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Jumper: 10 Seconds or Less (a bad boy romance) (North Side Kings Book Book 3)

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by Scarlett Winters

  North Side Kings Book 3


  10 Seconds or Less


  Scarlett Winters

  Copyright 2020 Scarlett Winters

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any way or by any means. Including but not limited to recording, photocopying, any electronic methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher. This book is strictly a work of fiction, any references to persons, places or things are all completely fictional.

  Warning: This book is for adult audiences.


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  Chapter 1 – Quiet Sunday

  Chapter 2 – The Setup

  Chapter 3 – Blind date

  Chapter 4 – Saturday night race

  Chapter 5 – Visiting Hours

  Chapter 6 – The Tale of the Accident

  Chapter 7 – The Word Is Out

  Chapter 8 – The Artist

  Chapter 9 – Evening Visit

  Chapter 10 – Overcoming fears

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  Chapter 1 – Quiet Sunday

  Dean walked into the private room of the club early Sunday evening. Hunter, his fiancé Octavia, Ethan and his girlfriend Brooke were there enjoying a drink and having a chat.

  “Dean! How’s it going?” asked Hunter.

  The waitress handed Dean a beer as he sat down on the couch. He took a sip of his beer and placed it on the glass coffee table in front of him.

  “Fantastic!” he said with a grin from ear to ear.

  “What we’re you up to?” asked Hunter with a big smile.

  “Just came back from a jump!” he said.

  “A jump?” asked Brooke.

  Brooke was still relatively new to Ethan’s friends and was still learning their hobbies and past-times. Brooke was just starting to realize the entire mafia click, and how deep it actually went.

  “Skydiving!” he said.

  “You jumped out of a plane?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Of course!” He said as if it was no big deal.

  “Was there something wrong with the plane? Why on earth would you jump out of a perfectly good plane?” Brooke asked trying to be funny.

  “It’s my addiction. Well, one of them anyway. Today was my 100th jump and it was fantastic! Beautiful clear day, hardly any breeze, it was glorious!” he explained.

  Brooke could see the excitement in his eyes talking about one of his passions.

  “What else do you like to do for fun?” she asked, wanting to learn more about one of her boyfriend’s best friends and members of his street racing crew.

  “Rock Climbing, but I have to drive a few hours to find a decent climb. So it’s not as convenient or readily available as skydiving.” He answered.

  Dean was the youngest member of Hunter’s crew. He was 25, 6’1”, well-toned muscular body, numerous tattoos on his arms, chest, and neck, chocolate eyes, and he kept his head shaved perfectly bald at all times.

  “Any word on your new project?” Hunter asked as he took a sip of his beer.

  “Yes! Looks like its all set. We sit down with the client tomorrow and get the signatures!” he said excitedly.

  “Project?” asked Brooke.

  “Dean designs high rises. He’s the best in LA, and one of the best in all of America,” Hunter explained, as he gave Dean a pat on the back.

  “Wow! That’s amazing!” Brooke said.

  “Yea, this concept is brilliant. Get this, picture a 4 city block high rise. It’s one huge circle, 48 floors high. On the inside of the circle, is a luxurious common ground that includes a tennis court, a basketball court, a circular walking path, and a small park.” Dean passionately explained.

  “Oh my God! That sounds amazing!” she said.

  “Yea, it’s going to be my best work yet!” he said.

  “How many buildings have you designed?” she asked.

  “This will be my 15th sky rise. You know that huge building that has been under construction for a little over a year now in the downtown area? That is mine. It has about 14 months to go before it’s done! That one has already sold out both retail and condo space.” He said.

  “Retail and Condo in the same building. Is that new?” she asked.

  “Not new, per se. However, the classic design of condo’s is to have the main floor with common retail shops. A convenience store, an insurance company, and a few other small retailers. I came up with the idea to make the first 6, 8 or 10 floors all commercial. We give the commercial retailers a discount to entice them to lease their space, then we use that as a bargaining chip to the condo purchasers, saying it’s everything you need without getting out of your pajamas. It’s win-win and these condo’s sell out in a month or less once we start accepting offers.” He continued to explain.

  Dean looked over to Hunter who had his arm around Octavia, then looked at Ethan sitting comfortably with his arm around Brooke. Dean had been single a number of years and Ethan picked up a hint of jealousy in his eyes as he looked at them.

  “Hey babe, you’re roommate Paige, she’s single, right?” Ethan asked out of the blue.

  “Yes, she is. Why?” she answered.

  “You should set her up on a blind date with Dean!” he offered, a sly grin on his face.

  Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think she is interested in dating right now. She is so busy with her work and her painting.” She said trying to think of a reason why it would not work out.

  “A simple date doesn’t hurt. Everyone has a couple of hours to spare for a meal and a drink! She does eat doesn’t she?” pressed Ethan.

  “Dean could use a good girl by his side,” Added Hunter in support of the idea.

