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Hunters of Dune

Page 38

by Brian Herbert

  Now the Matre Superior herself strode forward, glaring at Uxtal. “This is a tedious failure, little man. You are worthless.” She drew a small, stubby dagger from her waist. Moving up to Waff One, she pressed the point against his temple. “This is the thinnest point in your skull. I’d barely need to press at all to shove my blade into your brain. Maybe that will cut loose your memories?” The knife’s tip drew a drop of dark blood. “You have ten seconds.”

  Waff was giddy with terror, and only distantly aware that both his bowels and his bladder had let loose. Hellica began counting down. Numbers like sledgehammers struck his mind. Numbers . . . formulae, calculations. Sacred mathematical combinations.


  The Matre Superior completed her countdown. The Navigator continued to observe. Uxtal himself trembled in terror, as if convinced she would kill him next.

  Waff suddenly started babbling a steady stream of information that he had never learned from the forced-education systems. It flowed out of him like sewage from a burst pipe. Materials, procedures, random quotations from the secret catechism of the Great Belief. He described secret meetings with Honored Matres aboard a no-ship, about how the old Tleilaxu had meant to betray the Bene Gesserit, how he and his fellow Masters did not trust the oddly changed Lost Tleilaxu from the Scattering. Lost Tleilaxu such as Uxtal . . .

  “Please withdraw your knife, Matre Superior,” the Navigator said.

  “He has not yet revealed what we need!” Ingva brandished her own blade, apparently anxious to murder the last ghola, as if she had not yet spilled enough blood for one day.

  “He will.” Uxtal looked at the terrified, miserable ghola. “This Waff has just been buried by the mudslide of his past life.”

  “Many lives!” In desperate self-defense, the reawakened Master spewed forth what he could. But his memory was imperfect, and he couldn’t get it all. Whole segments of knowledge were corrupted—a side-effect of the forbidden acceleration process.

  “Give him time to sort through it all,” Uxtal said, sounding pathetically relieved. “Even with what he has said already, I can see the path to new methods that may yield melange.” Hellica still pressed her short knife against Waff’s head. “Matre Superior! He is too great a resource to waste at this time. We can coax more out of him.”

  “Or torture it out,” Ingva suggested.

  Uxtal grabbed the sweaty hand of the last ghola. “I require this one for my work. Otherwise, there will be delays.” Without waiting for an answer, he yanked the weak-kneed Waff away from the macabre scene.

  “Clean this up,” Hellica demanded of Ingva, who in turn ordered the lab assistants to do it.

  As Uxtal hurried away with his young charge, he lowered his voice to a threatening whisper. “I lied to save your life. Now give me the rest of the information.”

  The ghola nearly collapsed. “I remember nothing more. It is all still churning inside me, but I can sense great gaps. Something is wrong—”

  Uxtal cuffed him. “You had better come up with something good anyway, or both of us are dead.”

  As human beings, we have trouble functioning in environments in which we feel threatened. The threat becomes the focus of our existence. But “safety” is one of the great illusions of the universe. Nowhere is it truly safe.

  —Bene Gesserit Study on the Human Condition,

  BG Archives, Section VZ908


  he Handlers welcomed their visitors as friends and allies, wanting to hear more about their struggles with the Honored Matres. The group sat on the roof of one of the wide cylindrical towers. On a flat stone in the middle of the plank floor, a brazier sent a warm, comforting glow into the night.

  “We knew you would be coming,” Orak Tho said. “When you dropped the no-field to launch your small ships, we detected your great vessel above us. We are aware that you have also sent scavenging teams to uninhabited portions of our world. We were waiting for you to come visit us directly.”

  Squatting next to Sheeana, Miles Teg was surprised, since these people seemed to have very little technology. “It would take sensitive detectors to spot us.”

  “Long ago we developed a means to sense the ships flown by Honored Matres, for our own protection. Because those women think they are infallible, it is easier to detect them.”

