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If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle

Page 26

by Aubrey Bailey

  Fine, then you have to tell Noah.

  Tell me what? Noah asked, coming outside with Chloe.

  The same thing I just told everyone else and I so do not want to repeat it for a fifth time because it's losing its appeal now! Riley said, turning around and going inside.

  Okay, drama queen! Noah said.


  RILEY SAT ON the jet and sipped a mimosa. She was probably one of the most relaxed on the whole aircraft; she actually enjoyed flying. The only real damper on Riley's mood was the fact that Forest wasn't with them. He'd be in California soon, though, in time for her appearance on some talk show.

  Whatcha got there, Riles? Faith asked, kneeling on her seat to look over the back of it.

  Riley looked up at her. The script, she said. It would be really bad if I showed up and didn't really know anything, huh?

  Yeah, Faith said. Have you been told about whom you're being cast with?

  No, I havent, Riley answered. I didn't bother asking. I figure surprises are good.

  Faith laughed and turned around to sit back down. Riley turned her eyes back to the script. She chewed lightly on her lower lip. There were a lot of kissing scenes between her character and the lead male, as well as with Paul. Once she had told him about Maurice Malcolms assistant calling, Paul laughed and said that the movie in question was the movie he had to get back to California to start working on and that his character was the second love interest of Riley's. She asked him not to tell her who was in the rest of the cast. She had met a few actors, but not all of them, so she wanted it to be a surprise.

  Her eyes drifted over the pages, absorbing as much as possible. She glanced over at her dad and a little smile crossed her face. Oh, he was not going to like this part. One of the kissing scenes she had with the lead turned into the beginning of a sex scene.

  How goes the reading? Nathan asked dropping into the empty seat next to Riley.

  Pretty good, Riley said. She marked the page then closed the script and stuck it into her bag. Think I should stop for now though.

  How many times have you read it?

  This will be the second time all the way through.

  And how many times have you just skimmed it?

  Umm, eight, Riley said, thinking. Nathan just laughed, making her smile.

  They landed a few hours later. Riley was impressed with the fact that there were paparazzi at the airport already. They squeezed it out of someone and she had to give them credit for that, even if they did bug the hell out of her.

  Oh my God, they're parasites! Bridgette complained, climbing into the limo behind her cousin.

  No shit, Riley said. I hope Mom and Dad will be alright with Chloe.

  That's why we sent them first. They don't draw as much attention as you, Alice remarked, getting in.

  Where are Faith and Paul? Riley asked.

  Out there making the front page, Alice said, simply.

  Riley rolled her eyes. Faith and Paul finally climbed into the limo after posing for about three dozen photos, Faith with a smile.

  You make those people so happy, Riley said.

  Yeah, I know, Faith acknowledged.

  They don't have to gossip about her. Practically everything is true, Bridgette observed. So where are we going to stay while you make this blockbuster?

  Lorne got us an awesome penthouse in Santa Monica, Riley answered. The other girls cheered.

  Oh my, Alice said, dropping her bags as she walked into their new place for the next while.

  God! Faith finished for her. It's like that whole damn wall is a window!

  The key-coded elevator opened right into the massive penthouse suite. It was complete with giant marble pillars and floors, elaborate oriental rugs, Victorian-style crimson furniture and a giant window stretching the entire expanse of the western wall, overlooking the beaches of Santa Monica.

  Okay, this is officially my favorite penthouse so far! Faith declared, looking down at the golden coast.

  Can we stay here forever? Alice asked, flopping down onto a large, plush chair. Riley laughed. Alice looked at Lorne as he came in. Lorne, you are so awesome for getting us this place!

  Hey don't give me credit, Lorne said. Give it to Nathan.

  Thank you! The four girls chorused as Nathan walked in. He jumped at the unexpected applause.

  Hey, you guys are welcome, Nathan replied. Now, who wants to go sight-seeing?

  Me! Faith and Alice said, throwing their hands into the air.

  Me, too! Bridgette said.

