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To Tempt a Rake

Page 30

by Cara Elliott

  “I may be arrogant but I’m not a naïve little fool,” he retorted with a menacing snarl. “At the risk of further offending your maidenly sensibilities, allow me to point out that when trying to strike a bargain with someone, it is not overly wise to begin by hurling insults at his head.”

  Alexa felt a flush of heat creep across her cheekbones. “Actually, I am well aware of that. Just as I am well aware that any attempt at negotiations with you is probably a waste of breath. It is quite clear you have a low opinion of females and aren’t going to consider my request seriously.”

  Beneath his obvious irritation, Alexa detected a glimmer of curiosity. “Then why did you agree to see me alone?” he asked.

  “To show you that not everyone turns tail and runs whenever you flash your fangs.” She squared her shoulders. “By the by, why is everyone so afraid of your bark?”

  “Because I am accorded to be a vicious, unpredictable beast,” he replied. “You see, I tend to bite when I get annoyed. And my teeth are sharper than most.”

  Lamplight played over the erotic etching, its flickering gleam mirroring the devilish spark in his quicksilver eyes. It seemed to tease her. Taunt her.

  Alexa wasn’t about to back away from the challenge. “Do you chew up the unfortunate young women who work here, then spit them out when they are no longer of any use to you?”

  For an instant, it appeared she had gone a step too far in baiting him. His jaw tightened and as the Wolfhound leaned forward, anger bristled from every pore of his long, lean face.

  But just as quickly, he seemed to get a leash on his emotion and replied with a cynical sneer. “You know nothing of real life, so do not presume to think you understand what goes on under my roof,” he snapped.

  “Perhaps you would care to explain it to me.”

  The Wolfhound gave a harsh laugh. “Nosy little kitten, aren’t you? Seb ought to lock you in your room, before you stray into real trouble.”

  Alexa fisted her hands and set them on her hips. “Ha! Let him try.”

  “You have spirit. I’ll grant you that.” He paused for a moment. “Still interested in making a deal?” “What is your price?”

  “A kiss.”

  Her face must have betrayed her surprise, for he flashed a rakish smile. “Haven’t you ever been kissed before?”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “O-of course I have.”

  “Oh, I think not,” drawled the Wolfhound. “I’d be willing to wager a fortune that no man has ever slid his tongue deep into your mouth and made you moan with pleasure.”

  “Why, you impudent whelp—”

  Her words were cut off by the ruthless press of his mouth. He tasted of smoke and spirits—and a raw, randy need that singed her to her very core. She swayed and suddenly the Wolfhound swept her into his arms. With several swift strides, he crossed the carpet and pinned her up against the wall, setting off a wicked whisper of crushed silk and flame-kissed flesh.

  Alexa meant to cry out, but as he urged her lips apart and delved inside her, outrage gave way to a strange, shivering heat. Her protest melted, turning to naught but a whispered sigh. As did her body. Against all reason, it yielded to his touch, molding to every contour of his muscled frame. Broad shoulders, lean waist, corded thighs—Alexa was acutely aware of his overpowering masculinity. The scent of brandy and bay rum filled her lungs, and the rasp of his stubbled jaw was like a lick of fire against her cheek.

  She knew that she should push him away. Bite, scratch, scream for help.

  And yet. And yet…

  And yet, as his hands moved boldly over her bodice and cupped her breasts, she could not resist threading her fingers through his silky gray-threaded hair. Like the rest of him, the sensation was sinfully sensuous.

  A moment later—or was it far, far longer?—the Wolfhound finally ceased his shameless embrace and leaned back.

  “A man could do far worse on the marriage mart than to choose you,” he said softly. “For at least he will likely not be bored in bed. Indeed, I might even be tempted to swive you myself, if innocence was at all to my taste.”

  The crude comment finally roused Alexa from the seductive spell that had held her in thrall. Gasping through kiss-swollen lips, she jerked free of his hold and all of her wordless, nameless, girlish longings took force in a lashing slap. It connected with a resounding crack.

  His head snapped back, the angry red imprint of her palm quickly darkening his cheek.

  “That was for such an unspeakably rude insult.” She raised her hand again. “And this, you arrogant hellhound, is for—”

  He caught her wrist. “Is for what? The fact that for the first—and likely only—time in your life, you have tasted a bit of real passion?”

  She went very still. “Do you really take pleasure in causing pain?”

  The Wolfhound allowed her hand to fall away, and then turned from the light, his austere profile unreadable in the flicker of the oil lamps. “Most people think so,” he said evenly as he moved noiselessly to the sideboard.

  “I—I don’t understand,” she began.

  “Don’t bother trying,” he snapped. “All that should matter to you is the fact that I am a man of my word. You paid your forfeit, so in answer to your other question, your brother is not at present in The Wolf’s Lair. And if he were, it would not be for the usual reasons that gentlemen come here.” Glass clinked against glass. “Like you, he is seeking information and I’ve heard word that he thinks I may be able to help him. Should he come by tonight, I will inform him of your quest, and how desperate you are to find him.”

  Alexa turned for the door, yet hesitated, awkward, unsure.

