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Lady of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 2)

Page 14

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  “I am Dashkele ti'amaraaq. I bear the marks of the Lady of Wolves. I challenge you, Kartoff, for rulership of the Dashmari people.”

  Shocked silence greeted her declaration. When Aleister had dispelled the illusions, Kalla had released the dampening shield on her power. Any who sensed her could now tell she was a powerful alpha. Many edged away from her, looking nervously from the Emperor to Kalla. Others had their attention on Vander, whose mane had returned to its normal color. His icy blue eyes met their stares and most backed down from his cold look. The Emperor regarded them for a long moment.

  “You claim to be Amaraaq. You would challenge me, then?” Kartoff asked. He waved a dismissive hand towards them. “I have crushed all opposition before you. You will be no different.”

  His gaze settled on Vander, and his lips pulled back in a sneer that bared his long canine teeth.

  “And you've brought my freak of a son back to me,” he said in a biting tone.

  Kalla's ears flattened and her lips pulled back in a snarl. Had Vander guessed, before they had come here, that the Emperor was his father?

  “You will have to kill me to harm him. And, no matter what you think of him, your son is more than a match for you in an equal combat.”

  “I doubt that,” Kartoff sneered. “He never had the guts to stand up to me before. A sniveling coward is what he was and I see no difference now, if he hides behind another.”

  “Enough. Do you accept the challenge, Kartoff? A fair challenge, too. You keep your equipment, I keep my magick. Otherwise, neither of us can use aggressive magick. I'm guessing some of those impressive Artisan pieces are enchanted for war magick,” Kalla replied in an even tone.

  “No aggressive magick. You will face me in physical combat if you persist in pursuing this futile challenge,” Kartoff said. The Emperor removed the rings, the torc and the crown. “There, only defensive items. I trust you do not object.”

  Kalla shook her head. Keeping her gaze on the Emperor, she addressed the crowd as a whole. “No one is to interfere with this challenge. To ensure that, the War Mage will seal the Emperor and me in wards.”

  Kartoff approached with a mock bow that earned a deep bass growl from Vander. The War Mage pulled the others back, then raised his hands in an expansive gesture. Blue and purple light flashed around the combatants, fading into nothingness.

  “The boundaries have been set. Let this challenge for pack and people commence,” he said in a formal voice.

  For a moment, Emperor and mage merely stared at one another, assessing. Then Kartoff darted forward, drawing a pair of wicked hooked knives, his enchanted boots giving him an extra bit of speed. The Healer danced nimbly out of the way, mindful of rocks. Despite having been mostly cleared, the cavern floor still had remnants of the giant rocky spires that still adorned the shadowed recesses.

  Kalla had drawn her hidden dagger. She was faster than Kartoff, even with his enchanted boots, her diminutive an asset. Kalla flitted around him, staying just out of range. Behind him now, she dashed in and scored a graze along his side. His personal shields flared with the contact, their strength diminishing with the hit.

  Kartoff snarled, spinning to lash out at her with the hooked knives. The closer one contacted her own shield. Kalla pushed more energy into them. She felt the locks to Amaraaq's power shiver awake.

  Time slowed to nothingness by the weight of the fight. More blows were traded, but neither had yet made the other's shield collapse.

  “Enough!” the Emperor snarled, coming to a halt. “Will you do naught more than run from me like a scared puppy? You waste my time!”

  He hissed soft, unintelligible words and a misty vapor filled the cube. It swirled lazily, then gathered together and darted for the Healer. Twining around her, the smoke became a flame elemental such as the one that had assaulted Vander. Yellow-orange eyes stared at her.

  “Amaraaq, indeed. Finish her!” Kartoff growled. The elemental locked eyes with her and she saw only desperation in its orange orbs. The coils slowly tightened around her body and Aleister's fear surged through her. The magister fought with his desire to help her. To protect his mage, his liya.

  Orrderrsss, Lady. Break chainsss. Not send away. New orrderrss. Now!

  Kalla frowned. She knew she could dismiss the elemental from this plane entirely. His words suggested she could also break his summons and keep him here. And that he might be willing to help.

  “I release you from your bond! I free you to give aid if you will or to banishment from this plane if you mean me harm,” she said as the locks fully opened. The creature relaxed against her, uncoiling.