  “Hubris is their principal weakness,” Thufir Hawat said.

  Green eyes flashed from the bandit mask of dark skin. “They have many weaknesses. We’ve had to learn how to exploit them.”

  They shared a meal of nuts, fruit, smoked fish, and medallions of a spiced dark meat that apparently came from an arboreal rodent. The Rabbi was more relaxed than Sheeana had ever seen him, though he seemed worried about the origin of the food. She could tell that the old man had already made up his mind: He wanted his people to settle here, if the Handlers would have them.

  While they sat together on the open rooftop, listening to the buzz of night insects and watching the swoop of dark birds, Sheeana felt very isolated. According to scan reports, the Handlers’ population was relatively large, with mines and industries in other parts of the world. They had apparently developed a quiet and peaceful civilization. “We assume your people originated in the Scattering, long ago after the Tyrant’s death. Was this planet the first stop on your wandering?”

  The Chief Handler shrugged his bony shoulders. “We have myths about that, but it was more than a thousand years ago.”

  “Fifteen centuries,” Thufir suggested. He was a bright student. Considering his past and his place in history, the Mentat ghola was quite interested in spans of time.

  “Our race spread to many nearby worlds. We were not an empire but a . . . political brotherhood. Then out of nowhere the Honored Matres came like a stampede of blind and clumsy animals, as destructive in their ignorance as in their malevolence.” Orak Tho bent his elongated face toward the brazier’s glow. Orange light washed across his skin.

  Other Handlers sat around the upper deck’s circular wall, listening and muttering. Their distinctive body smells drifted into the cool air. Their race seemed to have an affinity for scents, as if smell was an important part of their communication abilities.

  “Without warning, they came to pillage, destroy, and conquer.” Orak Tho’s face was as hard as petrified wood, his long jaw set. “Naturally, we had to stop this feral incursion.” His lips curved in a faint smile. “So we developed our Futars.”

  “But how did you do that?” Sheeana asked. If these deceptively simple people could detect orbiting ships and create sophisticated genetic hybrids, their technology must be far more advanced than was evident.

  “Some of those who joined us in settling these worlds were orphans of the Tleilaxu race. They showed us how to change our offspring to create what we needed, since God and evolution would be much too slow to provide them for us.”

  “The Futars,” Teg said. “They are most interesting.” After their initial reunion, the Handlers had taken the predatory creatures off to holding areas, where they could be with others of their own kin.

  “What happened to these Tleilaxu?” The Rabbi looked around. He had never much liked Master Scytale.

  “Alas, they are all dead.”

  “Killed?” Teg asked.

  “Extinct. They don’t breed the same as others do.” He sniffed, as if disinterested in that part of the story. “Our Futars were bred to hunt Honored Matres. Those women came to our planets, confident they would conquer us. But we turned the tables on them. They are fit to serve as food for our Futars, nothing more.”

  FOR SAFETY, TEG suggested that their group sleep in the lighter with the hatches sealed and defensive fields up, which obviously displeased their hosts. The Chief Handler cast a glance over his shoulder. “Though these forests are well tamed, a few of the old predators still roam the grounds at night. It would be better if you stayed with us, up here in the safe towers.”

  A flicker of dismay crossed the Rabbi’s face. “What old predator
s?” He didn’t want to hear about any flaws with this world.

  “The feline beasts that supplied genetic material for creating the Futars.” Orak Tho gestured with his loose arms across to another cylindrical wooden tower. “We have a grand show tomorrow. You should be well rested for what you will witness.”

  “What kind of show?” Hawat sounded eager. At times he seemed no more than the boy he truly was, rather than a potential warrior-Mentat.

  With a mysterious smile, the Chief Handler motioned for them to follow him. His green irises now looked like blazing emeralds.

  It was full dark outside. Unfamiliar constellations sparkled like a million eyes reflecting firelight. He guided the four visitors across a sturdy plank walkway to a nearby tower, then down a spiraling interior staircase that circled the cylinder twice before reaching the ground level. They walked across the leaf-strewn forest floor to a much shorter tower that looked like a thick, man-made stump.

