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Page 17

by D. G. Whiskey

  “Professor, can you hand me a pair of tweezers or something? This one has shifted and I can’t reach the button.”

  There was no response, so I looked up and nearly dropped the helmet at the intense blue gaze that devoured me.


  His hair was wet, and it was cut shorter than it had been in Florida. The face underneath was even more chiseled and perfect than I’d remembered—he’d matured into a full-grown man since then.

  “Juliette.” He smiled as he said my name. The playful way he rolled it around his mouth made my pulse jump. “I like the name more and more every time I say it. Juliette. Although you’ll always be Sexy to me.”

  His gaze was so intense, it could light tinder.

  “Something tells me you’re still Cocky.”

  He grinned. “Not cocky. Confident. Remember?”

  “I guess you aren’t second-string any more.”

  “Not for a long time, Sexy. Juliette.” He took a step toward me. “It’s a good thing I’m no Romeo. I’m looking forward to a happily ever after.”

  Reflexively, I put a hand up to stop him from getting any closer. “Wait, Travis. It’s been five years. We can’t just pick right back up where we left off in Florida.”

  I said the words I had to say, but they tore my heart in two as they passed my lips. If I didn’t establish boundaries early, I’d never keep myself from him. And that would spell the end of my career before it even started.

  “Can’t we? We’ve waited long enough, Juliette.”

  He took another step.

  “Stop!” I sidestepped to put my desk between us, even though Travis was still most of the way across the room. He paused again. “Five years, Travis. That’s a lot of time. We aren’t the same people. We can’t be.”

  “You’re right. I’m excited to learn everything about you all over again. To stay up at night, talking until the sunrise. To rediscover your body.”

  I let my eyes close for a moment as he talked.

  Why does he have to be the most eloquent football player I’ve ever met?

  I took a deep breath. “Slow down, Travis.”

  After so many cautions, his expression finally darkened. “What is it? Are you dating someone?”

  Yes! I jumped at the ready-made explanation. If I pretended to be taken, it would make everything so much easier. I would have an easy excuse to not let us get too close.

  But I couldn’t lie to him.

  “It’s complicated,” I said instead.

  “That’s a no,” he said. “I've never met anyone who got me as well as you did, and I’m willing to bet you didn’t, either. So what’s the deal, Sexy? What’s worth delaying our getting back together and relearning everything there is to know about each other?”

  The number of times I’d dreamed of this scenario was embarrassing to admit. Each new relationship hammered home how unique our chemistry had been and how hard it was to find with someone else.

  Not this exact scenario. In those dreams, there wasn’t anything standing in the way of leaping into his arms.

  I glanced at the windows—there were a few of them. A pair in the doors to the hallway and a big one between the lab and the weight room. If the wrong person walked by and even saw us in here alone, there could be trouble.

  “I won’t lie and say I haven’t wanted this too, Travis.”

  “Then don’t. I knew we would find each other again. I could feel it. There’s nothing standing in the way now, and I won’t stop until you’re mine.”

  He resumed his approach across the lab. Instead of running into his arms like I wanted so desperately, I backed into the corner until I had nowhere else to go.

  “Travis, stop! It’s because of the study. I signed a contract that I wouldn’t get involved with any of the players.”

  He scoffed. “A piece of paper won’t stop me, Juliette.”

  I held out a hand, a desperate plea. If he came any closer, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

  “Please, Travis. They’re serious. The lawyer said they’re looking for any excuse to cancel the study and get us out of here. They’re scared of what it might mean for the future of the league and their revenues.”

  He stopped and growled. “They’re bluffing. There’s no reason our getting together would mean anything to the study.”

  I shook my head. “I know, but it doesn’t matter, Travis. If they catch us even speaking to each other like this, it’ll raise questions. I promised Dr. Kent to avoid any appearance of impropriety. They’ll do anything to torpedo the study, and if that happens, my career is over.”

  “Your career? But you haven’t even started yet.”

  “Exactly. All my schooling would be wasted, and I would have to start over again doing something else. Something I don’t love. So please, Travis, take a step back from this—from me.”

  His arms bulged as he clenched his fists.

  “Goddammit,” he said under his breath. “Okay. I’ll back away now, Juliette. But I won’t be tamed forever. This just means we have to be a little more careful.”

  “Not just careful, Travis,” I said. “It can’t happen. I’m not willing to take the risk.”

  He stared into my eyes.

  “I need you, Juliette. I won’t give up until I have you.”

  Chapter 6



  A slight hangover was the only souvenir from last night.

  That and the incredible full-body relaxation that came after a bout of intense sex with a gorgeous woman.

  By the time I’d woken up, Sexy was nowhere to be found. For the second time, she’d run away without giving me any method of contacting her.

  I didn’t even have a name.

  She’s incredible.

  I had achieved my target though. I should be thankful she didn’t stick around. I had a bet to win, and I wouldn’t win it by spending more time than necessary with one girl.

