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Lady of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 2)

Page 4

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  “Rise,” the Khan said, his deep voice breaking the silence. As they rose to their feet, Kalla studied the Arkaddian ruler. That he was here, in his study, didn't surprise her at all. She remembered Nobunaga's scholarly bent, despite the fact that he was a skilled warrior. As with so many male Arkaddians, battle scars laced his face and hands.

  Nobunaga wore rust-colored clothing similar to the Harrier's outfit, comfortable yet simple and functional. The Khan's greying beard was broken into three strands and bound with gold beads, a mark of his rank. Around his neck he wore a jinshin and a golden torc, another sign of his office. The graven longtooth heads at either end held tiny zarconite beads in their mouths.

  He still looked fit and hale, yet there was an exhaustion about the Khan's aura and beneath it a sense of corruption which she had come to associate with Al'dhumarna. From his agitated mind, Kalla could tell Vander sensed the same. Yet, it seemed highly unlikely that the Khan himself were actively working for the Nagali. Something caught Kalla's attention, the briefest glimpse of a pendant around the Khan's neck. A jagged spiral, almost a mockery of the Spiral of the One so revered by many peoples the world over. Tired eyes of bittersweet brown regarded them intently.

  “My Khan, I've brought you the ones responsible for breaking the storms. They were in the ship we were sent after,” Kasai said. Nobunaga frowned.

  “You were ordered to destroy the ship, Master Harrier.”

  “Yes, my Khan, but there were… complications.” Kasai went on to tell Nobunaga of all that he had learned. Another frown creased the Khan's face when the Harrier told him of the wyvern and Kalla's freeing of them. When Kasai had finished he stepped back to allow Shukke to speak. Nobunaga's face grew more and more thoughtful, but he remained silent until the Harrier and shaman were done speaking, before he turned his attention to Kalla.

  “I remember you. You came with Master Hauss, when you were still just an apprentice. You truly broke the storms as Shukke and Kasai say?”

  “Yes, Lord Khan.”

  “How is it that you were able to do what the magi said couldn't be done? And to have healed the land after?” he asked.

  “That is something I'm still trying to figure out myself, Lord Khan. I'm just happy we were able to,” she replied.

  “For that you have my thanks. I-” Nobunaga broke off as Vander started growling, a deep warning rumble. Kalla turned to find him backing away from the doorway, ears flat and mane fluffed. Rage bubbled in his mind, spilling over to her. She caught wind of what had disturbed him so. Scent of Rang'moori, scent of pine, scent of Al'dhumarna's corruption.

  “Grosso comes.” Even as he thought this, Grosso pushed through the door covering. The mage still carried his ironwood staff. Kalla frowned. She sensed the staff's attendant magick, not uncommon for an Artisan, but Grosso carried something else now too, something like a protective amulet, though Kalla couldn't tell what it was supposed to be protection for. Kage did not follow, but Kalla had no doubt the nighthawk was somewhere close by. Grosso sauntered past them, to where the Khan sat, blithely ignoring the angry Dashmari. Kalla put a restraining hand on Vander's arm.

  “I see you managed to survive after all, wolf,” Grosso drawled in a cold voice. “Pity that.”

  Vander snarled and started to lunge forward, but checked himself when a smoky wind blew through the closed room, causing the flames to dance. The flames flared high as the smoke twined around Vander's form, growing thicker. Kalla sucked in a breath as the smoke coalesced into a flame elemental, wrapped around his body. Summoning was an art forbidden by the Kanlon, but apparently that hadn't stopped the former Tem' and judging from Vander's reaction, he'd known beforehand.

  The flame elemental vaguely resembled the dragon-kin, having a long, serpentine body and a tapered muzzle, but lacking in wings. A mane of black fur ran down along its neck and upper back and live flame tipped its tail. The elemental laughed, a smoky malicious sound, its head swaying in front of Vander's, clawed hands resting on the War Mage's shoulders. Yellow eyes glowed in the firelight and fear spiked through her link with Vander, though outwardly he remained controlled.

  It'ss been too long, cubling. Far too long since last we played. The elemental hissed in its smoky voice. Vander flinched.


