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Nailing the Foreman: A Kent Street Tale (JLC Construction Book 6)

Page 6

by Kelex

  But his orgasm slammed into him. He cried Jason’s name as his cum gushed into the man’s mouth. Jason pulled Zach’s cock from his lips and rose to his feet, pulling his hands away.

  His body tensed again, another shot of cum oozing from his cock as he gripped the base himself and milked the last of it from his shaft. He looked up at Jason, confused.

  Jason wore a deep frown, anger in his gaze.

  Zach breathed deeply, trying to calm his heart and lungs.

  After pulling his pants up and covering his cock, Jason stood snarling at him.

  “What’s going on?” Zach didn’t understand the sudden change in Jason.

  “I’m not Jax.”

  It was Zach’s turn to frown. “I know that.”

  “Then why’d you call out his name when you came?”

  Zach felt a cold chill sweep over his sweat-covered body. Please no. Oh, god no. Please tell me I didn’t do that. “I didn’t,” he said, hoping it wasn’t true.

  “I heard it myself.” Jason’s jaw clenched. “I think it’s time you left.”

  “I didn’t… and if I did, it was an accident,” Zach said.

  Jason crossed his arms over his chest, but remained silent.

  Zach stared at him a moment longer, hoping the man would change his mind, but he knew that was too good to be true. He sat up and tugged at his twisted pants, trying to right them. Struggling, he got to his feet and only ended up falling over. Heat crept into his face. The last thing he wanted to do in that moment was make an even bigger ass of himself.

  Jason walked closer, and Zach lifted his stare.

  A hand came out to help him up. He met Jason’s eye, but the man looked away. Even so, Zach took the offered hand and rose to his feet. After he pulled up his pants, he grabbed his shirt and rushed to the door, shame filling every cell in his body. With one last glance over his shoulder, he looked to Jason.

  The man stared at his feet, his body tense.

  Zach left the house and marched to his truck. Once he was behind the wheel he rested his forehead there, not believing his shitty luck.

  Chapter Eight

  Monday morning rolled around, and Jason felt the tension mounting. He didn’t want to see Zach again. This is why you don’t fuck employees.

  He’d already berated himself Saturday night and all day Sunday. Now he’d have to face his mistake every goddamned day for the next however many. Before the sky was barely pink, a truck pulled in down the street from the two end brownstones they’d marked as the first to renovate.

  Zach jumped out and looked his way. At least he looked shamed. He should after that stunt he pulled. The last two days had also allowed all kinds of thoughts to swirl in his head. Did Zach have a thing for Jax? Had Jason been the next best thing—the unmarried, unattached twin.

  It wouldn’t be the first time someone had wanted Jax more than him, nor would it be the first time someone had settled on him instead. Anger coiled in his belly as Zach approached him and the two demo guys Jason was reviewing the plans with.

  “Morning,” Zach said, his voice low. He didn’t seem capable of meeting Jason’s stare.

  “Marshall, Tomas, this is Zach. He’s Jax’s foreman.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Tomas said, offering a hand.

  Zach took it and then shook Marsh’s as well.

  “Just call me Marsh.”

  Zach nodded, and still avoided Jason’s stare. “We didn’t get a chance… to finish going over everything Saturday.”

  That’s an understatement. His body started to thicken as visions of what he’d planned to do to Zach filled his head, no matter how angry he was.

  “What’s the game plan?” Zach asked.

  Jason nodded to Tomas and let the man take point. Standing on the side, he watched as Tomas explained the plan of attack to Zach. Zach offered a couple of suggestions, and Jason almost hated the fact they were good ones. The guy began to relax some as he discussed the job with Marsh and Tomas, but then he tensed as they finished up and his guys looked to him for approval.

  “Sounds fine to me. You know where I’ll be,” Jason muttered before turning to leave.

  “Wait,” Zach called.

