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Dark Tremor (Mated by Magic #2)

Page 15

by Stella Marie Alden

  Where the hell were they now?

  The healer, Wovaka, walked out of the adobe hut, followed by four native men, dressed only in loose bathing suits. Black runes covered their chests, backs, and ran up and down their arms.

  One woman in a native print dress followed, carrying a three-foot rain stick. Bright beads and feathers swung from the bottom.

  Unfolding out of the back seat, Jace leaned on the larger of the two men who came forward to help.

  Terra opened the driver’s side door and into to the waiting arms of Wovaka, who hugged her into his chest. Then, the ancient man handed her back to Jace with a nod and firm handshake.

  Falcon stood on the other side of the car, eyes to the ground.

  “Hmph.” Wovoka caught his gaze and pointed toward a second modern building. “Go.”

  “I should help.” Falcon tried to enter the shelter, but his grandfather put out his arm as a barrier.

  “Your aura says you’ve already done much to save these two. Be proud and hold your head high. We’ll talk more later.”

  Falcon nodded, seemingly puffed up by the praise.

  Jace raised an eyebrow at Terra who gave a small shrug.

  “He will grow. He just needs time.” Wovoka watched Falcon as the little weasel strode into the adjacent building.

  Jace wasn’t convinced but he wouldn’t argue the point. Not now.


  The old man opened the cedar door and steam poured out, soaking their clothes. Inside, a pile of stones sat in a wire basket, atop a cast iron furnace.

  Despite the rustic exterior, the inside was modern, with new redwood slats and benches. A shining tiled shower area sat off to one side, with large chrome showerheads.

  “Clean first, then we will begin.” Wovaka dunked a large ladle into a bucket of water and poured it out onto the stones. Steam hissed, filling the small space. He repeated the process, then left them alone. Outside, his voice led the others in a Native American chant.

  Whatever ritual they were performing was filled with healing properties, and Jace’s raging headache began to subside.

  He still had no idea what was going on, but he figured it had something to do with Terra’s new leadership.

  “We need to shower first.” Terra took his hand and led him to the shower area.

  Her face was drawn, her expression detached. When she looked at him, it was as if she stared straight through him. She turned the water on and started to undress.

  “Terra. Stop for a moment.” Her soft cheeks surrendered to his palms and she gazed up, blinking hard.

  Large blue eyes filled with tears, and he all but cried when he saw her pain, deep within.

  “It’s over, honey. You need to let go.”

  When her lower lip quivered, he tugged her t-shirt over her head, pushed down her jeans, leaving her in black sexy underthings.

  “Jace–” His name was a cry on her lips.

  Not bothering to remove his clothes, he wrapped his arms around her. Tiny shaking sobs turned into wracking cries of anguish.

  The shower had to be adjusted so the water wouldn’t hit her in the face. Then, he rubbed her back and muttered soothing words of nonsense. After a few minutes, her crying got to him. Swallowing hard, he held her close, until his own tears were under control. She needed him to be strong for her.

  When her sniffles turned to hiccups, he tossed his shirt to the side, and stepped out of his sodden jeans, all the while not letting go. Never. She was his mate, his life, and his savior. Now it was his turn to save her.

  “I almost lost you. You we-were dead.” She turned her head out of his chest, but didn’t look up.

  “But I’m not. And you’re not.”

  “But you were.” She began to sob again. “If you were smart, you’d run as far away from me as possible. I kill everyone I care about.”

  “Sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. You’re my mate.”

  A plastic bottle labeled ‘soap’ sat on a tile shelf. With her face pressed tight to his chest, and her small fingers grasped onto his back, he reached and pumped the plastic top. Honey smelling liquid poured out into his palm.

  Knowing how much she needed the contact, he washed her back and down her buttocks, then gently massaged her scalp until it was all sudsy.

  She sighed, her muscles relaxed under his fingertips, and she leaned into him. The white dust from the building went down the drain, and with it, some of her pain.

  Her grip softened, she sighed, and looked up at him with the saddest eyes he’d ever seen.

  “I’m sorry,” she hiccupped. “I never cry. Not even when…my mother died.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. When he pulled away, he caressed her cheeks and his thumbs wiped at her tears. He struggled for the right words and came back empty.

  “Terra, I–” He cleared his throat and rested his forehead against hers, glad for the water that hid his tears from her. Unlike the last time they had showered together, this time he needed her to know how much he cared, beyond the sex, beyond the mating. He tucked her chin and made her look up at him. “I think there are times when crying is good.”

  “I was always afraid if I let go, I’d be swallowed whole by the depth of my sadness and never be able to climb out. Know what I mean?”

  He understood completely.

  “After I killed Megan, I felt the same way. I never thought I’d be free of the pain, the guilt.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Until I met you. You’ve changed everything.”

  When the next tear rolled down his cheek, he let her see it. She reached up and brushed it away. Then he tugged her into his chest, afraid she might disappear, and the moment be lost forever.

  “From now on, I promise, we’ll cry together. I won’t be afraid.” Her small arms wrapped around him.

  She unglued him and at the same time put him back together. How was that possible?

  The chanting outside grew louder, and Wovaka tapped on the door.

