Forever Caspia

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Forever Caspia Page 4

by Michelle Hoppe

  Tiro opened the door and swam inside to find Callista pressed in a corner. He slapped his hand on the wall to make her aware of his presence.

  Callista turned on him, her face drawn tight, eyes blazing. Long, slender legs hung flaccid where her tail fluke once shimmered with scales, and her chest heaved with her efforts to gain air through half-open gills.

  Tiro pushed himself forward with his flippers to close the distance between them, reaching for her. He wasn’t prepared for her sudden burst of speed. Callista fought to remove the regulator from his mouth. Fighting to keep her at bay while he wrapped her in his arms, Tiro tried not to hurt her. Her legs kicked out, connecting with his shin, and pain shot up his leg. Taking control of the situation, Tiro pulled Callista’s naked body tight to his chest and applied pressure until her body grew limp in his arms. Once her struggles ceased, Tiro gathered her close and swam for the surface. He could feel her breath becoming shallow, the final stages of transformation overtaking her. Now Callista would become human, her fate sealed to his, their joining the only way to restore them both to the world of their birth. If Tiro failed to mate with her, Callista too would remain human, forever bound to land.

  Tiro positioned her under his arm and used his feet to kick them toward the boat. Reaching the back, he pushed her body onto the running board and pulled himself up beside her. Mark reached for her, lifting Callista’s body onto the deck. Tiro followed. With fluid movements, he dropped air tanks on a bench and unzipped his wet suit; water dripped down his face. Kneeling to take Callista in his arms, Tiro cradled her naked body to his and walked toward the stateroom. Kicking the door open with his foot, Tiro yelled over his shoulder, “Mark, find some wine and bring it in here.”

  He didn’t wait for a response, simply walked into the room and laid her carefully on the bed. Callista lay on her back, her wet hair plastered to the side of her face, neck, and across her breasts. Her legs were visible, still encased in a transparent membrane, but no longer covered in shimmering scales. Her breath came in shallow gulps, her eyes were closed, and a look of pain drew her lips tight.

  Sitting on the bed next to her, Tiro carefully moved hair off her face and pulled a blanket up to cover her nakedness. His fingers connected with her cold flesh, sending a tingle through his body. The curve of her hips and delicate waist intrigued him. Tiro heard a tap at the door followed by Mark entering with a tray.

  “Where do you want this, Your Majesty?” Tiro watched laugh lines crinkle around Mark’s eyes. His brother was having a good time at his expense.

  “Don’t start, Mark.”

  “What? Should I call you Your Royal Highness?”

  “Enough,” Tiro said sharply. “Just pour some wine in a glass and bring it over here.”

  “Yeah, sure. Anything else you want, dickhead?”

  “Mark, I’m warning you. Don’t piss me off.” Tiro heard frustration in his own voice and with effort, brought his irritation under control. “Just bring me the glass, please.”

  Mark walked across the room carrying a glass half-full of wine. “She is beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “Don’t. Go back on deck, and I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

  “Sure, brother.” Mark handed him the glass and turned to leave. “Remember, Tiro, sex is more fun when both parties are awake.”

  Tiro started to push himself off the bed, but the sound of the door closing as Mark fled the room ended his attempt.

  Turning back to study Callista’s face, his pulse quickened. Her eyes remained closed, and her breath was a soft, shallow rhythm. Her long red hair flowed around her face. Putting his hand under her neck, Tiro tilted Callista’s head, placed the glass at her mouth, and poured a small amount of wine between her slightly parted lips. Liquid flowed into her mouth, and Tiro heard a choking sound. He pulled the glass away and lowered her back on a pillow. “Just try and breathe slowly. It will take a little while before your lungs get used to the air here.”

  “Where am I?” Callista opened her eyes, which for the moment were gentle and questioning. “Who are you?”

  “We’ll talk later. Now you need to sleep.”

  Tiro knew the moment she remembered. Callista sat up straight, backing against the headboard, her hands balling into fists. Fury returned to her eyes, and every fiber of her body tensed.