  Brooke hated being in this position. She didn’t want to set up a blind date, but she also did not want to disappoint Ethan. She paused for a moment before answering him.

  “I’ll bring it up to her. No guarantees, but I will ask!” she said.

  “There you go, buddy. Brooke will set you up on a date. I’ve met Paige a few times, she is a good looking lady. Definitely your type of gal!” he said.

  “And what type is that?” asked Brooke nervously.

  “Single!” laughed Ethan. Dean shrugged his shoulders, “It could be fun I guess, but only if she actually wants to. Okay Brooke? No pressure.” Added Dean with a kind smile.

  Chapter 2 – The Setup

  Brooke got home just before 10 PM Sunday night and saw Paige sitting on the couch watching TV.

  “Hey, Paige! How was your night?” she asked trying to decide how to break into the blind date conversation.

  “Boring. Watched TV, cleaned a bit, party central!” she replied with a laugh.

  “You need a boyfriend to fill those boring nights!” she said with a nervous laugh.

  “Nah! No time for that!” she replied. “How was your night?” She asked.

  “Quiet. Hung out at the club with Ethan, had a few drinks. Dean showed up and we talked a bit.” She answered, nervousness filled her voice.

  By now Paige had figured out something was on her best friend’s mind.

  “Ok, what’s up? Spill it!” she demanded.

  “Nothing really.
Ethan thinks you and Dean would hit it off and Dean has offered to take you on a date.” Said Brooke, as she glanced at her feet.

  “Oh no way!” she said. “I don’t want a boyfriend, and you know I don’t do blind dates!” she said, shaking her head.

  “I know, but I was put into a situation where they were not taking no for an answer.” Brooke replied in an apologetic voice.

  “You will do anything he asks! You know it. He has complete control over you! You two are like love sick puppies.” she said to Brooke.

  Brooke said nothing. She knew what Paige said was true. She fell in love with him once he rescued her at the club a few short months ago.

  “Just curious and not saying I’ll do it. What does he look like?” asked Paige, a little curious as to what she would be getting into.

  “Tall, muscular, shaved head, tattoos, usually has a 5 o’clock shadow.” Said Brooke as she started describing her potential blind date to Paige.

  “What does he do?” Paige asked, she couldn’t help but be curious. She loved how Ethan treated Brooke.

  “He designs and builds high rises,” Brooke answered softly.

  “How old is he? You know I don’t want the sad left over’s.” warned Paige.

  “He’s 25, just a couple years older than you!” she answered.

  There was a pause of silence between the two of them. Paige thought about it for several minutes before answering. Paige had just turned 21. Her friend had found the love of her life. Maybe she should take a chance.

  “For you, I will go on one date with him. Probably not going to amount to much. But I will agree to one date.” Said Paige, she smiled at Brooke.

  “Yay! Just keep an open mind. Never know you may actually like him!” she said with a large grin on her face.

  “Well if your description is accurate, at least I will have eye candy to look at for a few hours!” she said laughing.

  “He’s cute! There is no problem in that department, I promise you!” she said. “Thanks again, I am going to head to bed.” She said as she got up and headed to her bedroom.

  Chapter 3 – Blind date

  Paige agreed to meet Dean at the club on Friday night for their blind date. He had asked that she come by at 6 PM, the club would be near empty at that time, and ask the doorman James for him.

  She did as requested. She walked up to the big black man standing at the door.

  “Hi, I am looking for Dean!” she said to him and smiled politely.

  “Yes ma’am, he is expecting you. One moment.” He said.

  James grabbed his radio and pressed the talk button.

  “Dean, your lady friend has arrived, Sir!” he said.

  “Thanks, buddy! Be right down!” was heard over the radio.

  Paige stood beside James for a few moments. She was nervous and feeling awkward. She did not know if she should strike up some small talk with the doorman, or just stand there and wait for Dean. She hated blind dates with a passion. And the only reason she was here was to help Brooke out with a favor.

  Just then a tall, muscular man appeared from the stairwell. His head clean-shaven and shiny, she noticed part of a tattoo on his neck covered by the white dress shirt. His pinstripe perfectly pressed navy blue suit and paisley tie completed his outfit. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at the man. Oh my, please let that be Dean.

  “You must be Paige,” He said as he extended his hand to her.

  His voice was deep and masculine. Butterflies filled her stomach as soon as she heard him speak.

  “Yes, Hello.” She said nervously as she placed her hand in his.

  Dean took her hand and kissed the back of it gently. She’s gorgeous! Where has she been hiding all this time?

  “You are a vision of beauty. It is my honor to meet you. Shall we go for dinner?” He asked her.

  Paige heard all about Brooke’s dinner and the fancy restaurant they went to on her date with Ethan. So she thought she should dress up for the event tonight. She had on her favorite little black dress. It was a short mid-thigh dress, with a deep V shape front that showed off the sides of her breasts. She had spent time preparing her make-up and hair and making sure she looked like a model for her date. Even though she hated blind dates, she hated not looking her best even more.

