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Left Behind

Page 14

by Jayton Young

  He seriously thought I enjoyed the things he did to me. I didn’t really realize it until that moment. He was so completely deluded ; in his own made up world in his mind.

  I don’t know what reaction he wanted from me, maybe gratitude for being flattered, but whatever he wanted , I obviously didn’t give it to him. He got angry, grabbed my arm, and started to drag me into the house.

  “I was truly hoping you wouldn’t be difficult, but I brought some insurance to help me gain your compliance, Kayla.” He said as he led me to the stairs leading down to what I guess was the playroom in the basement.

  I had gotten to where I really hated my middle name. People stopped calling me Kayla after my mom died because it made me too sad. She had told me how special that name was to her, but Blain tainted that. Mom had chosen that name for a girl when she was just a little girl herself. Blain had told me the Marti was a boy’s name, so he called me Kayla. It was just another one of the reasons I was never completely comfortable around him.

  When we got into the basement, I wanted to scream. I couldn’t hold back the tears from seeing one of the people I did all of this to protect.

  “I’m sorry, Sis.” Jordan’s voice croaked. He was sitting in a chair, his hands and feet tied to it so tightly it looked like his fingers were turning purple. He had a black eye and a busted lip. And that was just the things I could see.

  I shook my head letting him know I didn’t blame him. Blain had let go of my arm and watching the interaction between Jordan and I. I ran over to him, falling on my knees, and hugging his legs as I buried my face and sobbed into them. Blain had me and he knew it. I would never try to escape as long as he had my brother.

  I stood up, wiped my eyes, and looked around the room. It was just like the other one he had kept me in with the St. Andrews cross, a table that resembled the GYN doctor’s table, and an implement that looked like a wooden horse. I knew from previous experience what each was used for. There was an old fashion wardrobe against the wall that I assumed held all of his ‘toys’, whips, and paddles. There were mirrors on all of the walls. He liked to watch my reactions to everything, and he needed the mirrors for when he was standing behind me.

  There was a door on one of the walls. I walked to it hoping it was a bathroom so I could fix Jordan a drink of water. By the sound of his voice, he hadn’t had anything for a while. Sure enough it was. It was done in all black tile and the sink, toilet, and tub were all black. I used the rinsing glass to fix Jordan some cold water and took it back to him, holding it for him to sip from since his hands were tied. He had dark circles under his eyes. I hated myself for this happening to him. I hated Blain now more than I ever had for doing all of this to him.

  He must have seen the hatred in my eyes, because he came and knocked the glass from my hand, and grabbed my arm to move me, but I jerked away from him.

  ‘At least loosen the ropes enough to give him circulation.’ I signed.

  Jordan translated for me. Blain looked at me for a minute, but I guess he saw the determination in my eyes because he sighed and went to loosen them one at a time.

  “You know the first thing we have to do, Pet.” He said when he was finished. He came over to me and let me to the cross. He started to undress me, but I stopped him, looking pointedly at Jordan. I didn’t want him to have to look at me naked. “I’ll leave your under garments on for now, but I have to strap you in. It’s time to learn the consequences for all of the rules you have broken.”

  I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen and it made bile rise up my throat. I could handle anything he did to me, but I didn’t know how I was going to handle whatever he did to Jordan.

  I was right. As soon as he had me down to my bra and panties and strapped onto the cross, he went over to an ember pit I hadn’t noticed before. He had it under a hood vent that wo ul d lead the smoke outside. He had several things stuck down in the red hot coals of the pit.

  “Every time you disobey me, Jordan will pay the consequences.” He said, stirring the coals with a poker. “So far Pet, in the thirty minutes you have been here, you have pulled away and gone against my wishes four times, so it’s time for the punishment.” He turned to me with a branding iron with his real initials RB on it , showing me what he planned to use. It was red with the heat of the fire.

  I shook my head franticly. ‘Punish me please, Master!’ I mouthed, not being able to move my hands. I guess he under stood because he laughed.

