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The Sheikh's Christmas Maid

Page 11

by Leslie North

  “It’s a good thing the decorations are up, or your father will think that I’m a stripper,” she laughed. “I can’t believe you decided to do this. I’m proud of you.”

  “You are?”

  “I can tell that things are probably a little rocky with your family, and this is the first step in mending things. I’m sure your mother would be pleased.”

  “And what about your family?” he reminded her gently.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe next year,” she said softly.

  He leaned down to kiss her. He was about to let her know that even if things didn’t work out with her family, he would give her a new family when someone cleared his throat.

  Looking up, his jaw dropped open. “Jarik?” he asked in surprise.

  His older brother stood in the doorframe with his arm around a gorgeous brunette. For a moment, the two of them stared at each other.

  “You found Mom’s decorations?” Jarik asked tersely.

  “They were at the safe house.”

  “And you thought that you’d put them up?”


  “Does father know?”

  “Not yet. We got in this morning, and he’s not here.”

  “This morning?” Jarik whistled and looked around. “You’ve been busy.”

  “The servants were more than happy to help out.”

  The tense conversation ended, and Samir held his breath. Finally, Jarik’s features softened. “I’d forgotten how beautiful everything was. You did good, brother. Want to explain the blonde under your arm?”

  “Want to explain the brunette under yours?” Samir countered.

  Poppy broke away from Samir’s grasp and shook her head. “Why don’t we relax and have a drink,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m sure you two have some catching up to do, and we still need to trim the tree.”

  “Oh, I’d love to help!” the brunette offered with a big smile. The two women linked arms and wandered away as they chatted about the decorations.

  “It’s good to see you, Samir,” Jarik admitted. “It’s been awhile.”

  “It has. Maybe it’s time we put an end to that.”

  “Maybe it is.”

  Samir put out his hand to shake his brother’s, but instead, Jarik enveloped him in a big hug. “Merry Christmas, Samir.”

  “Merry Christmas, Jarik.”


  One year later

  “We’re almost there. Careful where you step,” Samir warned.

  “How can I possibly know where to be careful with this blindfold on?

  Poppy demanded as her feet slid on the icy walkway. Holding tight to Samir, she took cautious steps before stubbing her toe. “Ow!”

  “Sorry, habibti.”

  Poppy felt Samir’s arms wrap around her as he easily scooped her up, mounting the steps as though she were weightless.

  Tucking her head against his neck, “Now, couldn’t you have done that sooner?” she questioned as he chuckled.

  “And spoil all the fun? Never.”

  She felt him pause as he fumbled with a door, swinging it open as they walked into blessed heat. Finally, she might stop shivering. If he would have told her where they were going, she might have dressed more appropriately for a walk in the snow. As it was, she was soaked through.

  Setting her down, he wrapped his arms around her from behind. Nuzzling his cold nose against her collar bone, he kissed her ear. “Ready for your surprise?” he murmured against her hair.


  Poppy closed her eyes as he loosened the knot on her blindfold and removed it. Blinking slowly, she looked down as her eyes adjusted to the light. Looking up, she gasped.

  “Oh, Samir. You’ve outdone yourself.” She couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice as she stepped into the winter wonderland. Turning slowly around in a circle, she took in the extravagant Christmas tree with its merrily twinkling lights, the over-sized wreath mounted above the fireplace, the holiday decorations tastefully placed around the living room. Slipping off her coat, she walked toward the tree and lifted one of the ornaments.

  “Are these from that Christmas shop we stopped at in London?” At his nod, she grinned. “Did you buy out the entire shop?”

  He looked up as he was hanging his coat on the rack by the door. “Almost,” he admitted as he smiled with her. “You did say you couldn’t decide which ones you liked best and well, it is a big tree.”

  Before Poppy could respond, they were interrupted by a loud voice.

  “Sheikh Samir, I’m so glad you arrived safely. I trust everything is to your specifications,” Emine called as she bustled out from the kitchen. “Oh, hello, Poppy.”

  Poppy bit her lip to hide her grin, as she looked at Samir in amusement. When he had told her he wanted to surprise her, she had no idea he would bring her back to the safe house to celebrate Christmas or that the decorations would rival the palace. Giving Emine a covert look, she suspected that the older woman probably popped a few blood vessels when she found out that Samir had fallen for the hired help.

  “Everything is fine, Emine, thank you for your assistance. I trust the kitchen is stocked with everything I requested?” Samir asked, his own amusement evident on his face.

  “Yes, Sheikh, but you did not indicate any particular menu requests, so if there’s anything specific you’d like this evening, I would be happy to make it…” Emine began.

  In two strides, Samir was at the woman’s side, “Oh, that won’t be necessary. You’ve already been most helpful. I’m sure you have family waiting for you at home.” Moving quickly, Samir began to escort the woman toward the kitchen. “How about we get your coat and I’ll have my driver take you home. The roads have grown quite slippery and it won’t do to have you out driving in this weather, come.”

