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Left Behind

Page 8

by Jayton Young

  “Yeah, smooth as silk.” He said tiredly.

  They talked some more, but my attention stayed on Tory. When all was set, the nurses left to talk to Toby and Troy in the other room. James and Jordan left to give me time alone with Tory. I couldn’t talk to him, so I just went to the bed, climbed on the left side away from the monitors and IVs, and put my arms around him to hold him while I cried and prayed for him to wake up. I hadn’t prayed for a long time before I found out about Tory, never felt myself worthy of prayer, but I knew he was. God would listen for him. I would get my Tory back. After all the tears were extinguished, I fell in to the first dreamless sleep I’d had since escaping Blain. In my Tory’s arms.

  Chapter 12

  I woke up more refreshed than I’d been in so long. I hadn’t dreamed at all that I could remember. I looked around and saw that it was night time. There was a lamp on in the corner on a table between two wingback leather chairs, currently occupied with heavy breathing Toby and a snoring Troy.

  The last time we had all slept in the same room was after a pool tournament we’d had up in the loft. All six of us, including my brothers, got smashed and just ended up sleeping wherever we’d fallen. I had woken up the next morning drooling on Tory’s chest. I had been mortified, but I played it off, teasing him about the ‘spit bath’ I had given him .

  Tory and I had always played like that. Thinking of him, I turned back to face him. He looked so peaceful, like he was just asleep a nd would wake anytime, but I noticed how hollow his eyes looked. He was thinner, but still in no way small. I saw that he had a scar on his face just like mine except that it ran from his temple, over his eye and down to his chin, long ways, while mine was more across the side of my face.

  I knew I shouldn’t, but I had to check him for any other injuries. I slid the blanket off of him, and saw three recent looking pinkish red scars that looked like gunshot wounds. There was what looked like a stab wound that was completely healed, looking like it was an older scar. Other than some normal cut and scrape scars on his legs, I didn’t see anything else. He had boxers on, and I wouldn’t stoop as low as to pull those off. As I covered him back up, I heard shuffling coming from the corner of the room.

  “You finally got some sleep, I see.” Toby whispered coming over to where we were laying. “We didn’t wake you for lunch or dinner because James told us you hadn’t slept like that in years. None of us wanted to disturb that.” He put his hand on Tory’s arm and started rubbing absently, I think just to reassure himself that he was there. “So, were you molesting Little brother here?” He smirked.

  I blushed, but I was too lazy to use my hands to answer, so I just pulled the blankets back down to where his chest was uncovered, and put my fingers softly on his scars, looking back at Toby.

  “Yeah, I know. That happened this last time that put him here.” He said pointing to the most recent of the scars. Pointing to the others, he said, “This happened about a year and a couple of months ago.” He had this faraway look in his eyes as he was telling me. He was looking down at Tory, but not seeing him. “He had been caught, and he was held as a shield in front of the enemy. Luckily this is all that happened before someone from his team snuck up from behind and took the man out. It could have been a lot worse.”

  I nodded. I realized that I was a very lucky woman to have them all still here. Even if Tory was in a coma, he was alive, which meant that there was hope. I just lay there, running my fingers over his hair that someone had obviously just cut into a buzz-cut style.

  Toby looked at me. I could tell he was debating whether or not to say something to me, so I just rolled my hand in the air with a ‘come on and spit it out’ kind of motion. “I was going to wait until you felt comfortable coming to me to talk about things, but its killing me, and I have to know what that bast…” He looked away taking a breath before turning back to me. “What did he do to you?”

  I looked down, trying to stop the tears that had gathered in my eyes from falling. I knew that I would eventually tell them. Maybe not all of it, but most. I just couldn’t yet, but after looking at Tory’s scars, I knew that they wouldn’t think I looked ugly with all my scars. I knew they had reacted better than expected to my face and throat, but my body was worse. I wouldn’t show the carvings or my back. I wasn’t ready for that, but I did pull my flannel shirt out of my jeans and showed my stomach. It was the least scarred part of me. I hadn’t even showed my brothers. They had seen some of it in the hospital, but not all of it.