  Taking up one of the bottles, the Wolfhound poured himself some brandy and tossed it back in one gulp. “Now get out of here, before one of my patrons recognizes you. Trust me, the tabbies of this Town are quick to pounce on any transgression. And their claws are far sharper than mine.”

  “Th-thank you,” she said, hoping to show that her pride, if not her dignity, was still intact. “For showing a shred of decency in honoring our bargain.”

  “Don’t wager on it happening again.”

  Alexa stiffened her spine. “I am not afraid to take a gamble when the stakes are high.” She could not resist a parting shot. “And I’ll have you know, I am very good at cards.”

  “Here at Wolf’s Lair, we play a far different game than drawing room whist. You have tempted the odds once—I would advise you not to do it again.”

  “How very kind of you to offer more counsel.”

  The Wolfhound’s laugh was a brandy-roughened growl. “You mistake my sentiments, Lady Alexa. I am not being kind. I am simply trying to stack the deck in my favor. If I am lucky, the cards will fall in a way to ensure that our paths never cross again.”


  Where authors give you the inside scoop!

  From the desk of Jane Graves

  Dear Reader,

  Have you ever visited one website, seen an interesting link to another website, and clicked it? Probably. But have you ever done that about fifty times and ended up in a place you never intended to? As a writer, I’m already on a “what if” journey inside my own head, so web hopping is just one more flight of fancy that’s so easy to get caught up in.

  For instance, while researching a scene for BLACK TIES AND LULLABIES that takes place in a childbirth class, I saw a link for “hypnosis during birth.” Of course I had to click that, right? From there I ended up on a site where people post their birth stories. And then…

  Don’t ask me how, but a dozen clicks later, my web-hopping adventure led me to a site about celebrities and baby names. This immediately had me wondering: What were these people thinking? Check out the names these famous people have given their children that virtually guarantee they’ll be tormented for the rest of their lives:

  Apple Actress Gwyneth Paltrow

  Diva Muffin Singer Frank Zappa

  Moxie Crimefighter Entertainer Penn Jillette
  Petal Blossom Rainbow Chef Jamie Oliver

  Zowie Singer David Bowie

  Pilot Inspektor Actor Jason Lee

  Sage Moonblood Actor Sylvester Stallone

  Fifi Trixibell Singer Bob Geldof

  Reignbeau Actor Ving Rhames

  Jermajesty Singer Jermaine Jackson

  No, a trip around the Internet does not get my books written, but sometimes it’s worth the laugh. Of course, the hero and heroine of BLACK TIES AND LULLABIES would never give their child a name like one of these…

  I hope you enjoy BLACK TIES AND LULLABIES. And look for my next book, HEARTSTRINGS AND DIAMOND RINGS, coming August 2011.

  Happy Reading!


  From the desk of Cynthia Eden

  Dear Reader,

  I love strong heroes. When I write my romantic suspense novels, I try to create heroes who can save the day while barely breaking a sweat. Men who aren’t afraid to face danger. Men who are comfortable taking out the bad guys—even while these heroes successfully romance their heroines. Oh, yes, I’m all about an alpha male.

  And when it comes to my heroines, well, my response is the same. Give me a strong heroine. I don’t want to write about a heroine who needs rescuing 24/7. I want a woman who is strong enough to defend herself (and her man, if need be).

  When I began writing DEADLY HEAT, I knew that my heroine would have to be a strong match for FBI Special Agent Kenton Lake. Since Kenton appeared in my previous “Deadly” book, DEADLY FEAR, I already knew just how powerful and capable he was. Kenton hunts serial killers for a living, so weakness isn’t exactly a concept he understands.

  I didn’t want Kenton to dominate his heroine, so I made sure that I created a very strong lady for him… and firefighter Lora Spade was born. Lora is a woman who fights fire each day. She’s not afraid of the flames, but she is afraid of the way that Kenton makes her feel.

  Physically and mentally, my characters are strong. But emotionally? When it comes to emotions, both Kenton and Lora are in for a big shock.

  After all… love doesn’t always make a person weak. Sometimes, it just makes you stronger.

  Since Kenton and Lora are about to track an arsonist who enjoys trapping his victims in the flames, they sure will need all the strength they can get!

  Thanks for checking out my Dish. If you’d like to learn more about my books, please visit my website at www.­cynthiaeden.­com.

  Happy reading!

  From the desk of Cara Elliott

  Dear Readers,

  Yes, yes, your eyes do not deceive you. Just when the brouhaha in Bath had calmed down a touch, a new scandal popped up. The Circle of Sin is spinning into action again. Alas, trouble seems to follow our intrepid heroines, when all they really want is a life of quiet scholarly study…. Actually, I take that back. They do realize that there is more to life than books (a handsome rogue… but we’ll get to that later).

  As you probably suspect, this time it’s Kate, the feisty, free spirit of the “Sinners”, who has landed in hot water. She’s spent most of her life gallivanting the world with her American sea captain father—some high sticklers may call him a pirate—so it’s really no surprise that her life in London, where she’s come to live with her imperious grandfather, the Duke of Cluyne, is not sailing along very smoothly.