  I need to stay back, Riley said, and study more of my lines.

  Okay, we'll have fun for you, Faith said, heading back to the elevator.

  Aunt Madison and Uncle Orion are below us, right? Bridgette asked. Riley nodded. Well see if they want to go, too.

  Sure thing, no problem, Nathan agreed.

  Have fun and be careful guys, Lorne advised.

  Don't worry, Nathan responded, winking. We'll be careful.

  I mean it, Lorne emphasized.

  So do I, Nathan added. Riley turned her eyes back to the view.

  So, baby cakes, what's on your mind? Lorne asked, stepping up next to her. She looked at him. I know you too well.

  It's this movie, Riley admitted. I know I did well with my stage work, but what if I totally bomb this? What if

  You stop lying and tell me the truth, Lorne demanded. You generally never worry about this stuff, so theres something else.

  Landon, Riley admitted, finally. Paul said that he lives here now. What if I run into him?

  So what if you do? Lorne asked. Riley stayed quiet. Look, baby doll, both of you has moved on. If you run into him, it's all up to you. You can create a dramatic scene that will be all over the news by the morning, or you can be polite and keep things just between the two of you.

  I hate being famous sometimes, Riley declared.

  More ups than downs, though, yeah? Lorne asked, putting his arm around her shoulders.

  For the most part, yeah, Riley admitted, leaning against him. What should I do, though?

  Get some rest then be ready to meet everyone at the set tomorrow, Lorne advised.

  Hmm, thats good advice, Riley acknowledged. Lorne kissed her head, and then watched her disappear into the room that she was obviously claiming.

  Miss Pratt, its wonderful to have you here! Maurice Malcolm said. Riley smiled as she walked up to the group of people on the set, with Lorne and her father right behind. She was feeling much better that morning. Did you get a chance to read the script properly? Maurice asked.

  Yes, I did. Riley answered. It's great. Orion coughed. Oh, Mr. Malcolm, this is my manager Lorne and my father, Orion Pratt.

  Mr. Malcolm, if you dont mind, I have a few questions Orion started.

  Daddy, you promised! Riley cried. Orion looked at her. Riley then gave him a look that so resembled one of her mother's looks that Orion ended up saying nothing. Sorry about that, Mr. Malcolm, Riley said.

  Maurice, he corrected her. Riley smiled slightly and nodded. Let me introduce you to your cast mates and crew. Although Riley was originally going to audition in California, the executives of the movie company decided they couldnt wait that long, so they fast tracked and decided to go ahead and give her the lead unless she screwed things up. Thus, when she arrived in California, she already had the part.

  Sure, Id like to, Riley said.

  Come on, Mr. Pratt. If you have any kind of concern, best do it with these people, Maurice said. Then he led Orion and Riley into a room full of producers and writers, along with some of the cast.

  Of course you know Paul, Maurice said.

  Of course. Hey, Paul, Riley said, hugging Paul.

  Hey, great to see you again, kid! Paul acknowledged.

  Yeah, its been so long? Riley said, laughing, even though it had been only twelve hours. Paul laughed and let go of her. Riley continued along meeting some of the producers and writers.

  And last, but most certainly not lea
st, is our other star, Maurice announced. The star's back was turned to them, focusing on the buffet. His head turned when he heard them talking. I'm sure you already know who he is. He was the one who gave me the idea to have you here in the first place.

  Oh, really? Riley asked. Well, I'll need a face to be able to She stopped and stared as the man in front of her turned around.

  Hey, Riles, Landon said, slightly uncomfortably.


  EVERYONE IN THE room was very aware of the tension that suddenly arose with the introduction of the two leads. Riley stared at Landon in disbelief, while Landon looked everywhere but her.

  Well, this really is a 'long time, no see' moment, she said. Landon listened carefully, but he did not detect any sarcasm in her voice. Come on, Landon, we used to be best friends. Do I at least get a hug? She held her arms out, smiling some more. Landon then stepped closer and hugged her. Riley placed her mouth near his ear, in order to speak so that only he could hear. Don't think that all is forgiven. We need to talk, but not around people who could tell it to the damn world. Landon nodded slightly and stepped back away from her.