  He turned to see Zach walking his way. Jason’s body tensed even more, his cock throbbing with the need to finish what he’d started.

  “Can I have a moment in private?” Zach asked quietly.

  Jason let out a long breath and nodded. They crossed the street, and he turned to face the man. Zach finally met his stare, and all he could see was the scene with his cock stretching that pretty mouth wide.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Afraid that doesn’t quite cut it,” Jason spat.

  “It’s the best I can do,” Zach said.

  “Fine,” Jason huffed, looking away.

  “I’m going to be working here for a while… we have to work together. Can we be civil to one another?”

  “I’m being civil,” Jason said, feeling one eyebrow rise. He didn’t want to be anywhere near the guy. He’d do everything in his power to avoid Zach over the coming weeks.

  “I’m human. It was a mistake.”

  “First you don’t remember saying it and now it’s a mistake. Are you admitting you did call my brother’s name when you came while your cock was in my mouth?”

  A hurt look crossed Zach’s face, and Jason almost felt bad. “You say I said it. I don’t remember it, but I suppose if you heard it, it happened. I know whose bed I was in. Yours.”

  Jason met Zach’s stare. “Do you have a thing for my brother?”

  Zach didn’t answer, but the resulting flush of red to the man’s face spoke volumes. His silence spoke even more.

  “I was the available one. You saw your chance, and you took it.”

  “You kissed me,” Zach spat, shoving a finger in the middle of Jason’s chest. “Not the other way around.”

  “I wish I hadn’t.” A lie. Even through the anger he still wanted more of those kisses. He wanted to grab the man and kiss him then and there. Too bad Zach wanted them from Jax.

  “You couldn’t keep your hands off me Saturday, so don’t make it out like I seduced you because I couldn’t get your brother.”

  Rage crept in. Jason clenched his fists and eyed the man. “If you want to remain standing, you’d best keep your mouth shut.”

  Zach flashed him a wounded look. “I knew whose bed I was in. Yours. I wanted to be in yours.” He stepped back and spun away before crossing the street.

  Jason watched each and every step. The graceful, masculine steps. The firm body and muscled shoulders…

  Just as one of the JLC work trucks filled with Zach’s team pulled up to the site, he turned away before his cock grew any harder. They all didn’t need to see how bad he had it for their foreman. He stalked down the street. Instead of returning to the jobsite, he swung by his place and went inside.

  Once he’d ripped open the zipper to his pants and pulled his hard cock out, he began to stroke it, knowing he needed to get rid of the hard-on.

  All he could see was Zach under him, writhing in his sheets. He glanced at the bed, the images of that evening imprinted on his brain.

  That’s when the thought came to him.

  And he came so fucking hard from the idea, he thought his dick would explode.

  * * * *

  A week somehow passed both quickly and at a snail’s pace. Zach and his team finally had the demo done on both townhouses, and he’d texted Jason to let the man know. It had taken them a bit longer this first round, as they weren’t as prepared as usual and had also tried to save as much of the original woodwork from both houses as possible. Now he wanted his new boss to inspect the houses with him and see if they found any more needs outside the ones Zach and his guys had already found.

  He’d gotten a be there later and that was all.

  By five, he’d already let his guys head back to San Alicia for the night. He still waited for Jason, worried he’d wait all night for no re
ason. He went ahead and started the inspection on his own fifteen minutes later, a clipboard and flashlight in hand. When Jason finally showed up, he was on his hands and knees, inspecting a rotten board that had been under the baseboards.

  Zach quickly rose to his feet and met Jason’s gaze. “I got started without you.”

  Jason was silent a moment. “By all means, continue on.”

  Zach couldn’t quite gauge Jason’s mood. He walked over, clipboard in hand, and showed him the list he already had. “We can start over, and I can show you what I’ve already found.”


