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Lady of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 2)

Page 10

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  “Come here, give me your tunic. I can fix that while we answer your questions. I'm sure you have a great many,” she said.

  Wary, Kasai moved closer, slipping off the tunic and handing it to her. Like Aleister, scars laced his chest and arms. Several deep gashes ran along his left side, across the ribs. Any lower and the blow would surely have eviscerated the hawk.

  “You might say that, Lady Kalla.”

  Kasai paused a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. While they waited for him to speak Kalla spread the tattered tunic on the pallet before her. With skilled hands she set about alchemically reweaving the frayed edges.

  Kasai watched for a moment and, though he made no outward showing, Kalla detected the faintest scent of fear from him. The events of last night had fanned the fires of a dormant phobia of magick. Kalla exchanged a covert look with Vander that told her that her assumptions were correct. Unconsciously, Kasai rubbed his chest again, then ran his fingers over his jinshin.

  “The Hounds called you Amaraaq, but your name is Kalla.”

  For the next several minutes the three filled the hawk in on who, exactly, Kalla and Aleister really were.

  The Harrier looked thunderstruck at the news. Part of him wanted to disbelieve what they had told him. Another part knew they were telling the truth. Kasai had been to Dashmar. He vaguely recalled the legends and myths he had heard of Kituk and Arvynn. Of Amaraaq. He hadn't connected her unusual tattoos with the legends before now, but it fit. That, and what she'd been able to do, to heal the very land itself. He found it harder to believe that his brother was actually the son of Inari, though he could hardly deny that Aleister was a kitsune.

  The Harrier put that out of mind and turned his attention back to the terrifying 'journey' he'd been forced on last night. The Song the Hounds had given them was coming back to him now, along with remembrances of the strange conversation between Kalla and them.

  “What of playing the Song, Lady Kalla? It will be… difficult to say the least,” Kasai said. Kalla chuckled.

  “I think we should first go and see Lord Nobunaga. I have my own apologies to make. We have stolen you away from him. Then we shall go see Shukke and Ari. I'm sure that we can easily work it into what's already planned for tonight.”

  “Lord Nobunaga understands it was an accident. My successor is already named. Khasar was my second. He will make a fine Master Harrier,” Kasai said, low.

  Sadness laced his words and Kalla was once more overcome with guilt and regret for them having chained the hawk. He didn't deserve to be taken from all he'd ever known, all he'd worked his life for.

  “Tell me what I am allowed to bring with me and I will have my belongings moved here.” He paused a moment. “Thiassi… Thiassi wishes to come with me. I tried to get him to understand he should stay here, but it didn't go over well,” he finished. The Healer reached out and gently placed her hand over his.

  “Kasai, he doesn't have to stay here. If you would be more comfortable having Thiassi with you, by all means, invite him to come. We already travel with one wyvern, why not two? As for your belongings, bring whatever it is that you wish.”

  Kalla shook out his restored tunic, which had been laying, forgotten, in her lap. He slipped it on.

  “Very well, Lady Kalla, Lord Vander. We might as well go see the Khan now,” the Harrier said. He steeled himself and slipped through the door covering. The others filed out in silence. Halfway down the guest wing they met a relieved looking Seneschal, accompanied by Shukke and Koumugi.

  “You're all okay. We were worried when we couldn't get into the room to check on you,” Ari said. “Master Shukke said you were doing fine, that they met you while you were dreamwalking.”

  “We are doing much better, Master Ari. I apologize for the sealed room. Another line of defense for a helpless mage,” Kalla replied.

  “Very well. If you will follow me, Lord Nobunaga wishes to see you,” Ari said.

  “I have no doubt,” she said dryly. They followed the Seneschal and shaman through the Palace to the Khan's office. As they traveled, Kasai grew increasingly more agitated and nervous. As they approached the office a shadowed figure slipped out the door and the hawk was brought short as he came face to face with his replacement. Khasar's drawn expression brightened when he saw Kasai.

  “You're okay. You looked like death warmed over yesterday. We were worried about you. All of you,” he said. Kasai barked a laugh.