  Escorting Emine to the kitchen, Poppy could hear the rustling of clothing as she guessed that Samir was helping in the only way he knew how. Quickly and messily. As they returned to the living room, Emine continued to protest.

  “Sheikh Samir, I can’t possibly leave you here, alone,” she protested as Samir tutted her.

  “As you can see, I am not alone and if you will recall, Poppy has worked here, so between the two of us, we are more than capable of being in the house without your assistance for Christmas.” Reaching for the front door, Samir opened it and ushered Emine through. “My driver is waiting. Now go. Enjoy your time off. I insist.”

  As he spoke, Samir’s voice remained conciliatory but became more firm. Poppy watched the two of them wondering if Emine had ever been spoken to that way before. Shutting the door, Samir turned and leaned against it.

  “Alone at last.” He blew out a breath as though he’d overexerted himself and Poppy couldn’t resist giggling. Turning his head to look at her, he narrowed his gaze. Lifting his hand, he crooked one finger. “Come here, habibti.”

  Kicking off her wet shoes, Poppy debated about making him come to her but changed her mind and joined him by the door. Opening his arms, she stepped between them as he enveloped her in a hug.

  “Have I told you how much I love you, today,” he asked her as she lifted her chin to look at him.

  Pursing her lips, she pretended to think about her answer, “Not in at least…” looking at her watch, “two, no, three hours,” she answered him, pouting.

  Turning her, he picked her up, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissing her deeply, they both moaned. When they parted, they were breathless.

  “Well, since we are finally alone, how about I show you instead,” he told her as he kissed her again, not giving her a chance to respond. Lifting her higher, he shifted her so she suddenly found herself tossed onto his shoulder.

  “Hey!” she complained as Poppy ended up upside down. Swatting her on the ass, she yelped. “You have a very strange way to show your love for me, Samir.” He laughed in response as his long strides covered the distance to the stairs.

  Deciding that turnabout was fair play, Poppy
lifted the back of his sweater and slid her hands under his waistband, the tips of her fingers rubbing lightly on the top of his ass. Samir faltered as one knee bent a bit too much as though he were falling.

  “Be careful, habibti, you don’t want me to drop you, do you?” he admonished.

  “Well…if you put me down, then there’s no need to worry about that is there?” she questioned as he reluctantly set her down. Stepping up on the stair above him, she looked him in the eye as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Kissing him, she jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist as he braced himself on the stair rail. Shifting his stance, he wrapped one arm around her back and the other gripped her hip to support her while he kissed her back.

  “Besides, I think I prefer this way better,” she murmured against his lips as he began to mount the steps without releasing her.

  Depositing her on the bed in the master bedroom, he gave her one last kiss. “Don’t move,” he ordered before giving her a wink and leaving the room.

  Poppy fell backwards on the bed and stared up at the ceiling while she waited for him.

  Has it only been a year? She wondered as she smiled. She couldn’t believe how quickly things had progressed in their relationship. So much so, that she couldn’t seem to remember what life was like before him.

  Lost in thought, she was surprised when Samir had returned to the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel.

  He tut-tutted at her. “You are wearing too many clothes. Hurry and undress and then follow me.”

  Lifting her head, she smiled at him before sitting up. Reaching for the hem of her sweater, she pulled it over her head, the rest of her clothes quickly followed. As he looked at her in admiration, she could feel her nipples puckering in response. Taking his proffered hand, she followed him into the ensuite bathroom.

  “Oh my,” was all she could think to say as she looked at the dozens of lit candles spread around the room and the steaming bathwater with rose petals sprinkled on the top.

  Climbing into the over-sized tub, Poppy sat down with a satisfied sigh.

  “Ahem. Little room for me?” Samir asked with a smile, “Although I am glad you approve.” Giving him a sheepish smile, she slid forward so he could sit down behind her.

  Leaning her back against his chest, Poppy lifted her arms to drape around his neck. “Oh, this is wonderful,” she murmured as he picked up a washcloth and began to bathe her. “I think we need to do this every day.”

  Samir’s deep-throated chuckle vibrated against the skin on her shoulder. “Is that so, my love. Would I be the one doing the bathing or will we trade off?”

  Turning, so they were pressed chest to chest, Poppy gave him a sensual smile. “Oh, you will be the one doing the bathing; except for your birthday and any national holidays,” she answered cheekily. His rumble of laughter made the butterflies inside her dance about. “But you know, there are benefits to bathing the woman you love.”


  Shifting to a crouch in the warm water, she tapped his knees, so he would straighten his legs. Straddling his thighs, she lifted her breasts toward his mouth and he began to lavish attention on her nipples. Moaning, Poppy clutched at his shoulders before giving him a breathy answer.

  “Mmmm, yes, benefits.” She suddenly found herself incapable of continuing her banter as Samir inserted two fingers between her folds and turned his hand seeking out her g-spot. With another gasp, she rocked her hips back and forth silently asking him to continue.