  “No can do, Pet. I think this will work better in getting your behavior in order from the beginning .”

  He went over to Jordan, tore his shirt open with his free hand, and pressed the branding iron over his heart. Jordan screamed, and God knows I felt his pain. If I could have screamed with him I would have. I never took my eyes off of him. I knew this was my punishment for bringing this psycho into our lives. For the first time since I received the call from him telling me to come, I really didn’t want to live through this. My brother was being tortured because of me, and I wanted to die.

  He went back to the pit and traded implements, this time taking out the poker. Again he held it up to show me before going back to Jordan, jabbing it into his shoulder. I screamed and screamed, though no sound came out . I knew that the sound that came from Jordan would be burned in my memory, haunting me for however many more days I had left in this life, be it two days or fifty years. When he took it out, there was just a black hole there. The poker had cauterized the wound as Blain had made it, so it wasn’t bleeding.

  Jordan slumped in his chair, and I realized he had passed out. Blain laughed and turned back to me.

  “Well, I guess you get the idea.” He said, putting the poker back in the pit and walking over to me. He ran his fingers down my scarred cheek. “At least we can have some time alone. Where to start?” And he headed to the Wardrobe.

  I prayed the triplets would be able to find us fast. Even if I didn’t want to live anymore, I knew I needed to keep my head and try to save Jordan anymore pain.

  Chapter 22

  He came back over to me with a metal rod about a foot long with a knob at the end in one hand, and a rubber plug with a finger loop at the end for easy handling in the other hand.

  “I’ll have to prepare you. It’s been a while, so you’ll have to be stretched.”

  I had a hard time keeping a straight face with that statement. Blain did always have a big ego, and last time I didn’t know any different, but my trips had thrice the size he had.

  He set the items on a table and took a pocket knife out of his jeans pocket. He cut away at the side seams of my panties, not caring if he cut me, which he did both times. I looked over to Jordan to make sure he wasn’t awake for this. I didn’t want him to see me like this. I didn’t think it would be an image he would ever get over. Thankfully, Blain kept my bra on.

  He set the knife down and got the rod. He didn’t check me or lube it up, he just shoved it in. I was so dry; it burned the whole way going in. He turned the knob at the end and it started vibrating, but instead of the pleasure it was supposed to induce, it only made me burn worse. I held the tears of pain back. I knew it would only make him get worse, and I knew he had o nly just begu n his ‘fun’.

  “Now, I think you have earned a few lashings. What do you think?” Blain said as he walked around me, looking at me and rubbing the skin over my back lightly before walking back to the wardrobe to pick up the flogger. This flogger had about eight thin leather straps coming from the handle, and each strap broke off into four fingers about two inches long at the end. This toy that, when used right, tantalized the skin. It would just barely pinken the skin, drawing heat to the surface to m ake it more sensitive. But in Blain’s hands it leave s a bunch of little welts , and he never stop s just with that.

  Every stroke stung, and the burn would last and bleed into the next strike. It was like he zoned into his own little world, and like it happened last time, the lashes started tearing skin. Lucky for me in a way, it didn’t hurt
any worse at the moment and was still bearable. The burn was to the point I didn’t feel anything else. I tried to zone myself out where I wasn’t thinking of anything, but as soon as Blain saw this, he stopped deciding to switch my positions. He did take the time to wash the cuts, but it didn’t really help too much considering I was still bleeding. He rubbed some ointment on, and then carried me to the wooden horse. He bent me over the middle of it and strapped my wrists and ankles to the legs.

  “You are so beautiful, Pet.” He said in a low husky voice . You would never be able to tell by hearing his voice that he was insane. He sounded like a truly living partner, and I guess in his twisted mind, that is what he was. He ran his hands softly and slowly over my back. I could tell he was tracing the scars he’d left last time. His hands rand down over the cheeks of my ass, and he took hold of the plug, pulling it out and pushing it back in, renewing the burn that had somewhat faded. He never had lubricated anything. I guess he was thinking all of this would turn me on, and I would have my natural lubrication, but it had the opposite effect.

