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Island Guardians 05 - Mystic's Call

Page 3

by Lacey Thorn

  He would love her, this he knew though he had yet to meet her in person. He had loved her since he was a child and first dreamed of her. She had been a child then as well, younger, smaller. He had often wondered if she had shared his dreams or if they were his alone, a solitary gift from the Goddess of Altair for one of her blood. He’d mentioned it once to his mother, once when he was much younger and she had urged him to share them with no one.

  She said that his dreams were his alone and that they were often a way of seeing what was to come. He had dreamed of two things all his life. His mate. And his death. And if they were a vision of what was to come then he could be assured of only one thing. That with the coming of his mate, his death was not far behind.

  * * * * *

  Reanna sat in the clearing at peace with what lay ahead for her. Soon Tanner would arrive, the man of her dreams. She smiled as she thought of him. She had most assuredly known him the longest of all of her mates. But their shared dreams were their own and she knew that he would never mention them, not even to her. He was a warrior, a man of strength and brawn. He was the one who would throw himself in the way to save another without thought or concern for his own personal safety. It was a character flaw in her opinion. One that would worry her to no end.

  Bram would always be the one to look at things from all angles searching for the best way. He would analyze and decide what was best for the majority. And Finn would be the organizer. He would be the one to ensure that everything was carried out to the letter. But Tanner was the very heart of the warriors. He was the one who they all trusted and believed in. He trained with them, fought with them and bled with them. And if the time came none doubted that he would die for them. And that thought made her blood run cold.

  Awakening as the Mystic she had memories not her own, answers to questions that she’d never known to ask. And she had knowledge of more than she’d ever thought possible. Now she was no longer Reanna, another pretty girl from one of the villages. Now she was Reanna, Mystic and chosen mate of the Verbani warriors, the new Princes of Altair. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders and knew that her mates felt the same. As did each of the four Island Guardians.

  Erika, Farrah, Willow and Alea. Earth, fire, water and air. Soon they would all unite. Soon the ceremony would begin. Within days it would begin. A new beginning for them all. An ending for someone. It frustrated her that she didn’t know who would die, only that another would fall. It scared her that it might be someone very close to her. It was hell on the nerves to feel so much power at her fingertips and yet feel so powerless.

  Dusk was falling around her casting a shadow across the water before her. Bram would be returning to her parents’ house soon and asking for her. He would find her eventually, but not before Tanner arrived and found her first. Now it was their time, the two of them. As tomorrow would be her time with Finn. Then they would bond and she would wear the eagle of the Verbani with pride. But a more formal ceremony would have to wait until this was all over. Until the hand fate and the goddess had dealt them had been played out and peace restored. She only prayed that they all survived the next few days.

  A rustle behind her had her heartbeat increasing, though not with fear but with anticipation. Tanner was here.

  She turned her head and watched as he approached her. He was the exact replica of Bram and yet he wasn’t. To the casual observer they would appear the same. But she could tell the difference. It was in the very way they walked. It was in the eyes, the breadth of Tanner’s shoulders. They were all warriors, all fighters. But they were all different in their abilities, in the way they fought.

  He stopped beside her and it was a long way to look up at him. Power and strength. Lust shot through her veins and had her pussy clenching with hunger. Her second mate had arrived and she wanted him.

  He fell to his knees, one to each side of her extended legs so that she was caged by him.

  “I thought you were just a dream,” he whispered as he reached one large hand out to touch her face, to stroke over her hair.

  “No,” she whispered back bringing his attention to her lips. She flicked her tongue out to wet them and with a groan he bent to lick them as well.

  And that easily the spell was broken and they were both reaching for each other. His tongue moved past her lips and forged into her mouth exploring, devouring, owning. She was his and in that moment she wanted nothing less. His hands were everywhere awakening nerves, making her body scream for his touch.

  And she reciprocated. Her hands explored every hard curve and angle of his body that she could reach. He was hard and solid and his flesh was burning as hot as hers was. Too many clothes. They had on way too many clothes and she couldn’t seem to get her fingers to work fast enough to get them off.

  But he was not so limited and he quickly had her naked beneath him. It was erotic. The feel of him clothed while she was naked. She could feel the bulge of his cock and wantonly rubbed against him. She wanted him naked and she wanted it now. But he had other plans and for the moment she let him have the upper hand.

  He moved his lips over her placing kisses down her throat and over her chest. He stopped for several long moments sucking her nipples into harder points. And she loved it, loved the feel of his mouth on her breasts. He laved and sucked moving back and forth between her nipples until they both rose shiny and red. And she begged for more. He nipped with his teeth bringing her so close to orgasm that she curled her hands into the earth and cried out. His tongue and mouth were pure heaven, but oh goddess, his teeth nipping at her flesh was an ecstasy she’d never known.

  But he moved on, moved lower so that his tongued danced a path over her abdomen. Stopping to flick in and out of her bellybutton he moved on to the curve of her hips showering each side with attention before moving to the center. She was more than wet and ready for him. She was dripping with excitement, with need and desire. But he just held his head there and inhaled her scent closing his eyes, his face making her feel like she was the best thing he’d smelled in a long time.

