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Page 4

by D. G. Whiskey

  Addy wasn’t paying attention to the teaching assistants. Her eyes were on me—they had been the entire time, even when slides were on the screen.

  Our gazes locked, and she bit her lip. Then she shifted, uncrossing her legs and letting them drift open.

  Oh, my god.

  My eyes were level with Addy’s knees where she sat in the fifth row. And once she spread them, they were level with another part of her anatomy—and she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  My mouth dropped, and I was even more grateful for the lectern. It had provided a solid anchor to give me confidence during the lecture, but now it served in another way—hiding the massive erection that had formed in a matter of seconds and stuck down the leg of my pants.

  I fought to tear my eyes away, but they were drawn as if by a powerful magnet. It didn’t help that she was so turned on that I could see it.


  If Landon’s face was any indication, there wasn’t any more blood left to power his brain. His cheeks flamed, and he shifted behind the lectern, gripping it with both hands.

  The thrill inside me was electric. I’d never let myself do anything so freeing, so… slutty before.

  Except maybe coming onto him last night and going home with him.

  I was so turned on, and all I wanted was for his hands to be gripping me instead of the inanimate hunk of wood in front of him.

  The third and final teaching assistant finished speaking, and most of the eyes in the room shifted back to Landon. He had composed himself impressively well, and if I hadn’t known exactly what I’d done to him, it would have been hard to tell.

  “Thank you very much, Josie. Now, today is your first day of classes, and I’m sure you don’t want to be bogged down with too much information so soon. I think what we’ve covered today outlining the layout of the course is enough for now, and we will start right in on the first macroeconomics lecture next class. Welcome to Harvard, everybody.”

  It was only half an hour into class, but none of the students would think twice about being dismissed early. I crossed my legs again as the room exploded with activity, students packing up their notebooks and hurrying out as though granted a reprieve from hell.

  Even the teaching assistants didn’t stick around for long, and soon, I was the only one left besides Landon. Since he’d dismissed class so early, there wasn’t anyone waiting in the hall for the next class yet.

  I wonder if he did that on purpose?

  He’d looked so hot at the front of the class, holding forth with authority. I hadn’t been sure I would follow through with the plan, but seeing him talk to the class was a bigger turn-on than I could have imagined.

  Landon’s eyes were fierce, scouring my body as I descended to the front of the room.

  “What are you doing here, Addy?”

  He didn’t sound pleased. I hadn’t expected him to, but he could have been a little more welcoming than that.

  “I’m just attending my first introduction to macroeconomics class,” I said innocently. “Or, I was until the professor let the class out early.”

  His brow furrowed, and he frowned. “I don’t believe it. You’re in this class? Why didn’t I see you on the roster?”

  I tilted my head to the side, trying to keep a smile off my face. “When was the last time you checked? I only transferred in this morning.”

  He sighed, his eyes closing. “Goddamnit, Addy. This makes everything so much worse. Why would you go and do something like that?”

  I didn’t see what the big deal was. “Because this is so fun. Won’t this be awesome, having me in your class?”

  The door to the lecture hall opened, and a grizzled man in a sweater vest entered with a briefcase. He and Landon exchanged nods.

  “Professor Adelman. It’s a pleasure to see you.”

  “Ah, Landon. Good first class?” The older man gave me a curious look, and I practiced my innocent face once more.

  Landon cleared his throat. “Not bad at all, sir.” He shut his laptop and shoved it into his bag, clearing the platform for the other man.

  We edged away from Professor Adelman. I leaned in to Landon’s ear. “I was wet all day from giving you that blowjob this morning, so I wanted to show you. And then that got me even more wet.”

  The look on Landon’s face was priceless. “Addy, we can’t do this… for so many reasons.” He spoke in a low, measured voice and glanced to the side to see if the other professor had overheard us. “You agreed it was a one-time thing. I meant that. There are too many repercussions if we get caught.”

  Chastened, I nodded. I didn’t want to get him in trouble, but there was a problem.

  His self-control was admirable, but it made me want him even more. He’d fucked me better than I ever knew possible, and it was hard to just let that go.

  Not without experiencing it a few more times, at least.


  I thought getting to the restaurant early would give my heart rate time to come down and give my mind an opportunity to settle itself. I hoped that I wouldn’t see Addy’s achingly gorgeous body writhing on my sheets every time I closed my eyes.

  Instead, it took away any ability to occupy myself, leaving me with nothing but thoughts of her—the way she’d screamed my name, the devilish glint in her eye as she took my cock in her mouth, and how she expertly flashed me in the middle of my first lecture.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  The woman herself slid into the booth next to me. I’d sat at the edge of the bench so she wouldn’t have room to squeeze next to me, but she didn’t care. Half of her ass hung over the side, and Addy pressed her body firmly against mine so she wouldn’t fall off.

  Sighing, I shifted to the side, giving her more space. She edged over on the bench, following me, maintaining contact.


  “Problem?” Her face turned toward mine, not smiling, but the hints of it were in the corners of her eyes and the tightness of her cheeks.

  The fox.

