Questioning Love: A Lesbian Romance
Page 7
She decided to lean more towards the natural look, after all that’s how Melanie saw her last night. She chose a nice, but flattering pair of jeans that she loved. They hit her curves and hung low on her waist. She decided on a clingy dark blue sweater with a neckline that plunged down to right above her cleavage. She had just the perfect chunky necklace that would accentuate her outfit as well as lead Melanie’s eyes to her assets. It was a casual, low-key outfit, by Olivia’s standards. It would still turn a few heads, but she was only interested in getting attention from Melanie.
On her way to the bathroom, she grabbed a towel from the linen closet that smelled like the lavender potpourri she kept on the shelf. She lingered in the shower relishing the warmth and the scent of the new body wash she had purchased from the lingerie shop near her hairdresser. The name of the body wash was Sensual Vixen, which made her almost not buy it, but it smelled so good. Even the warm, relaxing shower and the lather of Sensual Vixen couldn’t kill those damn butterflies in her stomach. She knew this was ridiculous. She was a forty-year-old accomplished, independent woman who carried a gun every day, but the thought of being near Melanie made her knees weak and her heart flutter. She covered her face with her hands and stood under the shower stream rinsing off, trying to convince herself that these feelings didn’t mean anything.
After her shower, she applied lotion from the lotion warmer she had purchased last year, but it too did little to help calm her nerves. She wore her hair down and applied a hint of foundation to cover the small channels of age that had formed in her forehead due to her suspicious demeanor. Some light pinkish cranberry lipgloss and a few splashes of dark vanilla-scented perfume on her neck and wrists were the closest things to the real Olivia that she allowed. At least, she thought that was the real Olivia, or was it the old Olivia, or had it always been a facade she hid behind? I must be losing it.
She checked her outfit in the mirror. She looked sexy, yet nice and natural. She poured herself a cool glass of orange juice and grabbed a corn muffin out of the bakery box . Calm down. Just be yourself, she kept repeating. She tried to calm down her racing heart.
It was 10:30 when she glanced a final time in the hallway mirror, pleased that her hair was cooperating this morning.
She added Melanie’s address to Blue, her GPS. “Good morning, sexy.” Olivia chuckled, but she knew she would have to change the greeting on Blue. She would die if Melanie heard it.
Without any traffic to slow her down, she arrived in twenty minutes. Her stomach clenched up. It appeared the butterflies had been replaced by something more menacing with claws. She looked around to make sure the address was correct, then made her way to Melanie’s door.
There were maybe five condos attached together as row houses. Melanie’s condo was a beautiful flashy red with cream-colored stripes. There was a mat in front of her door with a picture of a woman holding a camera to her face. Above the black door was a funky purple and pink sign that read, Melanie’s Photo Shoot Lounge, by appointment only. Taking a deep breath meant to satisfy the clawed beast within her, she rang the doorbell.
“Come on in. The door is unlocked.”
Olivia wiped her palms on her jeans and turned the doorknob. She entered to find Melanie on her knees reaching for magazines scattered on the floor in front of her.
“Sorry for the mess. I was getting ideas for a wedding shoot next week for my clients, Amy and Sara. Anyway, time must have gotten away from me.”
“Awesome, I hope I’ll have a wedding like that one day.”
Melanie looked up at her. “Me too. It would be nice to settle down with someone who can love me and deal with all my silly quirks.”
Olivia found herself paralyzed like a deer caught in headlights by Melanie and those eyes that hinted at happiness. She could spend the rest of the day staring into those beautiful eyes and forget how cruel the world was. Melanie wore a pair of faded jeans and a tight white long-sleeve thermal knit shirt that accentuated her thin long arms and strong shoulders.
“Your home is beautiful. It’s so eclectic and modern.”
“Thanks. Would you like a tour of all one thousand square feet.”
“It seems much larger than that.”
“Yeah, I think it’s the open space. It’s only one bedroom, but the location is what sold me.”