  Ssso, you remember. Good. Tama crooned the words in a malevolent whisper and Kalla felt Vander whimper in her mind.

  She found herself drawn into his memories in a way she'd never experienced before, actually reliving them with him rather just viewing them. They were tied down, Tama towering over them, much larger than he was now. Sweat drenched their body. Pain. A great, roaring flood of pain that washed over the body, consuming all coherent thought.

  Oblivion would be welcome, even if waking was never an option, yet even that was denied. Magick kept the mind awake and alert. They had disobeyed, had disappointed, and now they were paying the consequences. One delicate wolf ear had been ripped to shreds, blood running freely down their face, into their eyes. The scent of copper blood was mixed with the sickly-sweet scent of burnt flesh, an assault on the Dashmari's sensitive sense of smell.

  Tama drove a flame-tipped claw into a half-healed burn, dragging down their chest with agonizing slowness. Once more, then again and again, always assaulting an existing wound. They bucked and thrashed against the bindings, reigniting the agony of half-healed burns that laced their back, further evidence of the prolonged torture. And yet, despite all of that, only a thin whimper escaped them. Tama turned away, disgusted that no screams had been forthcoming.

  They lay shivering on the floor, stripped to the waist. Horrible burns laced their back and chest, unhealed wounds that left them sobbing unashamedly from the pain of it. They lay there for what might have been hours or days. Time had little meaning in the dark. Exhaustion and shock finally led to sweet, blessed sleep. It didn't last long, before they were jolted awake, roughly shoved over onto their belly. Another whimper as the pain flared up again, then the feel of warm healing energy mending the wounds that criss-crossed their back, leaving ropes of rough scars to join the ones already there. A cold indifferent voice, Grosso's voice, ordered them to turn over and the burns on their chest were healed, as was the tattered ear. The cold voice told them to remember and to not be a further disappointment, though this was not the first time this had happened.

  They drifted back to sleep on the cold stone floor, too tired to care, too tired to move. They slept for an interminable amount of time before they were roughly shaken awake once more. A deep, gravelly voice urged them up. Molten fury bubbled in their minds, anger not their own, and they understood that Shingar had been forced to feel part of the torture this time. He, too, had failed in his job of serving as Grosso's watchdog and making sure the mage did as he was told.

  The memory link broke as suddenly as it had been formed. Kalla gasped, ashen-faced, shocked by the horror of it all. Silent tears slipped down her cheeks, unchecked. Grosso had used the flame elemental to punish Vander. It was from Tama that he had gained the scars that she'd seen in his wolf form, the inexplicably shredded ear. More than that, despite all outward appearances, Shingar had controlled Vander, not the other way around. The magister hadn't been overzealous in his protection. He'd been set to make sure that the War Mage carried out his tasks and did nothing 'foolish', such as fleeing or killing himself and she understood now that it was an option he'd seriously considered more than once.

  Tama had the group entirely mesmerized now, watching his swaying form as he tormented the War Mage with old memories and the promise of fresh torture. Kalla growled, low in her throat and shook her head to clear it. Around her, the others were still hypnotized. Only the three magi were free from the effect. The Healer drew on the inherent authority of her new-found rank, using the power of the Lady to banish the elemental.

  “Begone from here! This is not your place. Leave here and do not return. You are free from your charge!” Kalla's voice was forceful. Tama started to laugh, but the
laughter broke off quickly as his form began to fade. The elemental hissed in surprise and swung his head from Grosso, to Kalla and then to Kasai. A wicked grin lit up his face as his gaze settled on the Harrier.

  Your quarry iss right in front of you, hawk. What you've sought all these yearssss… Tama's voice faded away as he disappeared, sent back to the Otherplane. For a moment the Harrier stood stock-still, then he turned to look at Kalla and her group. His eyes widened slightly. For a brief moment, the Healer saw pure rage flare in his good eye, then his face closed down, all traces of emotion vanishing. Kalla frowned as the others around her came to, completely unaware of all that had transpired. For Kasai, it would have seemed as if the words had come from his own mind or from a flash of divine inspiration. However he chose to interpret it, the words had clearly meant something to him.

