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Western Dreams (Rescue Me Saga Extras #1)

Page 8

by Kallypso Masters

  After they dried off and opened the door to the hallway, Suyana came barreling out of the kitchen as though she’d been into something she shouldn’t. Careful not to dislodge her body towel, Cassie scooped up the squirming puppy.

  “What have you done, Suyana?” The puppy’s doleful eyes screamed innocence, but the apple peel draped over her ear pointed the finger at her guilt.

  Luke took Suyana from her arms and placed a towel and other things in her hands. “I’ll go clean up the mess in the kitchen and put up the baby gates. You just take this razor and shaving cream upstairs, spread out the towel at the side of the bed, and wait. You might want to move the bed stand closer to the bed, too, so I can see what I’m doing. Don’t want to nick you.”

  He seemed to have everything planned. Excitement coursed through her at the thought of him performing such an intimate service for her. She’d barely managed to follow all of his instructions when she heard him making his way up the stairs. Quickly, she stretched out on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge of the mattress. She tried crooking them, but her feet kept slipping off the bed. She was afraid he would cut her if she moved suddenly.

  “Beautiful, Sweet Pea. Thank you for following my instructions to a tee.”

  “There is a problem, though.”

  “What’s that?” He stood over her looking down, making her heart race.

  “I cannot find a good position for my legs. You may have to get some rope.”

  The shocked expression on his face left her cringing inside for even suggesting it, realizing how it sounded in retrospect. She held out her hand and waved away the notion. “I did not mean that, of course!”

  Luke’s lips twitched, but at least he did not laugh at her. “You know, though, that might not be a bad idea. I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  So he did not think her too forward, although he was her husband and why she would be embarrassed about anything at this point in their relationship was beyond her. However, they had never ventured this far into kinky behaviors or discussions before.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Luke left her there a few minutes then came back carrying the soft yellow rope he’d used a few times before. Instead of simply tying her legs to the bed frame, he began by brushing the rope over her calves, knees, and thighs. Goosebumps rose on her skin in the wake of the rope.

  His gaze met hers and he smiled. “Like that?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded. He did not glance away, but his hand and the rope became one as he continued to stroke her legs and feet. Her sex throbbed, wanting him to touch her, but whenever he drew near, he would veer away again. She groaned, which only made him chuckle.

  The man had a penchant for leaving her nearly begging for more, but she tried to maintain her composure—at least a little longer.

  “I’m going to tie this rope to your thigh, just above your knee,” he said as he loosened the bundle and made a loop around her leg. He slipped his fingers between the rope and her skin. “Not too tight?”

  “No, Luke.” It was snug, but in a comforting way. At least she wouldn’t have to hold her legs open, which would grow tiresome long before he could finish shaving her.

  He took the other rope and tied a similar knot on her right leg. “Now, before I go any further, I need to get a basin of water.” When he went down the stairs, she picked up the loose ends of the rope and tugged on them, spreading her legs wider. What would it feel like when he restrained her to the headboard and footboard? Why was the image making her more turned on than ever?

  Hearing his footsteps on the stairs, she dropped the ropes and placed her hands palms down on the towel. He scooted the lamp aside and set the basin on the bed stand. Squeezing out a washcloth from the steaming water, he placed it over her mound. “I don’t know if it helps with shaving you there, but the warm steam makes for a nice, smooth shave on my face when I have it done by a barber.”

  “Makes sense.” A giggle burst forth. “You have left me with a very disturbing image of myself in the barber’s chair awaiting a most intimate shave.”

  He chuckled, the picture now burned on his own retinas. His cock stiffened. “While we wait, I’ll set your legs at the perfect angle to be open and out of the way as I work.” He picked up the rope attached to her left leg and placed his other hand under her knee to lift and position her before he tied the rope to the bed post. “How does that feel?”


  “Tell me if there’s any tingling, numbness, or pain.” He tickled her foot, and she wanted to kick him, but smiled back at him instead. He soon had her right leg similarly trussed and pulled a chair from against the wall to seat himself between her outstretched legs. He lifted the cloth, picked up the shaving cream she used on her legs and underarms, and squirted some foam into his hand. She watched, enthralled by his every move. As he spread the foam on her mound, he locked gazes with her and his slow, deliberate movements made her want to beg him to make love to her before going another step.

  “I could touch you like this all night.”

  “I am not sure I can hold out that long. I cannot wait all night to have you join me on this bed.”

  He shook his head with a smile. “Patience, darlin’.”

  When he dipped the razor into the water, she gripped the towel and prepared for him to start.

  “Breathe. I’m not going to cut you to ribbons. Put your hands above your head so you won’t grab onto the hand holding the razor.”

  She did trust him not to hurt her, but she’d been known to nick her legs while shaving herself. How would she fare with him wielding the instrument?