  “Yes, well… you have no idea how accurate that statement is,” he replied.

  “You must come see us later, nest-brother. Both of you,” Khasar said. The new Master Harrier murmured something to Kasai in lilting Arkaddian that made the hawk smile and respond in the same.

  Beside her, Aleister chuffed a soft laugh, but didn't see fit to share the Harrier's words. Whatever he'd said, it had put Kasai more at ease. Kalla guessed that Kasai's uneasiness came from how he should act in his new role, more, how he should act around those to whom he'd always been a hawk.

  She reflected that the Harriers and the magisters weren't all that different, really. Both served as guardians to important people. Kasai made a promise that they would come to the Mews later and Khasar left them to face the Khan. Ari had slipped into the office while they had been speaking to the Harrier and now stood waiting for them in the doorway. Kalla followed the shaman into the room, trailed by the rest. She and Vander knelt with the shaman and magisters and waited for Nobunaga to tell them to rise. The Healer rose smoothly to her feet, facing the Arkaddian ruler.

  “I do apologize, my Lord. We seem to keep causing you problems. First we nearly kill you, trying to help and now we've gone and stolen your Master Harrier.”

  “The aid you've given us has far outweighed the problems. I will miss my hawk, but his service is a small price to pay for the peace and prosperity you've restored to us.

  “I understand that it was not done intentionally, but tell me, how did you come here with one less magister than needed?” the Khan asked.

  Kalla spent the next few moments giving Nobunaga a very abbreviated version of the story, leaving out any mention of Amaraaq. As she talked, the Khan stroked the middle strand of his bound beard in thoughtful contemplation.

  “I see. Your Guardian bound you and the War Mage thus as a lesson, perhaps?”

  “Maybe. Among other things, we have learned to share our skills. It would be a great benefit to the Kanlon if we could teach others how to create and then sever such a bond. A mage could effectively double the skills they know. Vander has already proven just how useful that can be. Even the few Healers who specialize in Defensor's skills have not come up with his innovation. Who knows what new things we might learn if all the magi could do this,” she replied.

  “Perhaps you will find out the means to do that as well,” Nobunaga said. He looked from Kalla to Aleister, a slight smile on his face. “Do you need us to postpone things for a day or two, while you recover?”

  “No, Lord Nobunaga. I don't think that will be necessary. We just need to make some changes to the plans,” Kalla replied.

  “Ah, yes. Master Shukke has told me what is required already. I'll leave you to make those arrangements.”

  Kalla bowed at the Khan's dismissal and followed Ari and the shaman back out into the corridor.

  “Well, Lady Kalla, I think our first order of business should be to see to the thunderdrums. This should be … interesting,” Shukke said.

  “No doubt.”

  The group made their way through the Palace, to a cordoned off area outside. The massive thunderdrums had already been assembled, great drum looming above all the rest. It was a matter of little effort for Kalla and Vander to move two of the bull-drums to new places beside the great drum, using coils of air to gently lift them and settle them into place. Kasai whistled as he slipped one of the shoulder drums on and picked up two of the great drum's strikers.

  “It normally takes three or four people to move one bull-drum.”

well, magick does have its advantages,” Kalla said, shouldering a drum of her own. Aleister handed her the twins to Kasai's strikers. She accepted with a murmur of thanks and gestured for Kasai to join her.

  “Drums we have, but not the chimes.” The Healer focused her concentration and tapped her leg with one of the strikers. Though they could not see her pants beneath the robes, when she was finished, they could hear the jingle of metal when she shook her foot. Satisfied, she focused once more, then reached out to tap Kasai's opposite leg. He yelped as thin strands of metal snaked up his leg, larger metallic circles dangling from them. When she finished, he shook his leg, causing the circles to chime together, not unlike the cymbals of a Dashmari tambourine.

  For the next several minutes the pair explored the possibilities, seeing what actions made which sounds. When Kalla was satisfied, they took their places to either end of the great drum. They spent the next hour putting themselves through the paces of the Song the Hounds had given them, though not they made no sound as they struck the drums with the strikers. Drums, strikers, and chimes had all been sheathed in a bubble of silence. Tonight would be the first time the Song would be played for mortal ears.

