Forever Caspia

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Forever Caspia Page 3

by Michelle Hoppe

  As a child, she’d heard stories about the dark days when a small number of humans with a metal ship had discovered the entrance to the cave system leading to Caspia. They had tried to breach the city, causing the deaths of several Mermen returning from a hunt. But the ship had been sunk, the humans killed, and life returned to normal. Many times over the years Callista heard soft voices speak of a man named Cyrus. Had heard him called a traitor. When she’d asked her father about him, he’d told her he’d banished Cyrus and his family to the human world to protect Caspia. Her father refused to tell her more, and after a while she stopped asking.

  Shaking these sad thoughts from her mind, Callista realized she must start back, or Alexis would be worried about her. Slowly scanning around the reef, she looked for signs of sharks. Seeing no danger, she kicked her tail fin and sliced through the water toward their agreed-upon meeting place.

  With lazy flicks of her tail, Callista soon joined Alexis near Temple Rock. “Oh, Alexis, what a wonderful night. Swimming where I wanted, doing what I wanted. You must promise me we can do this again next week”.

  “Yes, Princess, we can do it again soon, but before we return, I want to show you something.”


  “There is a beautiful coral not far from here. I’ve never seen one so big, or with such brilliant colors.”

  “Oh, wonderful! Let’s go.” Callista followed Alexis.

  A short time later, Alexis touched Callista’s shoulder. “We’re almost there. It’s on the other side of those rocks.”

  Callista kicked her tail with force, propelling herself forward. Skirting close to the rock, she spotted the net seconds before slamming her body against it. Caught by surprise, there was no time to struggle before two black-clad scuba divers swam into view, wrapping coils of net around her body. “Help!” Callista’s mind screamed, her fingers clawing, the net tightening around her body.

  “It’ll be all right, Princess, they won’t harm you.”

  Callista heard Alexis’ voice. “What! How do you know they won’t hurt me?”

  “Because they gave me their word.”

  A sick feeling built in her stomach. Callista continued to struggle against the bonds holding her tight. What had Alexis said? Did she actually know these humans?

  Struggling to turn, Callista realized Alexis wasn’t tangled in the netting. “Alexis, please, help me!” She pleaded. Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to overwhelm her senses.

  “I can’t. Just stop struggling. You’ll be fine.”

  This wasn’t happening. Alexis would never betray her. Callista slowly slipped away, a black void opening under her, threatening to swallow her whole. “Father, I’m sorry, I should have listened to you.”

  Callista tried once again to bring Alexis to her aid. “Alexis, you can’t let them take me! Help, please help me.”

  “I can’t, Princess. Trust me, you’ll not be harmed.”

  Without help, there would be no escape. She allowed her body to slip over the edge of unconsciousness.

  * * * *

  Callista had fainted. Her body went limp, making it easier for him to hold the rope tied around her. With Mark on one side and Tiro on the other, they pulled Callista’s body forward, Alexis following behind, protecting them from danger.

  The three kidnappers had gone a few leagues when Callista drifted back to consciousness. She struggled against her bonds, attempting to free her tail to use against them. Tiro tightened his grip on the rope. Pulling her body close to his, he grabbed her arm through the net, digging his fingers into her flesh in a silent attempt to let her know he would not release her. Tiro continued to squeeze until her struggles ceased.

  They were soon within sight of the wreck. Tiro waited, his captive wedged between his body and a crate, while Mark swam forward, checking for sharks. Mark returned to help Tiro lift Callista’s body. Using both hands, Tiro pushed her through an opening in the ship’s side and up the stairway. Before long, they were safely out of sight. Callista, still wrapped in netting, floated free, close to the floor of the cabin.

  Motioning to Mark, Tiro pointed at the red indicator on his wrist, which showed his air supply getting low, then waited while Mark checked his. With his thumb, Tiro gave Mark a signal to return to the surface and bring back new tanks.

  As his brother swam from the room, Tiro nodded to Alexis to move closer and communicate with Callista. They’d rehearsed this, and he knew without being able to hear what Alexis would say to her.