  The stench struck them first. The base of the stout artificial tree had been hollowed out, like a dank lair. Thick vertical bars extended deep into the mulchy ground, blocking off the hollow to form a dirt-floored cell.

  Teg raised his eyebrows. “You have prisoners.”

  The chamber contained five ragged, angry captives. Despite their tattered and beaten appearance, Sheeana could tell they were human. All were females with matted hair, rough hands, and bloodied knuckles. The remnants of torn leotards clung to their pale skin, and their eyes flashed faintly orange.

  Honored Matres!

  One of the whores saw them approach. Snarling, she lunged toward the wooden bars of her cage, flying sideways to deliver a devastating kick. Her bare foot slammed into the iron-hard wood. The impact produced a faint but hollow crack, and as the Honored Matre limped away, Sheeana realized the crack had been the fracture of bone, not wood. The women had already battered themselves bloody against the barricade.

  Orak Tho’s face constricted as if a thunderstorm were brewing behind it. “Honored Matres came down in a transport ship three months ago, expecting easy prey. We massacred them, but managed to save some for . . . training purposes.” His lips curled back. “It is not the first time they have tried to harass us. They form isolated cells that don’t necessarily know what the others are doing. Thus they repeat the same mistakes.”

  Two Futars prowled around the base of the wooden tower, circling and sniffing. Sheeana recognized one of them as Hrrm; the second beast-man had a black stripe in the wiry hair of its chest.

  One of the captive Honored Matres called out in a threatening voice. “Free us, or our Sisters will peel strips of meat from your bones while you still live!”

  Hrrm snarled and hurled himself at the cage, backing off only at the last moment. Hot spittle from his mouth splattered the captive Honored Matre. Three of the beaten women came forward to the bars, looking as bestial as the Futars.

  “As I said,” Orak Tho continued in his calm and confident voice, “Honored Matres are fit for little more than food.”

  A Handler came with a wooden bowl of red bones to which clung scraps of meat and fatty skin with patches of fur. A second bowl held slick-looking entrails and purplish organs. He dumped the offal through a slot into the cage. The filthy Honored Matres looked at it in disgust.

  “Eat, if you wish to have strength for tomorrow’s hunt.”

  “We don’t eat garbage!” said one of the Honored Matres.

  “Then you starve. It matters not to me.”

  Sheeana could tell the women were ravenous. After a shaky hesitation, they grabbed for the scraps, tearing off raw pieces and eating until their faces and fingers were smeared with grease and covered with old blood. They looked through the bars at their captors with such hateful expressions that they seemed capable of putrefying flesh.

  One of the women glowered at Sheeana. “You don’t belong here.”

  “Neither do you. However, I am outside the cage, while you are behind the bars.”

  The woman slammed the palm of her hand against the wooden barricade with a loud crack, but it was a halfhearted attempt at an attack. Hrrm pounced beside Sheeana as if to protect her, then prowled in front of the cage, his muscles rippling. He seemed very agitated.

  Sheeana found it ironic, knowing what the Honored Matres had done to Hrrm and to his companions. The sexual perversions, the whippings and deprivations. It seemed a strikingly odd turnabout to see the women imprisoned, with the Futars prowling free.

  She turned to the Chief Handler. “Honored Matres abuse their captive Futars. Your punishments are appropriate.”

  “My guests, tomorrow we will put you in our best observation stations, from which you can watch the hunt.” Orak Tho reached over to pat both Futars on their heads. “It will be good for this one to run with his brothers, and get in practice again. It is what he was born to do.”

  With his bestial eyes fixed on the Honored Matres, Hrrm bared his teeth in a menacing smile.

  Before they all slept, Teg returned to the lighter to transmit an optimistic report back to the Ithaca.