  Jahnsen help, Lady Amaraaq. Jahnsen help.

  “Harass the wolf then. Drive him towards me, but do not harm him,” she said softly. The elemental nodded. His body dissipated into smoke, only to reform by Kartoff. The Emperor snarled.

  “What is the meaning of this? You are supposed to be attacking her not me, you stupid excuse for a wyrm.”

  Jahnsen hissed and grew larger, puffing smoke out of his nostrils. Kartoff snarled again, backing away from the angry elemental. He whirled around just in time to fend off an attack by Kalla. Darting between the two, he sprinted to the far side of the cube, where he was met by a coalescing Jahnsen. The elemental could move faster than either Kalla or Kartoff by shifting from smoke to solid.

  Back and forth they went before the Emperor finally howled in frustration. Instead of blocking Kalla's latest attack, he accepted the blow and it scraped across his shield. There was a bright flash as the shield collapsed.

  Grabbing her wrist, Kartoff spun Kalla around, using her as a shield against Jahnsen. Kalla smiled grimly. That was all she needed. By summoning Jahnsen, Kartoff had broken the agreement against magick use, leaving her free to use her own.

  Without any further words she sent her power coursing between them, overloading his heart. It was over in seconds. Kartoff tensed, then slid bonelessly to the ground, his dying breath sighing from his lips.

  Once more Kalla found herself in Carron's bright realm as Amaraaq. A grizzled, weary-looking frost wolf faced her, dwarfed by her greater size. Beyond him, she could see Carron, waiting patiently.

  “It really is you… Dashkele ti'amaraaq.” Kartoff said in a tired voice. He seemed different now, freed from the taint that had infected him. “I did not believe. I did not want to believe. Please, forgive me.” The wolf sank to his belly, ears drooping submissively. He slunk closer to her and rolled over on his back, in a purely vulnerable position.

  Amaraaq narrowed her eyes. She understood that Kartoff had completely given himself over to her judgment. She also understood that if she 'killed' him here, his essence would enter Oblivion. Everything that he had ever been and ever would be would vanish, utterly destroyed.

  She lowered her head and he met her gaze, unflinching and unafraid, merely resigned to his expected fate. She used her muzzle to nudge him over onto his side, nipping at his throat, but not hurting him. He gave her a puzzled look.

  “I will not destroy all that you are. You don't deserve that. If you wish to pay a penance, go to Xibalba. Serve Araun until such a time as he releases you,” the wolf goddess said. She didn't know what had made her think of that, but to her mind, it would be punishment enough.

  “That is more generous than I deserve,” he replied. Kartoff turned his gaze to the ground, looking even wearier than before. “Can you… No. Will you pass a message to my children? Tell them I am sorry? To all of them?” A tired laugh. “A perfect time for regrets…

  “Tell Vander, I am proud. He has become the alpha I knew he had it in him to be. I was harsh because I had no other choice. I wanted him to be strong enough to survive. If I had treated him otherwise it would have made him more vulnerable. Better that he thought I hated him. That was the only thing that kept him alive for as long as it did.

  “By all rights I should have killed him the day he was born, but I couldn't… I watched my own father kill my infant sister. It broke my mothe
r's heart. She didn't live long after that. I couldn't do that to my own mate… or my own cub. I was glad when they took him away, to the Kanlon. I thought things would improve for him…”

  “I will tell him. I wish you had been able to yourself. Peace be with you, child of wolves.”

  The Deathbringer moved forward. He stopped by the wolf and inclined his head to her.

  “It is time. I will take him to Xibalba, as you wish, Lady Amaraaq.”

  Amaraaq nodded. She closed her eyes as Carron stirred up the sands with his wings and when she opened them Kalla was back in her own body. Only seconds had passed and no one was the wiser for her experience.

  A muted chatter began beyond the wards. She looked down at the body at her feet, filled with sorrow at what she'd learned. She was also more than a little nervous. This had been too easy. Far too easy, to depose the Emperor, though the Healer was thankful. After all they had already been through and all they still needed to do, she was glad this was over quickly.