  But honestly, it’s really not all her fault. That rascally rake, the Conte of Como—Marco to his more intimate friends—is the one making waves. He’s an unexpected guest at her grandfather’s staid country house party, and when one thing leads to another… all hell breaks loose.

  Trouble takes Kate and Marco from London to Vienna, where the various rulers of Europe are gathering to discuss politics now that Napoleon has been exiled to Elba. Now, now, don’t roll your eyes. It so happens that Vienna was THE ultimate party town at the time. Anybody who was anybody wanted to be there, to rub shoulders (and other unmentionable body parts) with the kings, princes, emperors, and other high profile celebrities.

  The Emperor of Austria hosted many of the dignitaries at his magnificent castle, and his poor aides spent countless hours trying to figure out the room assignments, taking into account who was sleeping with whom, so that late night tiptoeing through the corridors wouldn’t result in any embarrassing trip-ups.

  Glittering balls, sumptuous banquets, fanciful medieval jousts, spectacular fireworks—the daily list of extravagant entertainments was mind-boggling. Party girls Princess Bagration and the Duchess of Sagan vied with each other to see who could attract the most influential men to their soirees. As for other pleasures, well, let’s just say they all were intent on having a good time. In fact, the Tsar of Russia—a notorious skirt-chaser—had to have a whole new wardrobe sent from St. Petersburg because he gained so much weight partying every night!

  But why, you might ask, is Kate plunging into the midst of such frivolous festivities? And how is a rake like Marco going to help her get out of hot water? Well, you’ll just have to read TO TEMPT A RAKE to find out!


  From the desk of Amanda Scott

  Dear Reader,

  Most books grow from the seeds of isolated ideas. One reads about an unusual historical incident, or finds an odd phrase that triggers a string of thoughts, or overhears a comment on a bus or plane that stirs an idea for a situation or a character.

  I was seeking such seeds as I began to plot HIGHLAND MASTER. I’d started with a vague notion of Romeo and Juliet, simply because I always want to create a basic conflict between the hero and heroine. But I did not want the simple “Capulets think Montagues are dreadful and vice-versa”. When I found myself wondering what would happen if a Montague were dropped into a nest of Capulets with a mission to accomplish, the gray cells began churning. That is the moment when a writer begins asking herself, “What if?”

  What if my Scottish Romeo had sworn to kill Juliet’s father? In medieval Scotland, blood oaths and blood feuds were common. What if someone in authority over that Scottish Romeo, knowing nothing about his oath or the feud, sends him on a vital diplomatic mission to the Scottish Capulets?

  Then, since one also seeks to raise the stakes, what if Romeo has somehow managed to swear a second oath in direct conflict with his oath to kill Juliet’s father? What if he cannot keep either oath without breaking the other?

  What if he meets his Juliet and falls for her without realizing that her father is the man he has sworn to kill?

  Research soon drew me to the great Clan Battle of Perth in 1396, which was to all intents and purposes a trial by combat between Clan Chattan and Clan Cameron, the two largest, most powerful Highland clan confederations. Thirty “champions” from each clan fought on the North Inch of Perth before the King of Scots and his court. When I read that only one (unknown) Cameron had survived, and did so by flinging himself into the river Tay, which swept him into the Firth of Tay and most likely on into the North Sea, I knew that I had found my hero.

  In my story, Scotland’s finest swordsman, Sir Finlagh “Fin” Cameron, the last man of his clan standing against eleven men of Clan Cameron, escapes from the great clan battle, manages to avoid being swept out to sea and—calling himself simply “Fin of the Battles”—joins the service of Davy Stewart, the bedeviled heir to the Scottish throne. Seeking to ally himself with the Lord of the North and the Lord of the Isles against his scheming uncle, the Duke of Albany, Davy sends Fin of the Battles back into the Highlands to arrange for a secret meeting with the great lords, hosted by the powerful Captain of Clan Chattan, known to all and sundry as “the Mackintosh.”

  Entering Clan Chattan territory, Fin is felled by a mysterious arrow and rescued by the lady Catriona Mackintosh, granddaughter of Clan Chattan’s captain and, yes, also daughter of the clan’s war leader, Shaw Mackintosh, the very man whom Fin swore to his dying father on the battlefield that he would kill.

  I hope you enjoy HIGHLAND MASTER. In the meantime, Suas Alba!



  Table of Contents

  Cover Page



  A Preview of Too Wicked to Wed

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-­one

  Chapter Twenty-­two

  Chapter Twenty-­three

  Chapter Twenty-­four

  Chapter Twenty-­five

  Chapter Twenty-­six


  The Dish

  Also by Cara Elliott

  Praise for The Circle of Sin Novels



  To Sin with a Scoundrel

  To Surrender to a Rogue


  The Circle of Sin Novels

  To Surrender to a Rogue

  “4 Stars! Elliott’s ability to merge adventure, romance, and an intriguing historical backdrop will captivate her readers and earn their accolades.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “With mystery, intrigue, laughter, and hot, steamy passion… what more could any reader want?”


  “Another fantastic read from Cara Elliott, can’t wait until the next book.”


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