  “Do you know what you’ve done?” Callista’s voice exuded hate. “My people will cut you into little pieces and feed you to the sharks!”

  “Shhh, rest now. Everything will be all right. No one is going to hurt you.”

  Callista leaped at him, her fingernails aiming for his eyes. “Bastard!”

  Tiro grabbed her wrists and held her nails away from his face. “Calm down, Princess.”

  “As to thialo,” Callista yelled. “I demand you release me this instant.”

  Still trying to keep her from escaping his grasp, Tiro yanked her forward, and then back, pushing her into the mattress, his body bending over her, one knee on the bed, one foot planted firmly on the floor. Callista struggled against him, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she gulped in air. “I’ll kill you.” Callista used her legs in an attempt to dislodge him from her body, thrashing back and forth, biting at her lips, and groaning from exertion. “Where is that bitch Alexis? I’ll kill her, too!”

  Tiro didn’t want to hurt her, but he needed to get the situation under control. “Don’t make me put you back in chains, Princess.”

  “You and what army?” Callista brought her feet up fast, planted them against his chest, and pushed with all her might.

  Tiro released her wrists, backing away from the bed. Callista jumped, launching herself at his chest. Tiro only had seconds to prepare for her assault. Standing firm, legs spread—he allowed her small body to crash into his. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Tiro spun her around, pressing her back tight against his chest. With little effort, Tiro pinned Callista’s arms at her sides, lifted her feet off the floor, and carried her back to the bed. “I’m going to tie you up if you don’t stop this nonsense.”

  “Fila mou to kolo.” Callista’s words came out in a small squeak.

  Tiro relaxed his arms a little, realizing he was cutting off her air supply. “Such a feisty bitch you are, Princess.” Tiro couldn’t resist her naked skin and lowered his lips to nibble on the soft flesh of her neck.

  Callista went limp, a dead weight in Tiro’s arms, head falling forward and legs crumpling. Tiro held fast. Moving to the edge of the bed, he gently laid her face first on the sheets. Turning her over, he started to check for a pulse. When Callista’s fist connected with his cheek, the force sent him stumbling backward.

  “Don’t touch me,” she demanded.

  With deliberate slowness, Tiro felt his cheek, opening and closing his mouth to make sure his jaw remained intact. Callista once again pressed against the headboard. She stared at him, coiled tightly and ready to spring. God, she’s beautiful when she’s mad.

  Tiro moved to the door and reached for the doorknob without taking his eyes off her. He decided retreat might be the best course of action for now. “I’ll leave you to your anger, Princess.”

  Before she could react, Tiro stepped out into the hallway, locking the door from the outside. He heard Callista scream. Smiling to himself, he climbed the stairs and joined Mark on deck.


  Mark waited for Tiro to sit down. “So you agree—she is beautiful?”

  “Before or after she hit me?”

  Mark bent forward to examine the blue bruise on Tiro’s cheek. “Well now, how’d you allow that to happen?”

  Tiro leaned back in the deck chair and closed his eyes. “I don’t really want to discuss it.”

  “Well to hell with what you want, big brother. You’re going to have one hell of a shiner, and I for one want details.”

  “Then you better learn to live with disappointment, asshole, because this subject is closed.”

  Mark could tell by the look on his brother’s face he’d get
nothing more from him about what happened after he’d left. “At least you gotta admit she’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, Mark, she’s beautiful. What the fuck do you want from me?”

  “I want you to be happy, Tiro. I want you to mate with Callista so we can go home. But I’m glad you find her beautiful because it’ll make life a hell of a lot more pleasurable.”

  Giving him a disgusted look, Tiro took a deep breath before responding. “Tell me what Alexis told her about us. Does she know who we are?”

  With a chuckle in his voice, Mark said, “According to Alexis, she knows very little about any of it. For years, she’s believed her father was the rightful king and it was humans her father feared. Until yesterday, she didn’t even know about the curse.”

  “How is that possible?” Tiro’s voice held a note of confusion.

  “Alexis told me Metri threatened to kill anyone who told her about the past. While she may have heard small bits and pieces, apparently she never cared enough to ask anyone to tell her the whole story. Her lack of knowledge made it easier for Alexis to manipulate her into leaving the city alone.”

