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Forever Caspia

Page 7

by Michelle Hoppe

  Looking back to Callista, Tiro reached for her naked body. He tossed a necklace over her head and pulled her toward the door. He pushed her ahead of him as they climbed the steps to the deck. Before lifting her over the side and into the waiting arms of his brother, Tiro took her mouth with his and kissed her deeply, trying to make her understand his motives and desires. Turning once again to his father, Tiro watched Cyrus dive into the waves, his mighty fluke forming when his body hit the water.

  Taking a last deep breath of air, Tiro lifted his arms above his head, and with a mighty push of his legs, he dove away from the sinking boat. Tremors shook his body to the core, jolting him more than he’d expected. His head spun as cool water moved through his mouth and exited his newly formed gills. The weight of his fluke was strangely familiar as his muscles flexed, gaining control and power with each flick. He cut through the water toward the sunken ship.

  As his body became one with the water, memory surfaced. He’d always felt at home in the water, but now … now it was more. Every muscle, every fiber of his being felt more alive, and parts of his childhood in Caspia floated before his eyes. He remembered and rejoiced as he prepared to join Callista and his family in a new life.

  Chapter 9

  Finding his way below the waves, Tiro was surprised to see a large number of Mermen around his father. Cyrus greeted many friends, those loyal to him, who’d waited for this day to welcome him home. His father looked larger somehow, and the gold and purple scales of his fluke shimmered in the crystal Caribbean waters. Someone had returned his staff and armed him with a javelin. Everyone seemed pleased and ready for action.

  Looking around the circle of bodies, Tiro’s eyes found Callista guarded by Mark and his mother. She stared at him, hatred burning in her eyes. Unfamiliar with telepathy, he tried to communicate with her. “We’ll finish this later, Princess.” If she understood, she gave no sign.

  Tiro was surprised at all of the voices in his head. Having unlocked his mind in attempting to send her a message, he’d opened the floodgates and found he could hear every conversation going on around him. His father speaking to the crowd, someone yelling for more weapons. There was too much noise to concentrate on any one voice.

  Tiro struggled to control his mind. Filtering out unwanted voices, he finally concentrated on tuning out all but his father’s. “My friends,” his father began. “It has been many years of waiting, but at last the day has come for my return to power. I have no wish to spill the blood of my beloved people. However, if it becomes necessary to fight, then fight we shall.”

  Loud yelling and javelin waving greeted this statement. Cyrus continued. “My son, Prince Tiro, has broken the curse. Now we must fulfill our destiny and retake the throne of Caspia. Make ready. We leave within the hour.”

  Tiro waited as his father gave instructions to several men, and soon everyone dispersed to carry out the king’s orders, leaving him alone with his father. “What is your plan, Father?”

  “Your mother, sisters, and Callista will remain here with two guards to protect them. You, Mark, and the rest of the men will accompany me to Caspia where other Mermen loyal to our cause will join us. The plan is simple; we will enter the city and take it back with as little bloodshed as possible. I think you should see your wife before we leave and assure her we will not kill her father unless it becomes necessary.”

  Tiro didn’t need his father telling him to talk to Callista. Fuck, he already knew that. The problem was he had no idea what to say. “I doubt she has anything pleasant to say.”

  “Nevertheless, you must try.”

  Wanting to avoid an argument with his father, Tiro swam toward the ship. Avoiding eye contact with his mother, he simply took Callista’s arm and pulled her through the ship, back into the room they’d prepared days ago. Once inside, Tiro closed the door and released her arm.

  “I hate you!”

  “Yes, Callista, I know.”

  “Then get out. I have nothing to say to you.”

  “But I have much to say to you, and you will listen.”

  “I will not.”

  Tiro moved closer, his hands clenching at his sides in an effort to keep from grabbing her again. “Callista, you must know what we shared was more than my fulfilling a responsibility to my family.”

  “Just leave, Tiro. Follow your father to Caspia and leave me alone.”

  “I can’t leave until you understand. Callista, try to remember you used me as well.”