  Tiro looked to see if Callista was aware of them. Hatred burned in her eyes, a good indication she was fully conscious. Nodding his head again, he waited for Alexis to start.


  “You must remain still while he cuts away the net.” Alexis nodded her head to let Tiro know she was following the script they’d planned.

  Reaching out with a knife, Tiro noted the defiance in Callista’s eyes—beautiful green eyes, flashing with a myriad of unreadable emotions.

  With the skill of an angler, he cut the net. Pulling it away from her body, he moved down to her waist. Tiro paused to allow Alexis to communicate.

  “Don’t attempt to use your tail fluke, or the blade may cut you.” Again, Alexis nodded. Tiro’s hand moved … brushing soft skin just below her waist, pausing for a moment to look into Callista’s narrowed eyes.

  Cutting along the knots, Tiro moved carefully down Callista’s fin, which was covered in rich purple, red, and gold scales. Alexis watched as Tiro seemed to struggle with his emotions. His body shook as if trying to ward off some emotion. Hands to his sides, waiting while Alexis again communicated with Callista.

  “He’s going to put manacles on your wrists for a little while. Once he’s done we’ll remove them, and you can be free inside this room.”

  Before Tiro could continue, Mark returned with new tanks, and Tiro turned to take them before returning to his task. Moving with hesitation, Tiro took Callista’s wrist in his hand. After snapping metal cuffs on Callista’s wrists, he attached them to a chain in the wall, bringing his body closer to her fluke. Tiro moved just in time. Her tail unfurled, swinging with lightning speed, aimed right at his head. Looking to Alexis for assistance, Tiro raised the knife in front of his body. Kicking once with his flippers, he moved back, out of harm’s way.

  “Don’t do it, Princess. We don’t want to hurt you.”

  Alexis watched as Callista’s tail relaxed, and Tiro moved back in close enough to touch her; he waited for Alexis to deliver the final set of instructions.

  “He’s going to give you a shot, Princess.”

  Her eyes widened with what appeared to be fear and loathing. “There is nothing to fear. It’s only to help calm you.”

  Callista shook her head from side to side, but didn’t say a word. Alexis watched as Tiro felt for a vein in her lower arm and drove the needle home.

  Tiro moved back, letting his gaze move to her face, and the hatred etched there gave him pause. She was beautiful. Her hair floated around her body, brushing her skin. Skin he now knew to be soft, yielding. His fingers had wanted to linger on her legs, and he’d been tempted to taste her lips. Stop, he shouted in his head. He’d done his job. She was in their power. Until the serum worked, Tiro wanted out of this room and away from her enticing siren’s body. Let Mark and Alexis guard her for now; he wanted away—away from her eyes and the angry look on her beautiful face. Damn, he didn’t want to feel sorry for her.

  Without a backward glance, Tiro swam from the ship. Within seconds, he broke the surface of the water and climbed aboard the boat. Stripping off his gear, Tiro headed below and dropped into bed. Lying flat on his back, he pictured green eyes with gold flecks. Tiro’s mind wouldn’t let go of Callista’s image. Her long red hair hanging in a tangle down her back, and her shells, oh Lord, those shells, which did little to conceal the shape and size of her breasts, were driving him insane.

  “Enough,” Tiro yelled. “Stop thinking about her!” Turning his body toward the wall, e
yes closed, Tiro tried to sleep. His mind was haunted by flashing green eyes, red flowing hair, and delicate wrists chained to a wall in the dark prison he’d helped build.

  * * * *

  Callista’s wrists hurt and her arm still stung from having a needle stabbed in her vein. Her entire body ached from stress and anger. She’d wanted to fight him when he cut the netting from her body. The knife he held kept her in check, forcing Callista to remain calm, biting her tongue, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

  Looking around her prison, Callista could tell it was some sort of sunken vessel, made of wood and reinforced to keep her in. Her captor motioned to the others he was leaving, and she waited until he swam from the room before turning on Alexis, demanding answers. “What the hell is going on? Who are these humans, and why did you let them bring me here?”

