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Heart of Lies

Page 4

by Connor Whiteley

  Heavy footsteps banged on the damp bedrock as the guards left the chamber. Alessandria's eyebrows rose at the oddity of it. It was odd enough Nemesio had managed to schedule an urgent meeting with this leader at short notice. But for them to be left alone in the heart of their operation. That seemed even odder.

  With the smell of damp mould filling her nostrils, Alessandria really wanted to be above ground. But her typical and probably stubborn sense of duty made her drawn to this smelly cave.

  Slowly, Nemesio crept over to her and Alessandria smiled as she felt his warm body heat radiate towards her. Her arm hairs lowered themselves. She wondered how hot his skin was.

  A pair of shuffling feet dragged themselves across the cave behind them.

  Turning around, Alessandria clocked her head and narrowed her eyes at the sight of an elderly fragile woman shuffling towards them.

  Alessandria didn't know what to focus on first. The fact this criminal leader was a fragile old lady or her bright blue dress. That really didn't do much for her. Alessandria was pretty sure it made her look even older. At least the old lady wore strong flowery perfume. It certainly improved the smell!

  In an overexcited voice, the old lady shrieked: “Oh dearest Nemmy you return!”

  The old lady shuffled over and tightly hugged Nemesio.

  Alessandria’s eyebrows rose.

  “You two know each other?”

  “Oh of course we do! This man, my Nemmy, well he is a great man. He killed all my competition for me,”

  Alessandria cocked her head.

  “Oh Nemmy, who is this beautiful lady? Just look at her. Simply stunning,”

  Nemesio only smiled at Alessandria. Was he agreeing?

  “Oh Nemmy say something,”

  Slowly, Nemesio spoke: “There was a mission in the Inquisition to replace the head of the criminal underworld with a more... suitable leader,”

  “And that’s her?”

  “Oh of course. I’m a treasure really. As Nemmy will tell you. I only kill you if you cross me. But I’m sure if Nemmy is your friend, you’ll be fine,”

  Alessandria had no idea what to say. She had too many questions. Why name him Nemmy?

  “I am Alessandria Fireheart, Dominicus Procurator for the House of Fireheart. It is a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for not operating on my family’s land,”

  As a gesture of good faith and to remove temptation when her mother returned, Alessandria passed the old lady the finest bottle of wine the Firehearts owned.

  “Oh Nemmy, look! Look! Oh, this will look fabulous in my collection. Oh, she is wonderful Nemmy. Let me fine a Guard,” the old lady said as she shuffled towards the door.

  Alessandria stood close to Nemesio and asked: “Please explain,”

  Nemesio smiled and looked in her eyes.

  “The Inquisition needed to find a person to look after the criminal underworld. A person who would stop anything major from happening. So I was sent undercover and I made sure she rise to power,”


  “She’s a bit eccentric,”

  “Only slightly,”

  The shuffling sounds of the old lady returned as she shuffled towards them.

  “Oh Nemmy, I know ya don’t come here to see me. Why ya here Nemmy?”

  Nemesio gestured over to Alessandria.

  “Oh Nemmy, you don’t need to ask my blessing to marry her. She’s a Fireheart, a good family. And just look at her. She’s fabulous,”

  Alessandria smiled without knowing why.

  “No, Serpent. She needs to talk to you,”

  “Oh, why didn’t ya say so?”

  The old lady shuffled over to Alessandria.

  “If my Nemmy talks to you then so can I. What’s up?”

  “Um, thank you. This morning there was an attack on the Queen,”

  “No, not Queeny. My Queeny been good to me over the years. Ya know not sending in the soldiers. How can I help my Queeny?”

  “The men that attacked were hired guns, well-trained, well-armed and wore black cloaks. There was a woman there too. Do you know these people?”

  The old lady shuffled away and circled herself a few times.

  “Oh Nemmy, your girl is clever, very clever. She remembered the woman. You wouldn’t have. The men I don’t know but the woman and the black cloaks. I know them. I know who hired them,”

  “Great, who?”

  The old lady’s face changed from overexcitement to something more serious. She shuffled over to Alessandria.

  “I’ll make ya a deal. I’ll give ya the name of the person who hired them. And the underworld support on ya law change. If ya do something for me,”

  Immediately, Alessandria wanted to scream and shout an agreement. She needed all the support she could get, and it wouldn’t surprise her if the underworld could bring some of the other Noble Houses in line. But she hated to think the cost.

  “What’s the catch?”

  “Ah as my Nemmy will you. I’m a great deal maker. I’m honourable too. If you get my grandson released from the Queen’s Court, he’s on trial, you can have your name and my support. It’s all on my honour. Nemmy can vouch for me,”

  Nemesio nodded.

  Alessandria wanted to say no. She didn’t want to free a criminal but freeing one life for the sake of her Queen, was it worth it?

  It didn’t matter at the end of the day, Alessandria was duty bound to her Queen and someone was lying to her. Someone within the castle was involved. She had to find out no matter the cost.