  What if there was a code word that would signal him if she was in trouble? “If I need you to stop, I can use my safeword—pickle.”

  “Absolutely. Good thinking.” Again, he seemed ready to burst out laughing.

  “I am serious! A cut there would be very…uncomfortable, to say the least.”

  “Sweet Pea, if I mar your flesh in any way, I’ll let you shave me tomorrow morning.”

  The thought of her cutting his face made her stomach lurch. “No. I would not want to do that.”

  “Well, let me get started. Holler ‘pickle’ if I need to stop.” Placing his open hand on her hip—whether to steady her or him, she was not sure—he scraped away the first hairs. His touch was gentler than she was with her shaving and she relaxed, trying not to be embarrassed. He’d certainly seen her more closely than this before, although with much less light.

  Cassie closed her eyes. Luke began to whistle as he continued to work. He rinsed the razor often and wiped away the hairs. Cool air—from a draft from the heater or Luke’s breath—chilled the top of her now bare mound. She didn’t look down, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the stars beginning to appear in the octagonal skylight.

  He rinsed out the cloth and brushed it over her before applying more shaving cream. His fingers brushed her clitoris and she glanced down to see if he’d done so intentionally, but he remained focused and more serious than ever as he worked on her.

  How many women allowed their partner to perform such a task? Far from embarrassed any longer, though, she was becoming excited, thinking about the time they would spend together after. She’d probably need to shower again and maybe even go over the area once more to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. Shaving outside the shower wasn’t easy even on her legs.

  Luke moved the razor upward from her butt to near her most sensitive place and she cringed to think what it might feel like if he slipped. She kept her hands perfectly still above her head, almost as if she’d been restrained there as well as by her feet. She found an odd sense of freedom in not interfering with what he was doing, but merely allowing him to minister to her body.

  Luke began untying her leg. Time must have passed quickly or she’d zoned out. “All done. How’d I do?”

  “I did not feel any pain, so you did a good job.”

  “Thanks. Now, let’s get you back down to the shower to rin
se off.”

  After she showered again, Luke carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed. His grin as he stretched out over her told her he had something more planned. He kissed her, teasing her mouth open and exploring slowly. He flicked his tongue against hers and she played with his as well.

  He broke away, grinning again. “Grab onto the headboard and enjoy the ride, Sweet Pea.”

  Cassie did as he said, gripping the raised figures on the headboard he’d made for them, and watched him make his way down her body, stopping to lave and nibble at each breast and pay homage to her navel before stopping and reaching for a pillow.

  “Lift your hips.” He shoved the pillow under her. “Now tent your knees and spread yourself open for me.”

  He positioned himself between her legs. She wondered what it would feel like for him to go down on her now that she’d been shaved. The feeling of total nudity surprised her the most. Somehow, she thought she’d feel exposed now even when wearing clothes.

  But knowing this would be hers and Luke’s secret made it okay.

  Oh, wait! What would her gynecologist say when she saw she’d shaved? Would it grow back before her next—

  Luke’s tongue licked along her folds and obliterated any other thought. The feel of his tongue against her bare skin made her instantly wetter. Amazing. Hooking his fingers and spreading her open, he continued licking her everywhere but the bundle of nerves screaming for attention. He buried his tongue inside her, but the sensation wasn’t nearly as hot as when he moved up to the top of her hood. So close, but again he ventured in another direction. She dug her toes into the sheet, waiting for him to return once more to the top of the juncture of her lips.

  When he finally spread her open further and flicked his tongue against her clitoris, she nearly exploded.


  Again, he only teased her and then retreated. She was on the precipice, waiting for release, but had learned not to rush him or he’d only prolong her agony even more. She took slow, deep breaths as her fingers dug into the carvings to keep from grabbing his hair and forcing him to pay sole attention to the area she needed him to most of all.

  When he pulled away completely, she opened her eyes to look down at him and found him smiling at her. “I love how your bare pussy feels on my tongue. Thank you for trying it.”

  “I like it, too. But…” She bit her lip. “Please, I cannot wait any longer.”

  He chuckled. “Ah, but you will for me, won’t you, darlin’?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Luke.”

  Somehow, she did hold on for at least ten more minutes as he kept bringing her to the edge, then backing off. When her panting had left her mouth dry and she didn’t think she could stand another second of this torture, he plunged two fingers inside her, and his tongue stroked her clitoris until she nearly came off the mattress. Her legs clamped around his head and began shaking as he pressed another bundle of nerves deep inside her and just on the area behind her clitoris.

  “Please, let me come, Luke!” She somehow didn’t feel she should do so until he was ready to enter her, but couldn’t wait.