  I'm guessing no one told you, he said.

  What? That you were the other lead? No, they didnt, Riley admitted, casting a look in Maurice and Paul's direction.

  You told me you wanted it to be a surprise! Paul defended himself. Riley laughed, but Landon noticed that her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. She was putting on an act to avoid having any stories made up about lingering friction between them.

  So, is everyone good with everyone or do I have to prepare myself for complaints? Maurice asked, half joking.

  Its all good on my end, Riley said.

  Same here, Landon agreed.

  Good, let's run a few lines then and maybe get some rehearsals in today, Maurice said.

  The whole day proved just how well Riley and Landon could act, both as movie stars and as private individuals. When they weren't rehearsing, they acted friendly to each other; and when they were rehearsing, they acted extremely professional with each other.

  It wasn't until around three, after Maurice had brought rehearsals to an end and everyone else had gone home, that Riley and Landon had some alone time.

  So, how you been lately? Landon asked, looking at the ground, hands in his pockets.

  I've been better, Riley said, leaning against the wall behind her. So is this why you were too busy to come to Noah's wedding?

  Uh, yeah, Landon admitted.

  Really? Because Paul came and he's nowhere near as close to Noah as you've been, Riley said.

  Okay, fine. Believe me, I just couldn't go, Landon answered in an exasperated tone.

  Why not? Riley persisted.

  I didn't, well, I couldnt see you.

  Yet you told Maurice to use me for the movie.

  I wasn't really thinking about how Id feel; I was mainly trying to help Maurice out.

  So what, you were afraid to see me?

  Yeah, that's pretty much it. They were quiet for a while. Ummhow's your throat?

  Fine now, Riley said. She had gone in for throat surgery a while back when she had been doing too much singing. It was all over the tabloids, of course. Still gets a bit sore sometimes, but overallmuch better. How about your knee?

  Back to normal, Landon said. He had gone in for surgery around the same time. How is everything else?

  If you're talking health-wise, Lorne makes sure I do absolutely nothing the hour before and after a show, Riley said, just because I collapsed one time.

  That's Lorne for you. He and Nathan still good?

  Yeah, they're great, disgustingly so if you walk in on them when theyre all flirty and what not. Landon smiled a bit.

  So, you and Forest, he said.

  What about Forest? Riley asked.

  Nothing; just forget I said anything, Landon said.

  You realize we've been through this before right? Riley asked. About four years ago, when you used to give me the light of day,

  Well I was right about Preston, wasn't I? Landon probed.

  He got out last year, Riley informed Landon, who raised an eyebrow. I have a restraining order against him now.

  Really? What happened? Landon asked.

  He was busted for aiding Damian. What do you think? My body guards have been given permission to break some bones if Preston comes near me.


  So, how are you and Monique?

  So far as I know, we're good. She's off doing a photo shoot at the moment, but she's supposed to be back tomorrow. Riley nodded. What do you think of this movie? Maurice wants to call it Never Love Again.

  Pretty cool, actually, Riley said. It seems our characters always wind up together in some way, but don't want to admit their true feelings. So fate decides to screw with them and have them reborn over and over.

  Yeah, that's pretty much how I see it, too, Landon admitted, laughing a bit. Well you picked up on it faster than a few of the other girls.

  Thanks. I actually look forward to doing this, Riley said, looking down at her script. I always wanted to dress up like the nineteen-fifties.

  Yeah, I remember, Landon said. You always could have done that for Halloween, but you were obsessed with X-Men.

  Shut up, Riley cried, grinning.

  A few minutes of small talk later, they heard honking and turned to look out the door.

  Oh, I have to go now. Dad wants some sort of family event tonight. We have Chloe for the couple of weeks that Noah and Alison are off on their honeymoon, Riley said.

  I'm guessing that was your gift to them? Landon suggested.

