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Freaks Cum Out (Dawn of the Freak)

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by Solae Dehvine

  Freaks Cum Out

  By: Solae Dehvine

  Published By SexMentality LLC.


  Copyright © 2010 Solaé Dehvine


  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Chad Alberty

  Photography by Jerren McKenny

  Book design by Solaé Dehvine

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review.

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  Printed in the United States of America

  To my Mother Kathy Thomas Ross

  All of the hard work and late nights were never in vain

  Dawn of

  The Freak


  “You know what you gotta do!” the voice told her.

  “I know” she responded. It’s right. I have to do it. This pain is too much, she thought as she crouched over to light the glass pipe.

  The pipe was more like a snake, hissing and biting at her when it didn’t get its way. That night, she had become a nuisance to the glass snake. She had long since sucked every morsel of crack from its glass intestines, yet she still sucked anyway. It hissed in irritation, letting her know it was still empty and needed to be filled with the white hardened substance.

  Without her snake she found it hard to focus when the burning arrows of pain shot through her body.

  “You gotta get some more. Try harder!” the voice screamed at her.

  There was no one there on the dark corner, just her and the wind. But the voice was there. It was always there. In her mind it had settled from her first suck of the glass snake.

  “All you need is two, maybe three, and then we can go back and cop.” The voice told her the plan. It had everything all planned out.

  Two or three Johns could make them enough money to get high all night. She agreed with the voice; she always did. Even when she didn’t agree, nothing in her was more powerful than the voice and she had to obey.

  All of the other girls had left with their customers. Now it was time for her to find one of her own. She was in the perfect spot, a part of town that wasn’t far from the main road and yet it seemed like another city.

  The street was littered with broken beer bottles and abandoned cars. Used condoms were the weeds and the uneven broken concrete was the grass. The sound of her four inch heels and the wind was all that could be heard that night. There was no doubt what went on there; this was where they went for dates.

  She looked around trying to dream up a car. “Please someone come so I can get the fuck out of here,” she begged as she hunched over in more pain. The pain in her stomach was beginning to overpower her.

  “Once you get this money and a hit, it will calm down,” the voice promised her.

  Under a long dress coat he she hid her secret well that night. Her bait was the fire red heels and the cherry bra that revealed her swollen breasts.

  As she walked down the lone street to another corner, a black Honda Civic roared its engine up beside her.

  Rolling down his window, he motioned for her to come over. “This is the one. Hurry up,” the voice coaxed her to the car.

  “Hey baby, you want some company?” she asked, bending over into the passenger window letting her breasts fall from the bra.

  He got the full effect without noticing what else was under her jacket. The area wasn’t known for street lights and in the dark he wasn’t able to examine her.

  He also didn’t notice the Dalmatian like burn spots covering her mouth. She concealed the burns from her glass snake under her red lipstick, it matched the rest of her ensemble. All the man saw were her huge breasts jumping out of her coat, that’s all he cared about.

  “How much?” he asked as he surveyed the street to see who was watching.

  “Twenty for my lips, forty for everything else,” she recited her prices without thinking. The prices didn’t fluctuate like the stock market. In fact, they hadn’t changed in years.

  He waved his hand, ushering her inside the warmth of his car. They drove away in silence. Only the sound of his radio was between them. Looking down at her lap, she saw her hands had begun to shake.

  “Help me,” she whispered to the voice.

  “Get done with this so we can get a hit and you’ll be fine,” the voice reassured her. Pulling behind a vacant building, he slid his car into the darkest spot possible.

  No words needed to be spoken when he pulled his dick out. Even with the surprise in her coat, she crouched over the center console, opened her mouth, and accepted his member like a gift from Santa.

  Slurping noises filled the car.

  “Tighten your mouth. That gets it done faster,” The voice instructed her. It knew exactly what to do.

  She did as she was told, tightening her mouth like a suction cup and rubbing his testicles like a genie lamp. The trick was to get things done fast and easy. Sometimes she ran into the “long nutters” as she and her co-workers liked to call them. She and the voice had mastered them too. They knew how to get them to explode and be gone with their money before there dicks were back in their pants.

  Sucking him was easy, she simply did what she was told and let her mind drift to another place. She’d much rather fuck high, but tonight she didn’t have the luxury.

  Closing her eyes, she dreamt of a place where she could lay around and get high all day.

  The place was majestic, with big comfy beds and no one to beg for a hit from her pipe. No pain, no pimps, and no bellies. Her dream was short lived.

  His moans alerted her of the arrival of his orgasm. “Ughhh, I’m cumming!” he told her as if she didn’t know.

  She only moved back to her seat after she was sure he was done letting his love juice float into her mouth. Doing that always made them tip. She held his juices on her tongue, tasting him. She was once afraid to do that, but now it was second nature.

  Opening the door she spit his unborn children on the ground. The wind hit her and she felt another pain, this one momentarily paralyzed her. .

  “Shit, get yourself together. You just gotta get the money,” the voice reminded her.

  “Ughh,” she couldn’t help but grimace from the pain.