  With Toby’s reaction, I’m glad I hadn’t. “Son of a bitch!!” He yelled, making me jump, and I fell out of the bed.

  Troy came running asking what happened. They both came, I thought to help me up, but Toby just ripped my shirt open to show Troy what he’d seen, which showed them my chest also . I couldn’t look at them, and I was crying full out now, but I heard Troy’s gasp. A couple of seconds later I heard a loud crash . When I looked up, I saw that Troy had punched a hole in the wall.

  This was what I had been afraid of. I lay back down on the floor, curled into a ball, and turned away from them. I was sobbing so hard now; I couldn’t calm down and started hyperventilating. I heard voices around me, but I couldn’t separate who said what. Next thing I knew, I was in Jordan’s arms. He was carrying me to the room he was staying in. He pulled my shirt back on right, laid me down on the bed, and got in behind me and hugged me to him. James had obviously been there too, because got in the bed in front of me, whispering that it would be alright, stroking my hair.

  I don’t know what happened to me. Everyone sounded far off and I couldn’t focus on James when I tried to look at him. It was like my vision was twitching. I saw his lips move as I guess he said something to Jordan . The bed dipped and moved behind me as Jordan got off the bed. A few minutes later, I felt a sting on the back of my upper arm. Jordan injected me with something. I couldn’t believe he did that. He knew my fear of needle s and injections, but a minute later, I knew why. My breathing evened out, and I was able to hear what was going on.

  “Are you alright now?” James asked.

  I nodded, put my arms around him to hug him to me, and rested my head against his chest. He just held me for a while, Jordan getting back in behind me, hugging be from behind. I finally calmed all the way down and was feeling better.

  I knew Toby didn’t do that to hurt me. He was just shocked. I couldn’t blame him, I was hideous. I started to get up and my brothers loosened their grip to let me.

  ‘I’m hungry, what time is it?’ I signed.

  “Three fifteen in the morning.” James answered. “You missed a couple meals, but you were finally sleeping so peacefully that me and J didn’t want to wake you up.” He looked at me, and I could see the tears in his eyes that he wouldn’t let fall. I knew he was concerned for me.

  ‘I’m alright, don’t worry.’

  He nodded and gave me a hug. “I love you, Sissy.” He whispered in my hair.

  Jordan took me from him and gave me a bear hug, “Let me in on the love, Sis.” He said, making me laugh, which was his intention.

  We all headed to the kitchen and I set out to make a breakfast casserole. Toby and Troy must have heard the guys talking because they came into the room hesitantly. They both smiled at me, but it didn’t reach their eyes. I knew if they ever saw everything, that they’d start treating me different. I was too damaged.

  I turned back to the granite counter top to prepare the early breakfast for everyone. I was trying not to think about anything. Too many things had been happening, and I didn’t know if I could handle anymore. I was still planning on using the keyboard so Tory could hear my voice, but after seeing the state he was in, my head was no longer in the clouds. I knew that it would take more than me talking to him to wake him up. What state would he be in when he did wake? Would he be able to get up and walk around, or would he need physical therapy? Would he still have his memories? Would he even remember me? If he would just wake up, I wouldn’t care about all that stuff. Eve
n if he didn’t remember me, I would still do anything he needed me to do. I hated the waiting and the not knowing, and it had not even been twenty four hours yet.

  And then there was the fact that Blain was watching me, and I didn’t know which way to go with that. Did I leave and try to get him to follow me away from the guys, or did I do what they wanted and let them watch over and protect me. I knew which option I wanted to go with, but that was for selfish reasons. I knew it would be better for them if I left. I decided to wait until Tory woke up and I could see he would be alright before I left. I would not leave him behind until I knew he would be alright .

  I really didn’t want to leave anyone behind. I knew all too well how that felt, but they had their reasons for leaving me then, and now I have mine.

  I was so into my thoughts I didn’t hear Toby and Troy approaching until I felt their arms come around me. They each bent down to put their chins on either of my shoulders.

