on the couch, I paced around the room. My excited energy made it impossible to relax.

  “Tash lets Mr. Country violate her no-no area,” Rubi said, bracing for the next hairbrush smack.

  Jett let out a puff of smoke. “No such thing as a no-no area, Rubi. Don’t be so uptight.”

  “Told you,” Tash joined in. “You need to get laid, Rubi. I think you’ve forgotten how much fun it is.”

  I laughed but said nothing. This wasn’t a conversation I was going to weigh in on. Teasing Tash was kind of our thing, but I wasn’t about to say anything to get this turned around on me.

  Except Jett said, “Spike’s finally getting her itch scratched,” She passed the joint to Tash. “Let’s hear about how good Rowen is in bed. I bet he’s good.”

  My cheeks warmed. “Let’s not discuss Rowen’s sexual prowess. Some things need to stay on the down low.”

  Jett snorted. “Oh, please. Since when do you not fuck and tell? I bet he has a big—”

  “Oh, I do,” Rowen broke in, drawing every gaze to where he stood in the doorway. “At least, I like to think so.”

  My cheeks burned, but the girls laughed. Girl talk in public places was dangerous.

  “I didn’t hear you come up,” I said.

  “Yeah, well, I seem to be a lot more stealthy than usual.” Rowen cast a glance toward the stairs. Sam and Greyson clambered up, making enough noise for a herd of elephants.

  Rowen was ridiculously hot. His hair was perfectly spiked with that piece I loved falling into his eyes. In a black leather jacket with a Crimson Sin t-shirt and black jeans, he gave me a rush that filled me to overflowing. So swoon worthy.

  I gestured to his shirt. “Are you kidding me right now? You are going to get so lucky tonight.”

  “Hey ladies.” Sam shoved by Rowen into the room. He had a beer in each hand, a guitar case strapped to his back, and a giant grin on his face. He shrugged off the guitar case and sat down beside Jett. “Damn, Jett, you’re looking fine tonight. What are you doing after the show?”

  Jett eyed him like the predator she was. Assessing the cute, fun-loving, but somewhat goofy Sam, she cocked her head to one side and smirked. “Not you, sweetheart. Nice try though.”

  “Come on, baby, let me rock your world.” Dimples gave Sam a cherubic appearance. That grin probably worked on a lot of ladies.

  “I don’t think so.” Jett’s dark-red lips quirked as she enjoyed his attempt at flirting. “You couldn’t handle me. Really. I’d eat you alive.”

  I suspected that statement had some truth to it. Jett wasn’t a violent monster, but she was as spirited as they came. Being part of a pack kept her wolf under control and allowed her animal side to flourish. Still any guy that got involved with her had to be able to hold his own. I wasn’t sure Sam was up to the challenge.

  “I am totally ok with that,” Sam said before pounding back one of the beers he held.

  Rowen and I exchanged a look. He rolled his eyes at Sam and said, “Trust me, Sammy. There’s more to these girls than it seems. You’d never stand a chance.”

  Voices and laughter quickly filled the room. Rowen leaned his bass case against the wall and steered me into a corner that barely gave us the illusion of privacy.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” His kiss started off tender and sweet, deepening with emotion and desire. Our friends whistled and shouted at us, but we ignored them all. I slid my arms around his neck and pressed closer. His hands were warm on my hips. Drums began to thunder beneath us, announcing the start of the show.

  Jett and Sam said almost in unison, “Get a room.”

  “Who plays first?” I asked when we finally broke apart. “Do you know?”

  “We do,” he said, running a hand over his mohawk. “Still no word from Arrow. He’s not replying to messages or answering his phone.”

  “Fuck him,” Sam muttered while Greyson nodded his silent agreement.

  “Are you worried?” I whispered, searching Rowen’s amazing, fiery eyes. His reluctance to show any feeling regarding Arrow was worrisome. They were friends and brothers. It felt like he should be more concerned.

  Rowen glanced toward the other guys. Anger lit up his face. “I care about Arrow. I hope he’s ok, but he’s fucked up too many times. The lies. That shit he pulled with you. I can’t let that go. Not yet.”

  I nodded, totally understanding where he was coming from. With a hand on his face, I kissed him again before whispering against his lips, “For the record, he didn’t know you’re his brother until recently. From what I’ve observed, he’s such a fucking asshole because nobody ever genuinely gave a shit about him. Just try to remember that. And don’t forget that he went in after you.”