  Grosso whispered something to the Khan and Nobunaga shook his head, his movements a little dazed. He turned once more to Kalla.

  “Lady kyl'Solidor, I hate to cut this meeting short, but there is business I must attend to. I look forward to resuming this conversation when I return.

  “Once again, Lady Kalla, you have my most sincere thanks for helping my people. I cannot begin to think how we might repay you.” The Khan stood as he spoke, giving Kalla a half-bow. “Master Ari, will you show the magi and the shaman to appropriate quarters and see that their needs are tended to?”

  Behind him she caught the faintest twitch of Grosso's eye. She knew the former Tem' well enough to know that he was very irritated. “I thank you, Lord Khan. I, too, look forward to resuming this conversation.” Kalla and the others followed Ari out of the study and through the Palace, to the guest quarters. Kalla was surprised to see that the guest wing was full. When she asked Ari about it, he gave her an apologetic look.

  “We are housing the Clan leaders and representatives here at the moment. If you will give me a second, I'll need to do some rearranging to get you your own quarters,” he said with a tired sigh. Kalla exchanged a look with her magisters.

  “No need, Master Ari. The three of us can stay together,” she replied and Ari relaxed visibly. It wasn't uncommon for a magister to share quarters with their mage and she really didn't want to leave Vander with strangers. The War Mage had been silent since the encounter with Tama. He was doing an excellent job of shielding his emotions, yet still she caught the occasional flashes of anxiety and fear.

  “That would help immensely, Lady kyl'Solidor. I believe we only have two rooms still available at the moment.” The Seneschal led them further down the corridor. He stopped at one room and installed the shaman, then led Kalla and her magisters to a room a few doors down. As he was talking with them, one of the servants ran up and whispered something to him in urgent tones. Ari bid the magi to ask the servants for anything they needed and excused himself, looking slightly harassed. Kalla chuckled softly. She didn't envy the man his job.

  Their quarters were much like the ones they'd stayed in while in Xibalba, with cushions and blankets stacked neatly along the walls. Kalla slipped the Quill case from her back and laid it reverently on the floor. Picking up some of the cushions and blankets, she made a nest against the far wall. The magisters joined her, making pallets nearby. As the three settled down, Kalla and Vander shared a look.

  “What to do, what to do…” Kalla muttered.

  “Grosso is controlling the Khan. He hasn't yet been tainted by the Nagali's corruption himself. If we can free him from Grosso's power, he will be as he once was,” Vander said in a flat voice.

  “Yes, but controlling him how?” Aleister asked. The War Mage frowned.

  “Most likely through some sort of talisman or other artifact. He is an Artisan after all,” he said.

  “Like the pendant Nobunaga was wearing? The jagged spiral?” asked Kalla.

  “That would be my guess. Such mockery would appeal to him,” Vander replied.

  “But how to get it away from him…” The Healer's voice trailed off at Aleister's soft laughter.

  “Easy. You have a thief for a magister. Not a problem, especially not now,” he said. The magi frowned at him and were rewarded with a mischievous grin. “I can use illusion well enough to blend in. I doubt I'll need to resort to that though. This is an easy job compared to some… adventures… I've had.”

  “Fox magic has its uses, I'll admit. Even if I am still learning,” Aleister said.

  “You really think you can steal it from the Khan himself?” Kalla asked. Aleister nodded.

  “Sure, no problem. With your permission, milady, I'll go have a look around.”

  “Your confidence scares me…” Kalla muttered, gesturing for him to leave. Aleister merely laughed again as he altered his appearance to that of a servant and slipped out the door. Kalla sighed and turned back to Vander. Alone with the War Mage, she decided to confront him about the memories she'd shared. She felt horribly guilty, full of 'If only' thoughts.

  “I'm sorry you were drawn into my memories like that, Lady Kalla. It was never my intention that you should see those,” Vander said, before she could say anything. He stared down and his hands, bunched into fists in his lap. He refused look up, to face Kalla, too afraid of seeing contempt in her eyes. She could hear the thoughts buzzing in his head.

