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The Broken H

Page 10

by J. L. Langley

  “You’re going to tie my legs, too?” Gray’s brow furrowed and his body tensed a little.

  Shane sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers over Gray’s stomach, feeling the muscles jump under his attention. He caught Gray’s gaze. “Not if you don’t want me to.”

  Gray thought about it for a minute. His body seemed to loosen up and he came upright, reaching for Shane. Shane pulled him close, pressing their lips together, trying to reassure him. But Gray turned the tables on him and took over their kiss. His tongue caressed and laved the inside of Shane’s mouth, pushing in and out. Shane moaned and pulled away. The idea was to pleasure Gray, not to get immersed himself. “Can I tie you up, Grayson?”

  Gray nodded, his eyes half closed and smoldering. He reached for Shane again. “Come ‘ere first, chief.”

  Shane shook his head and deflected his lover’s hands. “Lie down and spread your arms and legs so I can tie them to the posts.”

  Gray grumbled something that sounded like, “Meanie” but did as Shane directed.

  Shane made quick work of cutting the rope into four equal sections and securing Gray’s limbs to the big wooden bed frame. He tied them loosely so that Gray could get free if he really wanted to and so the rope wouldn’t cut into his skin. He wanted Gray in ecstasy, not pain. He stepped back, looking at his handy work and nearly swallowed his tongue.

  His randy sheriff was already panting, a small sheen of sweat over his body, and his skin was pale against the dark blue comforter. His eyes were shut now, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Those firm stomach muscles flexed and his hips lifted off the bed, making his dick bob -- a glistening wetness appeared on his belly and the tip of his cock. He opened his eyes, meeting Shane’s.

  Damn, the man was gorgeous. He took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand. He didn’t need them this close up and they’d only get in the way. Then he slowly peeled off his clothes as Gray watched his every motion. Self-consciousness was impossible when Gray licked his lips as he focused on Shane’s actions. Once he was completely nude, he reached behind him and pulled the end of his braid forward. He knew Gray loved his hair. Freeing the rubber band, he unbraided it, letting it fall around his body.

  Gray moaned, his hips shifting on the mattress again. “Oh, God, Shane. Please get up here and touch me.”

  How could he deny such a sweet plea? He couldn’t. Shane crawled onto the bed, sitting back on his knees between Gray’s outstretched legs. Looking his fill, he ran his hands down Gray’s taut stomach and thighs, never touching the leaking prick.

  Gray growled at him. “You’re evil!”

  “Shh ... I’m doing this, not you. You are supposed to feel and let me enjoy the work.”

  “Then get to the doing. Touch me, damn it.”

  Shane tugged some of his hair forward, twining it around Gray’s cock and letting it slide away again. “Like this?” His hair almost tickled as it hit his own body. He wondered what it felt like surrounding Gray’s penis.

  Gray moaned, his hips pushing up, humping the air a little. Shane repeated his action, this time wrapping his hair with his hand firmly around the hair. He pumped several times, then let go. He lifted his hair away and brushed it across Gray’s testicles, teasing him with it.

  Gray gasped, his arms and abs flexing as he tried to grab Shane. Shane scooted lower so that he was eye level with the red and tightly drawn balls. Moving his hair to the side, he kept it out of his face but draped it over Gray’s thigh. He licked a line from the base of Gray’s dick down to the bottom of his balls, then back up again.

  His lover’s legs tensed and another low gravelly moan filled the air. Shane smiled and closed his mouth over Gray’s testicles, sucking lightly. They were so close to his body that Shane had no problem getting both in his mouth. He inhaled the musky scent of Gray’s flesh as he rubbed his face lightly against the other man’s thigh. His own dick was aching with need now, but no way was he going to stop.

  He snaked his tongue below Gray’s balls, grazing the puckered hole he found there.

  Gray grunted with need and raised his hips up, giving Shane better access. “Oh, fuck!”

  Shane continued to lick and prod the best he could with his tongue with Gray tied. He thought about releasing one of Gray’s legs so he could rim him better, but he didn’t want to stop long enough to do so. Licking at the rosy opening, he made sure to get it completely wet and slippery. When he was satisfied there was enough moisture, he slipped a finger inside.