  Of course. Alison wanted to go to the Caribbean. I had some connections, so I got them the best. The car horn honked again. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.

  Sure, Landon said, waving as Riley ran out to the car and slid into it. He headed out to his own car as Rileys took off. Landon sighed and sat back before starting the car and driving home. What the hell was he going to do about his feelings now? He thought he was over Riley, but seeing her again might have changed his mind.


  RILEY BOBBED HER head as she watched Landon sing in a tweed suit and fedora, with a night sky as a back drop in Studio 19. It felt odd for her to watch him sing something she had written, when she herself didn't remember it very well. She smiled and looked down at the script before mouthing along. Paul nudged her and Riley looked at him.

  Odd, isn't it, he said. Hearing Landon sing a song that you wrote about him?

  You read my mind, Riley said, giggling softly.

  Cut! That was spectacular! Good job! Maurice said.

  Having fun yet? Paul asked.

  It's confusing, but yes, Im having fun, Riley admitted.

  For the past couple of days they had been filming scenes in Studio 19 before they had to do voice overs in order to perfect the sound.

  You know I never really knew before how musicals were done, Riley revealed.

  Its a bit like a cartoon, really, Paul explained. When theyre filming theyre not always in range of the microphones, so they probably only catch about half of the words at full volume. Riley nodded. It's not like being in the high school plays, huh?

  Not at all, Riley observed. There are a lot of differences.

  On the plus side, you don't have to practically yell your lines, Paul said. Riley laughed. She watched as his eye slid to something behind her and before she could turn around, there were hands on her shoulders.

  Boo! Forest said, leaning down as Riley turned her head to look at him.

  Hey! she said, kissing him quickly. I didn't know you were stopping in today.

  I felt like surprising ya, Forest said. Besides, I'm actually just down the hall, doing some recordin myself. Riley laughed again.

  Well, we wind up with the oddest coincidences, don't we? she asked.

  Yeah, hey there, chief, Forest said, looking up. Riley looked up as well, to see Landon sit down next to Paul.

; Hey, how's it going? Landon asked.

  Pretty darn good, yourself? Forest asked.

  Can't complain, Landon said.

  Well, I gotta get back, Forest stated, kissing Riley a second time. You be good, now.

  Aren't I always? Riley asked.

  Hey, dont ask questions you dont want the answers to, Forest said, smirking.

  He left and the air went out. Why did she feel so awkward? She frowned as she flipped through the script, pretending to read it.

  Hey, Riley, Paul, Landon!! The three of them turned to see who it was. Running their way were Bridgette, Alice and Faith.

  Hey girls, Riley said.

  Hey! Bridgette said. Landon, am I allowed to hug you?

  I don't know about that! Landon joked.

  Bridgette made a face, but Landon just laughed and held open his arms. Bridgette smiled and hugged him while Riley grinned and shook her head.

  So, we were planning on going out to dinner, Alice said. You know, escape your parents and the manager?

  You guys want to come too? Faith asked. Give Forest some company while we all have our girl talk.

  I'm up for it, Paul said.

  I don't know, Landon hesitated. Monique might

  Oh, invite her along, Alice suggested. She looked at Riley. If you dont mind, of course.

  Of course, why would I? Riley asked.

  I'll call and ask her, Landon announced.

  An hour and a half later, they all sat, talking boisterously as they plucked pieces of sushi of their plates at the luxurious Magnolia Sushi House. Riley was seated next to Monique.

  I love your musicit's fantastic! Monique said. Riley just nodded, her mouth full of food.

  Thanks, she said, once she had finished swallowing. It's nice to hear from my fans from time to time. She leaned towards Bridgette, who was sitting on her other side and whispered. Why did we go out to eat, if she barely eats anything?

  Because Faith and Alice were really hungry, Bridgette whispered back, and it was it their idea.

  Alright, Riley said, nodding a bit. She straightened back up and glanced over at Landon and Forest. True, they looked to be having a friendly conversation, but Riley knew Landon's acting skills all too well. She began wondering about what he was really thinking.


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