  Then his eyes opened and the aqua blue was almost glowing such was the intensity in his gaze. His hands moved, lifting her legs up and in front of him so that he could slide down between them, his belly on the grass. Then his mouth was there, the brush of his lips over her cunt making her pulse race even faster. Her eyes closed only to fly open with the first slow flick of his tongue.

  He took her pussy much like he had her mouth earlier. No slow, sweet exploration, but raw and powerful and consuming. His tongue flicked out and wrapped around her clit drawing the turgid morsel into his mouth and sucking on it as he had her nipples. And she exploded, fire shooting through her veins and flowing like lava inside her. He sucked and sucked until she finally went limp and then he let go and moved his mouth lower to her opening. Now he was slow.

  He ran his tongue over her lips darting inside for more of her taste as he wanted to. He used his fingers to spread her and then slowly fucked his tongue in and out of her. Slowly he built her back up. She reached up to take her breasts in her hands and ply her nipples with her fingers. She was on fire again only it was different this time, more molten.

  He lifted from her moving up to his knees and holding her gaze as he worked on releasing the fastenings on his pants. His weapons belt was gone though she didn’t remember him removing it. Then his pants were open and the engorged head of his cock was right there a shiny drop of fluid glistening on it. Without a thought she leaned up and while his hands were still on his pants she took him in her hands, and then in her mouth.

  They both groaned as she sucked the head, running her tongue over the top and then flicking it in the tiny notch just below. His was big, swollen with lust and need for her. But she wanted to taste him as he had tasted her. Wanted another drop of fluid like the one that had beckoned her to start with. So she sucked and licked while letting her hands caress the length of him, fondle the hard globes beneath him. And he groaned, his fingers wrapping in her ha
ir as he helped guide her untrained movements.

  His hips were moving and his cock was stroking in and out of her mouth. Slow and easy he let her take as much as she wanted of him before pulling back and entering again. Goddess, it was good. So unbelievably good. If he had enjoyed her half as much as she was enjoying him, well then they were both happy and had yet to fully bond with each other.

  “So good,” he whispered above her and then he was pulling away.

  She tried to protest but he only shook his head as he took them both back down to the grass.

  “I won’t last much longer,” he rumbled, “and when I come with you for the first time, I plan to be deep inside you.”

  He came over her and she lifted her legs to wrap alongside his hips opening her wider for his touch. He took one hand and used it to place his cock at her pussy and then he caught her gaze with his and held it. One hard thrust and he was buried. One more and she was arched up, fingers wrapped around his shoulders holding on for dear life. One more and what little control he had seemed to disintegrate so that he was pounding into her with a speed that had them both gasping for air.

  And she was flying, higher and faster than she could have imagined. She held tight to him her fingers leaving marks as she tried to hold on, afraid to let go. He was her anchor, her portal in the storm ripping through her body. And she had a feeling that by the way he was holding her in return that she was his as well. She felt him join her, the heat of his release. She heard his cry of pleasure and wondered that they didn’t have the entire village rushing to make sure they were okay.

  And then with a smile for her mate she closed her eyes and let her body rest. Soon Bram would arrive and she had little doubt they would all end up in this same condition before the night was over. Maybe several times.

  Chapter Three

  She awoke to the gentle feel of the warm water washing over her. She was in the pond, in Tanner’s arms, safe and secure. He was holding her close, her head on his chest with her lower body floating in the water. It felt heavenly there in his arms. No war. No death. No destiny. Just them.

  She felt other hands behind her, caressing her shoulders, running through her hair. So Bram had arrived while she slept. Now it would be the three of them. They would prepare her for having two lovers at once, which would occur often when mated to three warriors. She knew of the fire oil that they would use to arouse her anally, that would prepare her to take a lover there. She had seen it in the homes of her friends and when they had refused to tell her of it, she had sought out those in the village who would.

  She purred as their hands stroked over her, caressing and arousing at the same time. Bram was massaging her shoulders and back while Tanner’s hands had dipped down to stroke over her buttocks and the back of her thighs. She could feel both men’s erections brushing against her as the water moved around them. It was a moment she never wanted to end and yet one that she was eager to take forward.

  “In the water?” she breathed and both men chuckled.

  “Nay, Reanna,” Bram whispered into her ear. “When the time is right, when you are ready, we will move back to the shore and make love on the blanket I brought with me.”

  She glanced over and saw the blanket and other things scattered about. It was a seductive scene indeed. She could see the food laid out as well as the wine. And the bottle. She could see the bottle that she knew would hold fire oil. And she wanted to feel it, to experience it. Now.

  “I’m ready,” she told them her gaze bouncing between them. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

  “Have you now?” Tanner questioned with a grin. “Best not to keep you waiting then.”

  Bram chuckled and both men moved toward shore with her still wrapped around Tanner. Once their legs were free of the water Tanner swung her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way to the blanket.