  Gray gasped and immediately started thrusting and simultaneously pushing down, trying to take more of Shane’s finger. He was so lovely in his complete abandon that he had Shane’s own prick throbbing eagerly against the bed.

  Shane grabbed Gray’s hips, sliding up at the same time. He used his other hand to guide Gray’s dick into his mouth.

  “Oh, God. Oh. More ...” Gray panted heavily, his body squirming.

  Shane gulped him all the way down, sucking, as he fucked Gray with his digit. He pushed in hard, searching for the prostate gland. When he found it, Gray yelled and pumped deep into his mouth, nearly choking him. But Shane didn’t care; he wanted his Gray begging and insane with lust.

  Shane’s dick dripped precome. He pressed it into the bed, his hips bucking just a little. He worked Gray faster. Soft slurping sounds filled the bedroom.

  Gray pulled against the bindings on his wrists, slipping his hands out of them, and grabbed Shane, pulling him up, dislodging Shane’s finger. Shane mouth released Gray’s cock with a loud pop. Gray’s lips crashed over Shane’s. The kiss was fierce, all teeth and lips and tongue. It would have hurt if Shane wasn’t so aroused.

  “Fuck me.” Gray pleaded.

  Shane grabbed the pocket knife off the nightstand where he’d laid it and moved to the end of the bed to cut Gray’s legs free. No way was he taking the time to untie them, Gray was desperate and so was he. He needed Gray as much as Gray needed him.

  As Shane cut the ropes one by one, Gray bent his knees, exposing himself completely. Shane stopped for just a minute to appreciate the view as he closed the knife and tossed it aside.

  Apparently he took too long, because Gray sat up and clasped Shane’s cock, squeezing. “Now, chief. Please.”

  It was a heady feeling knowing that he’d reduced Gray to one-word sentences. His sheriff wasn’t overanalyzing every little detail now. Shane thrust into his lover’s touch, feeling his stomach clench and his balls tighten. He didn’t want to come like this; he wanted to be inside Gray when he spewed. He removed Gray’s hand from his cock and pushed the younger man back onto the bed.

  “Here.” Gray handed him the lube. He slicked up his fingers and Gray’s hole, then pushed two fingers in.

  Gray moaned and pushed toward him, grinding his ass down onto Shane’s fingers.

  Shane leaned forward, capturing Gray’s sopping prick into his mouth and sucking as he slid yet a third finger into Gray’s ass, and then a fourth. He leaned back and looked down at Gray impaled on four of his fingers. The sight was fucking hot!

  He couldn’t wait any longer. Pulling his fingers out, Shane pushed Gray’s legs up further and lined his cock up with Gray’s anus, then pushed in with one hard thrust. Sweat ran down his temples and his hair stuck to him, but he was beyond caring as he fucked Gray with all he had. The only thing that matter was Gray’s pleasure and his own.

  Gray gasped, his eyes widening as they stared up into Shane’s. He reached and grabbed some of Shane’s hair, peeling it from Shane’s sweaty chest and wrapped it around his own cock. He started stroking, Shane’s hair between his hand and dick. Within seconds, Gray’s muscles clamped down on Shane’s shaft and his body grew taut. His eyes closed then snapped open, intent on Shane’s as he came. “Chief ...”

  The gaze was so full of love and lust that it pushed Shane right over the edge. He felt the tale-tell tightening and just like that he shot deep into Gray’s body.

  Once his brain started working again he pull
ed free from his lover. Tipping his head back, he took in some deep and needed breaths, absorbing the scent of sex -- the scent of the two of them together. Suddenly, a section of his hair touched his body; a big wet, clumpy spot hit his thigh. Startled, he looked down at the white mess in his hair and heard a chuckle. He glanced into Gray’s laughing green eyes.

  “Your glasses are next.”


  “What kind of beer? Do we get to pick since we’re bringing it?” Shane nudged him lightly on the hip with the edge of the shopping cart.

  “Yeah. Grab some Coronas for me and we’ll get some limes. Then get whatever you want. John, Ethan and McCabe will drink anything, and Jamie doesn’t really drink, so anything you want is fine. Just get a lot of it.” Gray waved his hand toward the refrigeration unit that held all the beer, only half paying attention to his lover. He continued to stare down the aisle, frowning at the older woman who kept craning her neck around and stared down the aisle after she pushed her buggy past them. It was Mrs. Murphy, the town librarian, if he wasn’t mistaken.