  Pressing a kiss between her breasts, Samir turned his attention to her other breast. “My dear, I must admit, while the benefits are indeed…pleasurable, I am looking for something…more.” Samir’s tone had become gravely and was no longer playful despite the words.

  “Mmmore?” Poppy finally managed to respond. “I think more would be good too.”

  Reaching between them, she could feel the water moving as Samir positioned his cock. Rising up on her knees, Poppy managed to part her folds before slowly sinking down on top of his erection. She paused when she ended up back on his lap, her eyes rolling back in her head at how good it felt.

  Grasping her hips, he began to raise and lower her body as she once again clutched at his shoulders. She hadn’t anticipated that her arousal would rise so rapidly and was surprised as the tendrils of pleasure swiftly unfurled inside every part of her body.

  “Oh, Samir,” she called out as she could feel her orgasm rapidly approaching.

  “Not yet, habibti,” he warned her as he bent his knees and lifted his hips.

  Poppy turned her head from side to side, her eyes tightly closed as her pleasure increased. Water began to slosh out of the tub in small waves as Samir’s thrusts became more frantic.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh,” Poppy chanted.

  “Look at me,” he growled and she opened her eyes to see both intensity and love in his beautiful blue eyes.

  Falling toward him, their lips crashed together and he growled out, “Now.” He swallowed her cry, as her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, her muscles clenching tightly against his cock, forcing his own orgasm from him with a shout that was drowned out by their kiss.

  An hour later, they were both wrapped in fluffy robes and sitting on a nest of pillows and blankets in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. Poppy was drowsing slightly as she looked at the beautiful Christmas tree, the lights twinkling merrily.

  She felt Samir return and turned to see him set down a Champagne bucket and two glasses. Smiling at her, he returned to the kitchen and returned with a tray of potato chips, dip, and some fruit.

  Laughing, she looked at him. “Didn’t Emine say she stocked the kitchen?” she asked as he set it down.

  Nodding his head, “She did and while I thought about making you one of my famous mincemeat pies…”

  “Oh, no,” she interrupted. “We’ve already made a terrible mess upstairs, we’re not adding to it,” she declared.

  Sitting down next to her, he opened the Champagne bottle. “So, you don’t think I should ask Emine to come back?” he teased as she quickly shook her head.

  Pouring Champagne into the flutes, “My thoughts exactly, hence my choice of…snacks,” he told her handing her a glass.

  Poppy was about to take a sip when Samir asked, “Shall we toast?” Nodding her head, she sipped the Champagne anyway, loving the taste as the bubbles tickled the roof of her mouth.

  She looked at him in surprise when he shifted to his knees.

  “Poppy, habibti, from the moment we met, I knew that you were someone special but I had no idea how important you would become to me. Please, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” His voice broke with emotion as he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

  Poppy’s mouth opened and closed as she stared at the enormous diamond ring sitting in the box he held open in front of her. Shakily setting the Champagne flute down, she held her hand out for him to put the ring on her finger. As his hand clasped over hers, she leaped up and threw herself into his arms.

  “Oh, Samir. Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you so much. Oh, you’ve made me so happy.”

  Laughing, he hugged her tightly. “And I love you too. Now, can we please go make the mincemeat pie?”

  “Heck, no.”

  End of The Sheikh’s Christmas Maid

  Shadid Sheikhs Series

  Book One

  Book Two, The Sheikh’s Christmas Present will be released December 15th 2016. To be notified of the next release, sign up to my mailing list at HERE.

  PLUS: Do you love sizzling hot Sheikhs? Read an exclusive excerpt from Leslie North’s bestselling novel, The Sheikh’s Secret Bride (The Adjalane Sheikhs series Book 1) below.

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  Blurb from

  The Sheikh’s Secret Bride

  (The Adjalane Sheikhs Series Book 1)

  Work always comes first for Sheikh Nassir Adjalane. From an early age, he learned business was infinitely more important than having a personal life. But with pressure from an opponent on his board, Nassir suddenly has only one month to marry, or risk being voted out of his company. With everything he’s worked toward on the line, Nassir desperately needs a bride…and only one woman will do.

  Wedding planner Janna Davis never imagined she’d be summoned to the Middle East to plan Sheikh Nassir’s nuptials. But the outrageous sum he’s offered will finally give her what she needs to stand on her own two feet. As the planning gets underway, Janna is put off by Nassir’s businesslike manner, but she can’t deny his appeal. No matter what she’s feeling though, Janna has a job to do.

  Janna values her independence and refuses to fall for a soon-to-be married man, but what will happen when she learns that she is Nassir’s intended bride?

  Download The Sheikh’s Secret Bride

  (The Adjalane Sheikhs Series Book1) Here!

  Exclusive Excerpt from

  The Sheikh’s Secret Bride

  (The Adjalane Sheikhs Series Book 1)

  Wedding of Amare Sharqi and Bree, San Francisco, California, Two days later…

  Janna Davis watched Amare sweep his new bride into his arms and stride from the banquet hall then snorted. “Well, that’s not something you see every day.”


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