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The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

Page 146

by Doris Kearns Goodwin

  South America, 680

  South Carolina, 321, 454, 572

  South Carolina, USS, 5

  South Dakota, 523

  direct primaries in, 687, 696

  Southern Pacific Railroad, 327, 445

  South Hadley, Mass., 22

  South Improvement Company, 171

  Southwest, 297, 425

  Spain, 260, 261

  friars in Philippines from, 302–5, 388

  Maine sunk by, 223

  war declared against, 224, 229

  Spalding, Bishop L., 318

  Spanish-American War, 9, 213, 221–32, 252, 260, 410, 505, 512, 566

  Spanish language, 265, 269

  special interests, 484, 632, 644

  “Speed up the War and Take Thought for After the War” (Roosevelt), 744

  Spinney, George F., 70, 72–73, 75, 79

  Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 165

  spoils system, 385

  Spokane, Wash., 608, 611, 657, 699

  Spokane Press, 608

  Spokesman-Review, 617

  Spooner, John C., 292–93, 309, 457, 473

  Spooner Amendment, 274

  Spreckels, Rudolf, 492

  Springfield, Mass., 693

  Springfield Republican, 608, 650, 656

  Spring Rice, Cecil, 150

  Square Deal, 12, 350, 351, 539, 540, 694, 695

  Standard Oil Company, 194, 293, 330

  anti-trust legislation and, 344–46

  federal antitrust suit against, 441–43, 445, 669

  Foraker bribed by, 520

  and Kansas Oil War, 436–38

  Republican campaign contributions by, 418, 419

  Tarbell on, 171, 324, 326, 330–43, 346–47, 358, 363, 436, 438–42, 468, 469

  Standard Oil of Indiana, 441, 443

  Standard Oil of New Jersey, 442, 443

  Standard Oil of New York, 443

  Stanford University, 352

  Stanton, Edwin, 25

  “Star-Spangled Banner,” 5, 274, 305

  State Department, U.S., 177, 223–24, 427

  states’ rights, 457, 730

  steamships, 158, 291

  steel, 31, 297–98, 312, 363

  steel trust, 714

  Steffens, Elizabeth Symes, 196

  Steffens, Joseph, 196–98, 377, 381, 382

  Steffens, Josephine Bontecou, 198, 494–95

  Steffens, Lincoln, xii, 170, 195–201, 325, 362, 364, 365, 445, 458, 459, 468, 474, 478, 480, 485, 487, 488, 656, 673, 750

