xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Been crying my eyes out..just received a call that my great aunt passed away :*(…can I get a RT?
my great aunt passed away as well last week. I’m sad too… Hang in there; I know how you are feeling :(
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 My twins Kaylin & Carye turn 4 today!!!!
happy 4th! When I turned 4, I asked my mom all day ‘can’t u believe I’m 4 mom?’ I guess I couldn’t believe it, lol!
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Busy week here at home and tchng 3rd grade too:) Coursework due, mileage to get in and girl scout leader stuff-Motivate!
that’s exactly how I’m feeling today.. The list is so long, I can’t see the bottom of it.. Good luck!
oh no!!! I remember how I felt! It's devastating! Are you ok? I'm so sorry...
This poor girl in the following tweet was just trying to ask Terri Irwin a simple question. She didn’t include Kate Gosselin in her tweet, but because Kate follows Terri Irwin on Twitter, and Kate is on Twitter most of the day, every day (except when she is out and about pampering herself), she decided to insert herself into the conversation and make it about herself, as always:
xxxxx @TerriIrwin How long is a Rhino pregnant for? :-)
I thought same thing… But,must say,however long it is,I’m SURE I was also pregnant same X..Felt that way anyway!Lol/
Kate gave a speech at Penn State University on November 3, 2011. She tweeted later that that was the day she decided to run her first full marathon…which just happened to be only one month later. She certainly didn’t give herself a lot of time to prepare.
Julie May, Kate’s brilliant manager, decided that after Kate failed miserably at everything else, she would try to rebrand her once again into a fitness expert and have her become a “runner” to inspire moms the world over to get in shape. Since Julie May is the brains behind the operation, Kate nodded her head up and down and went along with the plan. Kate sees only dollar signs.
So when Kate got the following tweet, a light bulb –albeit a dim one –went off above her head.
Oooooooh. So that’s why she wanted to run a marathon. For her kids. It sounds like a random tweeter gave Kate the idea that running a marathon would be a good example for her kids.
So Kate was setting a good example for her kids by flying off to Las Vegas with a married man for nine days to participate in a race that was going to take mere hours? If Kate’s motivation for running really was about setting a goal, working hard and teaching her kids a lesson, then why did she need to leave them for so long and travel to an adult playground in the desert? She could have driven an hour to Philadelphia for their marathon or competed in one of the many marathons near her house.
The Philadelphia Marathon was held on November 20, 2011. I’m betting that since it was an actual, sanctioned race in a blue-collar town, the thought of competing there never even crossed Kate’s mind.
If her running was truly about the kids, she would have taken them to Philly in the van and had them there at the finish line “cheering her on.” They could have brought the signs they made for her, watched her cross the finish line, and had an all-around great day. They would have been back home before dark.
As it turned out, Kate taught them the lesson that being a mom means spending hundreds of hours away from them training for and competing in a marathon on the other side of the country. For most parents who put their children’s needs ahead of their own, the last thing they would ever want to do is spend so much time AWAY from them. Actions speak louder than words, and Kate doesn’t seem to realize that her kids have been watching and internalizing her actions their entire lives. And they won’t ever forget them.
To be fair to Kate, there are countless parents in the world who couldn’t care less about their children and who do things to their children even worse than what Kate ever did to hers. Some people’s children are less important to them than others. For me? My world revolves around my children. Kate’s world revolves around Kate.
Here are some of Kate’s tweets about running:
@runnersworld no!I’m running the las Vegas rock n roll marathon on Dec 4!Omg!I can’t believe I’m doing it! Scared2death!0 prof training!EEK!
So Kate tweets to Runners World and she just happens to land an interview in Runners World a few months later? No. This connection was set up by Kate’s manager well in advance as part of Kate’s rebranding. It was meant to appear “organic,” as Julie May says on her website.
This is a question from the interview with Kate in Runners World:
Q: What do your kids think about your running? Do they understand it?
Yes, I think the best part of running and the best part of running this marathon is the fact that my kids see me pick a goal and they see me complete it…
Kate has her priorities a bit backwards She should be helping her children achieve THEIR goals.
Q: Are you bringing them with you?
I’m not. And I’m sad. I have promised them I will run one that they can be at the finish line. I would like to see no other eight people more than them at the finish line. I’m sad that they’re not going to be there…
Kate also talked about the t-shirt she wore:
“…my marathon t-shirt, and a new Inspirational t-shirt I had made for this day. The front said “finishing is winning” and the back said “my first 26.2 is for all the nonbelievers.”
Kate explained the sentiment on the back of her shirt by saying that she dedicated the first marathon to “anyone who doubted me!” “I have to say, I really love to prove people wrong!” But Kate has always said that she ignores her haters. She even tweeted that “To me, they don’t even exist.”