  Jace rubbed his eyes, grabbed a light terry robe from a metal hook, and held it up for her. Then, he found a pair of trunks for himself, and opened the door.

  “It is time.” Wovoka added more ladles of water to the stones, until the steam was thick as fog. Barefoot, he walked over the slats of wood while charcoal runes dripped off his dark skin.

  Staring at Terra, the ancient healer reached into a pottery jar and sprinkled ashes onto her blonde hair. Then he put both hands to her head and chanted a long string of native syllables with his eyes closed.

  Although he couldn’t see her aura, Jace knew the moment it changed. He felt it in his shoulders and the muscles in his jaw.

  She was going to be fine.

  Nodding and chanting, Wovoka motioned for him to sit next to her, then rained more black ash above their heads. Two ancient yet firm hands rested solidly upon his skull. Waves of potent healing energy surrounded him. He exhaled, momentarily stunned by the powerful force.

  When Wovoka finished chanting, he grabbed both of their right hands and clasped them between his.

  “I leave you now, as one.” He started to walk away, then turned, winked, and said, “You might want to lock the door.”

  Jace stared at the closing door, speechless. The chanting stopped, some laughing followed, and then car tires crunched on the gravel. Engines roared away, leaving just the crackling of logs and a lone whippoorwill lamenting nearby.

  “That was it?”

  She shrugged. “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know… but not that.” He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows, turning the deadlock. “I suggest we do as he asks.”

  She looked around the room. “But…there’s no bed.”

  Her sweet and innocent face made his chest tighten. She was such a dynamo in the desert, he kept forgetting her inexperience. His cock swelled at the thought that no other man had ever known her, nor ever would.

  He nibbled the top of her ear and whispered, “We can figure this out.”r />
  When the softest lips met his and firm fingers dug into the back of his neck, a bit of Iesco power released from his core. The wood fire sparked to life, and the stones crackled.

  Without depriving his mouth, he found her robe’s tie, and she shrugged the fabric onto the floor. One hand slid down her back and found her muscular ass, the other cupped her soft breast, kneading the tender flesh.

  She moaned and her firm nipples pressed into his hand, begging for more attention. He pulled her down onto the warm wooden floor, so that she knelt in front of him.

  “Straddle me.” He sat, legs crossed, cock hard, wanting nothing more than to feel her soft warmth around him.

  With a small smile, she licked her lips and moved slowly towards him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she positioned herself so that her folds rested just above his heavy erection that stretched the material of his shorts.

  Swallowing hard, he gripped her hips to keep her slightly above him, while he suckled on the rosy tip of one breast. When it hardened, he nipped.

  “Jace.” Her head fell back and she arched to give him access to the other.

  He complied with her silent demands.

  Her breath grew short and the building started to shake.

  He chuckled and calmed the ground with his own power.

  “Take these off,” she begged, pulling at his trunks.

  With a small smirk, he shifted under her and pulled off the thin material.

  Eyes wide, she stared at him and her mouth made a little O. One hand reached forward and a fingertip tortured him up and down the length of his aching need. She wrapped her fingers around his length, and a bead of cum escaped. Seemingly fascinated, she leaned down and licked.

  “Terra. Oh man.” Never had a woman held him so entranced.

  Her eyebrows raised, and she slowly took him in her mouth.

  There was no way he’d last.

  “Not this time.” He knotted his fingers in her hair and gently tugged until she released him.

  “Did I do it wrong?” A little frown appeared and a hurt look crossed her face.

  “Oh, sweet thing. No. You don’t understand. It’s way too good.”

  He pushed her wet hair out of her eyes, leaned over, and took her mouth. When they both panted and gasped for breath, he released her.

  “Something this good needs to be savored. I would’ve come inside your mouth.”

  A small grin spread across her beautiful face.

  Damn, she was sweet.

  “Lie down.” He knelt above her and spread her legs with his knee, brushing her folds with his thumb. Her already slick and swollen lips swelled and she shivered under his touch.

  He moved lower, kissing her stomach. With circles on her inner thigh, he approached and touched the prize with his index finger.

  “Jace…” She started to close her legs.

  “Shush.” He pulsed his energy into her by placing a palm below her navel, and tapped her knees.

  She opened for him fully.

  Then, his mouth took what it wanted.

  She tasted of tangy honey and orange. His tongue found her nub and he played with his teeth until he knew what she liked best. Tiny little noises escaped out of her throat as he brought her higher to the edge of release.

  Her eyes closed, breasts swelled, and nipples hardened, as he teased her, tasted her. He stroked at the slick cleft with his tongue, and she gasped like she was coming up for air. She shuddered around him, trembling with the first quivers of her release.

  “Jace–” she cried out, her head tilting back and let go, screaming his name over and over again.

  He was so tuned to her that he could counter the tremors in the ground underneath, almost unconsciously.

  While she arched, wanting more, he turned her over on her hands and knees so that her sweet ass was facing him.

  They came together in the dim light of the sauna. She let out a sweet, little moan as her body clamped around his cock.