  at American, 490, 492–95

  on campaign contributions, 417

  childhood and education of, 196–99

  on corrupt political machines, 324, 326, 358

  “Enemies of the Republic” by, 368, 375–76

  on Hanna, 292

  on La Follette, 376, 484, 540, 673

  on McClure, 331–32

  at McClure’s, 195–96, 201, 324, 472–73

  Mitchell profiled by, 312–13

  on “Muckrake” speech, 483

  on Ohio politics, 381–83, 434–35

  radical ideas of, 206

  as reporter, 195, 199–201

  resignation from McClure’s by, 487–88

  satire of, 486

  Shame of the Cities by, 368–75

  Tarbell and Phillips supported by, 479

  TR and, 195, 200–201, 203–4, 206–9, 213, 228, 376–78, 483–85, 540, 656, 724

  on TR as governor, 243, 247–48, 256–57, 258–59

  on TR’s 1912 candidacy, 672

  on TR’s campaign for governor, 235–38

  on TR’s presidency, 282, 285–86

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 159, 167, 188

  Stillman, James, 363

  Stimson, Henry, 7, 619, 648–50, 651, 661, 745

  Stinson, Robert, 196

  Stock, Philip, 370

  Stockbridge, Mass., 308

  stock market, 247, 281, 299, 644

  collapse of, 526–30

  Stoker, Bram, 469

  Storer, Bellamy, 147, 221, 223, 274

  Storer, Maria Longworth, 147, 221–22, 241, 260, 266, 274, 320, 413

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 116

  Straus, Oscar, 680

  streetcar conductors, 77

  street railways, 246, 252, 292, 381, 383, 385, 527

  in Philippines, 526

  strikebreakers, 356, 403

  strikes, 183

  coal, 311–19, 321, 322, 354–59, 367, 415, 416

  Colorado mining, 402–5

  legality of, 102–3

  Pullman, 185–87, 194, 215–17, 297, 355

  right to, 217–18

  sympathetic, 402–5

  violence and, 158–59, 403–4

  Strong, William L., 156, 200, 210

  Stubbs, Walter S., 644

  Suburban Railway Company, St. Louis, 369–70

  Sudan, 2


  in Philippines, 276

  women’s, 29, 47, 577, 694, 718, 721, 741

  Suffrage League of Boston, 514

  sugar, 218, 307, 330, 397, 498, 526, 593

  Sullivan, Mark, 170, 285, 292, 298, 317, 394, 464–65, 652, 686, 701

  Sumner, William Graham, 31–32, 44

  supply and demand, 453

  Supreme Court, U.S., 89, 214, 219, 339, 391, 569, 619, 677, 731

  Alphonso Taft’s vision of as highest office, 26

  assumption of risk upheld by, 217

  conservatism of, 598

  Employers’ Liability Act ruled unconstitutional by, 536

  Hughes on, 640

  Northern Securities and, 386, 398–400

  rate revision and, 458

  Sherman Anti-Trust Act and, 218

  Standard Oil rulings of, 442, 731

  on state regulation of business, 192

  Taft as Chief Justice of, 748–49

  Taft’s appointments to, 724

  Taft’s arguments before, 143–46, 147–48

  as Taft’s real ambition, 14, 15, 50, 145, 152, 215, 264–65, 386, 521, 677

  Taft’s refusal of appointment to, 386–88, 392, 497–502, 515, 576

  TR’s perceived attacks on, 645, 679

  Susan (dog), 240

  sweatshops, 244

  Swift, Lucius Burrie, 139, 409

  Swift & Co., 299–300

  Swinburne, Algernon, 118

  Switzerland, 38, 170, 329, 331, 438, 469, 470

  Swope, Herbert Bayard, 374

  Sylph, 580

  Symphony Hall, 694, 695

  Syracuse, N.Y., 665

  Syria, 40

  Tacoma, Wash., 657, 699

  Tacoma Times, 607

  Taft, Alphonso, 21, 23, 54, 60, 100, 143–44, 146

  anti-slavery views of, 25, 537

  appearance and personality of, 24

  children encouraged and pressured to excellence by, 27, 28–34, 52, 54–55

  on Cincinnati Superior Court, 25–26, 154

  European travels of, 27–28, 38, 96

  as foreign minister to Austria-Hungary, 57

  as foreign minister to Russia, 62

  in Grant’s cabinet, 26–27, 394

  illness and death of, 33–34, 104, 148–49, 303, 395

  Nellie on, 100–101

  on solicitor general appointment, 106, 107, 108

  Taft’s political campaigning encouraged by, 54–55

  on Taft’s successes, 149, 152

  work as priority for, 24–25, 36

  Taft, Annie Sinton, 28, 57, 88, 91, 104, 147, 149, 395, 532, 556, 559

  Taft, Charles (brother), 24, 27–29, 33, 54, 57, 147–49, 219, 272, 274, 289, 388, 392, 394, 410, 422, 499, 502, 524–26, 532, 545, 559, 626, 645, 659, 684

  Cincinnati Times owned by, 174, 435

  financial support by, 270, 393, 556, 683

  home of, 88, 104, 549, 553, 555–56, 738, 739

  legal practice of, 51

  Taft’s presidential bid supported by, 519

  Taft, Charlie (son), 1
6, 220, 267, 271, 414, 525, 543, 545, 547, 711, 729, 738

  Taft, David, 149

  Taft, Fanny, see Edwards, Fanny Taft

  Taft, Helen, 16, 150, 153, 267, 271, 290, 414, 543, 596, 738

  at Bryn Mawr, 545, 559, 577, 581, 729

  Nellie’s stroke and, 581, 640, 646, 662

  Taft, Henry Waters (Harry), 24, 27, 51, 104, 147, 149, 154, 220, 394, 559, 661

  on Philippines appointment, 265, 388, 390

  on presidential prospects, 499

  on Supreme Court appointment, 387–88, 499

  TR’s relationship with, 387–88, 393

  Taft, Horace Dutton, 16, 23–25, 27–28, 38, 51, 56, 60, 86, 101, 105–6, 147, 149, 219, 274, 288, 301, 385, 388, 522, 619, 622, 686, 690, 704