  An alliance is often more a work of art than a simple business transaction.


  private records, Bene Gesserit Archives


  he Guild Navigator finally came to Chapterhouse in response to the Mother Commander’s summons. Though she was impatient and frustrated with him, he did not explain where he had been or why he had delayed coming for several days.

  In the meantime, Janess, Kiria, and ten other handpicked Valkyries—most of them from the original Honored Matres who had undergone Bene Gesserit training—had already been secretly deposited on Tleilax to begin their underground work. They would be infiltrating the last stronghold of the rebel whores to undermine their defenses, planting the seeds of destruction while setting up for a surprise ambush. A part of Murbella wished she could be with her daughter’s team, wearing traditional Honored Matre clothing again, letting the predator half of her dual nature come to the fore.

  But she trusted Janess and her companions. For now, Murbella had to arrange the rest of the details and secure Guild cooperation, either through bribery or threat. She had to be the Mother Commander, not just an average fighter.

  The mutated Navigator swam in his tank, not looking at all eager or interested, which troubled the Mother Commander. She had hinted that he would be rewarded well for speaking with her, but he did not seem excited by the prospect.

  “The gas looks thin in your tank, Navigator,” she said.

  “It is only a temporary shortage.” He did not seem to be bluffing.

  “We may be ready to increase your supply of melange, if the Guild is ready to cooperate with us and participate in the fight against the oncoming Enemy.”

  Edrik’s metallic voice came through the speakers of his tank. “Your offer comes much too late, Mother Commander. For years you have tried to frighten us with the existence of this shadow Enemy, and you have tantalized us with promises of melange. But your treasure has lost its luster. We have been forced to seek other alternatives, other supply lines.”

  “There are no other sources of melange.” Murbella glided forward to stand close to the curved plaz and peer inside.

  “The Spacing Guild is in crisis. The severe shortage of spice—perpetuated by your Sisterhood—has split us into two factions. Many Navigators have already died from withdrawal, while others do not have sufficient melange to perceive safe paths through foldspace. One faction of the Guild led by human Administrators has clandestinely hired the Ixians to develop improved navigation machines. They intend to install them in all Guildships.”

  “Machines! Ix has been talking about such things for centuries. People in the Scattering used navigational devices, and so did Chapterhouse. They have never been fully acceptable before.”

  “And after years of intensive research, it seems they may have a viable solution to the ancient impossible problem. I believe they are inferior substitutes,
not at all comparable to Navigators. Still, they do work.”

  The Mother Commander’s mind raced ahead, chasing several desirable possibilities she had not previously considered. If the Ixians had developed reliable devices for guiding ships through foldspace, then the New Sisterhood could use them in its own fleet. No longer needing to force the cooperation of the Navigators, they could be independent, not at the mercy of a volatile and unpredictable power base such as the Guild.

  If indeed Ix would sell such devices to the Sisterhood. Surely the Guild must have some sort of exclusive contract. . . .

  Then she realized that even the short-term solution of using navigation machines for her own battle fleet had its drawbacks. Second-and third-order consequences. Only Chapterhouse had spice. With that single substance they could pay and control the Navigators so that no other party could compete. If melange became unnecessary, then the whole worth and strength of the New Sisterhood would diminish.

  Only a moment had passed as Murbella considered all of this. “Navigation machines would mean the end of Navigators such as yourself.”

  “And it would also remove one of the primary customers for your melange, Mother Commander. Therefore, my faction seeks a reliable and secure source of spice, so that Navigators can continue to exist. Your New Sisterhood has driven us to this extreme. We cannot depend on you for the spice we need.”

  “And you have discovered another supplier of melange?” She let a scoffing tone into her voice. “I find that doubtful. We would know about it.”

  “We have a high level of confidence in our alternative.” Edrik drifted away, came back.

  Murbella shrugged nonchalantly. “I offer you an immediate increase in spice.” With a gesture, she directed three of her assistants to move a small suspensor barrow into the room; it was heaped high with packages of spice, as much as one Navigator could use in the better part of a Standard Year.


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