  Zach sighed and headed for the foyer. He felt Jason following slowly. Once the guy was there, he pointed to the floors. “I crawled under the house. There are a few rotten spots in the subfloor. We’ll have to carefully pull up the flooring to get to them and replace.” He paused, hating to bring up the cause of their argument, but there was no way around it. Without being able to meet Jason’s stare, he added, “Jax hired a new floor guy to do the last house I supervised, and he did an incredible job, but I’ll let you discuss that with your brother.”

  Jason remained silent, so Zach continued.

  “There’re some other spots in several rooms of both houses that’ll need to be replaced, as well as the areas where we’re taking down walls. So you might want to grab him if he’s available.”

  Still nothing.

  “I have his number if you want me to reach out to him.”

  Jason stared at the floors. “No need. I’ll talk to Jax.”

  Zach turned to his list and scanned the sheet, struggling to focus on it. He hated that Jason was that upset with him over a mistake, but at the same time he understood it. He hated being compared or mixed up with his brothers, who were all more accomplished than he was. Not that Jax had anything over Jason, but being a twin had to be ten times worse.

  He only wished he knew how to make things better. There might not be a chance for them to return to where they were, but he hoped they could work together without the stress he now felt.

  Zach slowly went through the other rooms he’d already inspected and recounted his list. Jason strolled around the dining room—the same room he’d been caught ass up in—before he finally spoke.

  “Why didn’t you take down the ceiling in here?”

  “These old tin ceilings are kind of cool, so I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to keep it.”


  “A lot of folks pay good money for these, especially ones in as good a shape as this set is. We need to take it down carefully so you can sell it.”

  “We don’t have time for carefully right now. Just get rid of it.”

  Zach was silent a moment as he met Jason’s gaze. “What can I do to make this stop?”

  Jason was silent.

  “Okay. Then how long will it take me to live this down?”

  The man shrugged. “Dunno.”

  He held Jason’s gaze, angry at the whole situation. Zach sighed before lifting the clipboard and scrawling dining room ceiling onto his list. They walked the rest of the house, the list growing. Both of them pointed out items that needed to be fixed. The sun began to lower in the late spring sky, and the flashlight became more necessary. By the time they finished, dusk had fallen.

  Zach shut up the house as Jason walked down the front stoop to the sidewalk. The man didn’t say goodbye or wrap anything up… he just walked away.

  “See you Monday,” Zach called out, feeling stupid for saying it the minute it came out of his mouth.

  Jason glanced over his shoulder, but kept on walking.

  Zach watched the man’s back, shaking his head.

  Chapter Nine

  Jason downed the beer and looked out over the lake. The sun was beginning to set and glittered over the water’s calm surface. The scent of cooking meat and the sound of men chatting and laughing filtered in, but he couldn’t pay attention. He couldn’t get Zach out of his mind.

  After finishing the last of his beer, he rose to grab another. He stalked across the backyard and caught sight of Jax kissing his husband and for some reason it only added to his disquiet. Grabbing a bottle and flipping off the cap, he drained almost half of it before grabbing another and turning toward his chair.

  “Bad week?”

  Jason lifted his gaze to Linc’s. “Something like that.”

  “Well considering you got here less than an hour ago and you’re holding beers five and six, I’d say it might be something you need to talk about.”

  “You keeping track?”

  Linc shrugged. “I saw the look on your face when you got here… and sensed something was up.”

  Jason rolled his eyes and lifted the open beer to his lips, draining the rest of it. “Time to grab number seven.”

  As he turned to grab another, his stare met Jax’s. His brother leaned against the table where the cooler rested, eyeing him. “You’re cut off.”

  Jason flipped the cap off the one in his hand and took a deep drink. He glared at his brother, the alcohol making things a bit fuzzy. “Fuck you, Jackson.”

  Jax rose to his full height and crossed his arms over his chest. “What did I do?”

  “You were just… you. Fucking things that are mine over and over and over again.”

  Jax frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Jason drank the rest of his beer and tossed the two empties onto the ground. “Nothing,” he muttered and headed for the lake house.