  “I don’t have to remember a damn thing, Tiro. You got what you wanted. The curse is broken, and your family is once again Mer. Just get the hell out of here and leave me alone!”

  Tiro could feel his frustration mounting. Pulling her into his arms, he took her mouth with his. The kiss was unexpectedly strange, water rushing through his gills as he ravaged her tongue. Her hands pushed on his chest as she struggled to escape his embrace. Wrapping his tail around hers, Tiro held her to his body. Suspended in water and held in place by the subtle current, Tiro moved his lips to her nipple and pulled the hard little bud inside his mouth. His cock hardened, emerging from a layer of scales to rest against her stomach. Tiro continued to suckle at her breast, silently demanding she respond to him.

  “Let me go!” she demanded.

  Tiro pretended not to hear. The strangeness of floating, her tail held in place by his, and the opening between her legs hidden by scales excited him. Moving carefully, he used one hand to find her vulva and positioned his cock to slip inside.

  “Tiro, stop. You have no right to take me.”

  “You’re my mate, Callista. Who has more right than me?”

  “I won’t let you make love to me, and then stay here while you go to war with my father.”

  “Your mind speaks of hate, but your body yields to my touch, Callista.” His cock demanded entrance to her pussy. “Put your anger aside. Let me love you.” Tiro pushed forward, driving his dick home. Callista’s fin sucked tight against his, the strange suction of the water as he moved creating ripples around them. Tiro buried his face in her hair swirling around them. He increased the pumping of his hips. He continued to thrust in and out as they slowly sank to the floor of the cabin, and her back came to rest on the wooden planks. Tiro’s tail slowly unfurled, allowing hers movement. She no longer fought him, her hands cupping his cheeks. The kiss started slow, lingering. He continued the rhythmic in and out motion of his cock, sliding deep, water rushing out from between their bodies, only to flow back in as he pulled out.

  Callista’s body responded. Her back arched, allowing him greater depth. His cock penetrated again and again. He could feel the warmth of her honey flowing around his cock, the water providing resistance on each outward pull. His lips still locked with hers, he pulled her tongue into his mouth and matched his sucking to the movements of his cock, a sensual dance performed deep below the sunlit world above.

  Tiro found himself lost in the silence of a world he’d not known for sixteen years. He could feel the softness of her scales. Her tail fluttered moments before the orgasm shattered her frame. His cock pumping fast, he moved his hands to her waist, slamming home over and over, pulling her body tight against his. The cum shot from his cock, filling her pussy, mingling with her honey. His eyes locked on her face, watching as her climax overwhelmed her.

  Callista’s eyes were closed. Her head tilted back, a sensual smile on her lips. He pushed forward, pumping cum deeper and deeper, his body shaking, and the scales on his fins growing sensitive, a new and exciting feeling. Holding her close, using a soft flip of his tail, he brought them back to an upright position. Once again he curled his tail around hers, holding her in place, his cock still buried deep inside her.

  “Do you still want me to leave, Callista?” Tiro said the words without emotion, trying to keep his frustration from making things worse.

  Callista didn’t respond. Her head rested on his shoulder, her body now calm. He waited for some indication she didn’t want him to leave.

; Nothing.

  Tiro moved away, breaking the seal of their bodies, his penis once again hidden behind a layer of scales. Hoping against hope she would come to realize her fate, like his, was now sealed, he opened a telepathic connection to her mind once again, trying to sound normal. “I will leave you to your anger. Father wants me to tell you he’ll try to leave your father alive if possible. You’re to stay here with my mother and sisters. Don’t take your hatred of me out on them. They had nothing to do with this.” Silence stretched between them. After a moment, he realized she would not respond and he swam from the room, locking the door as he left.

  Tiro rejoined his father and Mark, taking his place at Cyrus’ side. Their force headed toward Caspia and the battle to retake the throne.

  * * * *

  The advancing army came within sight of the temple rocks, and it became apparent there would be no battle this day. The flags of King Cyrus flew from atop the city’s dome, and the royal guard waited to welcome them home. Tiro watched as Mermen and Mermaids bowed to honor his father as Cyrus swam past them toward the city gates.