  By the time he stopped, my breath was coming out in ragged pants. I was getting light headed from the position he had me in. He had either forgotten to place the support for my head, or he didn’t care. At that point, I didn’t care. It would be a relief to be able to pass out from the blood rush to the head. I figured he was going to use the paddle on me, but he went instead to the ember pit, pulling out the branding iron.

  I looked over to Jordan, thanking the good lord that he was still out, not being able to witness what Blain was doing, but I was getting worried about him too.

  “I’m glad that my messages healed over, but you can’t see them as well anymore. I don’t like that. This brand will stay in place, it should heal nicely, and it will stay readable. I think two brands ought to do it.”

  He walked behind me and I couldn’t see where he was headed with the brand. All of a sudden, pain exploded up my leg as he branded my calf. I screamed, but of course it was only air blowing out, no sound.

  “Hmm. I like the way that came out.” He said as he walked back to the pit and set it in the hot coals to re-heat. Looking back at where I was, he ran his eyes over my body. “I think I might do a few of them. It’ll remind you not to let those three freaks of nature touch you.” His voice went hard, and he jerked the brand back out of the pit, heading back to me. “I saw the nasty whorish things you did with them.” And my back exploded in fire as he branded me in the small of my back.

  My eyes followed him with blurred vision as tears filled my eyes .

  After he put the brand back in the pit, he stormed back to me, grabbing my hair in his fist, jerking my head up to face him fully. My shoulders felt as if he’d ripped them from the sockets as his action pulled against my restraints.

  “Yes, I have that whole house wired. I saw everything that would go on. I was witness to your little goodbye to them. I spent years there, watching you from afar, as they had asked me to, but no matter how faithful you remained to them; they couldn’t even come home when the time came. They didn’t deserve you. I loved you. I took care of you, though you didn’t even know I was there. I got tired of it. I was the one who deserved you, so I came into your life. I knew you were wary of people, not as outgoing as you’d once been. They brought you down, made you lose all of your confidence, and yet they come home and all is forgiven. You won’t forgive me, but you’ll forgive those arrogant assholes. I didn’t mean to get your face and throat. I lost control, and you won’t forgive me, but they purposely abandoned you and go running back.” He shouted as he let go of my hair and backhanded me. Pain exploded in my head, and I saw black spots forming in my eyes.

  I caught sight of Jordan and saw his eyes open and a murderous look in his eyes. “You bastard!!” He yelled. “Look at her body! Look at her face! Listen to the breath coming from her because she can’t speak, and tell me you deserve her!”

  I shook my head at him, silently pleading for him to shut up, but he wasn’t paying attention to me. He was going to make Blain kill him.

  “What I did was all to bring her to the highest pleasure of her life!” Blain yelled back as he stormed over and punched Jordan in the stomach . “She tried to run from me. ME! So yeah, I lost control, but I would never let it happen again. She should know me well enough for that by now, but she won’t forgive me. She won’t give me another chance.”

  Blain looked back over to me with a pleading look in his eyes, and all I could feel was disgust. The more he spoke, the more I could see how seriously disturbed he was. I guess the disgust showed on my face because his expression changed back to anger and he went straight for the pit to get the iron back out. The next thing I know, my shoulder blade erupted in fire as he branded me there. He threw the iron and it shattered the mirror across the room. He stormed over to the wardrobe and jerked it open. When he turned back around, he had the whip in hand.

  Jordan looked at me with anguish in his eyes, tears silently falling. “I’m sorry, Sis.” I heard him whisper. I tried to smile at him, letting him know it was going to be alright, but I don’t think it came through on my face with all of the pain I was in.

  ‘Don’t look.’ I mouthed to him. He shook his head and I could see the determination in his eyes. I didn’t know what it was for, but I couldn’t let him see what was about to happen. ‘Please don’t watch. Close your eyes.’