  “Did you pee on yourself?” he asked looking down at the floor by her side.

  “W---What, baby? What do you mean?” she asked, still in acting mode. Every one of her dates was ‘Baby’ no matter what their name was.

  The seat was wet and at that moment it happened. It felt almost like her bladder was emptying itself, but it wasn’t her bladder. She knew better than to think that.

  More water came from her pelvis and then another pain. She couldn’t help by pull back her jacket and reveal her stomach.

  Her belly had gotten big over the months, but the jacket concealed it better than she thought. Her ‘baby’ couldn’t believe what he saw.


  She couldn’t answer, the pain had taken over.

  “You gotta get the fuck out of my car,” he said, pushing her towards the door.

  “No, no. Please help me,” she managed to say. “I can just let it come out, then throw it over there,” she told him as she pointed to a green dumpster next to the building.

  He put the car in drive. “I knew I shouldn’t have picked your ass up.”

  I thought I had more time, she thought to herself. There weren’t any calendars on the street. Four or five months was her estimate. Now her water had broken. How long has it been?, she silently asked the voice.

  It gav
e no answer.

  “Stupid crack head bitch. What the fuck you doing sucking dick and you’re pregnant,” he kept screaming.

  As they drove closer, the sign for the hospital got bigger. He screeched to a halt in front of the emergency room.

  “No, no, not here. I---I,” another pain hit her before she could finish begging.

  “Get the fuck out!” he screamed at her as his feet hit the pavement. He jumped from the car and came around to her side. Snatching the door open he pulled her from the car and threw her down like discarded trash.

  “My---my money,” was all she could get out. Her screams about her payment weren’t loud enough for him to hear.

  “You stupid bitch! Now I gotta clean this shit out of my car,” the man said, looking back at the soaked seat and passenger side floor.

  “WHAT’S GOING ON OVER THERE!” someone yelled towards them. She couldn’t see the person, but her date jumped in his car and left.

  Maybe this was a dream, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes. She hoped that thinking the baby wasn’t coming would magically make the labor stop.

  It’s not time for this baby to come yet, she thought. As she lay in her delusion, the sound of running footsteps got louder and louder.

  “Miss. miss, are you ok? OH MY GOD. GET A STRETCHER. THERE’S A PREGNANT WOMAN OUT HERE,” The man yelled. Soon more people were around her, asking her questions while picking her up from the ground.

  “UGHHHH!” she screamed over and over again, still unable to talk. The baby was going to explode right through her, or atleast that’s how she felt. I don’t remember feeling like this the other times. Something’s wrong, she thought to herself.

  The hospital florescent lights blinded her, as the nurses in printed scrubs began tugging at her. Trying to find veins and hooking her to heart monitors wasn’t an easy task.

  “Ma’am, how far along are you?” asked a man in a white coat.

  “I---I don’t know. Maybe four months,” she replied

  He looked back at her in disbelief. How could a woman not know how far along she is? He thought to himself.

  But this was no ordinary woman. The people of the emergency room knew what type of woman she was. The plastic red stilettos, fish net stockings, and thonged panties gave it away.

  “If you had that extra hit you would have been ok,” the voice informed her.

  “WELL, I DIDN’T GET THE DAMN MONEY!” she yelled back at the voice.

  Everyone’s eyes met hers, then they looked at each other. They silently communicated what they wanted to say aloud.

  “Is she a prostitute?” one of the nurses whispered to another.

  It seemed like people and machines were everywhere. All over, there was something going on. One doctor was giving her an ultrasound and a nurse was covering her up and taking off her red, working shoes.

  “She is eighty percent effaced.”

  “Ma’am, what’s your name?”

  “JoAnn Mon---Montgomery,” she managed to say. She hadn’t had to say her government name in a while.

  “Ultrasound shows the baby may be to term, but…” someone rattled off medical terms she didn’t understand.

  Her head began to pound with the force of two eighteen wheelers crashing together. She tried to tell the scrubs and white coats, but she couldn’t speak.

  “Her BP is way too high.”

  “Ma’am, ma’am, can you hear me?”

  She didn’t answer. Her mouth had lost the ability to move.

  “JoAnn, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand,” someone asked but she couldn’t do that either. She told her hand to move but it didn’t respond.

  “She’s unresponsive,” one of the doctors yelled.

  “Just die, bitch. No need for you to keep going through this shit. Just die and take the baby with you,” the voice told her.

  The voice was convincing. She heard the machines buzz, but now it didn’t matter. The loud beeping began to fade further and further away. She closed her eyes. Her body felt like it was floating through air.

  Not worried about herself or the dying child in her womb, she drifted into unconsciousness. As she drifted away she could only think of one thing.

  I wonder, is there any dope in Heaven


  “She’s where?” Sabrina asked. She sat in her car trying to listen to the cries of her grandmother.

  “She’s in the hospital in intensive care,” Momma Montgomery yelled.

  “Which one, Momma?”

  “Saint James. I’m on my way there now.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Calm down and drive safe, Momma. Ok?”