  “Where are you going?” Jax called.

  “Away from you, asshole.”

  Every step toward the house got a bit fuzzier. He made it inside and somehow landed on the couch, the world spinning. It was still spinning as he sat.

  The world grew dark, his lids lowering.

  * * * *

  “Where are your keys?” Golden asked, shaking a sleeping Jason.

  There was no way he was going to let the guy possibly try to get behind the wheel in his condition. If he had Jason’s keys, he could go back outside and enjoy his evening without worrying.

  Jason looked up and saw Golden standing before him, a hand outstretched. “He likes fucking my things… maybe I should fuck his.”

  Golden’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Jason frowned. “I really wanted this one… not like the last time. I really wanted this one.”

  Golden sat down beside Jason. “You’re not making sense.” He cupped the side of Jason’s face and turned it toward him. “What did Jax do?”

  “He called his name,” Jason said. “His name… his. Why’d he do that?”

  “Who did Jax call?”

  “No. Zach.”

  Golden stiffened. “Did Jax and… Zach?” He swallowed against the fear. He loved his husband… and knew Jax loved him. But his husband had also been untamed and fucked his way across town before they’d gotten together. “Did something happen between the two of them?”

  Jason shook his head. “No. I fucked Zach. Or I tried to fuck Zach. Didn’t finish,” he muttered before laying his head back on the couch. “Zach said Jax… when he came. It was me, Golden. It was me. Not Jax.”

  Golden gasped. As if he could dislike Zach even more. He’d sent the foreman away from his husband and ended up getting Jason hurt. “I’m sorry that happened.”

  Jason smiled. “Why can’t I find a good one like you?” He lifted a hand and cupped Golden’s cheek.

  “You will. Someday you will.” Golden smiled. “Now give me your damned keys, you lush.” Jason wasn’t a drinker, not that Golden had ever seen. The last time he’d seen the man a little sloshed was at his and Jax’s bachelor party two years before.

  Jason chuckled and reached into his pocket. After fishing around a moment, he tugged them out and handed them over.

  “I’m going to check and see if the burgers are done and bring you some food. I bet you haven’t eaten all day.”

  Jason nodded before closing his eyes and resting his head back. He’d likely find
him in the same spot when he returned. Golden made his way out and flashed Jason’s keys to Jax, who stood off the back porch and away from their friends.

  “Good,” his husband said before leaning in for a kiss.

  Golden leaned away, and Jax frowned.

  “I have one simple question for you, and I’ll know if you’re lying to me.” He eyed Jax close, the porch’s light washing over the man’s face. “Have you had sex with Zach?”

  Jax frowned, holding Golden’s gaze. “No.”

  Golden released a sigh of relief.

  “Where’s that coming from?”

  “Apparently your brother and Zach were messing around… and Zach called your name when he came.”

  Jax cursed under his breath. “Like we need this bullshit right now.”

  “But now do you believe me that Zach has a thing for you?”

  “I will concede the point,” Jax answered.

  “Maybe he’s not a good fit for JLC.”

  Jax shook his head. “He’s a damned good foreman.”

  “Who’s causing unneeded drama.”

  “It took us a decade to get back to a good place and now this.”

  “I’m sure it brought up memories of the past,” Golden said. “He mumbled something about you fucking his things.” He paused. “Which is why I had to ask and make sure.”

  “I only have eyes for you, Golden.” Jax leaned down and stole a kiss. “The only times I’ve been with anyone else was with you at my side.”

  “In my heart… I knew that. But I had to ask.”

  “I know,” Jax said before stealing another kiss. “You knew who I was before you met me. Just know that guy isn’t the same since you came into his life.”

  Golden grinned and wrapped his arms around Jax’s neck. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Jax whispered before lowering his head for another kiss.

  This one grew heated, and Golden felt his body responding to his husband’s embrace. Before it could go too far, he pushed Jax away slightly.


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