  Heart'sss Glory, Lady Amaraaq. Desstroy Heart'sss Glory. Jahnsen's voice woke her from her thoughtfulness. Kalla bent down and undid the ruby pendant from Kartoff's neck. She studied it for a moment, marveling at the beauty of the stone itself, and the enchantment worked on it. It served as house and anchor for the elemental, forcing him to obey whomever held the pendant and knew his name. Looking back up at Jahnsen she saw the pleading in his eyes. The wish to be free, to no longer be a slave. Kalla sent a burst of power into the ruby, shattering it into dust. The elemental sighed.

  Jahnsen thanks you, Great Lady. Jahnsen will serve Amaraaq willingly. No need for gem. Lady keep Jahnsen safe?

  Kalla blinked. “You wish to serve me? I don't know anything about summoning. It is a forbidden art,” she said. Jahnsen shook his head.

  Sssummoning bad. Willing sservice not bad. You ask, Jahnsen can come or not come. You summon, Jahnsen must come. We be friends, yes? No slaves.

  “Friends. I think I rather like that idea, Jahnsen. But what do you need kept safe from?” she asked.

  Bad man, Lady. Sssummoner. Very strong. Bound me to gem, to serve wolf lord. People unhappy, Lady Amaraaq. Make them happy again?

  The Healer nodded. “Yes, I am going to try to make them happy again” She didn't object as Jahnsen coiled around her again, looking over her shoulder. She stood, surveying the crowd. At a nod, Vander withdrew the wards and approached her warily, keeping an eye on the elemental. He knelt by the Emperor's side, checking for a pulse.

  “The Emperor is dead! The Lady Amaraaq has won the challenge. She is alpha,” Vander said the crowd. As one, the Dashmari soldiers knelt, whispering her name reverently. Aleister came up beside her, eying Jahnsen.

  “New friend, I see,” he said. Kalla nodded.

  “I'm glad you're safe, milady,” the Fox whispered in her mind and she smiled. Reaching out, she twined her fingers through his. He tensed for a moment, then relaxed.

  “You are not worried what people will think?”

  “No. You are my liya and Amaraaq's Consort. People don't like it, that's their problem,” Kalla said as she surveyed the crowd.

  “Rise, my Children,” she said in a gentle voice. Slowly, uncertainly, the Dashmari rose to their feet. Others had come in from side chambers, and a tall, thin male from this group made his way to the front, the crowd parting easily for him.

  He, too, wore a uniform, but it was different from the others. The jacket was longer and flared at the bottom, stitched with an odd design of interlocking squares. He was a handful of years older than Kalla, but his careworn face aged him.

  The soldier's thick black mane was longer than most, nearly as long as Vander's. Like the War Mage, he wore it pulled back into a loose tail. He walked with a limp, noticeably favoring his right leg. Dark brown eyes regarded her for a moment, flicked for the briefest instant to Vander, then settled on the Emperor's body. Sadness flitted across his face as he knelt before her. The Fox released her hand, settling back into the role of magister.

  “You have defeated the Emperor, Dashkele ti'amaraaq. What will you do with us now?” Resignation warred with bitterness in the man's tone.

  Kalla frowned, studying the man. He bore a resemblance to the Emperor. A son, perhaps. But then… that would make him Vander's brother. One of them anyway. She glanced at the War Mage, sensing his tension. His expression was a mix of anger and hope.

  “Aryff…” he said softly. The man looked up and Kalla could see the resemblance between the two.

  “Vander. You seem to have done well for yourself at the Kanlon. I suppose you will take great satisfaction in killing the last of us,” Aryff said in a tired voice. The War Mage shook his head.

  “I have no intention of killing you.” A glance back at Kasai, a shared look. “What's in the past is done. It's over. You… are the last of my family?” Vander asked in a slightly puzzled voice.

  “Three were killed in the quakes, before the other mage came and reinforced the Warrens. Two challenged Kartoff's madness and lost their lives. I served as the Bloodwolves' Dashmuynin, then as one of the Donnerkeil's.” He turned his attention back to Kalla.

  “Great Lady, you rule the Dashmari now. I beg of you, don't follow Kartoff's path. Let the soldiers return to their families.”

  “That was my sole intention in coming here to face the Emperor.” She raised her voice, so all could hear her. “You are free now, all of you. Go back to your Packs and families. Go home and rebuild your lives,” she said. Murmurs greeted her words.