  As they wound up the last round of practice, Kalla dispelled the silence and casually thumped the strikers against the great drum in the opening notes of 'Dance of the Dragon'. The hawk hesitated only a moment before responding. The pair quickly settled into the fast-paced rhythm, strikers a blur as they alternated between the drums. Shukke and Koumugi picked up parts on a bull-drum and a ground-drum to fill out the song.

  Passersby began to filter in, drawn to the sound of the drums like a moth to flames. Several Harriers had entered the enclosure, among them Khasar and Kiba. The hawks were the loudest to cheer in approval when the piece was finished. As one, the four drummers turned and bowed gracefully to the gathered crowd, eliciting another round of cheers. Khasar strolled over to them as the others began to drift back out.

  “I am most impressed, Lady Mage. I would not take you for one so skilled at the thunderdrums if I had not seen you myself,” he said. Kalla gave him a half-bow and a grin.

  “Why, thank you. It's Lord Hauss' fault. He makes all Healers learn. I must admit, I do enjoy them though,” she replied. After a bit more idle chatter, Aleister and Kasai followed Khasar back to the Mews, with the Master Harrier's assurances that he would send them back quick enough. By this time, Kalla's tummy was growling unhappily by the lack of breakfast. With a chuckle, Shukke and Koumugi led the magi back inside to one of the Palace's smaller dining halls, where they broke their fast on rashagi, wrapped pockets containing mutton cooked with garlic, cloves and bitter vykr cheese, a typical Arkaddian breakfast.

  At Aleister's request, the two magisters ate in the Mews amidst a farewell for both hawks. From the Fox's impressions, Kalla could tell that the gesture had meant a lot to the Harrier and had helped make him more at ease, seeing that he wouldn't be treated like a pariah by those he had lived and worked with all his life.

  After the meals were finished, the magisters returned, Kasai having moved his stuff in the interim. He hadn't chosen to bring much, not that the Harriers kept many personal belongings: his weapons, of course, a few changes of clothes, all in the Harrier black and, interestingly enough, a set of books.

  By this time it was around mid-day. Kalla had decided, since she and Kasai had already gone over the Song, and they did have a bit more free time, she would go out from the city and use the whistle Araun had given her. It was only fitting and proper that he be freed first and she could think of no better time. The small group walked out beyond the edge of the great encampment, farther and farther until the yerts were tiny specks on the horizon. She slipped the whistle out and stared at it for a long moment before raising it to her lips and blowing. No sound came out that she could hear, but she trusted that the whistle had done its job.

  The winds picked up around them, fluttering the magi's robes and the sky seemed to darken, though the only clouds above were tiny cottonballs. A gathering fog spread across the area, obscuring their vision. From the depths came the soft nicker of a horse, then a figure coalesced out of the gloom. A horseman on a dapple-grey horse, his clothing the darker grey of thunderclouds. Long silvery hair was pulled back in a loose tail.

  Around the horse spilled a pack of white hounds with red ears. One in particular ran circles around the group before coming to a stop before Kalla. She reached down to scratch the hound's ears. Behind her, Vander let out a soft hiss as a pair of ghilan glided from the fog. They came to heel on either side of the horse. The Healer regarded the horseman for a moment before bowing deeply, the others following suit. He returned the bow.

  “All is One.” The winter wind voice was familiar, even if the form wasn't.

  “One is all,” Kalla replied.

  “As above.”

  “So below.”

  “Thus are all Connected,” they said together.

  “I thank you, Lady Kalla. I must admit, I didn't think you would use the whistle so soon,” Araun said.

  “Ushas and Shang'de told me what it was really for. Why did you not just ask?”

  The figure twitched a shrug. “I did not think you would use it if I did. I am not as hampered as some. It was not imperative.”

  “And Azurai? Will he seek me out as well?” Kalla asked. Araun smiled and though it was slight, it lit his winter grey eyes.

  “You have already freed him,” he replied. The Healer frowned.

  “I have not met him, my Lord. How could I have possibly freed him?”