  “Does Callista know who we are?”

  “You mean you and me?”

  “No, shithead, the dolphins swimming out there. Of course, I mean you and me. Did Alexis tell her we’re Cyrus’ sons? Does she know who Cyrus is?”

  “Someday I’m going to punch your lights out for calling me names.”

  “You can try, little brother,” Tiro threatened. “Now answer the fucking question.”

  Mark looked at Tiro’s face, trying to tell if he was still teasing, and realized Tiro wasn’t smiling. He decided not to push things. “Yes, Alexis told her the story about her father’s treachery, the curse, and that Cyrus is the rightful king, but she didn’t tell her our names, or who we are.”

  “Did she tell her about the mating?”

  With a wicked look in his eye, Mark confirmed Alexis had and Callista’s mistake in thinking her mate was Cyrus.

  “Good, let’s keep it that way.”


  Tiro glanced at the sky as if entreating a being from above to help him. “Because this’ll be easier if Callista thinks she can work her womanly wiles on me.”

  “Her what?” Mark scratched his head.

  “Trust me. If Callista knows I’m Tiro, Cyrus’ son, she’ll fight me. I want her to think I can assist in her escape. Get her to let down her guard and maybe even gain her trust.”

  “I think you’re dreaming, but I’ll play along for now. So what do you want me to call you?”

  “Just call me brother.”

  “Okay, brother, what’s yer plan?” Mark wasn’t sure he wanted to be involved in deceiving Callista. After all, once she mated with Tiro, she’d be his sister-in-law.

  “My plan is to get some sleep. And I’d suggest you do the same.”

  “Yeah, well, I have to tell you those beds in the crew’s quarters are not nearly as comfy as the one in the stateroom.”

  Tiro smiled. “I don’t plan to sleep in the crew’s quarters.”

  Shock registered on his face. “You’re going to sleep with her? Fuck, she’ll kill you.”

  “She can try.” Tiro sounded like he wanted her to fight him.

  “At least protect the family jewels,” Mark joked.

  “Shut up, little brother, before you regret starting this conversation.”

  Mark laughed. “Okay, they’re your balls. Lose ’em if you want.”

  Tiro shot him a look of disgust. “Get your ass out of that chair and go get some sleep. When Father arrives, make sure he understands I want them to give me a few days. Keep everyone on the Dream Star, and let me have some time with her alone.” Tiro rose and began to walk back toward the stairs leading to the stateroom. “Can you do that, jerk?”

  “Of course I can,” Mark yelled at his brother’s retreating back, wondering to himself if Tiro’s plan would work. He shook his head and started picking up the gear littering the deck. After putting everything away, Mark pushed a button located under the seat, sending a high-pitched shockwave into the water, smiling to himself, knowing Alexis would soon surface to spend the next several hours talking to him.

  Chapter 7

  The gentle rocking of the boat registered on her sleep-riddled brain. A soft blanket covered her body, touching her naked skin; it felt warm and comforting. Callista opened her eyes, only to close them again. Still feeling drained, she rolled to her side. Things were very fuzzy and something seemed different—she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

  Again, she forced her eyes open, focusing on keeping them that way. He was lying beside her, his black hair draped around his face, the whiskers on his cheeks and chin visible with him so close. The strong lines of his jaw, his perfect nose, all conspired to make him very handsome. She smiled as she studied his features. His warm breath on her skin as he exhaled caused her flesh to tingle. Trying not to disturb him, she stretched, her breath catching in her throat. Wait, her mind screamed, where am I? And who the hell is he?

  Looking back at the sleeping man beside her, Callista tried to remember. She’d left the city with Alexis. Oh, Zeus. Alexis led her into a trap and turned her over to humans. They’d taken her to a sunken ship, but—her head hurt. If she was still on the wreck, why were her lungs working? Her mind ran in circles, trying desperately to recall everything that happened. He gave me a shot, a serum to make me human. Glancing to make sure he still slept, Callista studied his face again. Was this the man from yesterday?