  “Take the Emperor's body and prepare it as you would any alpha. Treat him with honor,” Kalla said. She lowered her voice so that only those immediately around her could hear. “Kartoff wished me to tell you he was sorry. To all of his children.” She held out a hand to Vander. When he gripped it in puzzlement she sent the memories to him in a flash.

  He jerked away from her, but the only hint she had of his true emotions was a tense look from Kasai. The Dashmuynin's voice brought their attention back to where he knelt before her.

  “Thank you, Lady Amaraaq. For everything,” Aryff said. He started to get up, then fell back as one leg gave way. He grimaced in pain, shyly accepting the hand Kalla extended. She pulled him up, assessing the problem as she did.

  “Old wound?” she asked. The Dashmuynin nodded.

  “Very old,” was his only reply.

  “I am a Healer. I can fix that,” she said.

  “No. If you are willing to heal, there is one here who needs it more than me,” Aryff said softly. Two soldiers came up beside them and carefully lifted the Emperor's body from the floor. Aryff said something to them in Dashmari and they nodded, then carried Kartoff from the cavern.

  Aryff cast his brother an unreadable look, then gestured for Kalla and her group to follow him. He led them through a series of side chambers, finally coming to a small one off by itself. The Dashmuynin hadn't spoken during the walk. He stopped before the hide hangings to the room and turned to the group.

  “It would be best if only you came in, at least at first, Lady Ama-”

  “Kalla, please,” the Healer said, a hint of exasperation in her voice. She glanced back at the others. “Please, wait here for a moment.” They nodded, looks ranging from puzzled to concerned. Jahnsen disappeared in a puff of smoke, with the admonition to call him back if she was in need. Aryff pushed through the hangings and Kalla followed him inside.

  The room beyond was small and dark. A single lantern barely illuminated the huddled form of a person bundled in blankets.

  “Merryn? Merryn, I've brought someone to see you. A Healer,” Aryff said softly.

  “No magi. Please, Aryff, no more magi,” a plaintive voice responded, thick with pain and oddly garbled. The figure's fear spiked high enough that Kalla wrinkled her nose. The poor child was terrified of her. Or rather, terrified of magi. The Dashmuynin sighed heavily.

  “Merryn, the Healer can help you. She… she is not just magi, she is Dashkele ti'amaraaq. She has challenged Kartoff an
d won. No other will be allowed to hurt you,” he said.

  Merryn shifted, groaning with pain. Aryff knelt down to help her roll over. Kalla knelt beside him and gave a muffled, involuntary gasp when she got her first look at Merryn.

  The girl had been beaten and badly. One eye was completely swollen shut, and the fine bones below it looked crushed. Her other eye was barely open, the faint gleam of a dark eye just visible. Her nose also looked to have been broken. Kalla reached out and placed a hand one of the girl's, earning a whimper of pain and fear.

  The Healer sent a gentle pulse of power through Merryn, easing her considerable pain and dulling the fear as she did her assessment. Kalla was stunned at the damage to the young wolf, by the sheer number of broken bones. The fingers of one hand, the wrist and lower arm of opposite arm. Several ribs. A shattered femur. The fragile bones in her face. There was considerable soft tissue damage as well, masses of healing bruises along the entire length of her body. The girl was lucky that she'd sustained no serious internal injuries.

  “What happened?” Kalla breathed softly. Merryn now lay quietly, sedated by the Healer's power.

  “Another mage did this to her. Grosso, his name was. He had been supporting Kartoff, in his bid for power. Instigating him to these ends you saw here. He returned here about a week ago, badly wounded. Left two days ago.

  “He took out his frustrations out on Merryn. Kartoff had given her to the mage, in a political marriage, when Grosso first began helping him solidify the Packs. I still have no idea what prompted my father to do such a thing. Until now…” Aryff's voice broke off for a moment. “Until now, Grosso had never hurt her. Not like this. Merely treated her with an indifference that hurt in its own way.

  “He… didn't care to deal with us. Saw us as little more than animals and turned Kartoff into a vicious hound, hungry for power. When he returned, wounded, he took out his anger and frustration on an easy target. She was trying to help him… I did what I could, but a Dashmuynin's gifts extend only so far…”


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