  Dean kept her hand as he walked out of the club. He walked to his black Ford F-150 Lariat truck and opened the door for her. Once she was seated in the passenger seat he closed her door and got into the driver’s seat.

  “Brooke was right about one thing, she said you were beautiful. However, I think she was being modest, you are simply stunning!” he said opening the conversation.

  Paige smiled and blushed. She was not expecting someone as handsome and charming to be her date.

  “Thank you, you are not so bad either!” she said as she smiled at him.

  Dean pulled out of the parking lot and on to the main strip.

  “May I ask where we are going?” She asked quietly.

  Dean looked over admiring his stunning date.

  “I have something very special planned for our date!” He replied.

  Paige smiled nervously. She did love surprises and romance, however, she also did not know Dean at all and was nervous as to what he was up to.

  Dean drove into the downtown area and pulled into a construction zone of the new high rise that was being built. There were a few cars left in the parking area, however, you could tell the crew had pretty much left for the day.

  “Uhm, ok this is different!” She said nervously.

  Dean took her hand and held it.

  “Please, give me 5 minutes more to arrive at our final destination, and I promise you it will all make perfect sense.” He said smiling at her.

  She remembered what Brooke said on Sunday about him building high rises. She thought this was one of his projects and maybe there was a restaurant on the main floor that was already open. However, she could see no evidence supporting that.

  They walked together on the make-shift walkway to the front doors of the building. Dean pulled a swipe card from his pocket and waved it in front of the proximity reader. The LED light on the reader turned green and they heard a click from the front doors, indicating they were now unlocked.

  Dean opened the front door and allowed Paige to enter the building. As she walked through the doors she looked up and around the grand entrance.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous!” she said. “You designed this?” she asked.

  “Thank you, it’s been consuming most of my time lately. The building still has 20 floors to go, however, the first 14 floors are complete.” He said as he smiled at her and made an after you movement towards the elevators.

  He pushed the elevators up button and the gold-accented elevator doors opened. He swiped his card again over the proximity reader in the elevator and pressed 14.

  The doors closed and the elevator started to move upwards. A few moments later the doors opened to a wide-open floor. There were no walls, only a few support pillars, and a beautiful boardroom table that had been transformed into an elegant dining table. There was a luxurious white table cloth placed over the boardroom table and a romantic setting for two. The candles were already lit and there was a waiter dressed in a tuxedo waiting for their arrival.

  The waiter nodded to them as they walked towards the table.

  “Good evening Sir, ma’am!” he said.

  The waiter pulled out the chair for Paige and seated her at the table. Dean had a seat next to her.

  The waiter pulled the napkins out of the fine stemware wine glasses and placed them on their laps. He presented Dean with a bottle of red wine.

  “Sir, for your enjoyment, I have selected for you a bottle of Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia Bolgheri, from Tuscany, Italy. With your permission?” he said to Dean with his heavy French accent.

  Dean looked at the label and saw the year 2015 and nodded in approval. Then smiling at Paige, he gave her a small wink.

  The waiter removed th
e foil wrap from the bottle’s neck and removed the cork like the true professional he was. He poured a single ounce into Dean’s glass and waited for further instruction.

  Dean picked up his glass by the stem and looked through the full-bodied red wine. He twirled the wine in his glass a few times before taking an inhale of his glass so his nostrils would be filled with the wines aroma. And finally, he took a sip of the wine, allowing it to sit in his mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.

  “Jacques, you have outdone yourself, my friend. This wine has to be the best one you have found for me yet! Good job!” he said.

  Jacques placed his right hand over his heart and smiled and bowed in appreciation of Dean’s kind words.

  Jacques filled Paige’s glass before filling Dean’s.

  “I will allow you two to talk for a few moments before bringing out your soup.” He said as he walked away.

  “You went through the trouble of creating a dinner for two, on one of your job sites, catered by a French chef, just for me?” she asked almost in disbelief of what was happening.

  Dean took a sip of his wine before answering.

  “My folks taught me at a very young age, that you only get one chance to make a first impression. And I want to make sure mine is a good one!” he said with a kind smile.

  “I have to say when we pulled up to a job site, I was nervous. Thoughts of you cutting me up and burying my body here crossed my mind. But now, I am extremely impressed. No one has ever come close to trying to impress me to this level.” She said.

  “Nah, if I wanted to make you disappear I have guys who would do that for me,” He said half-jokingly as he laughed through his comeback.

  Paige was not sure if he was serious or not, but decided that was all the information she needed on that subject.

  Just then Jacques returned and placed a bowl of soup in front of each of them.

  “I have prepared for you my famous Wild Mushroom Soup as a starter. Please enjoy” he said as he once again retreated.


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