  Alexis turned to face her, a soft smile on her lips, probably meant to reassure her. “You’re here because of a curse, Callista. Your father is a traitor, and soon the true king of Caspia will return. The king your father banished to land, and my father’s best friend. We’ve waited years to restore Cyrus to the throne of Caspia.”

  Anger flooded Callista’s thoughts. Alexis, her handmaiden. No—her friend. Why would she conspire with traitors to hurt her father? “Cyrus is a traitor, and your father is too if he’s been plotting against Metri all these years.”

  “Why don’t you ever listen, Princess? Metri isn’t king, Cyrus is. There were no humans, no attack. It was your father who was responsible for the murder of those men years ago. He made a pact with Pericles and took the throne by—”

  “Liar!” Callista screamed, cutting off any further blasphemy. “My father banished Cyrus and his family. I will not listen to any more of this.” Callista’s fury grew, her words coming in rapid bursts as she tried to shut out Alexis’ words.

  Alexis swam closer to Callista, her eyes narrowed to mere slits, her hands balled into fists. “You will listen to this and more, Princess. Soon the serum he gave you will start to work.”

  Callista’s stomach fell. “Work to do what, Alexis?”

  “We gave you a potion to make you human.”

  “NO!” Callista screamed. “How could you? You skila, you can’t let them do this to me!”

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness, it’s too late. Once the serum works, we’ll move you to a boat waiting above. Before the full moon, this curse will be broken and Cyrus will retake Caspia.”

  In an effort to reach Alexis’ creamy white throat, Callista strained against the chains holding her to the wall. “Cyrus is not king—my father is. I will tolerate no further disobedience from you, handmaiden. Bring me the key and get me off this ship!”

  “Your father is a traitor. He has no right to the throne of Caspia. Soon, Callista, Caspia will be returned to its rightful king, and your father will be banished.”

  Callista’s mind worked frantically, trying to control her mounting anger. She attempted to recall the whispers, heard years ago and brushed aside as unimportant. “I have nothing to do with this.” Maybe reasoning with Alexis would help. “Why do you need me?”

  “You should have demanded answers from your father, Princess. If you’d been interested in any of it, you would know what part you play in breaking the curse.”

  “Since you seem to know so much about this, Alexis, tell me what happens next.”

  “Happens, Princess? This is the easy part. Before long, your body will start to tremble from the effects of the serum. It will become impossible to breathe through your gills, and your scales will start to fade. Once they take you out of the water, your legs will return and your lungs will start to function again. However, once you’re human, the only way to return to Caspia is with Cyrus.”

  Callista fought for control, refusing to allow Alexis to know she feared defeat. She shot words at Alexis like arrows from a tightly strung bow. “Then what?”

  Alexis’ tone remained cool, yet succinct, as if Callista had not spoken at all. “Then, Callista, before the full moon, you will be mated.”

  “Mated?” Callista’s stomach rolled, and bile rose in her throat. Her breathing grew shallow, and the room spun out of control. “Cyrus must be an old man. How can he mate with me?” She managed to relay with a mind that had grown weak.

  Alexis dismissed her. “Perhaps we should talk later. You’ve been through a lot, and some rest will help you feel better.”

  “Don’t try to placate me, Alexis. I want answers.” Callista’s heart beat faster, and she became dizzier with each passing thought. “I hate you!” Callista raged, struggling to breathe. “Your plan is working. I can’t feel my fins!”

  “It’s only your fear, Princess.” Alexis seemed to be soothing her like she would a child. “The serum will take several hours to travel through your bloodstream before the transformation takes place. Now I will leave you to ponder your fate. Try to understand it’s all for the best.”

  “Malaka wanker gamisou!” Callista’s words dripped with venom.

  Callista waited for her to react. Instead, Alexis motioned for the other human to swim forward and hold a knife at Callista’s throat so she could remove the metal cuffs from her wrists. Callista rode her control hard, wanting to fight, knowing she’d have to wait until they left before she could find a way out of this hellhole.