  “I agree to your terms,”


  I was hardly impressed as a woman led me into Ares' office. It was awful. The stone blocks that made up the box room were all chipped and cracked. The wall behind the desk, if you want to call it that, was covered in dripping water. Assuming a pipe had busted. And as for the desk, it was nothing more than a wooden table with some parchment on it. Hardly what I would have excepted from the Chief of the Military!

  The iron door slammed shut behind me as the woman left without saying a word. Now, I understood what my secretary said that Ares' people being rude and awful.

  On the way up I mentioned the tattoo on her hand from her squad. She shouted at me about the fact I know nothing about honourable service and I should shut up. It took all my willpower not to thrust my sword into her chest!

  Noticing the bitter smell of beer mixed with the disgusting smell of chocolatey wine and a fruity taste developing in my mouth. I walked over behind the desk, hating the sound of footsteps echoing as I walked, to find easily twenty bottles of beer and wine there.

  I suppose I understood now why mother went to rehab before she needed to. She was always good and cunning like that. A part of me smiled at the realisation she probably went to rehab to make sure she could continue scheming into her old age. Hell, she’s probably scheming our return to power!

  As I played with my dulled blade, I thought about what I would say to this fool. I had no power but I might be able to find something interesting. But I really wanted to get home to Harrison.

  The iron door scratched across the stone floor as it opened and Ares stumbled in. Wearing a horrifically short robe. He smelt of awful beer. I wanted to vomit. I know it was 5 o'clock in the evening but still!

  “What do you want freak?”

  I rolled my eyes at having to deal with this man.

  “Your siege of the Greenscales’ land. End it now!”

  “Never, dishonourable thing,”

  “I am hardly dishonourable,”

  “You do not serve. You do not continue to serve. You turned your back on the military,”

  Again, I rolled my eyes at the stupidity and pointlessness of this man. This is one of the reasons why I hate people. Some of them are just so pointless.

  “If that is your opinion so be it. Why did you siege their land?”

  “We both know it is within my powers. You can go to a judge or the Queen’s Dominicus Procurator, but you will fai
l. They have no power to overrule me,”

  I hate it when they know the law as well as I do.

  My dulled blade span quicker.

  “Why exactly siege it? You have no soldiers. Where would the food go?”

  “I can and will siege whatever land I can,”


  “That’s classified and none of your business,”

  “One call to the Queen and she will declare you a traitor,”

  “And she will deal with the consequences,”

  “Is that a threat, Ares?”

  His hands started shaking a little. Whatever alcohol he drank was hopefully starting to take effect. I hope it starts to loosen his tongue.

  “No, no threat, freak and where’s your boyfriend? He will not protect you this time so get out of my office and leave me,”

  “Not without you telling me the truth. I will get to the heart of these lies,”

  “Daniel, I am not lying to you when I say this, abandon the Queen if you know what is good for you,”

  “Why attack her?”

  “I am not the one attacking the Queen. I just know things. Do yourself, your family and your freakish boyfriend a favour and abandon the Queen,”

  “I will not!”

  Ares fell to the floor and started snoring.

  I rolled my eyes. He passed out from the drink.

  The door exploded open.

  I span around.

  Five men in black cloaks and swords in both hands walked in.

  The air stunk of urine and sweat.

  They slammed the door shut.

  I whipped out my sword.

  They charged.

  I dodge the swings.

  Leaping onto the desk, I kicked the parchment at them.

  It blinded one man.

  I jumped.

  Kicking him to the floor.

  His head cracked on the stone floor. Watering the ground with his blood.

  The other men charged.

  I met three blades with my sword.

  Another blade lightly cut my arm.

  My old arm wounds screamed.

  I bit back the pain.

  They swung again.

  I dived out the way.

  A hand grabbed me.

  I screamed as loud as I could.

  I hear the whipping of a sword.

  Falling to the ground, I dodged it.

  Jumping back up, I punched one of the men.

  His nose broke.

  My hand was warm and wet with his blood.

  A sword tapped my forearm.

  Blood dripped from it.

  Another man kicked me.

  I screamed as my mind spun.

  I needed to kill.

  I needed to rip into their flesh.

  The door busted open.

  A blur of blue and fiery red armour came through.

  The men paused.

  I didn’t hesitate.

  I grabbed my sword.

  Thrusting it into the enemy.

  Blood sprayed up the walls.

  Blood sprayed all over me as I hacked the enemy a part.

  The blue and red blur joined me.

  Hacking the head of another man, I knew there was only one man left.

  I stared at him.

  His black cloak wet with the blood of his friends.

  A hand grabbed my shoulder, I screamed.

  Smashing my fists in the person who touched me.

  I saw the cloaked man move.

  I didn’t want him to escape.

  Darting over to him, I sunk my nails into his flesh. Ripping chunks out until someone grabbed me.

  Again, I screamed.

  The blue and red blur killed the last man.

  My vision cleared.

  It was Nemesio and the blue and red fiery armour of the Inquisition.

  I screamed in agony.

  Not again.

  Not the Inquisition.

  Not the torturers.

  I wanted to attack but... my body collapsed to a blackness without dreams.


  Alessandria simply sat back in her sterile white metal chair as she stared at Daniel. The heartache still pained her as she replayed how Nemesio had come running to her with Daniel's unconscious and bleeding body.