Olivia took off her black leather boots and placed them at the front door on the welcome mat with a picture of two black and white cats on it.
“I love the welcome mat with the kitties.”
“Mom gave it to me because it looks like my little angels. They’re both hiding right now, but you’ll probably see them poking their heads out once they warm up to you.”
“Aww. What are their names?”
“Mr. Bubbles and Sparky.”
“Cute names.”
“They definitely have silly personalities.”
Olivia spotted one of the kitties peeking out from down the hall. “I spot one and there’s the other one.”
Melanie laughed. “They must really like you to show themselves this soon.” Melanie gestured around the room. “Well, this is my cute little abode, emphasis on little.”
Olivia smiled, as she studied the pictures that hung on the lime green and slate gray walls. “Who are all these pretty women?”
“They are clients I have photographed on different projects over the years.”
“Wow. These photos are incredible. You have a gift.”
“Thank you. I still want to take a few shots of you. You’re definitely photogenic.”
Olivia blushed and her stomach felt uneasy like a swarm of bees were taking over. “I don’t know about that.”
Melanie nodded to the photos on the wall. “You would put all those women to shame.”
Olivia lowered her head and shifted her stance. This feeling of being uncomfortable was not something she was used to, which only led her to feeling more uncomfortable.
“Do you work outside of your home?” Olivia asked.
“It all depends. I’ve taken some shots in the backyard and at the local parks around here, especially with the natural beauty New England has to offer. Sometimes, my clients have pretty specific places they want to shoot.”
Olivia ran out of nervous small talk and felt it best to feed the beast in her stomach, maybe that would calm it down. “Are you ready for lunch? I’m starving.”
“Sure, what would you like?”
Olivia’s mind drifted in that split second before she had a chance to answer Melanie. The old Olivia took over with wild fantasies about pushing Melanie against the wall and ripping her clothes off.
Melanie waved a hand in front of Olivia’s face. “Hello? Earth to Olivia?”
Olivia snapped back to reality. “Uh, sorry about that. My mind was elsewhere for a second. How about that new cafe off of Darren Street? They have sandwiches, burgers, soups, salads.”
“That sounds great. I haven’t tried that one yet. I’ve heard a few people rave about the chicken apple salad.”
“Well, that was easy. If it was warmer, we could walk since it’s only a mile down the road.”
“Yeah, it’s too dreary and windy today. Ask again in the spring, and I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Olivia winked. “Deal. I’ll hold you to it.”
Melanie grabbed her coat while Olivia slid back into her boots and buttoned up her black leather coat. As they were leaving, Melanie’s right hand brushed against Olivia’s ass. Olivia felt Melanie’s knuckles skim across her ass and wondered if it had been an accident or not, but she was too embarrassed to look at Melanie. Instead, she led the way out the door and waited for her on the stoop.
Melanie locked the door and used her cell phone to arm the alarm. “I love this new technology.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine surviving without smart phones and the Internet now since we rely on being connected everywhere we go.”
Melanie shoved her phone in the back pocket of her jeans leaving Olivia
jealous of its position.
“Do you want me to drive?” Melanie asked.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” Olivia thought of Blue and how embarrassing it would have been for Melanie to hear its greeting. Melanie stopped in front of a dark green jeep parked on the street.
“Oh, I love your jeep. I used to have one. She was my baby, but I had to trade her in when her miles hit over 300,000,” Olivia said.
“Damn. You put some miles on her, didn’t you?”
“Well, I like to explore and take road trips.”
“I hear you. That must be your sexy, sporty girl I see over there.”
“Yeah, I’m still breaking her in.”
When they arrived at the cafe, Olivia held the door open for Melanie. They studied the menu on the wall and both jumped when someone came up behind them.
“Two in your party?”
They turned to find a sexy brunette hostess smiling, but what caught Olivia’s attention were the breasts pushed up and nearly popping out of a half-buttoned shirt.