  His body stirred. “Be still or I will be forced to kiss you.” His sleepy voice sounded deep, strong.

  Instinctively she shifted her body in an attempt to move away from him. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  The man beside her didn’t seem to hear. “Would you like me to kiss you?” His eyes were studying her face, his hands resting lightly on her waist.

  She tried to roll away from him. “I … where am I?” The human grasped her hip and pulled her back, close to his body.

  “You are safe, Princess, on board my boat, the Dream Maker.”

  “Why are you in bed with me?” she demanded.

  “Because I wanted to make sure you were all right during the night.”

  “Well, if that’s your concern, you could have slept on the floor outside the door.” The beginnings of a smile were in his eyes, and once again she tried to pull free of his body. “Are you him?”

  “Him, Princess?” His voice came out a soft whisper.

  “Don’t toy with me. Are you the man who captured me?” Her body tensed. “What are you planning to do with me?”“ She needed to find a way to escape, a way to fight him. Suddenly she remembered hitting one of the humans last night and looked to see if this man had a bruise on his cheek. Callista couldn’t tell as his face rested on a pillow, blocking her view.

  “I’m the man who captured you.” She noticed a slight tone in his voice. “As for the rest, only time will tell.”

  She jumped when his arms tightened around her waist, pulling her even closer to his body. “Don’t!”

  His laugh sounded deep and full of life. “I only want to make sure you can’t use your nails or feet against me.”

  “So you are the man I hit last night?”

  “Yep, Princess.”

  “Listen, you peasant. My name is Callista, not Princess. My father is the king, and I demand you release me and allow me to return home.” Callista could feel his body shaking, unsure if it was from anger or laughter. “If you let me go now, I’ll do my best to keep the men of Caspia from killing you.”

  His laughter ripped through the room as she struggled to break his hold on her. “Oh, trust me, Princess, you’ll go home, and I’ll be very much alive after you leave.”

  Using her fingers, attempting to pry his hands off her waist, Callista tugged and pulled without success. Finally reaching the end of her rope, she tilted her head forward and sank her teeth into the flesh of his upper arm.
br />   “Damn it, you bitch.” The human pulled away from her, and she tried to jump off the bed. He grabbed her hair and yanked her back, his hands pulling her arms above her head, his legs wrapping around hers, pinning them. His body now lay on top of hers, his face close. “This’ll be much easier if you stop trying to fight me.”

  Callista continued to wiggle and squirm, bucking to dislodge him. “Get off me, you poutsos.” She felt his penis resting against her stomach and swallowed hard. “I said, get off me!”

  “I’m not going to fuck you, Princess. I just want to feel your naked skin on mine. Relax.” The human smiled at her again.

  “Don’t tell me to relax, you bastard.” She lifted her head off the pillows and tried to sink her teeth into his chest. He was too quick for her this time and rolled sideways, taking her with him. Before Callista could stop him, he’d turned her body so her back nestled firmly against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her chest, pinning her arms at her sides.

  “Listen up, Princess. Sheathe your claws and teeth, or I’ll tie you to this bed and let Cyrus have his way with you.”

  Callista’s heart dropped when he spoke the name of her enemy. Taking a deep breath, she gained control of her emotions. “All right. Let me up and I’ll stop trying to kill you.”

  Again the human laughed. “No. I think we will just stay right here and enjoy a moment of peace.”

  “Segrafa sta archidia-mu.” His arms tightened around her chest like a vice, slowly squeezing the breath out of her lungs. “Stop.”

  “Are you going to behave?”

  Callista’s chest hurt from the pressure. “Yes, damn it, stop.” His hold on her loosened, and she closed her eyes, allowing her muscles to relax.

  “That’s better.” His voice was once again a soft whisper.

  Her mind returned to his threat about Cyrus. “You said I could go home. When?”

  “Before the full moon, I promise.”

  Why was the full moon important? Digging deep into her memory, she remembered Alexis’ words. Before the full moon, you will be mated. Her heart pounded in her chest, and a tight knot formed in her stomach. The need to strike out consumed her, and she once again tried to pull free.


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