  She didn’t answer. Sabrina looked down at the phone and saw that the call had ended. Lord, let this dumbass woman be all right, Sabrina said a silent prayer for the person that brought her into the world.

  Sabrina was already driving in the direction of the hospital on her way to work. Still with her cell phone in hand, she dialed another number.

  “Rick, I’m going to be late. I just got a call that my Mom is in ICU,” Sabrina said nonchalantly as her manager answered the phone.

  “Momma Montgomery is in the hospital?” he asked.

  Everyone called her grandmother, Momma, including her. To Sabrina, Momma Montgomery was her mother. JoAnn was wasted space.

  “No, my egg donor. But Momma is on her way up there so I need to be there,” she answered with her eyes scanning the rode as she drove.

  “Ohh, ok. I understand. Let me know if you can make it later. If not, I’ll have someone cover your shift.”

  “Oh, I’ll be there. I’ll get Momma situated and I’m coming in. I wouldn’t even go if it wasn’t for Momma cause you already know how I feel about the donor.”

  Rick laughed nervously. Sabrina spoke about her birth mother with such disdain and hate that it made others nervous.

  “Just let me know Sabrina. I can cover you, no problem”

  Sabrina started to repeat herself but decided against it. Switching between lanes she agreed and ended the call with Rick.

  I guess he doesn’t know how much I don’t give a fuck about JoAnn, Sabrina thought to herself as she sped through yellow lights.

  St. James Memorial Hospital was on the west side of the city. It was a nice ride from Momma Montgomery’s house so Sabrina expected to reach the hospital before she did.

  As pulled into the parking lot, she saw Momma making her way towards the entrance.

  “MOMMA! MOMMA, wait for me to park,” Sabrina screamed from her car window. She quickly found a spot and ran to catch up with Momma Montgomery.

  “MOMMA, SLOW DOWN!” Sabrina yelled after her. For a middle aged woman, she was moving fast. She caught up to her at the entrance to the hospital.

  “Come on, baby,” Momma Montgomery said as she turned and entered the double glass doors that led to the lobby.“They said she was pretty bad” Momma Montgomery said, not missing a step. In silence, she followed closely behind Momma Montgomery to the hospital information desk

  I guess she thinks I care if she dies, Sabrina said to herself. She dare not say it aloud.

  Stopping at the information desk, Momma Montgomery asked for JoAnn and got directions to the elevator and her floor. Sabrina was still less than thrilled to be there, but she followed Momma Montgomery anyway.

  Momma Montgomery’s usually slow pace was met by a rushed jog today. She pressed the button to the elevator before Sabrina even made it to the elevator corridors.

  “Come on, girl” Momma Montgomery said as the silver metal doors opened to the elevator. Momma jumped inside the elevator and Sabrina rushed and got on as well.

  “What exactly did they say when they called, Momma?” Sabrina asked as the elevator climbed quickly to the 6th floor.

  “Something about emergency surgery.”

  “I guess it’s all that shit she’s smoking.”

  “Now you watch you mouth. That’s still your mother,” Momma Montgomery said as she made her way
off the elevator.

  “No she’s not. You’re my Momma,” Sabrina said as they walked single file to the nurse’s station.

  Momma Montgomery ignored Sabrina’s tirade about her mother. It wasn’t like she hadn’t heard it before.

  “Excuse me, ma’am. I’m looking for my daughter, JoAnn Montgomery.”

  The young nurse looked at them with a strange glare. She quickly changed her expression to a smile, but Sabrina still picked up on the lapse in her mood.

  “She’s in room 632, down this hall and to the left,” She explained and pointed in the direction they should walk.

  Momma Montgomery thanked the woman and they were off. Sabrina’s mind had already started moving.

  What was that look about? Sabrina thought as they made their way down the hall.

  As their shoes made scuff sounds on the tan and speckled linoleum, Sabrina couldn’t help but notice the child-like drawings on the wall.

  Is this the prenatal floor? she asked herself. Before she could voice her questions, they were already at room 632.

  “Here it is,” Momma said as she burst into the room. “JoAnn,” Momma called as the door swung open.

  A nurse was there checking her vitals and changing an I.V bag. JoAnn was sleeping, or playing sleep. Sabrina didn’t want to see her either way. Momma, on the other hand, took off her coat and went right to her side.

  “Momma, is that you?” JoAnn whispered when she felt Momma Montgomery caressing her hand.

  From lying in the bed, JoAnn’s black hair was matted to her head. She seemed sick and depleted, but Sabrina was convinced it was just the drugs.

  “I’m here, baby. So is Brina,” Momma Montgomery, said glancing back at Sabrina. “What happened?” Momma Montgomery asked.

  A lone tear fell down JoAnn’s cheek as she began to explain how horribly sick she was.

  This bitch deserves an Oscar, Sabrina thought to herself. She decided to sit down and watch the show.

  “I---I just got this horrible feeling in my stomach and had a friend bring me to the hospital. It was awful Momma,” JoAnn said as she patted her stomach through the white hospital sheets.


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