“Yes,” Melanie said.
The hostess provided a pleasing view as she led them back to a booth along the back wall. They slid into the seats, and Olivia tried her best to look at anything other than the hostess towering over their table.
“Okay, pretty ladies. Here are the menus. Sally will be back in a few minutes to take your drink orders.” She winked and left.
Melanie poked Olivia’s elbow. “I think someone has a crush on you.”
Olivia laid her coat on the booth beside her. “On you, maybe.”
They laughed and opened their menus. Melanie pointed at the appetizers on Olivia’s menu. “Cheesy fries with bacon sounds yummy. They have cheesy bread too.”
“What do you think about getting a salad versus a sub?” Olivia asked.
Melanie’s eyes went right to the chicken, apple, and feta cheese salad with chips on the side. “I think I’m going to go with the salad I’ve heard so much about. What about you?”
“Hmm, I’m debating between the taco salad and the sourdough meatball sub with marinara sauce.”
The waitress arrived. She was an older lady with glasses and her hair in a big bun.
“Hey, ladies. Can I get your drink orders while you are looking over the menu?”
Olivia spoke first. “I’ll have a Diet Coke.”
“Okay, sweetie, and for you?”
“I’ll have one too,” Melanie said.
“Okay. Take your time with the menu. I’ve had everything on there, and it’s all delicious. Let me know if you have any questions.”
“So, whatcha thinking about getting, Olivia?”
Olivia loved hearing Melanie say her name. “Probably the taco salad.”
“That does sound good. Should we share an appetizer too? I skipped breakfast this morning.”
“Sure, you pick between the cheesy fries and the cheesy bread.”
Melanie smiled and closed her menu. “I’m craving the fries.”
The waitress returned. “Okay, ladies, here are your Diet Cokes and straws. Do you need more time?”
“No, I think we’re ready,” Melanie said.
“Will this be together or separate?”
“Together, I’m buying,” Melanie answered.
Olivia protested, “But…”
Melanie shushed her and placed their order.
“Okay, ladies, it should be ready shortly.”
“Thank you, Melanie, but you didn’t need to do that.”
Olivia wasn’t used to going out on dates. This kind of felt like a date especially with Melanie paying. Hell, Olivia didn’t have any friends either so she had no clue about social protocols when sharing a meal. This was all new to her.
Melanie tucked a long blond lock of hair behind her ear and smiled at Olivia. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you came today, and I’m glad I met you. If it wasn’t for my mom, I don’t know if we would have ever run into each other.”
“I think she was trying to set me up with Larry, which I had no idea about. Anyway, I’m glad you were there.” Olivia cursed as her stomach flopped. Maybe a taco salad wasn’t the best thing to order. “I love your mom. She’s so sweet. I was sorry to hear about her friend passing, Kathryn was it?”
“Yes, she was close with Mom and Joan. It took a toll on her.”
The waitress came over with a huge plate of hot cheesy fries and bacon with ranch dressing and ketchup on the side. “Your salads will be out soon.”
Olivia stared at the plate. “This is big enough for a whole meal.”
Melanie reached for her fork. “You don’t know how big my appetite is.”
Olivia bit her tongue. Oh, I bet it is.
Melanie stabbed a chunk of fries with extra cheese with her fork. She managed to get it to her lips, but she had to use her tongue to corral the strings of cheese hanging from the fries. Olivia watched and waited for her response.
“Mmm, this is delicious, but who knew cheese fries could be so challenging to eat?”
Olivia managed to get a few bites in, but she was too nervous to enjoy it. The waitress came over as Melanie pushed the plate towards Olivia teasing her about eating more.
“Seriously?” Melanie asked as she sat back in the booth.
“What’s wrong, honey?” the waitress asked.
“That salad is huge. I’m going to need bigger pants.”
“Good luck, hun. Does anyone need more refills?”
Melanie pushed their glasses to the waitress. “Sure, thanks. I need something to help wash all this food down.”