  Alessandria shook her head at the terror of the situation and the terror of not knowing what happened.

  Although, when the nurses undressed and washed all the blood off Daniel, Alessandria did have to smile as two of the nurses screamed when they saw Daniel's arms, and all the curved and somewhat artful wounds.

  Now she just sat there, watching for her brother to wake up. The nurses were good by giving Daniel a room to himself. Yet Alessandria looked around the sterile white box room that stunk of harsh chemicals and she could still feel the water on the floor where the nurses had washed the room.

  None of it mattered in the end though as Alessandria stared at Daniel in the hospital bed with the white linen sheet down by his waist. Revealing all his stab wounds on his chest from the Inquisition and all the wounds on his arms.

  She knew he was a tortured soul, both literally and metaphorically, but she still loved her brother. Alessandria had thought about summoning Harrison but she didn't want to worry him. Or the real reason was because she just wanted this moment to be a sister. Not a Procurator, not a Fireheart, not anything just a sister that loves her brother.

  An odd tapping sound outside the room reminded Alessandria, Hellen was outside. As much as she would love to have her friend with her. Alessandria didn't need Hellen staring at Daniel's one might say impressive muscles and abs.

  Anyway, Alessandria needed to find out what was going on with Daniel and there were some things Hellen didn't need to know.

  Stretching out her neck, Alessandria felt the cold night air starting to set in as it started to cool her skin and the metal chair slightly.

  Hearing the sheets rustling, Alessandria looked at Daniel to see him weakly smiling at her.

  “What happened?” he asked and started to search around for his dulled blade.

  Alessandria placed it in his hand, and he started playing with it.

  “You tell me. I was about to talk to Lord Justice and the next moment Nemesio came running with your unconscious body,”

  Daniel flinched at the sound of Nemesio’s name.

  “Daniel, the doctors said you collapsed from exhaustion after your attack. When did you last sleep?”

  Daniel smiled a little and said: “The real question is when did I last sleep well,”

  Alessandria leaned in closer.

  “I haven’t slept well since I was taken. Every night I wake up screaming as the memories of the torture comes back. Every night my cold sweat covers the bed. Every night Harrison has to comfort me,”

  Alessandria didn’t speak. What could she say?

  “I’m... sorry. How’s therapy going?”

  Daniel played with his dulled blade more.

  “The doctors are good. I’ll give them that. But we’ve hit a wall now,”


  “The doctors want me to experience desensitisation so I’m not as fearful of the Inquisition and to dull my heightened survival instincts. It’s a sound idea. But I’m too fearful. I almost killed the doctor when he wore the symbol of the Order,”

  Alessandria opened her mouth to say something but there was nothing she could say. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the Inquisition had done to him. Not just physical torture but mental torture too.

  “Please, Daniel. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Answer a question for me,”


  “Nemesio, do you find him attractive?”

  A piece of cold sweat dripped down Alessandria’s face. She didn’t know, and what could she say to Daniel?

  Of course, she could lie to him and completely deny it, but she wouldn’t lie to her brother. If she admitted it, would he hate her?

I don’t know, Daniel. I’m sorry. I really don’t know,”

  Focusing on his dulled blade, Daniel smiled a little.

  “It’s fine. You can like or even love whoever you want. You have my blessing if you want to date him. At least you would be dating someone of status and not a commoner. I think that’s how mother would put it,”

  Without knowing why Alessandria beamed. Maybe she did find Nemesio attractive? Maybe she did want to be with him?

  “Thank you, how is Harrison by the way?”

  Daniel’s eyes lit up.

  “He’s great. He is patient. I’ll give him that. Does he know I’m here?”


  “Good, I’ll tell him later and...”

  “What, Daniel?”

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  Alessandria nodded if only out of curiosity.

  “You’re not a virgin are you?”

  Alessandria’s eyes widened at the type of conversation.

  “Compared to Hellen, I am,”

  Daniel smiled.

  “Harrison wants us to do it. And I’m not sure about it?”

  “Why not?”

  “You know as an autistic person. I have a mild touch sensitivity,”

  “Mild? More like severe but go on,”

  “And I’m just concerned I won’t enjoy it or I won’t cope with it,”

  Alessandria lent back in her cold chair. This was hardly her area of expertise. What if she gave him bad advice? What if he hated it?

  Taking a deep breath, Alessandria calmly replied: “Daniel, Harrison loves you. You’re both autistic. Just talk to him and he’ll understand,”

  Daniel nodded.

  “Why were you seeing the Lord Justice?”

  “Change the subject, why don’t you. Um, we made a deal with the head of The Serpent Gang. We need to free her grandson,”

  Daniel nodded.

  “What about your attackers?”

  “Same people who attacked the Queen. You’re in a better position to peruse that line of inquiry,”

  Alessandria couldn’t argue with that, but she coughed as the smell of the medical chemicals entered her nose again.

  “How did your meeting with the Greenscales go?”

  “Good, they pledge their support to you if we free their land from the military siege,” Daniel started as he got out of bed and looked for his leather trench coat and trousers.


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