  Sevrus was right, I'm- I was- the second strongest War Mage in the Kanlon. Surely I could have stopped it. After all, Grosso was only an Artisan, though a very talented and skilled one.

  He was also a Mage backed by the Nagali's power and that made all the difference in the world to an omega wolf. Kalla came to sit beside him, settling into the corner. She reached out and gently ran her fingers over his scarred ear.

  “I'm sorrier that it happened to you in the first place, Vander. I had wondered what had happened to your ear. Now I know,” she said softly. He curled up on his pallet, still refusing to look at her.

  “You were right, Lady Kalla. I am weak. I should have stopped it, should have asked for help. Yet… who would have believed me?” he asked.

  Vander didn't resist as she gently pulled him up so his head rested in her lap. The Healer brushed her fingers through his soft mane like a mother soothing a fretful child. But then, she was his Mother, wasn't she, as Amaraaq? The tension eased from his thin frame and he relaxed against her.

  “You are not weak, Vander. I said that only to make you angry enough to get close to me. I couldn't have used my gift as I did unless I could touch you.” She laughed softly. “Otherwise, you would have won. You already had. There was nothing else I could have done.

  “Now that we know Cristos is gone, you are the best War Mage in the Kanlon. You wouldn't be that if there weren't a well of strength in you. I think you just needed the right motivation to bring it out. Now, you don't even need that. You are no longer an omega. You are what you were meant to be. You managed to survive Tama's torture without giving in. That, my friend, says you are as stubborn and strong-willed as any other Solidoran,” Kalla said.

  “If you say so,” he replied.

  “I do.”

  “Dashkele… if you are Lady now, does that mean you've taken the Sky Fox as your Consort?” His voice was drowsy and his ears drooped as he grew sleepier. Kalla continued running gentle fingers through his mane.

  “In my heart, yes. Apparently that was enough to satisfy Lord Kituk. Does that bother you?” she asked.

  “No, Dashkele. I am happy for you, for both of you. He cares a great deal for you,” the Dashmari said.

  “He told you this?” the Healer growled. A red wolf ear flicked back towards her.

  “No, Dashkele, he did not. I simply pay attention. And I've caught flashes of feelings from him. He hides them quickly enough though.” The War Mage muttered something that she couldn't understand as he finally drifted off to sleep. Kalla sat for a moment, continuing to brush her fingers through his hair, thinking.

  Finally she stirred, gently placing one of the cushions beneath his head, so she could move. He twitched in his sleep, but didn't
wake. The Healer stood and stretched, yawning. She was still tired from her efforts of the morning, but before she slept she wanted to speak with Shukke. She had a favor to ask and hopefully he'd be kind enough to grant it.

  Drawing upon Vander's knowledge, she wove a warding to protect the room. Though she'd only be gone for a few minutes and only just down the hallway, she was loathe to leave him unprotected with Grosso on the loose somewhere in the Palace. This particular warding would keep everyone but herself, Aleister and Vander from entering the room.

  Kalla slipped down the hallway and scratched against the door covering to the room the shaman shared. Shukke's deep voice bid her enter. A few minutes later she departed, a sly grin on her face. As soon as they had finished dealing with Grosso and Nobunaga, the elder shaman would grant her request. The hardest part would be keeping it from Aleister as she wanted it to be a surprise, but she knew it was something that would make him far more comfortable being the Lady's Consort. She reentered their room to find Vander still sound asleep. The Healer settled down on her pallet and tried to sleep as well, but it was long in coming. She kept replaying the dream in her mind and the events after.

  Running her fingers over the etched fox on her ring, she sought out her magister's mind. A thrill of exhilaration and freedom came through the bond. This was a game to him, a test of cunning and she knew he was enjoying every minute of it.

  Regret touched his thoughts every now and again, the regret that this was probably the last time he'd ever get to carry out such trickery. Kalla realized that it wasn't the actual theft he enjoyed. It was the challenge of carrying it out and the thrill of knowing that it was usually right under someone's nose. Fox spirits delighted in games and tricks.


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