  He frowned and shook his head. The anger melted away, and he sighed. “See what I mean? That beautiful heart you have is what made me so sure of my choice. It’s why I fell so hard for you.”

  Our friends were engrossed in conversation, but I could feel Jett’s watchful gaze upon us. She knew me so well. I was sure she could see the doubt that flitted through me, which I tried desperately to hide behind a smile. Catching my eye, she gave me a pointed look, which I took to mean, `Don’t be a chicken shit.’

  “You’re sweet, Rowen.” I ducked my head to hide the uncertainty that I was sure was painted all over my face. It wasn’t that I didn’t have feelings for him. It was that those feelings scared the shit out of me.

  “Hey.” He touched the side of my face. “Are we cool? I mean, are we on the same page here? I know we haven’t really made it official, but it didn’t feel like we had to. Are we… together?”

  I hadn’t expected this moment to happen in front of our friends. Thankfully only Jett appeared to be paying any attention. Her keen wolf ears could likely pick out every word too.

  I had just seconds to form a response. To take any longer would reveal my inner doubts and fears, and Rowen would form his own assumptions from that. I knew that if I didn’t take this chance, I never would. I could take a risk and possibly be disappointed, or I could shy away and never know what might have been. What I had to ask myself was if Rowen was worth the risk.

  “Yes,” I heard myself say as my pulse pounded in my ears. “We are on the same page. I’ll be honest. This scares me. But I want to be with you. I want to discover what we could have.”

  Rowen pulled me into his arms and kissed me with a ravenous passion. Then he chuckled, a sensual sound that drove me a little crazy. “Will you still feel that way if we kick your ass tonight?”

  I shoved him and laughed. “Not gonna happen.”

  “Care to wager on it?” With a raised brow, he shot me a naughty smile.

  Before I could answer, the stage manager appeared with orders for Molly’s Chamber to get downstairs. The DJ broadcasting live for the radio station hosting the event wanted to have a short interview with each band before they went on.

  “Hold that thought,” Rowen said, giving me one last lingering kiss before he and the guys disappeared downstairs.

  “We should head down too,” Jett said, waving a hand at Rubi who still stood in front of the mirror back-combing her hair. “If you bitches are finished here, I’m on the prowl for a boy toy tonight.”

/>   “Well, Sam was willing.” I hid a smirk, expecting the withering look she shot me.

  “Oh, please,” she scoffed. “That boy would jizz his pants before I even got my clothes off.”

  The Spirit Room had filled up considerably in the short time we’d been upstairs. The air buzzed with anticipation as people drank, laughed, and waited to see if their preferred band would reign.

  Right away people started coming up to us, wishing us luck and offering to buy us drinks. By the time we got seated as close to the stage as we could get, we had more than enough booze on the table to supply a dozen people.

  “Thanks for coming out, sweetie.” Jett accepted a silver Sharpie from a bearded rocker guy who’d asked us to sign a t-shirt he’d grabbed from our merch table. Tash’s sister Tanya was manning it tonight. When he’d gone she gushed, “Now that is what I’m fucking talking about. People love us. Arrow can eat his fucking heart out.”

  “Don’t be a cocky bitch, Jett,” Rubi warned, ignoring the glare she received in return. “You’re going to give us bad karma.”

  “Fuck your karma. You’re starting to sound like Tash.” Jett shoved a shot of tequila in front of each of us. “We will win this because we’re good. Not because we kissed the universe’s ass.”

  The tequila burned like a son of a bitch, but the effects were calming. I kind of needed that. I wasn’t getting in the middle of this argument. Those girls could go back and forth for hours about that shit. Luckily they were both too excited to bother.

  My gaze kept straying to the door. I wasn’t sure what I expected. Part of me was sure Arrow or Dash was going to make an appearance soon.

  Then I did see someone unexpected. Gabriel shot through the nightclub, heading for the back exit. His dark head was ducked as he avoided eye contact with everyone he passed.

  Jett followed my gaze to the recently turned vampire. “Well, look who decided to show up.”

  “Looks like he’s on his way out already. I’ll be right back.” I hurried after him, knowing that if he didn’t want to be caught, I’d never reach him. Vampires were speedy things. Fucking scary things too.


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