  Greeting old friends and answering questions consumed much time before they reached the transformation tubes. As they neared the tubes, Cyrus addressed the waiting crowd. “My people, too many years have passed since I last gazed upon our beautiful city and felt cool Caribbean waters flow through my gills. My family returns with me, and once again I, Cyrus, King of Caspia will take responsibility to protect and defend our city from all dangers.”

  Loud cheering erupted both inside and outside the city when Cyrus finished speaking. He entered the transformation tube followed by his sons, and soon they were walking toward the palace.

  Alexis’ father, Julian, walked beside Cyrus, talking softly about a report he’d received from the guards. “Metri fled the city in the night,” he stated. “After Callista disappeared and all efforts to locate her failed, he believed it was only a matter of time before you returned, so he took a handful of men and vanished.”

  Cyrus nodded his understanding and continued to walk toward the palace gates. “Julian, send a party of trusted men to bring Amara and the girls back to the city.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  They entered the long hallway. Cyrus motioned Tiro forward. “We are home, son.”

  More memories flooded his mind. The city, the palace, everything was coming back to him. Small memories, like running down this hall chasing Mark. Climbing on the throne that he knew sat in splendor on the other side of the door they approached. Tiro allowed the memories to swirl, to take shape, and to become a part of him once more. He smiled, “Yes, Father, we’re home.”

  “Today we start a new life. One day you will become king, and Callista will be your queen.”

  “That remains to be seen.” Tiro didn’t want to discuss his mate with his father. How the hell was he supposed to solve their differences if she wouldn’t talk to him?

  “I trust you will make things right with your wife.”

  “My wife,” Tiro said. “At the moment, she won’t even speak to me.”

  “Son. Tiro. You and Callista are mated for life. Living with a bitter woman and battling for control will destroy you both. She is a headstrong girl. You must take command and make her see that what is best for her is to assume her role as the future queen.”

  Tiro couldn’t understand why his father thought this would be such an easy task. “I’m certain commanding Callista to do anything will result in my getting clobbered with the nearest heavy object.”

  Cyrus laughed. “You have much to learn, son. Your mother and I expect you to find a path to contentment with your mate. Caspia needs an heir.”

  “You’ve more faith in my abilities than I do, Father.”

  “Tiro, my son, I know this will take time, but I believe you will find a way to bring her back to your side.”

  Royal guardsmen opened the doors to the throne room. Cyrus walked up the steps and again took his rightful place as King of Caspia. The room filled with people, each waiting their turn to kiss the ring of their leader. It would be many hours before any of them retired to their private quarters for the night.

  Chapter 10

  A single tear ran down Callista’s cheek, mixing with the salt water surrounding her. He’d been so tender, her human man, now her Merman lover and mate. Why Tiro, why did you lie to me? Callista fought for control of her emotions. Damn it, stop this. Father, why did you do this to me? I could have loved Tiro and made a life for us!

  Callista ceased moving her fins, allowing herself to sink to the wooden planks, which moments earlier held such delight. Stop! He lied to you. The small voice in the back of her head reminded her she’d lied to Tiro as well. Tried to use him to help her escape.

  Hearing someone outside the door, she waited for it to open. Watching as a beautiful Mermaid swam into the room, the purple, blue, and gold scales of her fin denoting her royal status, she realized the queen, Tiro’s mother, floated before her. She’d seen the same royal colors on both Cyrus and Tiro when they’d joined the crowd of Mermen waiting for them after their return to the sea.

  The woman’s regal form floated close to her, moving with more grace than Callista had ever seen before. “My name is Amara, wife of Cyrus, mother of your husband Tiro.”

  Her husband. The realization she was now a wife hit her. By mating with Tiro, she, Callista, princess of Caspia, was now and forever bound to Cyrus’ son. She closed her eyes, trying to gain control of her emotions. “I am Callista, daughter of Metri, king of Caspia.” She waited for Amara to denounce her father.