  By the time I showered and pulled myself together, the sun was high in the sky. I knocked on my teammates’ rooms, but there was no answer.

  They must be down by the beach already.

  A downside of going to school in the Northeast was the lack of sun and beach for so much of the year. Having the chance to relax on the sand in March was something worth taking full advantage of.

  I wonder where Sexy’s staying.

  She had to be close by if we’d ended up at the same bar the night before. Even though I knew I shouldn’t, I couldn’t help looking for her as I passed people on the path to the beach.

  Enough, Travis. There’s no reason to talk to her again even if you find her. You’ve got to play the field. Training is too intense during the season to hook up with as many women as you want, so this is your chance.

  The beach was packed, thousands of the country’s young and attractive college-aged students finding their own piece of sand and sun. Loud bass rumbled along the beach from one of the music stages.


  I wouldn’t find the guys in this mess.

  Might as well walk down the beach and see what’s going on.

  There was so much skin. Bikinis and board shorts were everywhere I turned, a feast of flesh that made me glad of the sunglasses I wore.

  A flash of light caught my attention. The sun reflected off a tassel hanging from the bikini top of a girl lying on a large beach towel a few feet away.

  No way. You’ve got to be kidding me.

  It was Sexy. She had sunglasses on, but I would recognize that body anywhere. My hands had memorized those curves the night before and would never forget.

  I fought the urge to approach her.

  You can’t waste your time with a girl you’ve already slept with.

  Standing behind her, there was nothing stopping me from looking at her body, the tiny bikini barely hiding the treasures I’d played with last night.

  Don’t do it, Travis.

  My mental voice battled against my body’s desires a
s I closed the distance to the bronzed goddess lying on the sand.

  I flopped on the sand beside her and stretched out in the sun.

  “Imagine seeing a mystery woman like you on a beach like this.”

  She rose up on an elbow to look down at me.

  “Are you stalking me, Cocky?”

  I shook my head. “Not my fault I keep seeing you, Sexy. Must be the universe telling us something.”

  She snorted. “The universe? Yeah, right.”

  “You never know,” I said. “Some things are just meant to be.”


  “Okay, everyone, we’re starting the meeting.”

  Tony stood at the front of the meeting room. A cozy and comfortable space, it was filled with large, padded chairs for the equally large men that filled them.

  “As you know, we have a new addition to the team joining us, fresh off a trade with Portland. Many of you met him today, and the rest of you know of him from his dominance in the league over the past two seasons. In our regular season meeting last year, he threw for five touchdowns and ran in another in what was one of our worst losses of the season. We’re hoping he can help us bring the same pain to other teams this year. I understand he’d like to say a few words, so please welcome your new starting quarterback and captain, Travis King.”

  I stood from my perch in the front row and walked up to the small podium at the front of the room.

  The room held not only the players, but the trainers and support staff. Sitting with them were Juliette and her mentor. I straightened to my full height under her eyes and gathered myself. I had to make a good impression not only to her, but the men who now looked to me for leadership.

  “Thank you, Tony,” I spoke into the expectant silence. “That’s a very gracious introduction.”

  I’d planned this opening speech since my agent secured the trade last week. It would set the tone for the season and demonstrate my vision for the team.

  “I was drafted to Portland two seasons ago. They were in a similar situation, coming off a terrible season and unable to imagine a quick turnaround. A return to the playoffs was thought to be at least five years away, maybe more.”

  A few of the players shifted in their seats and the coaches shared glances. The whisperers and outright critics were even less generous here in Los Angeles. The most prominent sportswriter in town had confidently proclaimed that the team would never be relevant again after the disaster of a season they’d posted last year.

  “Two years later, we were one throw away from winning the championship. I missed it. I’ll gladly take that blame and use it to make myself a better and stronger player. I’ve learned valuable lessons, not only about strategy and tactics and play selection, but about what it’s like to face adversity on the biggest stage in sports. I’ve been there, and I’m determined to go back.”

  Ricky sat in the front row, and he spoke. “I don’t know if you know this, Travis, but there are more players on the team than just the quarterback.”

  Looks like he’s determined to be a thorn in my side.

  We’d been friends in college, but I hadn’t seen him since draft day. His worse qualities had taken over since then. Sometimes, the fame and money of the pro life turned men into pricks.

  “That’s right. And you know why I came to Los Angeles? I look at this roster, at the men in this room, and I see a lot of talent. Every player in this room has something to offer, and I know that we can rise up and challenge expectations. We have the opportunity to do something great. We’ll rise from the ashes of a lost season and start winning. I swear to you, this year, we’ll make the playoffs.”

  That got the men grumbling, and a few of them laughed.

  “Are you serious?” Ricky said. He’d taken it upon himself to give voice to the doubts in the room. “We won a game last year, Travis. One fucking game. That’s it. You think we’ll go from one win to the playoffs just because you’ve joined the team?”