  In response, the horseman's form rippled and changed, becoming the skeletal eldritch being that she had seen in Xibalba. She heard a few muted gasps and fear thrilled through her from Aleister.

  “What the hells?” he muttered in her mind. Kalla chuckled softly. She already knew what the Lord of Living Nightmare looked like and, seeing him again, she wasn't as intimidated.

  Araun's form continued to ripple, flesh filling out the skeletal frame. A body covered in pale silver fur, a vaguely canine head with a soft equine muzzle, leathery wings, leonine hindquarters. Thin horns tapered back from his head, a thick, darker grey mane falling down neck and shoulders. His forelimbs were still overly long, giving him an odd, awkward appearance, yet his movements were graceful as he walked towards them. Beside him, the ghilan shifted, their own bony forms filling out to reveal a mostly horse-like body with the paws of a dog and velvety equine muzzles like Araun's, housing sharp teeth.

  We are one and the same, he whispered through her mind. Kalla blinked.

  “Wait… so the reason you couldn't complete the bargain was because of the block on deities in general, not because of 'Azurai'. Why make me go through that?” She gave him a much put upon look and he snorted in response, shifting back into a human form sans horse.

  “Because you needed to learn the lesson to move on, to grow stronger,” he replied. The Healer frowned, musing over his words. Yes, the trial had been hard, but she had found out once and for all that she could put the greater good first and survive it. A harsh lesson and a necessary one. Emerald eyes met slate ones and she nodded slightly.

  “Yes, I have no doubt.” A pause. “My Lord, will you join us this evening? You are here, after all,” Kalla asked and it was Araun's turn to blink. A sadness flitted through his grey eyes, gone before it was really noticeable.

  “It has been a very long time since my presence has been requested anywhere. At least, requested willingly. If you wish it, I will join you.”

  “I do.”

  He nodded and turned to the ghilan, whispering words in a soft, sibilant language. The creatures glided back into the fog, all but one of the hounds following, leaving behind the one that had greeted Kalla.

  The Healer frowned again, surveying her small group. She had planned to teleport them all back once her errand was complete, but wasn't sure how well she would do with two more added. Araun chuckled, snapping his fingers, and they all found themselves
back in the magi's room.

  “You forget who you are dealing with,” Araun said. He pointed to the narrow window. “However, I think you might wish to make haste.”

  Kalla looked up to find the sun now low in the sky, casting a reddish light over the plains. It was much closer to evening, closer to the appointed time for the feast and she suddenly found herself very anxious and nervous. She pushed the feelings down, trying unsuccessfully to keep them from her magister.

  At Shukke's polite invitation Araun agreed to accompany him, along with Kalla and Kasai, leaving Vander and Aleister to go with Koumugi. As they parted, Kalla drew the shield between her and the Fox, cutting off most of her presence from him, hiding her as she had at the Kanlon. He spun around, confused and she gave him a sly grin before exchanging a look with Vander. The Dashmari would tell him what was going on before the actual ceremony, but only just.

  Prince of Foxes

  Arkaddia, Evalyce, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

  Kalla surveyed the crowd from her place beside Shukke, where both stood on a small dais before the thunderdrums. The front of the cordoned area had been opened up and people clustered around it, seated on cushions around low tables in the style of the Plainslands. Far out into the night bright bonfires glowed in the dimming light. The Khan sat closest to the drums, Araun with him, but there was precious little to distinguish the Arkaddian ruler's area from any other. Nobunaga didn't know who his companion actually was, just that he was an honored guest of Kalla, and an important person. Araun had been introduced as Lord Auric, from Argoth.

  Shukke held up a hand and Kasai, manning the great drum, pounded out a call to attention. As the crowd grew quiet Shukke opened the ceremony with an invocation to Ushas and Shang'de, pouring offerings of fermented vykr's milk into a large clay bowl, then adding chunks of bitter cheese. As he finished, Kalla moved up beside him and made similar invocations to Kituk and Arvynn, placing offerings of sweet milk and pronghorn meat into another clay bowl She then picked up another cup from the table.


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