  “Please forgive me, Pea. I shouldn’t have done that to you.” Toby said softly. “It’s your place to show whom you will, and I violated the trust you gave in showing me. I am so sorry.”

  “And I’m sorry for scaring you.” Troy added. “I was just so pissed at what that bastard did to you…No, that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have blown up like that, and I’m sorry.”

  I turned in their arms, putting my arms around each of them, and kissed their cheeks to let them know I was alright, and I forgave them. Troy ran his fingers lightly down my cheek, and kissed me softly. Then Toby turned my head to him and kissed me, running his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I granted it to him.

  “Ahhhh, come on, Sis! Not in front of us. That is not an image I want stuck in my head.” Jordan said, making a horrified face while James was chuckling.

  The two trips went back and sat down at the table so I could finish breakfast . When I had the casserole out of the oven, and had the waffles ready, I made the plates and carried them to the table along with my bowl of grits. Conversations stopped as everyone dug into the food. I finished my grits and got up to start on dishes, but Jordan stopped me.

  “I finished your keyboard last night. I tested it, and it works great. Sounds just like you.” He said smiling.

  I jumped up and down clapping my hands, but stopped and blushed as I realized I was acting like a five year old. I forgot about the dishes, as I picked it up and walked to the study. When I got there and looked toward the bed, I dropped the keyboard at the sight.

  Chapter 13

  I couldn’t believe it. Tory’s eyes were open, his head turned toward the door. I thought he was awake, but as I rushed over to where he was and pushed the button on my bracelet to alert the guys, I noticed he wasn’t moving. His eyes were fixed on a certain spot, not seeing. I looked at his heart monitor and was reassured when I saw the ups and downs of his heart-rate. The monitor was set on silent and would only alert us if his heart-rate changed ; or his other vitals, like oxygen and blood pressure.

  Toby and Troy were the first through the door, but as I was turning to them, I noticed a vase of roses on his side table. I froze. I couldn’t breathe. Toby noticed and came to me as Troy went to check on Tory.

  “What happened, Pea?”

  All I could do is point. How did he get in here, especially with all of us right down the hall? I couldn’t take a breath and my vision was turning dark. I couldn’t take it, and thankfully passed out.

  When I woke up, my head was pounding. I kept my eyes closed and just laid there for a minute until I remembered what had happened. I shot up and looked around, getting light-headed from moving so fast. All of the guys were there and immediately at the side of the bed I was in, which was Tory’s bed, asking if I was alright. I couldn’t answer them. All of my concentration was on Tory, making sure he was ok ay and that there were no new marks on his body. There was no telling what Blain would do to him, but I didn’t see anything different. Looking at the monitors, I saw all of his vital signs were stable. His eyes were closed again making it seem like he was sleeping.

  I finally turned my attention to Toby and Jordan who were the closest to me. ‘Did you fin d him? What did he do to Tory?’ I signed anxiously.

  “What are you talking about, Cupcake?” Troy asked. “Nobody was here accept for you.”

  I started crying. ‘I saw a vase of roses. His eyes were open and I thought he was dead at first until I looked at the monitor, but then I saw the roses. He was here. He’ll hurt Tory…’

  Toby took me in his arms, stopping my hands from moving, and sat beside me on the bed. “I’m sorry, Pea. The roses were from our ranch foreman. We hired him a few months before we shipped out. I forgot to tell everyone that roses are not allowed here, there’s been so much going on. I promise that nobody was in here.” He turned my face so I was looking at him. “You are safe here. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I leaned back a little so I could move my hands to sign. ‘I thought he was dead. I thought Blain had done something .’ I shook my head and tried to stem the tears and calm down. ‘Why were his eyes open? His head had moved. How di d that happen? Did he wake up?’

  “We honestly don’t know, Pea. I asked the nurse, and she came and checked him over, but everything was fine. She said sometime s people in comas have muscle spasms, but she’d never heard of it causing their eyes to open.” He told me.