She refilled their glasses from the pitcher she was carrying. “Okay, ladies here are your refills. Enjoy.”
Olivia took a few bites trying to enjoy her meal now that her nerves seemed to have settled down a little. Maybe she was hungry after all. She watched Melanie take a few bites, but then Melanie stared down at her plate like she was thinking about something.
Melanie looked up at Olivia and laid her fork down. “I’m not sure if my mom told you about me.”
Olivia chewed fast and washed it down with a sip of soda. “What do you mean? Is something wrong?”
Melanie took a deep breath and studied Olivia. “I’m, uh.”
“What is it?”
Melanie wiped her hands on her jeans. “I’m a lesbian. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. I enjoy your company, and I wanted to get that out in the open, that’s all.” Melanie sighed and sat back crossing her arms over her chest like she was preparing herself for the consequences of her confession.
“Okay.” Olivia took another bite while Melanie stared at her waiting for her to elaborate.
“I tell you I’m a lesbian and your response is okay?”
Olivia held her hand over her mouth while she finished chewing. She drew it out on purpose trying to hide her excitement.
“Well, let’s just say, we have a lot in common.”
Melanie leaned forward resting her elbows on the table. “Oh really?” She shot Olivia an intriguing look with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, really. I feel bad for Larry. He never had a chance.”
The waitress placed the binder with the bill on the table. “How was everything ladies?”
Melanie reached for the bill. “It was great. I’m stuffed.”
“Me too.”
“Okay, you ladies have a wonderful day.”
Melanie placed her credit card inside the binder, and the waitress took it off the table.
Olivia slipped into her coat. “Thanks for lunch. I had a great time with you.”
“I had a good time too. Do you want to hang out with me this afternoon? You haven’t seen any of my portfolios yet.”
“Sure, I would love to.”
They arrived back at Melanie’s condo with Mr. Bubbles and Sparky waiting for them on the window ledge.
“Your kitties are so adorable.”
“Thanks. They know it too. Go ahead and re
lax on the couch. I’ll go grab some of my portfolios.”
“Okay, I can’t wait to see your work.”
The cats followed Melanie down the hall, but didn’t return when she did. Melanie went over to the kitchen and shook the container with their dry food in it. As soon as they heard it, they ran into the kitchen crying and weaving around Melanie’s legs.
“You see what I have to deal with?”
Olivia laughed. “I can only imagine.”
Melanie came over with three huge binders and sat on the couch next to Olivia leaving a decent amount of space between them. She placed two of the binders on the table in front of her and sat the third one on top of her lap. She slid a little closer to Olivia and opened it so that the back cover rested in Olivia’s lap. Olivia flipped through the pictures taking her time. The pictures were stunning, better than anything she had ever taken before.
“Wow, Melanie, these pictures are incredible.”
“Thank you. This is some of my more recent work. I would love to photograph you some time, and with your permission I could show the pictures to prospective clients. You would make my portfolio look impressive with your natural beauty.”
Olivia blushed. “Okay, maybe next weekend if you’re not too busy.”
Melanie fascinated Olivia. She wasn’t one to hang out with other women, not even as friends, but Melanie had some kind of hold over her. She couldn’t make any sense out of all these intense emotions she felt. All she knew was she was enjoying herself and couldn’t wait to see if this friendship would go beyond being friends. Relationships were unfamiliar territory to her.
Melanie looked up at Olivia. “I’m free next Saturday. I have an appointment with two new clients Sunday morning, but other than that I’m available.”
Whatever she had going with Melanie excited Olivia. Melanie was smart, funny, beautiful, sexy, and a bit mysterious. There was something about her that Olivia couldn’t quite put her finger on, but given enough time she would figure it out. Olivia broke eye contact looking back down at the photos.
“I also make DVD montages for some of my clients. Have you ever seen one before?”
Olivia shook her head. “No, I haven’t. It sounds interesting.”