  People were acting odd, and Gray was certain it wasn’t his imagination. He was also pretty sure it was Shane they were staring at. Shane didn’t seem to notice, but Gray didn’t like it. Sherry Ann or her dad must have been running their mouths some more.

  Gray casually walked to the end of the aisle while Shane put the cases of beer in their cart. He peeked around the corner.

  Mrs. Murphy’s eyes widened comically behind her big, round, plastic-rimmed glasses when she saw him, then she hurried on her way. Her short fluffy gray hair flounced with every step. What was that nosey old bat up to? Trying to get details for gossip no doubt. Damn that Sherry Ann! What could that girl possibly think to gain? Surely she realized her actions weren’t going to make Shane hers. Then again, maybe it was just pique because Shane turned her down so many times.

  “Grayson?” The pitch of Shane’s voice said that it wasn’t the first time he’d called.

  “Yes?” Gray turned back to Shane, who was holding up a case of Budweiser.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Just get that and the Coronas, then let’s grab some limes and a bunch of chips. We don’t need anything else since Jamie’s making homemade salsa.”

  They found the rest of the things they were taking to poker night and checked out. Gray noticed more people acting furtive, clearly trying to appear like they weren’t looking, but he decided ignore them. People could think what they wanted for now. The truth would come out sooner than later.

  His resolve not to let it trouble him lasted until he was in the passenger side of Shane’s truck with his eyes closed and head leaned head. You’d think people would realize that Shane couldn’t possibly be guilty of having sex with Sherry Ann, much less knock her up. Most of these people had known the man for going on over twenty years, after all. Gray sighed. He loved being back home, he truly did, and he loved being able to help the people he grew up with, but sometimes the small-mindedness really ate at him.

  A soft caress landed on Gray’s cheek, making him open his eyes and turn his head. He hadn’t even noticed that Shane hadn’t started the truck yet.

  Shane smiled and leaned forward , brushing a kiss across Gray’s lips. “Thank you, but stop it.”

  “Stop what? What are you thanking me for?” Had he missed something?

  “Thank you for worrying about me and my reputation and for chasing down Mrs. Murphy to give her the evil eye. But stop thinking about it. You knew this would happen.” Shane touched his forehead to Gray’s, rubbing it back and forth.

  “So you did notice.”

  “I did. Like I said, it’s to be expected. Just think, these same people who are looking down their noses at me now will be telling everyone who will listen that they knew it wasn’t true when Sherry Ann spills the beans.”

  Grey nodded and pulled Shane closer, cupping his cheek, caressing him with his thumb. “I know, but it’s frustrating.”

  “Yes, but I don’t want it ruining your evening. You’ve always cared too much and I love that about you. It’s part of what makes you such a great sheriff, too. Most lawmen are so cynical, but you’ve managed to not let it take you over.”

  “I try really hard not to be. I don’t judge people, not until I have all the facts. You taught me that.”

  “No, love, that’s just the kind of man you are. Folks can be taught one thing but do another. Life makes us who we are and colors our perceptions, but it’s who you are inside that counts. And caring about others and being fair is exactly who you are.” Shane gazed at him with loving expression for a few seconds, then pressed his lips to Gray’s. His tongue flicked across Gray’s, seeking entrance.

  Gray opened on a moan, happily kissing back. He snaked his hands around Shane’s back, hugging him tight. He loved the feel of Shane up against him, the heat, the strength. He was finally starting to get used to the man kissing him, being with him. He wasn’t sure that the “this is too good to be true” feeling would ever leave him, but at least he was getting over the “oh, my God, this is Shane” reaction.

  Unfortunately, just as he was settling into the embrace, Shane pulled back. “We need to go. If we don’t, something tells me we won’t make it to poker night.”

  He was reluctant to release Shane, but his lover was right. He also thought maybe he’d just seen Mrs. Murphy’s car go by, but he might have been mistaken. “Okay, chief. Let’s go play poker, drink beer, hang with our friends and have fun.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Then we’ll go home and have even more fun.”