  “Let’s just hope it means he’s trying to wake up.” James said. He had come over to hold my hand while Toby had tried to calm me.

  ‘What time is it? Are all of you hungry?’ I asked them, wiping my face. When they all nodded and told me it was a little past two, that I had slept the day away, we all headed to the kitchen where I made grilled cheese sandwiches and vegetable soup.

  I spent the rest of the day with Toby and Troy in the study, using my keyboard to talk so Tory could hear my voice. I was still hoping it would make some kind of difference, and was happy when the first time I typed a sentence for it to speak to the boys, Tory’s heart fluttered on the monitor. It boosted the dwindled hope I had had for me being able to help him in some way. I was ecstatic that he had actually responded to my voice coming from the keyboard.

  The rest of the week went like that, and on Friday, Toby a n d Troy decided to get me out of the house. We went on another horseback ride of our properties. I was scared and nervous because of what had happened last time. I felt like someone was watching our every move, but that stopped after the first hour or so.

  James and Jordan had been going to the office every day to work, but James wasn’t feeling well that day, and had decided to stay in bed. Jordan said he would just watch TV in the study with Tory. I wouldn’t leave with the trips until I had taken care of James and sat through the physical therapy session for Tory that he had daily to keep his muscles from becoming atrophied. They told me it would help get him up and around sooner when he woke up.

  We went to the loft for a while and played some pool, but when I started beating both of them; they wanted to change to the air hockey. They knew they could beat me at that. They were so immature sometimes, it was funny. They had me laughing and smiling all afternoon. When we left the loft, instead of going back to the house, they took me to the creek.

  “So, do you wanna go frogging?” Troy asked?

  My eyes shot wide and I shook my head. No way was I going to touch a frog. The trips talked me into doing a lot of things with them when we were younger, but that’s one thing I always refused to do.

  ‘I’ll get warts!’ I signed emphatically as I backed away.

  Toby laughed, and already having a frog in his hands, started coming towards me. “That’s just an old wives tale, Pea. I did this all the time growing up, and I don’t have any warts.”

  I still shook my head, laughing now. ‘That’s because you are one big wart.’ I said. I turned to run, but I hadn’t been paying attention to Troy. As soon as I turned I was caught up in his arms, and he was carrying me back over to Toby.

; Toby came at me slowly with an evil smile on his face, and the frog raised in his hand. “Come on and kiss it, Pea. It’ll give you seven years good luck.”

  I just kept shaking my head. I couldn’t talk to him because of the hold Troy had on me, my arms were pinned to my sides. I struggled to get my arms free so I could hide my face, but I couldn’t. I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face. I lifted my legs to try to hold him back, but he just grabbed them into one arm, while he used the other hand to put the frog down my shirt. I opened my mouth in a scream that didn’t come out. Some things are just instinctive, especially to girls, and screaming when a frog is placed down your shirt is one of them.

  Troy put me down as soon as the frog was in my shirt, and I started hopping around trying to get my shirt out of my jeans to let the frog drop out of the bottom. When I had trouble getting it, I just ripped it down the buttons and slung it off my arms. I heard the trips laughing the whole time, Toby having fallen to the ground from laughing so hard. That’s when I saw the frog that had dropped to the ground, not moving. I took a minute to catch my breath, and then bent down to see what had happened to it. As much as I hated frogs, I didn’t mean to kill it. When I looked at it closer, I noticed the inked in eyes. They had done that with one of those fake frogs made to look real. I shot up, turning to them and just signed ‘run’ before I took off after them. I caught up to Toby first and jumped on his back sending us both to the ground. He managed to turn over and grab my hands before I got his secret spot.

  Each of the triplets had certain spots where they were ticklish. None of them had them in the same places, but I had learned over the years where to attack each one. After a minute, I jerked my hands out of his, and asked. ‘You planned this didn’t you?’

  Toby laughed holding his hands up in surrender, “I swear, we just found that at the loft.” Then he pointed to Troy. “It was his fault! I just did what he told me to do!”


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