  Every time he moved, it was as if she knew what he wanted and met him thrust for thrust. His eyes rolled back, their bodies glowed from his fire power. The pleasure mixed with agony.

  Bucking and pulsing, he held her hips, and the small building rattled. He could barely contain their fires within his shields. She screamed, her inner walls tightened, and she found a second release. He shouted, plunged deep, and released into her. She twitched. He moaned and the best fucking orgasm of his life began to recede.

  Chapter 32

  Three weeks later

  Jace hung up the phone. “Jack says he’s got the black turquoise under lock and key in the Iesco vaults in South Jersey.”

  Terra looked up from the local news. “I would’ve never guessed that Mic had another truck load. By the way, some more clan members from California volunteered yesterday to help clean up.”

  “I told you Brasmatias would come out of the woodworks once they had honest leadership.”

  She gave him a grin. “You so love being right.”

  “That’s because I usually am.” He smirked, leaning over her and kissed her forehead.

  “I was right about Mic’s machine.” Folding the paper, she put it down on the table in front of her. “It sucks the power from the stones. It’s too bad we couldn’t keep a few…”

  “We talked about that. The stuff is too dangerous to leave lying around. I’ve got guys watching the cave entrance twenty-four-seven, until we can put a better fence around it with alarms.” He sat down beside her and flipped open his laptop. “We can’t ever let this happen again.”

  “I just don’t know how you’re going to keep this from leaking out.” Terra shook her head.

  “We’ll tell the public that it’s some kind of biohazard. But you’re right, we won’t be able to keep it from the other clans. Jack has informed the Clan Council. Ultimately, it will be their decision what we do with the mine.”

  With a frown, Terra stood, then paused in front of the television screen.

  “Look at this.” She picked up the remote, waved it at the set, and the volume increased.

  “…Sources say the recent seismic activity around Las Vegas, Nevada has ceased. The University of Phoenix reports that the fault was not a major one, and suggest more studies are needed to know what to expect from it in the future.”

  “Dr. Carpenter at the college is one of ours. We shouldn’t have any problems there.” She turned off the TV. “What if…”

  He glanced up from his emails. “Hmm?”

  Her cheeks turned the sweetest shade of red and she whispered, “What if we want to rock our world? You know? Fire and Earth. Meteors and Lava.”

  She licked her bottom lip, a nervous gesture that made his cock swell.

  He shut the computer down and pushed his chair back. Suddenly needing the privacy and open space that only the desert could provide.

  “How about we take a drive?” It was time he showed her what he had planned. He prayed to God she liked it.

  “Where’re we going?” When they were downstairs, Terra frowned at the silver Hummer that pulled up.

  The valet jumped out and handed Jace the keys.

  “You’ll see.” Jace grinned and opened the passenger door.

  “I don’t like surprises.”

  “You’ll like this one.” He took her hand and helped her up into the seat.

  She swatted his hand when he moved to put her seatbelt on for her.

  “Just trying to keep you both safe.” He placed his hand on her flat stomach and gave her what he imagined was the same goofy grin he’d worn since they’d confirmed she was expecting.

  “Trust me. He’s safe and sound in there. It’s you who needs to worry if you don’t tell me where we’re going.”


  Terra shrugged. “Just a hunch.”

  His smile widened.

  She gave an exasperated sigh, then laughed. “I could be wrong.”

  “Little badger.” He spoke to her stomach, then raised hi
s lips to hers, kissing her until she moaned against his mouth. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Thirty minutes later, he pulled the Hummer to a stop, then jumped out.

  Terra raised her eyebrows at him. “This is your surprise?”

  “Nope.” He grabbed a large metal cylinder from the back, then spread the blueprint on the ground, anchoring the corners with rocks. Then, he stood and wrapped his arms around her, pointing at the maze of rectangles and numbers. “This is.”

  “What is it?” Her eyes squinted as she studied the prints.

  “Our home.” He turned her in his arms. “I bought this land. I can have my men start digging first thing next week if you approve of the designs.” He grabbed her hand and traced her index finger around a wall. “That is for baby one.” He circled another, “And this one’s for baby two.”

  Her eyes widened as she grasped the number. “Just how many are you intending to have?”

  He laughed as she continued to study the prints.

  “Wait. What’s this? Why all the double lines?”

  “It has shock absorbers. See here? In the corners? And lined with fireproofing. That’s this line.”

  “Oh.” She blushed, “It’s…wow. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You like it?”

  “No.” She shook her head, and he felt his stomach drop. Then blue eyes flickered with an intensity that left him breathless. “I love it.”


  Jace picked up the crying bundle from the cradle and grinned down at his son. “You’re a demanding one aren’t you?”

  “He takes after his father.” Terra smiled from the doorway of their new earthship. Dressed in a pair of faded jeans and black tank top, her toned body was fuller, more womanly than it had been before.

  “You should be sleeping.”

  “There’s too much to do.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, and ran her fingers across their son’s cheek. “And you need to be fed, don’t you?”

  Ethan Fialko cooed back at her. Jace hadn’t known it was possible to love someone so much. No. That wasn’t true. He loved his wife with such abandon it physically hurt sometimes. Together, they were a family. It was more than he’d ever dreamed of.


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