  “Come for me, Sweet Pea.” His tongue returned to its work, and she screamed her release seconds before Luke stretched out over her and plunged his penis deep inside her. As he held his chest off her by resting on his hands, she met his gaze, seeing the love and adoration he felt for her as he pumped in and out until she felt another orgasm building. The contact between her bare mound and the hairs on Luke’s left her tingling and wanting more and soon both were coming again.

  Luke nearly collapsed on her, but even in his exhaustion from making love, he kept most of his weight off her. She reached down to stroke his hair as he laid his head on her chest.

  “That was incredible, Luke.”

  “For me, too. You never cease to amaze me. I’d never be able to come twice as soon as you did.”

  They lay like that a while before the cool air circulated around them and she patted his shoulder. “Our cistern might need refilling soon, but I think I need another shower.” She wasn’t able to get over having dried semen on her yet, but Luke didn’t seem to mind because he loved playing in the shower, too, and cleaning her off after lovemaking.

  Later that night, they cuddled in bed, staring up at the stars. This had become her favorite time of the day because they didn’t have to talk, but just enjoyed each other’s presence.

  “Sweet Pea? You still awake?”


  “When’s your most fertile time in your cycle?”

  His question took her off guard and she remembered back to when her last period had started, counting up the days. “Actually, this week would be good. Yesterday might have been optimal, but today is still good. Why?”

  “Because something tells me we made a baby tonight. So you mark this date down on your calendar and remember to tell the doctor when you go for confirmation.”

  She grinned. How could he be so confident, considering that they had had many other days of having unprotected sex without getting pregnant over the past few months? But she wasn’t one to knock anyone’s intuition.

  Cassie hoped he was right. Nothing would give her more pleasure than to carry Luke’s baby.

  She only hoped she would be blessed in that way someday.

  Farewell, until we meet again in future Rescue Me Saga novels and novellas!

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the lives of these two couples. Before you go on to Roar or whatever is next on your TBR pile, I thought I’d tell you a bit about my plans for the future of these and other characters.

  At some point in the future, I’ll write Somebody’s Dream, which will be a continuation of Ryder & Megan’s and Luke & Cassie’s journeys in the Rescue Me Saga, including their plans for the ranch becoming a sanctuary for the wounded. It may be years before I write it, though, because first I need to do a novella about Damián and Savannah. Also before Somebody’s Dream, I want to continue Adam’s story with Somebody’s Hero (which most likely will include updates on Marc and Angelina—unless I decide their continuing journey needs its own novella).

  Now that they have come to life even more in Roar, I need to write about Gunnar Larson (with Heidi), Patrick Gallagher (with Maribeth Jeffrey from Roar), and Mistress Grant (with Liam, the man who had her kicked out of black ops). Their romances will be told inside a romantic suspense trilogy. Each couple will have their happy ending, but there will be a suspense thread carried throughout the three books. Roar will serve as a bridge between these two series.

  But I can never predict whose story will come to me next, so please stay tuned to my newsletters! You can sign up for updates (or check to see if you’re already signed up) at my web site:

  Thanks for your ongoing support for my unique way of telling a love story!


  About the Author

  Kallypso Masters is a full-time author and three-time USA Today Bestselling Author of the Rescue Me Saga (with more than one million copies in paperbacks and e-books). “My dad served in the Navy (World War II) and the Army’s Signal Corps (Korea). His PTSD from the latter affected the rest of his life.” As a result, Kally chose to write about members of a military “family” helping each other heal and cope after combat and life’s intrusions. She also writes about the fallout from devastating traumas suffered by other characters in her ongoing saga. She knows that Happily Ever After takes maintenance, so her couples don’t solve all their problems and disappear at “the end” of “their” novel, but will continue to work on real problems in their relationships in later books in the Saga. Therefore, the books in the Rescue Me Saga should be read in order because characters recur and continue their journeys throughout the series. However, there will be spinoff books and series in the future that will be written so that they can be read without reading the Rescue Me Saga first. This includes Roar.

  Kally’s emotional, realistic Romance novels em
phasize ways of healing using unconventional methods. Her alpha males are dominant and attracted to strong women who can bring them to their knees. Kally has brought many readers to their knees, as well—having them experience the stories right alongside her characters. Readers often tell her they’re on their third, sixth, or even twelfth read of the series because the layers are so deep that new information is revealed with each re-read.

  Kally has been writing full-time since May 2011. She lives in rural Kentucky and has been married almost 33 years to the man who provided her own Happily Ever After. They have two adult children, one adorable grandson, and a rescued dog and cat.

  Kally enjoys meeting readers. Check out the Appearances page on her web site to see if she’ll be near you!

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  And feel free to e-mail Kally at, or write to her at

  Kallypso Masters

  PO Box 1183

  Richmond, KY 40476-1183

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