  in Nellie’s salon, 93, 94, 96, 99

  on Philippines appointment, 265

  on presidential prospects, 499

  on Supreme Court nominations, 388, 499, 501

  on Taft, 219–20

  Taft School founded by, 104–5, 149, 392, 414, 561, 729

  Taft’s tariff compromise criticized by, 602–3

  Taft, Hulbert, 104

  Taft, Julia Smith, 104, 147, 149, 559, 661

  Taft, Louise Torrey, 22–23, 24, 26, 54, 100, 144, 388

  activity and self-reliance of, 303

  on Alphonso’s illness, 148–49

  on cabinet appointment, 392

  on children’s education, 27

  European travels of, 27–28, 38, 96

  illness and death of, 532–33

  on Lee’s surrender, 25

  Nellie on, 100–101

  in Rome with Taft, 303

  on solicitor general appointment, 106, 107

  on Taft, 521

  on young Taft, 21–22, 55

  Taft, Nellie Herron, 14–15, 33, 58, 87, 215, 216, 219, 304, 409, 411, 413–14, 421, 502, 503, 506, 507, 508, 532, 547, 557, 558–59, 561, 616, 648, 653, 665, 690, 701, 706, 711, 715, 716, 725, 744, 748

  appearance of, 87

  background and education of, 87–90

  in Beverly, 582, 599–600, 639

  budgeting by, 100, 103

  on Butt’s death, 691

  character and personality of, 15–16, 90–91

  on Charley’s wedding, 28

  children raised by, 221

  in China, 290

  in Cincinnati civil life, 220–21

  coming out of, 89, 90

  devotion to Taft by, 153

  Edith and, 132–33, 147, 576–78, 636–37

  egalitarianism of, 16, 269–70, 276–77

  on election of 1900, 273

  as First Lady, 575–79

  health of, 300, 303, 749

  independence of, 90–93, 97, 220–21, 244, 577

  and mother’s death, 300–301

  move to White House of, 567–68

  as New Woman, 220, 578

  on 1908 Republican National Convention, 543–47

  and 1912 election, 729, 738

  in Panama, 428

  in Philippines, 265–71, 273–74, 276–77, 288, 289, 389

  pregnancies and childbirth of, 105, 149–50, 153, 220

  as progressive, 577–78

  public life loved by, 550

  reading by, 88–89, 133

  return to Philippines by, 525–26

  salons of, 93–94

  silver anniversary party of, 661–63

  speech lost by, 581, 593, 636, 640, 646, 662

  strokes suffered by, 16, 580–82, 630, 635, 636, 662, 729

  summer homes of, 219

  on Taft, 214

  Taft managed by, 149–50, 219, 502, 503, 575–76, 597

  on Taft’s cabinet appointment, 391

  on Taft’s campaign, 554–55

  on Taft’s criminal law experience, 53

  Taft’s desire to please, 86, 95, 97–98

  on Taft’s election, 556

  Taft’s friendship with, 87, 91–95

  and Taft’s inauguration, 568, 570–71

  Taft’s letters to, 394, 395, 396, 397, 410, 412, 430, 511, 596, 601, 602, 604, 649

  and Taft’s presidential prospects, 497, 500, 509, 523, 525, 550, 576

  on Taft’s Supreme Court ambitions, 387, 388, 497–98, 499–500, 501

  on tariff, 509

  as teacher, 92–93, 94–95, 97, 103

  TR and, 499–500, 509

  on TR’s 1912 candidacy, 682–83

  Washington ambitions of, 88–90, 96, 101–2, 106–8, 132–33, 146–48, 152–53, 578

  will and determination of, 580–81

  Taft, Peter (brother), 24, 27–28, 51, 151

  mental problems and death of, 33, 103–5, 150

  Taft, Peter Rawson (grandfather), 23

  Taft, Robert Alphonso, 16, 105, 107, 108, 153, 267, 271, 303, 559, 580, 581, 596, 646, 690, 729