  Bram reached for the plate of fruit, cheese and bread while Tanner sat her down. “We should eat first.” His eyes blazed with sexual desire as he held a piece of cheese up to her lips. “You’ll need your energy.”

  “Yes,” she agreed and opened wide for the morsel he fed her.

  Bram faced her staring into her eyes as he gave her bites of the bounty he had brought for them. He continued feeding her the food while his eyes devoured the sight of her naked body. She could see the fire growing in his eyes, could see the barely veiled hunger he was struggling to keep leashed. And she wanted to push him, wanted to break that control just to see if she could. Perhaps even because she knew that she could and wanted him to know it as well.

  The next bite had her lips wrapping around his fingers and sucking the fruit free. His eyes flared as he met her gaze and then he groaned when she nipped just the tips with her teeth.

  “It is a dangerous game you play,” he warned her. But Reanna only smiled. It wasn’t a game at all.

  Another bite. Another slow glide of tongue and tug of teeth. The look in his eyes made her desire shoot higher. He brought a bit of succulent fruit to her and she took it letting the juice run down her chin and over his fingers. Holding his gaze she cleaned his digits, bathing them with her tongue before sucking each deep into her mouth as she had done earlier with Tanner’s cock.

  Tanner slipped to the blanket behind her and it was as if he could read her thoughts. “She is very talented with that tongue and mouth of hers.”

  Bram groaned, his eyes flickering shut for a second before flaring open again and she knew that he was close, so close to losing that control.

  Tanner seemed to know what she was about and from his chuckle he was enjoying it. He moved her hair to the side and soon it was his mouth moving over her shoulder and up the column of her neck. He used his whole mouth to savor her skin and she loved every second of it. She arched into it and when his hands moved around to cup her breasts, fingers tweaking her nipples, her moan filled the air. She let her head fall back on Tanner’s shoulder, let her eyes drift closed, trusting her men to see to her pleasure.

  Bram saw the wicked gleam in his brother’s eyes and then followed Tanner’s gaze down to the gorgeous breasts he held on display. His brother pinched both of Reanna’s nipples making her cry out before moving his hands so that they cupped her mounds in an offering to him. And Bram was more than willing. Bending low he wrapped his lips around one tight red bud and sucked hard. Her cry rose and her body pressed toward him urging him to take more into his mouth.

  He sucked and worked her nipple against the roof of his mouth using his teeth to tug and bite at it. She was sheer perfection, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was fire and ice, thunder and lightning, soft skin and a hard bite of lust. She was his entire world in that moment and he vowed once again to protect her to the death, this time with the full clarity of what and who he was taking the oath for.

  At some point Tanner had moved so that she sank to the blanket and Bram had naturally followed her down, his mouth never leaving her breasts. Back and forth he worked loathe to leave one mound and yet eager to reach the other. She was delicious, the taste of her skin the greatest aphrodisiac he’d ever known. More potent than any wine he’d ever tasted. And she was his. His woman. His mate.

  He glanced up and watched as his brother kissed her, mouths open, tongues touching and tasting. And he wanted that kiss, needed it for his own. Needed it with the hunger of a starving man. He released her nipple with a loud pop and moved up toward them. Tanner just grinned and with one last deep kiss that had Reanna panting for breath he pulled away and reached for the bottle of fire oil that Bram had brought with him. There was a question in Tanner’s eyes and Bram nodded. Bram had been the first to claim her, to take her virginity. It was only right to give Tanner the joy of taking her first anally.

  Tanner gave a slow grin. But before Bram could grin back Reanna pulled his face to hers and claimed his lips. She nipped at his lips, slicked them with her tongue and then ran her lips over his cheeks and chin. She nipped his chin in several places almost as if
she had to, as if her desire was too hot to contain. And that was exactly how he wanted her.

  He rolled pulling her so that she straddled his hips, her legs braced on either side of him. His cock notched in her slick pussy folds and it was sheer torture to keep from parting that flesh and thrusting into the heaven he knew awaited him. But Tanner needed the time to get in place and work her flesh for a joining that she was not familiar with. And Bram needed to taste her, to touch her, to love her.

  Tanner moved into place behind Reanna. He lifted her hips up a bit making her slide up his brother’s cock, pulling groans from both of them. Tanner just grinned. Soon they would all be groaning, lost in a pleasure so deep, so intense that it would claim them all. He poured some of the oil along the crack of her ass knowing that it would slip to her sweet cunt and from there to his brother’s cock. Soon they would all burn. But first he had to make sure she was ready for the claiming that was to come.

  He ran his fingers through the oil rubbing it into the small pink pucker of her anus. She was so tight, so incredibly tight that he thought his cock would explode at just the thought of taking her there. He pushed one finger against her until it popped in and just held it there as she cried out and automatically pushed back against him. He drizzled more oil, making sure it coated that finger and began working it in and out of her. With each stroke, each coating of oil her cries grew louder and fiercer. One finger became two and now she was slick with not just the oil but from the juices of her wet pussy. He worked her adding a third finger and spearing inside her, spreading her to prepare her for the much larger breadth of his cock.


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