So rather than dedicating her marathon to her children, Kate dedicated it to complete strangers who don’t believe in her and who criticize her and call her out on her lies. Those are the same people she says she ignores. For someone who claims to not care at all about what her “haters” or “nonbelievers” think or say about her, she sure went to a lot of trouble to prove them wrong. The only people even talking about Kate at this point were online bloggers who don’t like her. You’d have to actually go to their blogs to even know this. And just what kind of lesson, exactly, was she teaching her children by wearing a t-shirt with that spiteful and completely unnecessary message?
Kate also talked about “how proud my eight little cheerleader are!?” Kate is too self-absorbed to see that it should be the other way around. She should be the cheerleader for her children. She is so wrapped up in herself, that she has reversed the roles of parent and child.
Meanwhile, the Gosselin children have never been involved in any activity outside of school. Her
7-year-old sextuplets at the time of this writing had never done a sport, in a league, with other little children. TLC took the kids to a single gymnastics lesson to film an episode, but after that, Kate told the kids and the world that it was too expensive to continue doing gymnastics.
Everything you do as a good parent should be for your children, rather than looking at your children as your “eight little cheerleaders!” If ever there was single statement from Kate telling us exactly where her children fit into her life, it’s that one right there. “My eight little cheerleaders.” It is now and always has been, all about Kate Gosselin.
Here are some tweets from Kate talking about the race after the fact:
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate…Was that Rod Dixon U met at the finish line?
yes- met him Friday night and he surprised me at finish line!
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 U were very fortunate 2have opportunity 2meet up w/Rod Dixon…2 get personal advice from him! A proven winner himself!
and we shall stay in touch… He’s amazing!
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 That was such an accomplishment, I bet you are still on cloud 9. I know I would be.
and looking forward to next with
help of rod Dixon! :) can’t wait!
Knowing how manufactured Kate’s every move is, it doesn’t seem likely that Rod Dixon just happened to “surprise” her at the finish line. More likely, it was a meeting set up in advance by her manager, Julie May, who, by the way, just happened to be standing there with Rod Dixon waiting for Kate to arrive at the finish line. Julie probably had to point Kate out to him so he could fulfill his end of the contract.
Rod Dixon is over 60 years old and a very accomplished athlete. Kate expects us to believe that he took time out of his life to “surprise” her at the finish line just because he wanted to.
There has been much online speculation about whether or not Kate Gosselin even finished the marathon on her own. People who say they were actually there, running in the race themselves, saw Kate walking, being driven on a scooter by her bodyguard from check point to check point, etc. I can’t verify these reports. What I do know is that Kate’s word is suspect, given that I’ve caught her lying about 500 times.
This is what I know as fact. Kate does run. I have seen her running near her home. Whenever I’ve seen her running though, she looks more like a donkey plodding along the street. She looks to be in pain and near death. So when I watched the video online of Kate crossing the finish line of her first 26.2 mile marathon, fresh-faced, smiling and not looking even a little bit exhausted, it was hard not to believe there’s truth to the rumors of her cheating.
The other think I know as fact is that Kate Gosselin takes every shortcut there is in life. Are we to believe that this time she actually accomplished something on her own…without help? I sure don’t.
Kate addressed the cheating rumor in this tweet:
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Some runners are saying you were seen riding on a scooter and did not run the entire race. Please correct this inaccuracy.
a scooter? No cheating is tolerated.R They Jealous much? Can’t accept I did it—I’m still in shock, and pain!:)
I wasn’t there and I really couldn’t care less if Kate ran a marathon or not. You decide, after having read this book, if you believe Kate Gosselin actually trained and completed a grueling 26.2 mile marathon, or if she took a few shortcuts presented to her.
What I do care about is the constant lying, self-promotion and extreme ignoring of her children’s needs and the toll it will eventually take on them. All I know is that Kate left her kids in the hands of babysitters beginning on the morning of November 29, and didn’t return home until the evening of December 8, all so she could spend a day running, or pretending to run, a marathon.
Once Kate finally returned home to her children, she was suddenly completely exhausted. She had been filled with energy and enthusiasm for nine days while she was away from them in Las Vegas, but the minute she got home, she became exhausted.
I’m taking the day off…other than taking care of my kids of course. Just letting the work build up..feeling exhausted&feels good to rest!
Looks like the Marathon Mama was another one-off, failed experiment. Kate now completely ignores Tweets like this.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Do you have any races planned this summer? How’s the running going?