  at Horace’s school, 392, 414

  Taft, Samuel, 21–22

  Taft, Tillie Hulbert, 33, 103

  Taft, William Howard, 7, 21, 50, 252, 583

  as acting president, 426–29, 558

  administrative acumen of, 395

  at Alphonso’s deathbed, 149

  ambivalence towards presidency by, 14–15, 16–17

  on anti-trust initiatives, 504

  anti-trust litigation and, 539, 667–69

  anxiety and insecurity of, 86, 219, 265, 522, 556, 558, 560, 571, 575, 601–2

  as assistant prosecuting attorney, 53–54

  attempts to unify by, 572–73

  automobiles as fascination of, 574, 578, 596

  Baker on, 451

  Ballinger defended by, 618

  as “Big Bill,” 394

  birth and infancy of, 21–22, 34

  and Brownsville incident, 511–15, 537

  business community and, 538–39

  on Butt’s death, 691–93, 695, 696

  Cabinet appointments of, 560–63

  campaigning by, 534–38, 552–55, 724–26

  as campaign surrogate, 401, 410–14, 422, 508–10, 521, 555

  Campbell incident and, 58–62, 71, 86

  caricatures of, 424, 426, 497, 507, 516, 534, 559, 697, 718

  character and personality of, 13, 24

  chivalrous nature of, 91

  circuit court judgeship sought by, 151–54

  as civil service reformer, 135, 138, 157, 219, 221

  as Collector of Internal Revenue for Cincinnati District, 55–57

  conciliatory approach of, 588

  confrontation disliked by, 592–93

  on conservation, 606, 607–8, 627

  as conservative, 645, 704, 711, 716–17, 741

  on constitutional government, 684, 695–96, 704

  on corporate campaign charges, 418–19

  on corporations, 298

  as court reporter, 51, 52–53

  criticism difficult for, 55, 86, 594, 603–4, 631–32

  in Cuba, 504–8, 512

  Cunningham land scandal and, 611, 613–14

  death of, 749

  deliberate nature of, 536–37

  desire to please Nellie by, 86, 95, 97–98

  desire to please parents by, 27–28, 30, 33–34, 48, 97–98

  dilatory nature of, 501, 559, 561, 563, 600, 601–2

  diplomacy of, 572–73

  Dupont Circle home of, 108, 147, 154

  education of, 27–33, 41

  on election of 1900, 273

  and election of 1904, 421

  on elections of 1908, 422–23

  empathetic nature of, 151

  engagement and marriage to Nellie of, 95–101

  exhaustion and depression of, 695

  family pride in, 24, 149, 152

  finances of, 270

  first meeting of Nellie by, 87

  golf played by, 136, 219, 413, 551–52, 558–59, 574, 597–98, 599–600, 701

  good nature and charisma of, 44, 48–49, 51–52, 63, 136–37, 143, 145, 271, 390, 394, 400, 430, 506, 513, 521, 525, 533, 555, 559, 571
, 575, 591, 594, 604, 631, 728

  as governor general of the Philippines, 11, 14, 239, 264–77, 288–90, 385–92, 401, 521, 557, 558, 560, 571, 572, 575, 653, 667

  gregarious temperament of, 214

  hard, methodical work of, 27, 28, 29, 48–49, 52, 63, 136, 143

  Henry Adams on, 557

  in Hot Springs, Va., 547–48, 551–52, 558, 587

  as ill-suited for presidency, 558, 667

  immense popularity in Philippines of, 304

  imposing physique of, 51, 106

  inauguration of, 2, 561, 563–64, 568–71

  journey to Philippines and Far East by, 429–34

  as Kent Professor of Constitutional Law, 743

  labor supported by, 217

  lack of independence from TR of, 522

  legal background and training of, 14, 50–53

  legal mind of, 53, 57, 521, 590, 741

  leisurely pace of, 573

  as less spectacular than TR, 19, 54, 521

  Louise’s death and, 532–33

  low spirits of, 13

  McClure’s and, 170

  move to White House of, 567–68

  Nellie loved by, 152, 579

  and Nellie’s stroke, 16, 580, 581–82, 596, 597

  on New Nationalism, 645–46

  and 1908 Republican Convention, 542–47

  and 1912 election, 711, 724–26, 728–29, 731, 734, 736–41

  and 1912 Republican nomination, 645, 646–47, 677, 682–83, 697–701, 703–12, 715–17, 728

  Northern Securities verdict and, 398–99

  Notification Day speech of, 548–51

  on Ohio Superior Court, 62–63, 101–2, 105–7, 575

  open house policy of, 572

  orations of, 31

  outreach to Filipinos by, 269–70, 271, 537

  in Panama, 652–53

  Panama Canal and, 396

  on Parker, 408, 409

  peace project of, 663–64

  Pennsylvania colleges visited by, 17–19

  on Philippine Commission, 264–74

  on Philippine self-rule, 272, 301–2

  on Philippine tariff reduction, 398

  on Pinchot’s land policies, 561–62

  political campaigning disliked by, 54–55, 60, 86

  popularity of, 30, 42, 55, 151–52, 154, 214, 221, 389, 396, 412–13, 545, 603–4, 631, 665, 684, 695, 706, 748–49

  in presidential election, 103

  presidential election of, 556, 591

  presidential prospects of, 497–98, 499–501, 504, 508–9, 517–25, 531–32, 534–35

  press relations of, xiii–xiv, 547, 574–75, 589–91, 626–32, 641, 643

  procrastination and nervousness of, 27, 28, 29–30, 32, 55, 86, 98, 560

  as progressive, 29, 55, 217, 517, 589, 704, 741

  progressives’ disillusion with, 11–13, 19, 605–6, 629–33

  on railroad regulation, 449

  reading by, 94, 95

  reduction of Philippine tariff supported by, 302, 307

  as reformer, 157, 194, 221, 386, 504


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