  “My child, your father is no longer king. His right to ascend the throne in the event of my husband’s death ended the day my son was born. While he has held that title in our absence, Cyrus is once again king, and as Tiro’s wife, you will remain a princess and one day become queen.”

  Her anger welled to the surface. Unable to stop the words which crowded her mind, she lashed out. “I do not wish to be queen if I must remain married to your son.”

  “I understand you are upset, child. The marriage cannot be undone, and the sooner you find a way to make peace with my son, the sooner we can become a family.”

  “Make peace with your son! Tiro seduced me without telling me who he was. He mated with me to fulfill his responsibility to his family, and you want me to make peace with him. Surely you can see this marriage will never work.”

  “What I see is the love in my son’s eyes when he speaks your name. And if I’m not mistaken, once you overcome your stubborn hold on the past, you will realize you love him too.”

  “Never!” Callista wanted to rail at Amara, tell her just what kind of man her darling son was, but she couldn’t. Amara, Queen of Caspia, might now be her mother-in-law, but years of living within the rules of palace life prevented Callista from crossing the line.

  “We shall see. Now we must make ready to return to the city. Apparently, your father vanished.”

  “What do you mean vanished?”

  “When our men arrived at the city, Metri had already left. There was no battle to retake the city. Cyrus has sent a royal guard to escort us home.”

  “My father wouldn’t leave without me.”

  “Believe that if you must, my dear. I can only tell you what I have been told.”

  “It’s not true. My father is out searching for me.”

  “No one is searching for you, child. Now please come with me. I am ready to return to my home.”

  Callista could do nothing more than follow Amara from the room where they were joined by two Mermaids she didn’t know. From the royal colors of their tail flukes, she could only surmise they were Amara’s daughters. Alexis also waited nearby, ready to accompany them on their return home. Anger at Tiro was soon replaced by a deep sadness as she realized the meaning of Amara’s words. No one is searching for you. Her father lied to her. Held her captive in the palace for years, and now, when she needed him most, he’d left her behind. He left her. The
words repeated over and over again until she wanted to sink to the seabed and die. As several Mermen closed ranks around them, she closed down her mind, and with a heavy heart … followed the others toward Caspia.

  * * * *

  The sound of breaking glass came to his ears before he got within fifty feet of her door. Tiro smiled at his mother. “Are you sure you want to accompany me?”

  “She is upset, son. You must give her time to adjust.”

  “It’s been four weeks since our return, Mother. Just how long do you suggest I give her?”

  “As long as it takes.” Amara gave him a sharp look, questioning his need to have this explained.

  “I don’t have your patience, nor am I willing to allow her to continue locking herself away. You must make her see the error of her ways, or I may resort to spanking her.”

  “Tiro! Do not say such things. You lied to her. Callista needs a tender hand—not rough treatment, harsh words, and solitude.”

  He chose to ignore his mother’s comment about lying to Callista. “I’m serious, Mother. This has gone on long enough. Perhaps a good spanking is what she needs.”

  Amara stopped walking. “I will not have you acting this way, Tiro. You broke this relationship and lied to your wife. Now you must fix it.”

  “So the fact she tried to use me to help her escape, manipulated me in an effort to prevent our return to Caspia, I’m to overlook this, Mother?”

  Amara looked like she wanted to strangle him, her stance changing from queen to mom. “Tiro, did you ever stop to think possibly she is angry because you left her alone for so many weeks?”

  “She knows where my rooms are. I’ve invited her to join us for dinner every evening since our return, and she’s refused to come. What more can I do?”

  “You could have invited her in person instead of sending a messenger to her.”

  Tiro laughed and started walking once again. “And have her lob a vase at my head? I think not.”

  The sudden appearance of a lady’s maid running from the room caught his attention. Her headlong flight brought her flying into Tiro’s chest. His arms reached out instinctively to steady her. “I’m sorry, Prince Tiro. When I told her you were on your way, she started throwing things and screaming.”


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