  Shane grinned and started the truck. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  § § § §

  “I fold.” McCabe pushed back from the table and glanced at John, who’d passed out on the couch an hour ago. “I think I’m going home, if I can wake John up, that is.”

  Shane looked over at the sleeping man, then back to McCabe. “Go on, Gray and I can drop him off on our way back.”

  Jamie looked up from his cards, shook his head and set them on the table. “I’m out, too. Don’t worry about big bro. If he’s not awake by the time Shane and Gray leave, I’ll bring him home in the morning.”

  McCabe shrugged. “Sure?”

  “Yup.” Jamie stretched.

  “All right, then. Later, y’all.” McCabe petted Fred, Jamie’s German Shepherd, who was lying by the table, and left, a chorus of goodbyes following him out the door.

  Jamie scooted back from the table. “I’m going to get more beer from the kitchen. Who wants what?”

  Shane gave a quick glance at Gray, trying to decide how much Gray had had. Shane hadn’t drank that many himself, but if Gray was going to be the one driving, he wasn’t getting another.

  His partner must have read his mind. He winked at Shane, then turned to Jamie. “I’m done. But I’ll take a water or some tea.”

  Jamie nodded and faced Shane. “You want another?”

  Shane downed the last sip in his can and held it out. “Yeah, I’ll take one more.”

  Gray took Shane’s empty can and stood up. “I’ll help. I’m out this hand, too.” He gathered the empty bottles and cans from the poker table and headed into the kitchen. Shane couldn’t help but follow that gorgeous ass with his gaze as Gray left. The man was like his own personal magnet. Just as soon as they got home --

  Jamie grabbed Ethan’s empty bottle. “Another one, cowboy?”

  Ethan contemplated his cards. “Huh? Oh. Yeah. A Corona with salt and lime. Thanks, babe.”

  Jamie followed Gray out, leaving Shane and Ethan to play.

  Shane inspected his cards one last time, then looked at Ethan. “Your bet.”


  Shane flipped his cards over. Two aces.

  Ethan turned his. A flush.

  Shane pushed all the game chips in the middle of the table toward Ethan and gathered up the cards. “Can I ask you something?”

  Ethan glanced up from stacking his chips. “Yeah, what’s up?”

�How bad was it when everyone found out you were gay?”

  Ethan shrugged. “Other than being shot? Not too terribly bad. To be honest, I’ve been pretty surprised at how many people don’t seem to care. Now, granted there are a few that won’t talk to me now, but most people seem to be the same. Why?”

  Shane shrugged and shuffled the cards. “Wondering what it would do to Grayson’s career if it got out.” That thought had been on his mind ever since Gray said they should tell his parents.

  Ethan contemplated him for a minute. “I don’t know, Shane. It’s a small county. I’d like to say it wouldn’t matter, but I can’t. Who knows what goes through people’s heads. If it were just me, I’d have never made any kind of public declaration. I’d have just let it be and live my life they way I want and let people draw their own conclusions. Of course, loving Jamie really didn’t give me that option, since everyone knew about him. It was a safe bet that everyone was going to know about me since we were living together.” Ethan grinned. “Gray’s up for re-election this year?”


  Ethan nodded. “My advice, for what it’s worth: if you feel like you just have to make it public knowledge -- and I’m not knocking you if you do, because God knows, Jamie would be out there marching in parades if I’d let him -- try to keep it quiet until after the election. That way it gives people another four years to see it makes no difference in how he does his job.”

  Shane sighed. Ethan confirmed exactly what he’d been thinking. “He’s already been sheriff for four years.”

  Ethan nodded. “And you and I both know several people will forget that. If it comes out after he’s elected, that gives him four more years where people are actively watching him because they know he’s gay. It might not make a difference next time, but for now ...”

  Shane knew that, too. Hell, he’d only asked Ethan because he wanted someone to confirm his feelings. Not to brush it under the rug like Gray might. As far as he was concerned, his personal life was his business and to hell with everyone else. He didn’t mind hiding, but he’d never had to on account of the fact that he didn’t really date. And when he did, it was always out of town. But he was afraid to the Hunters about his relationship with their son for fear of their reaction, but he was also afraid of what it might mean for Gray. He wanted to protect Gray the best he could --


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