Kate considers anyone who disagrees with her about anything, or criticizes her at all, a “hater.” But instead of ignoring the people who criticize her, she argues with them.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 why do you have so many haters? I think you are great
I think because the fiercest hate comes from jealousy, boredom, and hate for oneself…
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Kate how dare you presume to speak for “real moms” You are a cheat, a liar, and an abuser
ALL real moms work hard@whatever makes kids happy and provides best for them, including me!:) Have a gd day!:)
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 How can you stand all these people who seem to have nothing better to do with their lives than direct their misery at you?
I just block them. To me, they don't even exist ;) my rule: ignore annoying ppl in life- you'll succeed, they'll crumble :)
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Omg your haters make me not want to tweet you! Ergh!! Keep on rockin Kate, our home loves you & your kids!
no! Don’t go away! Just block liberally! That’s what I do and my screen is ALLL positive! Yay!:)
Kate said above that her Twitter “screen is ALLL positive! Yay!” Yet she spends the majority of her time interacting with haters. Instead of just simply and quietly blocking them, she feels compelled to engage them first, for the attention.
Kate constantly tweets about positivity and love, but her Twitter timeline shows nothing but negative and hateful comments, bullying and threats. She is very critical, but she can’t take criticism. She bullies others, but she complains that she is bullied when others criticize her or express a differing opinion.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Jealous? I don’t keep company with people that are beneath me!
then stop following me since I’m ‘beneath you’. I’ll help you, I’ll block you now…. Have a nice day!
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Spend some time with your kids before they get taken away
seriously? If u can’t stand reading about our awesome and happy lives,unfollow. U are now blocked. Negativity doesn’t fly here!
nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Those kids are thought of as a commodity & always have been.
Your comment disgusts me. Consider yourself blocked.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Good for you Kate
I know, really, ‘commodities’?They r reason I live&breath& meaning of my life! Yes, they belong 2 me&blessed2b their mom! Geesh!
I think that tweeter made a good point there. The definition of “Commodity” is: 1. A basic good used in commerce. Let’s not forget Kate’s letter to Gymboree when the sextuplets were born where she wrote “…if there is a way my children could be a help in marketing your clothing lines, we’re all for it!”
“Think b4 tweeting pls.”
From watching Kate in action on “reality” television, listening to her interviews, and reading her Twitter words, it is clear that she has demonstrated stunning ignorance and a complete lack of interest in the world around her whenever it isn’t about her. She is also intellectually challenged. Kate was once quoted during the Australia/New Zealand episodes as saying of the Kiwi bird… “Whenever you say Kiwi, I do not think of the bird with no arms. I think of a fruit. I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry, too, Kate, that you think birds have arms and you say things like that in front of your young children who are learning from you.
Normally, I wouldn’t even think to point out someone’s grammatical errors, since I make enough of my own all the time. Kate, however, very condescendingly tells us over and over again how important education is, and always talks about how important grammar and spelling are to her; she says she “despises” misspelled words. She was shown correcting Jon’s grammar, even though she is guilty of some of the most idiotic and repetitive spelling and grammar mistakes I have ever seen.
Having studied Kate’s journal and Twitter feed, and having watched her on television for several years analyzing her words, I can say one thing for certain: Kate Gosselin is ignorant and lacking in intelligence and common sense. She puts other people down to hide the fact that she’s shallow and uneducated.
we were so this year, last year at this time… In Sidney for the new year! Wish we were there now! :(
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 but you can’t spell it??
oh crap… Spell check must have gotten me?! Oops!
Kate always blames spell check whenever she is called out on her atrocious spelling. Spell check is not the culprit. Spell check wouldn’t have automatically changed Sydney to Sidney. The only way it would have changed the spelling of that word is if she wasn’t even close to the correct spelling, and spell check picked a spelling for her.
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 that
’s ok – us Aussies get offended when our cities are misspelt :))
I get offended when anything is misspelled lol!
xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 I’m not hating but do you intently spell things wrong? Gorgeous btw. Just saying and I do love your show and miss it!
no just lots to say on twitter & cut corners. In ‘real’ life, I despise misspelled words! :) thanks..
Kate’s excuse about cutting corners would be understandable, except that many of her misspelled words actually have too many letters in them, so the cutting corners excuse doesn’t fly. She types more letters than she needs. She also consistently spells certain words wrong, like “gorgeous,” as the tweeter pointed out. Kate always spells it “georgous.”
When she traveled to Connecticut to exploit her children further by making them run in a “kidsmarathon” that they clearly didn’t want to run in, as evidenced by videos posted on YouTube, she thanked her host town repeatedly via Twitter after the race. It obviously wasn’t important enough for her to spell the name of the town correctly.