  I nodded. “I’m dead serious. I’m just one player, that’s true. I can only do so much on the field. But I don’t intend to be the only difference in this team. I believe that every single man in here has what it takes to perform at the level necessary to win games. I’m not here just to throw footballs. I’m here to show you how to win. How to be fearless. How to go out there and take control of the field, because it’s yours to own. Your issue isn’t a lack of physical talent. You’ve all been drafted into the league. You’re elite athletes. Your problem is a lack of hunger. You have to want it more than anything you’ve wanted in your entire life.”

  I swept the room as I spoke, looking into each man’s eyes, willing them to feel my passion and my conviction. Many of them looked away. At the end of the speech, I found Juliette staring back at me. I spoke the final line directly to her.

  She flushed, but she didn’t look away.

  There was a long pause when I finished speaking.

  “Yeah, this is bullshit.” Ricky got out of his seat and faced the rest of the room. “I’m sorry, guys, but we’re just not good enough to win. Travis was full of himself in college, but he’s gotten even worse, and this time, he doesn’t have the country’s leading offense to do most of the work for him. I’ve heard enough of this.”

  My old friend stomped toward the door. A few of the men followed him out.

  I stared after Ricky and the others in shock. I’d been in the zone, in my element, doing what I could to rile the passions of my players. To have some of them walk out on me was the last outcome I’d expected.

  I might be in deeper trouble here than I thought.

  The worst part was the way the rest of the team looked at me, then looked toward the door, unsure whether to support their new captain or join the men who’d already left in protest. More of them got to their feet and left the room.

  Tony slapped me on the shoulder. “Give them time, Travis. They aren’t used to winning. They’re cynical. It’s a poisonous locker room, and that was our problem last season. No hint of a winning attitude anywhere in sight. You’ll have to drag them there, give them something to believe in.”

  I shook my head. “It’ll be a long season if they aren’t willing to work for it, coach.”

  It wasn’t the rejection by the players that bothered me the most. It was that Juliette had watched the whole disgraceful thing. I couldn’t bring myself to look in her direction again, avoiding her until I finished talking to the coaches and could make my own exit.

  Chapter 7



  I should have been trying to find my friends. Heather had planned a strict schedule of activities, and I was late to the afternoon concert we’d chosen.

  It was hard to care when I was having so much fun with Cocky.

  It was a silly nickname that only got more ludicrous as time wore on—in that funny way inside jokes had.

  “So, what? You’ll be a famous football player some day?”

  He nodded, not even taking a second to consider it. “That’s right.”

  “But you’re only the backup quarterback right now.” I was only partially teasing him, but I knew nothing about football.

  “I play at the best school in the country,” Cocky said, cocking an eyebrow. “And I’m only a sophomore. The starting quarterback will make big money in the league after he graduates and enters the draft, and I’ll take his place. It’s a done deal.”

  “Two years starting in college, and you’ll net a big contract after you go pro?”

  He nodded and settled back into the sand a little more. “If everything goes according to plan, you’ll see this handsome mug on every magazine cover in the supermarket.”

  Cocky may be a silly nickname, but it’s accurate.

  “Are you just naturally gifted, then? Lucked out with incredible reflexes?”

  “You’ve seen my body, Sexy. What do you think?” The look he gave me practically melted my bikini bottoms off.

  I rolled onto my side to face him and
let my back get sun.

  “I think you’ve been blessed with far too many talents, and it’s gone to your head.”

  He matched my movement, rolling onto his side until his body lay close to mine and our faces were inches apart.

  “That bikini of yours is making blood rush to my head. I’ll let you figure out which one.”

  The crowded beach disappeared around us.

  I’d slept with Cocky the night before, and it was the best sex I’d ever had. In fact, that was such an understatement, it sounded cliché. Jim’s attempts at lovemaking didn’t even deserve to be compared with Cocky’s skill, size, and unbelievably hot body.

  That morning, I’d woken and left, figuring on never seeing him again. No strings attached—that was the goal, the intention. My heart wasn’t ready for anything more.

  Lying there with him, all my plans blew away in the warm ocean breeze.

  We kissed. It wasn’t the urgent, pressing need of the night before, but a careful and studied sampling of each other. His lips played with mine, soft and responsive. The heat between my thighs built again.

  I’ll need a swim to get my bikini wet just so it’s not obvious how turned on I am.

  A strong sense of need rose within me, a ravenous monster, catching me by surprise. Before I’d left for college, Jim and I had regular sex about once a week—he always pressed for more, but I didn’t need it that often.

  This ferocious desire was new, something I’d never felt before. My body was already addicted to Cocky’s touch, and it told me in no uncertain terms it wanted more.

  Needed more.

  “There you are!”

  Shadows blocked out the sun, the sudden shade confusing as we broke off our kiss.

  “Oh, hey, guys,” Cocky said. “I couldn’t find you earlier.”

  One of the men, shorter and with curly hair, gave him a light kick in the butt. “We’re putting together a game of touch football on the beach. Come on.”


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