  Jordan knew me well enough to know it would hurt me more than the physical pain if he watched. He started crying in earnest when Blain uncoiled the whip. ‘I love you, Sis.’ He mouthed back to me before he closed his eyes and bowed his head, his shoulders shaking with his sobs. I watched as with each crack of the whip, his whole body flinched, as if he felt my pain, and I knew that to a certain extent, he did. I kept my eyes on him, my vision going dark, as I finally, blissfully , passed out and was able to escape the pain for a while.


  I woke, feeling the straps being removed from my ankles in a rush. Blain came around to let my wrists go, but I couldn’t move . I heard a crash coming from upstairs, and then feet running down the stairs to the basement playroom we were in. The door, which had been open the whole time we’d been down here, was now closed. When I looked at Jordan, I saw him slumped over in the chair, bleeding from a stab wound in his chest, his eyes closed. I started crying again, but concentrated on his chest to see if he was breathing, and as I saw it move, the door was busted down.

  Troy came in, gun in hand, followed by Tory and Luke.

  Blain had snatched me up and was holding me off the ground. I could feel the edge of his pocket knife blade pressed against my throat.

  “Let. Her. Go. Now!” Troy growled. Tory kept his eyes on me, but his gun was trained on Blain behind me. Luke had gone over to Jordan and was untying the ropes.

  “No! Drop your guns now or she dies.” Blain said from behind me, and I could tell he was using me as a full body shield, his head even hiding behind mine.

  Troy and Tory didn’t move and I felt Blain knick the skin at my throat. “I will slit her throat if you don’t drop them now.”

  The boys looked at each other, and then slowly lowered their guns to the floor.

  Blain must not have noticed the absence of the third triplet, but I did. I knew Toby was probably just out of sight waiting for his chance. I felt so weak and was still in a lot of pain, but seeing the guys here to save me, and knowing Jordan needed help, gave me a boost of adrenaline.

  Everything happened quickly. I lifted my leg bending it at the knee and kicked backwards with all the strength I could muster, catching Blain in the kneecap, just as Luke had shown me to. He dropped me and not even a second later I heard two gunshots.

  Landing on the floor, I was extremely dizzy, but I looked up and saw Toby holstering his gun, heading over to me with Tory and Troy beside him. Woods slipped his gun into the back of his pants and went to help Luke with Jordan.

The triplets all had tears welling in their eyes as they saw the state of my body. They surrounded me as the last of my strength left me and the darkness took over once more.


  I had woke up two days later in the hospital, not because of injuries per say, but because the doctors needed to stitch me up and do a procedure to clean the lining of my uterus. When they had taken the vibrator and plug out, I had been bleeding. They said it was too early to tell if I was pregnant, but to stop the bleeding and make it safe for me to try for children in the future they had to do it. They had kept me under with medication until they felt like the pain would be more manageable.

  Jordan was alright, but he had to spend a few days in the hospital to watch for infection. Blain had missed his heart by a few millimeters, and hadn’t hit anything else vital.

  Unfortunately Melbourne had been killed when he’d been shot, but Bradley had made it. I met with Melbourne’s family to tell them what a hero I believed him to be and to apologize for everything that happened. His mother was so nice to me. She told me that John Melbourne had lived and died the way he’d always wanted to; serving and protecting the people. She told me that she didn’t think he’d have had any regrets. I paid for his funeral and memorial service, and still visit Mrs. Melbourne on occasion.

  James and Shelby had been found at the pick-up point Blain had told Luke they would be at. They had some bruises, but otherwise were okay. They went ahead and got married two months after it was over, and Shelby went ahead and transferred down to South Carolina to be with our family. I told James that I’d be alright if he wanted to move north with her, but he didn’t want to leave me or Jordan.

  Blain had been shot once in between the eyes and once in the heart. We didn’t know whose bullet hit where, Toby and Woods know of course, but I couldn’t really care less. He would have died with either shot, so I’m grateful to both of them .


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