  She was determined to ignore any commitment to propriety I forced her to make. It was like dealing with a kitten that listened to my words but then did whatever the hell it wanted anyway.

  Addy still wore the short skirt and tight top combo that she’d used to catch and hold my attention in class. I struggled to keep my mind away from wondering if she’d bothered to put any panties on since then.

  I didn’t respond to her question. There was enough on my plate just trying to avoid getting hard at the thought of her potentially bare pussy within arm’s reach and the way her body felt against mine.

  I failed.

  “Now, aren’t you two a sight?” Nick walked up to the table and sat on the other side of the booth, sliding into the middle of the table. “I’m surprised you guys aren’t deep in conversation after not seeing each other for so long. Hasn’t it been since we left for college, Landon?”

  “That’s right,” I said. “And we’ve talked plenty. You just caught us at a lull in conversation.”

  Addy tapped me on the shoulder. “This isn’t even the first time I’ve seen Landon today! I’m in his macroeconomics class.”

  Nick guffawed. “No way, really? Oh man, that’s priceless. How great is that?”

  I sighed. “It’s super great. Just terrific.”

  Addy punched me on the thigh, uncomfortably close to my hard cock. Then she let her hand linger. I tried to bat it away, but she ignored my efforts and I couldn’t try harder without it being obvious above the table.

  “I can’t believe we’re all back in the same city,” Nick said. “And now that we’re all adults, we’ll have so much more fun. Especially because Addy isn’t such a little brat now.”

  “A brat, huh?” Addy asked. She gave me a sidelong look. “I’m still plenty bratty. If it’s called for.”

  I had already seen some of that behavior.

  “Maybe we’ll have to train that out of you,” I said.

  Nick laughed and missed the w
ay Addy flushed and bit her lip as we met eyes. Her hand squeezed my leg.

  “I mean, she’s in your class, Landon. You’ve got to give her good marks, man, and make sure there’s no funny business going on with any of the guys there.”

  “Hey!” Addy kicked her brother under the table, and he flinched. “I’m a grown woman, Nick. And you know I’m smarter than you. I don’t need any help with my marks, and as for my love life, you can stay the hell out of it.”

  “Alright, Addy, jeez. What are you wearing heels for? They hurt.”

  I stared between them, shocked. Addy had always been impetuous as a child, but Nick had always had the upper hand in every situation purely from the age difference. It didn’t look like that was the case anymore.

  “I like them,” she replied. “They make my ass and legs look great.”

  That made Nick blanch. “Ugh, gross, Addy. We don’t need to hear that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not your kid sister anymore, Nick. Now I’m your grown-up, adult sister. And Landon’s not related at all. Get with the program.”

  “Whatever. You’ll always be the baby to us, sis. Right, Landon?”

  I looked at Addy. I didn’t see a baby. I saw a confident young woman with a spark of wit and intelligence in her eyes. “Sure, Nick.”

  Nick got up. “I need to hit the bathroom. Can you order a beer if the waitress comes by while I’m gone?”

  When he left, Addy and I stared at each other. The tension was thick between us, and her hand was still on my leg only inches away from my hardened manhood.

  She broke the silence first. “Am I forgiven for my stunt this morning, sir?”

  That sir caught my attention as it always did, the playful tone of her voice doing nothing to tame the animal caged within me. If we’d been somewhere private, I would have thrown her over the table and had my way with her right there.

  I didn’t answer her, instead dropping my hand to her thigh, just below the skirt. Her eyes widened as I slid it slowly over the smooth, supple skin underneath the breezy fabric.

  She bit her lip as I continued, never stopping, following the same inexorable pace. Her own hand squeezed my leg as I crept closer to her core. A slight gasp left her lips as I reached her pussy, my fingertip grazing the sensitive skin and feeling how slick it was already.

  Continuing in the same motion, my finger split her lips and slid inside, surrounded by the wet heat and rippling texture of her walls, pushing deep until it couldn’t go any further.

  With a single pull against her front wall, I withdrew the finger as slowly as my muscles would allow, letting her pussy grip it for as long as possible before slipping free. She stared into my eyes the entire time, lower lip trembling as she moaned softly, first in pleasure and then in frustration once my finger left her.

  I brought my hand up to her face and placed the wet finger against her lips. Obediently, she opened her mouth and let me slide the finger inside. She sucked and twirled her tongue around the finger, eyes flickering closed as she worked.

  Once I was satisfied, I took it out.

  “Now you’re forgiven, Princess.”

  I turned back to the table just as Nick returned and clambered into his seat. “Has the waitress still not come? Man, what’s going on tonight? I’m sorry, Addy, this place usually has much better service.”

  “That’s… Ahem, sorry… That’s fine, Nick. Not in any rush.” Addy had to clear her throat after her first word barely squeaked out. She glanced at me. “The service is great here.”

  As if on cue, the barmaid arrived to take orders, and then the three of us rehashed stories from our childhood, interchanged with Nick and I giving Addy pieces of advice about Harvard and Boston.

  The entire time, I was wracked with guilt for crossing a line I knew I shouldn’t have crossed. It would probably come back to bite me in the ass, but something about Addy was addicting, and I couldn’t stop myself.