  Without further comment, Alexis and the human swam from the room, closing the door silently. Callista heard a lock slide home. Alone in her prison, knowing what fate awaited her, Callista began to search for a way out. She needed something heavy to use as a hammer, anything she could wield against her captors. Hopefully, something heavy enough to do serious harm to the humans. Callista found her prison consisted of four walls, a single door, and not one rotted board she could destroy with her mighty tail.

  Finally, realizing she would have to wait for the door to open again, Callista gave in to her fears. Many long, lonely hours passed as she cried out her anger and frustration, her soulful song the only sound in a dark, lonely cell.

  Chapter 6

  Dolphins danced beside the boat, jumping high into the air before diving nose first back through the surface to disappear below the waves. Tiro stood by the railing, watching their playful antics while he waited for Mark. Tiro knew what to expect when he finally set foot back in Caspia. Growing up, their lives in Caspia had been left in the past, perhaps as a way to try and protect them. But now a way had been found to return them to Caspia. His mother finally broke her silence and told her children things they’d forgotten, or never knew. He’d learned Merpeople walk on legs within the confines of the crystal city. Crystals worn around their necks upon entering transformation tubes allowed their tails and gills to form.

  He’d been told about the curse and the traitor, Metri. His mother tried to reassure them all that Caspia was their home, and life would be better once they returned.

  Many questions had been asked, and Tiro, along with his siblings, was told of the wonders of Caspia.

  His mother had explained, once the curse was broken, they would return to the form they were in at the moment Metri’s wizard had spoken the words to send them into the land above the waves. While it might be painful, there would be no lasting effect.

  This was all fine and good for the rest of the family. However, Tiro was still unsure he wanted this new life awaiting him below the sea. And yet. “Callista.” Tiro said her name into the wind. He found himself wondering what it would be like to get under those scales. His growing lust for her kept him on edge. Sometime during the night, he’d realized mating with her might not be so bad after all. He’d tried to remember why he’d fought so hard, tried to pull his mind back to his life on land. Each time he came close, her green eyes and red hair flashed across his vision and thoughts of Callista crowded his brain.

  Turning his attention back to the open ocean, he looked for Mark. Waiting wasn’t something Tiro enjoyed, and with his family due to arrive tomorrow, he couldn’t deny the fact he wanted at least a li
ttle time alone with Callista before she came face to face with Cyrus.

  Tiro was confident he could overcome her anger, make her understand the truth of what happened years ago. They were innocent pawns in this game for control of Caspia and—whoa. His thoughts came to a screeching halt. What the fuck am I thinking? Yeah, she’s beautiful and those eyes… Tiro ran a frustrated hand through his hair, wondering what her eyes would look like when he drove his cock into her. Stop thinking about her.

  Pulling his thoughts back to the present, Tiro returned to scanning the surface for signs of Mark. A tap on his shoulder made him jump. “Daydreaming?” Mark smiled.

  “You ass.”

  “What? Did I scare you, big brother?”

  “Hell no, you just surprised me.”

  “Yeah, I know better, Tiro. Your mind is in the gutter thinking about screwing Callista.” Mark’s face twisted in amusement.

  “Fuck you.” Tiro was getting more than a little pissed off at the continued teasing. Hell, he was here, they’d captured Callista, and things were on schedule. So, why the fuck couldn’t Mark back off? Tiro glared at his brother, waiting for him to report on the status of things on the ship. Silence. “Damn it, what the hell are you waiting for? What’s going on below?”

  Mark’s lips tightened in a thin line. “Don’t get nasty with me, big brother. This is your responsibility, and I’m tired of you screwing around.”

  Tiro’s patience ended. “Just tell me what the fuck is going on with Callista!”

  “You need to get your gear on,” Mark hissed at Tiro. “The serum worked.”

  “Fuck, why didn’t you tell me that first instead of being an ass?” Tiro turned to the storage cabinet, removing tanks, regulator, and a mask. “Go below and get my wet suit. I’ll get the tanks set.”

  Mark returned to the deck within minutes. Tiro made short work of dressing. Mark strapped the tanks on his back, and he dropped backward off the boat, heading to the sunken ship and his prisoner.


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