  After the way she’d teased me during lecture that morning, the dark side of me was supremely content at the way Addy squirmed in her seat for the rest of the night, desperately horny and wet and unable to do anything about it.

  Chapter 4


  I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves.

  With a sharp rap on the oaken door, I crossed the point of no return, unable to back away gracefully.

  This isn’t like you, Addy. You should really take a step back from this.

  I couldn’t though. It’s like a sex demon had possessed my body and was determined to lead me deep into hedonistic temptation.

  “Come,” Landon’s muffled voice was barely audible through the door.

  With another deep breath, I opened the door and put on a more confident and alluring face than I actually felt.

  “Wow, it’s amazing that you can make me come with just one word,” I said with a smile. Landon’s eyes had been on his computer screen, but the sound of my voice jerked his head straight to meet my gaze.

  He was dressed similarly to his attire for the lecture the day before. The crisp blue shirt and gray herringbone jacket were tailored to his tapered torso and broad shoulders, making him look more like a classy investment banker than a frumpy economics professor. It wasn’t fair how hot he looked.

  He didn’t look like this back in Boulder, I’m positive. He hasn’t just improved his body—his style is impeccable.

  I’d had a big enough crush on him back then, and now all it took was five seconds in his presence to get flustered.

  “Ha. Ha. Good one, Addy.” He didn’t smile. The way his deep voice toyed with my name had me weak in the knees, but I was disappointed he didn’t use the Princess nickname he’d given me. From the look on his face, he wasn’t happy to see me. “What are you doing here?”

  Landon was doing a remarkably good job of keeping his eyes on my face. I’d worn my favorite pushup bra paired with a low-cut blouse to put my assets on display for him, but he wasn’t taking the bait this time.

  Oddly, that made me feel even more like a desperate slut than if he’d ogled me.

  Why am I doing this? He’s said it could cost him his job if we do something and get caught. Am I that big of an asshole? I don’t want to earn a reputation on campus in the first week of school.

  Then Landon cocked his head to the side, and his raised eyebrow reminded me of the night we’d spent together. That was why I was doing this. Because I’d never felt pleasure like that before, and I’d never experienced such a deep, visceral connection to another human being.

  As awful of a person as I was for pursuing what I shouldn’t want, it felt even worse to simply abandon it and never know what could have been. My entire being screamed at me that there was something special here.

  And it’s not like he doesn’t want it, too. He’s never denied how much he wants me. He just has better control than I do.

  “I was reading through the syllabus, and I noticed that you’re selecting one undergraduate student to help with your research. I want to be that student.”

  Landon’s brows furrowed, and he leaned back in his chair, the material of his suit falling gracefully around his built shoulders. “Look, Addy, it’s bad enough you switched into my class. I won't make you my research assistant, too. The whole point of the position is to develop a bright young mind and steer them into a career in economics. It will be a merit-based appointment, and I’ll only take the best in the class as my protégé.”

  I frowned. Maybe I had been playing the ditzy, sex-starved college girl angle too hard. It was hard to stop, though, because it was so damn fun. “Do you think I’m stupid, sir?”

  He froze.

  I walked around his desk and sat down on his side, within easy reach. Leaning over, my cleavage was so close to his eyes that the only way he could avoid looking is if he kept them closed.

  From here, I could see the bulge that grew in his pants, and the sight of it emboldened me further.

  “I would love to spend more time with
you, sir. Is that such a bad thing? I think we would both enjoy it. Sir.”

  As I spoke, I slipped the heel off my left foot and reached it out to his crotch. The movement let my skirt ride up, and once more, I had conveniently “forgotten” to wear panties. Landon’s eyes were glued to the junction of my thighs, his dark orbs filled with the fire that signaled his state of mind.

  My foot contacted the rod of steel inside his suit pants. The thin fabric offered no real resistance, and Landon groaned as I ran my foot along his length.

  The situation lasted only a few seconds before Landon burst into action. He rose to his feet and snatched me off the desk. Before I could adjust to what was happening, he’d turned me around and bent me over his desk until my stomach and chest were flat on the hard surface.

  Landon’s hand was on my shoulder, the other on my waist, and he leaned in close, his body pressing against mine as his breathing grew harsh in my ear. His voice was a loud whisper.

  “Don’t make me punish you, Princess. I won’t take it easy on you.”

  His hand on my waist flipped the back of my skirt up and onto my back, exposing my ass and bare pussy for him. His fingers traced the curves of my ass and thighs, lightly dancing along my skin and taking my breath away, but never touching where I needed them most.

  My pussy flooded with desire for him, the need to feel his huge member inside me once more. I panted, desperate to moan, to beg, but anxiously aware of all the offices surrounding Landon’s and their likely lack of adequate soundproofing.

  I needed him so badly, and I squirmed my ass back against him, silently asking for a tongue, or a finger, anything to give me the relief and pleasure just out of reach.

  He ignored my movements, continuing with the slow, ruthless tease of my flesh, denying me the glory of his fingers on my pussy.

  How much longer is he going to keep this up for?


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